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How "the law of attraction" works

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posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Illahee
It is a norm for someone who can have anything, not to take anything. You generally don't see a true student involved with the gold rush for very long before they lose interest and start thinking about what they could really do to make a difference.

This is an interesting point I can confirm from my own experience. Once someone really and deeply knows that anything can be had, done or achieved, greed falls away. Greed is a sign that one is needy and does not know that all is available in abundance. Interests do shift. I had achieved career and money success and understood the mechanisms by the age of 25...and lost interest. Interest shifts away from material gains over too communication with other people, contributing to the world, etc.

But...and here´s a big but: I dont believe in loosing interest in material gain before it is buddhist schools of thought preach. The reason is simple: Its easier to let go of something you actually have.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by sc2099
So there are actual groups of similarly skilled, equally curious people who congregate for purposes of experimentation and discussion? How interesting!

Yeah...there´s everything from outright cults and secret societies practicing this stuff to simple meet-ups, workshops and retreats. Been there, done that. Today I prefer the solo-route.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 08:28 AM
Its funny how most people offering and taking LOA-services interpret it to mean "You can have everything you want/wish for"...

since this is exactly what is not the case. By "law of attraction" if you "wish" for something, what will you get? More "wishing"...which is a feeling of unfullfildness and lack.

This is the reason so many practitioners of LOA stop practicing after a few years and conclude "it doesnt work". However, law-of-attraction works perfectly as we always get a match of that which we ARE, which we represent, demonstrante, correspond with, and not of what we "wish were true".

I dont know why this isnt taught more widely in movies like the secret or the endless spawns of it. Maybe it would get "too close for comfort" and be too speedy of a transformation.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

hi i would so say somethings about this. i watched the film the secert and thought i was going to try it so i did and it worked.i think anyhow.let me tell you all about it about 14 months ago i was unemployed and skint did nothing all day exceped watch google vids all day when i came across the secert so i wrote down what i wanted in life and drew pitchers i asked a new car new job with good pay and to go on holidays. 1 week later my brother gave me a car for free right out of the blue. 2 weeks later i got a good job with a company car so i gave the car i had to a friend and on october i went to ibiza for a week with 5 friends and had a great time. i have other things get better in my life but i could be here all week telling you about them so please trust me i know it works.....i was unemployed for 2 years before this.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by BasGo
reply to post by Skyfloating

hi i would so say somethings about this. i watched the film the secert and thought i was going to try it so i did and it worked.i think anyhow.let me tell you all about it about 14 months ago i was unemployed and skint did nothing all day exceped watch google vids all day when i came across the secert so i wrote down what i wanted in life and drew pitchers i asked a new car new job with good pay and to go on holidays. 1 week later my brother gave me a car for free right out of the blue. 2 weeks later i got a good job with a company car so i gave the car i had to a friend and on october i went to ibiza for a week with 5 friends and had a great time. i have other things get better in my life but i could be here all week telling you about them so please trust me i know it works.....i was unemployed for 2 years before this.

Big Congrats BasGo. Keep on keeping on! Its great to hear these sorts of reports. Now keep it up. Some folks will get small victories and stop, but your biblical talents were made to be used, and the reward always goes to the one who uses most and is taken away from the one who uses least. The biblical lesson of the talents is about this process.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 11:56 AM
I'm sending out a Huge Congrats to SkyFloating.

Now in a private matter which will never be discussed he had began some work on an outcome. I would say it was a 10 billion to one long shot that had no chance of
ever coming to being. In private I had related material unknown to me as the actual result. I had no way of knowing his work and he did at no time ever share it .
I do however know for a fact, he created the impossible with nothing more than intention and a single step in creation.

I was blown away and still am because of the impossibility, that he turned to a solid positive out come.

Do not ever, at any time question SkyFoating's ability or Mastery of this science.

Follow what he says very closely.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Illahee

Dont exaggerate. Im just your regular ATS dude

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 07:22 PM
Well no, normal ATS dudes don't hit on a 10 billion to 1 long shot.

