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Scientists have breakthrough treatment: Reverses Alzheimer's in minutes

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posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:27 AM

Scientists have breakthrough treatment: Reverses Alzheimer's in minutes

The new study documents a dramatic and unprecedented therapeutic effect in an Alzheimer’s patient: improvement within minutes following delivery of perispinal etanercept, which is etanercept given by injection in the spine. Etanercept (trade name Enbrel) binds and inactivates excess TNF. Etanercept is FDA approved to treat a number of immune-mediated disorders and is used off label in the study.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Anyone who has watched this disease strike a loved one will understand how important this is. I watched my Grandmother go threw this... she went from my grandma...the lady I always love going over to her house for Thanksgiving and swinging with her on the back porch while she told me stories. The disease turned her into someone who didn't even recognize me... "Who are you!" she would yell at me....

I only hope they can bring this to market...
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:40 AM
DV thanks so much for posting this, great find. My mother has Alzheimer's, also my grandmother and dad had it. What a wonderful breakthru, it's such a heartbreaking illness.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:47 AM
I think a lot of people have been through the sting of this disease, my grandmother passed from this aswell. Heartbreaking, but at least there seems to be hope for those that are currently suffering, and their families.

flagged and starred.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:58 AM
This is a great find. My grand mother also went through this. When I read the first post though, I started to wonder how much the drug companies are making in the treatment of the desise, then how much they will loose with this new treatment, or possible cure. Any one who has read the drug threads on this site already knows, the drug companies do not market drugs that cure desise, the market drugs that treat desise. So if this new treatment works to well, they wont put it on the market.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Not only the drug comapines stand to loose money on this, but the homes that take care of the sick stand to lose billions if this cure pans out.

Id say there are more than a few interest groups hoping this isnt a permanent cure, or hoping to bury it.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:10 AM
i wonder what else the anti-TNF syrum 'turns off' in the brain...

just reducing the chatter and random neural misfirings in a brain
may give the patient a respite from the disease,
but they are still going to have all that Alzheimers' mass of 'tangles'
in the brain which is associated with aluminum...

as the article says, at least its a start of developing new approaches
to finding cures to the disease

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Exactly, its just like acne and Accutane. If Accutane was easier to obtain it would put Proactiv, Clearisil, Clean & Clear, etc out of business in 5 seconds flat. As a matter of fact, I will go as far as to say that I believe that Proactiv puts materials that are known to aggravate acne into their creams so that you keep on buying their crap. I have no doubt that if they really wanted to they could release something that actually works but then it would = less profits.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:19 AM
my grandmother is currently going through this. a couple of years ago i went back home to visit and she didn't know if i was her grandson or nephew. i've been back since then and she just sort of seems spaced out all the time. nice to know something like this might be available in the future. i actually make a point to limit my use of deodorants/antiperspirants because of the aluminum content. i don't seem to offend anyone and i'm not the type that is naturally dripping sweat. hopefully i'll be able to prevent or delay something like this when i get up there.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:21 AM
Enbrel? The same medicine that is used for skin diseases like Psoriasis?

The medicine helps Alzheimer patients, but the drug's side effects include a weakened immune system, and greater chances of catching an infection that could lead to death.

Still, I think they're on the right track for curing this disease completely, I just worry about what they're doing injecting such a strong medicine into the spine.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:52 AM
Face it, people. They have a CURE for every disease known to man. We'll just never see it. It's reserved for the "important" ones; the ones in positions of power, and the ones with the money to prove their worth to receive it.

Sick people is good business. That's evident by how corrupt health insurance companies are, and how high doctor and hospital costs are. If you cure people, how does that help them?

I wouldn't get too excited about any "breakthroughs". We little people will never see the real stuff.

The best possible way to help yourself is to stay healthy by exercising, eating more natural foods, and thoroughly study what you are putting on or in your body (toothpaste, deodorant etc).

My grandma is currently going through the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. She'll be normal some days and be able to hold conversations, and other days, without any warning, she's suddenly this slow moving, slurred speech, completely non-coherent person. Two entirely different people, and it comes on suddenly. She'll go to sleep normal, and wake up barely conscious.

I'd like to find something for her, but I've lost all hope that we'll ever cure the diseases that we face. There's too much power centralized in too small a circle, and no change in sight.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
Enbrel? The same medicine that is used for skin diseases like Psoriasis?

Enbrel was actually made for Arthritis suffers and has worked very well, but I have heard that loses its punch after prolonged use.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
Sick people is good business. That's evident by how corrupt health insurance companies are, and how high doctor and hospital costs are. If you cure people, how does that help them?

Let's face it -- any drug company can use windfall money, especially since most of them are engaged in costly litigations all the time. So I can imagine that the manufacturer wouldn't give a flying toss about the stock price of some insurance company or some adult daycare center, if they can collect a few more billion dollars by properly marketing and licensing this.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

My grandmother who had Alzeimers passed away 3 years ago.
We're all worried now that my mother may be exhibiting some of the early symptoms.

Maybe this new research will be available before it's too late for her.

Great find!

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 12:05 PM
Does anyone know if clinical trial are being offered??

My dad has Alzheimers.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 12:52 PM
Great post, my mother has what appears to be early onset of Alzheimer's and she started showing symptoms just before age 60. What's interesting is that it hasn't behaved like typical Alzheimer's, even after numerous different doctor's office visits they weren't convinced it was Alzheimer's but were sure it was at least some form of dementia.

She has good days and bad days, and always can remember things in her long term memory, just the short term is really difficult for her.

Any progress is great to see in this field though, most treatments end up being a dead end.

Flagged and starred.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf

Id say there are more than a few interest groups hoping this isnt a permanent cure, or hoping to bury it.

Which is precisely why WE - the public - have to be all the more vocal and inquisitive.
We have the internet now; information of any kind simply cannot be stifled, as it might have been once upon a time.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Face it, people. They have a CURE for every disease known to man. We'll just never see it. It's reserved for the "important" ones; the ones in positions of power, and the ones with the money to prove their worth to receive it.

No, I say: let THEM (if there is any "they") face the fact that we now have the internet. Information simply cannot be hushed up or distorted at will any more, as it could be years ago, before the advent of the information revolution. The only thing that can defeat a person or a group is their own defeatism.

Frankly, I don't think "they" have a cure for every known disease.
(Surely Reagan was "important" enough?)

However, I do know for a fact that there are cures for some pathological conditions that had been hushed up in the past, for the very reason you and others have mentioned here: $$$.

And, most of all, I do strongly believe there IS a cure for every disease - just not necessarily by the means of Occidental medicine.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 01:35 PM
Oh my goodness! that's amazing! my grandpa has started to have a early symptoms of it..he even locked his self out of the house last week and even wandered off to the grocery store almost a mile away

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 01:40 PM
Have there been any studies on the dietary habits of people with Alzheimers?
In today's world MSG is in everything that is boxed, bottled or prepared in anyway. It is an excitotoxin. It can cause brain cell death. Ditto for Aspartame.

Do you all know if you parents/grandparents were eating a lot of prepared foods? I can understand that older people would like the easy way to making a meal.

I do wonder about a "cure", possibly more of a treatment that need repeating. I don't know of other meds they prescribe as treatment.

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