I say well done in the work and well done in the thought process to even dream it up. That is rare thought indeed. I am inspired to do some of the same types of work now in different areas. Inspired. yes.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Illahee

OK. Just for clarification: I do my "intention-lists" on a weekly or half-weekly basis. These lists are not wish-lists, to-do-lists or anything of that matter. They mix the "realistic" and the "unrealistic" in order to blur the lines in my mind. They mix the "big" and the "small", the "mundane" and the "important". They are written with childlike playfulness, without any expectation or attachment to an outcome or manifestation whatsoever.

The very act of expecting a manifestation defeats the basic understanding of here-and-nowness, of letting that which is "within" suffice. Expectation and wanting is a seperator from actually having.

This is the prime paradox in new-age-teachings. I cannot be believing I have something and at the same time expecting it.

Afterall...nobody is expecting for or waiting for the next breathe to occur...breathe is accepted as natural birthright.

And thats the spirit in which I write down my intentions and importances regularly...not for "something to manifest" but to define where I choose my attention to go for that moment, to define what feels good at the moment.

The attachment/expectation is so low that I often only remember that I intended something (wrote down something) after it comes to pass.
In other words...I dont go "checking for results". Result happens and suddenly I remember "I wrote that down!". This is not the case with all things of course. Some things I am very aware of having written down.

"Being mindful of what thoughts feel good and what is important", thats all it is. If I were to write down my importances and then try to figure out "how to get it" Ive already lost.

The "how to get it" doesnt feel as good as the pure thought of having it. But it is the feeling-good, the frequency of that, which attracts it.

Concerning your estimation of a "10 Billion to one chance" as mentioned in your last post:

Since Ive been doing this since more than 10 years, Ive become mindful of the following:

A universe that can manifest galaxies, can also manifest smaller things. Its a matter of perspective. I know you understand this, I am adding it for other readers out there, so that they understand its not THEM doing the manifesting, but a much higher power. THEIR only job is to get into a "frequency match".

Anyway...Im still inspired by what transpired in U2U

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

It is so exciting to hear that you accomplished something so monumental. Even though I don't know exactly what you did, good on you for doing so. Even if you are a Master, as Illahee said, I'm sure it feels great to accomplish something so far out. Were you even surprised or did you know it would happen all along? Haha do you ever surprise yourself anymore? Again, supercongrats!

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by sc2099
It is so exciting to hear that you accomplished something so monumental. Even though I don't know exactly what you did, good on you for doing so. Even if you are a Master, as Illahee said, I'm sure it feels great to accomplish something so far out. Were you even surprised or did you know it would happen all along? Haha do you ever surprise yourself anymore? Again, supercongrats!

Im not surprised about results, I´m always surprised about which form those results take. I would have never guessed this one.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 05:49 AM

Until now I’ve never heard of the laws of attraction. But then I realized is was using it for some time now. It’s when I have that feeling in side that something is true, and then it becomes true. I try hard not to think about the things I miss, I really don’t want any materialistic stuff. It’s only one thing that I try to archive. But the problem is that every time I make some great progress it get really really excited about it and then in goes away again that’s because at those moments I don’t perceive it as reality. I’m believing in the fact that one can only create what is already there and I’m sure what I’m try to archive is the truth. There is some overall progress but really really slow the overall progress doesn’t go away because I perceive that as reality.

I would really like to know some more about this , so I won’t destroy the progress anymore.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by matery
I would really like to know some more about this , so I won’t destroy the progress anymore.

Yes, but you already gave the answer to all you need to know about it in your post with your own words.

Actually everyone and anyone is an expert at this, because anyone and everyone is able to think, feel, speak, act...we do it all the time. We are experts at it...all of us. The only difference in the urban shaman is that he is often aware of in which direction he is flowing his thoughts, feelings, words. He/She is more aware of what is important and not important.

A daily awareness of what is important is (imo) the same thing is LOA.

You will not "destroy progress" if you spend at least 51% of your time feeling at ease. That tips the overall mix of your energetic "vibe" in your favour.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 12:47 PM
I was wondering if anyone would have a suggestion on how to apply this technique on something like kicking a smoking habit

[edit on 27-3-2008 by tommyknockers]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by tommyknockers
I was wondering if anyone would have a suggestion on how to apply this technique on something like kicking a smoking habit

[edit on 27-3-2008 by tommyknockers]


The reason this is a tough one is because there´s no real "opposite" to focus on. When we say "I will quit smoking" we are still focussed on....smoking. We dont even have a word for not-smoking. Even "I am smokefree" contains the concept of smoking. And thats what makes it tough in terms of "creating reality by the power of mind".

"law of attraction" does not primarly focus on the method but on the result. That means you can use ANY of the thousands of methods out there..what matters is the result.

In order to get your mind re-focused:

1. Make a huge list of all the advantages non-smoking will have for you, all the good things to come up in your life because of it.

2. Make a huge list of all the disadvantages of continuing to smoke. Exaggerate it.

After that coax yourself into frequently thinking about all the bad connected to smoking and all the good connected to non-smoking.

So here you are basically using the negative for a good purpose.
When thinking of smoking you see black lungs, cancer, short breathe, depression, overweight, slavery. When thinking of quitting you see fresh air, a GQ body, good smell, members of the preferred sex wanting to be around you, vivid concentration, happiness etc.

This is something to use the power of imagination with.

The only reason you continue to smok is because you associate more good things with smoking (relaxation, concentration, coolness, relief, whatever) than bad.

In addition you might want to add a positive replacement / reward for quitting such as spa visits, de-tox programs, special gifts-to-yourself etc.

After you´ve coaxed yourself into believing that you will feel so much better when quitting, you quit in one instand and never ever look back...
...behaving as if you´ve never smoked in your life. You dont talk about it, dont brag about it, dont check yourself about it...because you never smoked in the first place. You are a non-smoker, period.


If you feel that you are not going to quit, then by no means do what I just suggested. Instead coax yourself into believing that its ok to smoke and not that unhealthy. The worst thing would be if you coax yourself into believing how unhealthy it is and continue to smoke.

In other words, smoking is unhealthy, but smoking AND having unhealthy thoughts about it triples the negative effects of smoking.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 03:55 PM
Here is a chance to see a real wizard in action. Done a lot of study work on Richard's material and at times I have used this to clear up issues when there were just too many layers to get started. This type of work is why at times people will lose blocks of time as well.

In the middle the addiction issue gets explained, he is actually teaching three different types of techniques at the same time here but that is far more time than I care to invest in explanation.

Placing a person into suspended animation is at times very helpful but I strongly caution against abuse of the technique, and practice without a license.

While this has little to nothing to do with LOA it demonstrates how powerful the spoken word actually is. In some creation related work, recently I had diagrammed the needed changes and how the transition would take place then the end results. An outsider made an odd statement and I countered with something as an offhand response. In the examination of the diagram my wife immediately pointed out how my statement had altered the work to the exact thing I had said even though the outsider knew nothing of it and neither of us gave it a second thought. The alteration by speaking it created a change in the way the work finished.

Just a couple of words spoken aloud. I have had this happen many times and should be constantly aware, but one slips up from time to time.

[edit on 27-3-2008 by Illahee]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
In other words, smoking is unhealthy, but smoking AND having unhealthy thoughts about it triples the negative effects of smoking.

Maybe it would be better to stay away from the heath issues and just focus on making the experience it self negative. Something like: "when i smoke it makes my mouth taste like used kitty litter"?

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by tommyknockers
Maybe it would be better to stay away from the heath issues and just focus on making the experience it self negative. Something like: "when i smoke it makes my mouth taste like used kitty litter"?

Once you absolutely and definetely decide to quit smoking, this is the way to go. (If you dont decide, this is exactly the way not to go). It takes about 2 weeks to get off the chemical body addiction, but making smoking extremely negative (and/or non-smoking extremely positive) will give you the boost necessary to follow through.

Once you´ve made your final decision all thats important is to act quickly without much consideration. Quickly does it.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 08:49 AM
You know that’s the real trick. Sure I could come up with a million reasons why I want to quit but if deep down my mind still believes it brings me pleasure…well that can be tuff to fight. That’s the magic bullet I need, something to turn that switch off in the control panel like in the video Illahee referenced.

Thanks for the help, I will need all the ammo I can find to fight this thing.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 08:51 AM
Hey Tommyknockers,

Maybe this will work on your smoking habit as well.

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