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'War of the Worlds played for Roswell scenario'

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posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by menguard
reply to post by TheSonOfMan

You apparently don't read refined visions of mankinds past, present and future.

You need all of my material to get what I am saying.

I dont think i need any of your material...i'll be fine but if you would like to refresh me on the ancients living inside the earth who you made contact with and who have some light machine...c'mon man really tell us the truth...i dont want people thinking im joking around...because you know what im talking about ,unless they erased your memories.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by TheSonOfMan

You are dodging the question with the repetitive notion that we are here under attack, what we are attacked by is our own mind from many different angles of existance. Whats wrapped up in humankind is everything, but the kitchen sink.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by menguard
reply to post by TheSonOfMan

You are dodging the question with the repetitive notion that we are here under attack, what we are attacked by is our own mind from many different angles of existance. Whats wrapped up in humankind is everything, but the kitchen sink.

I didnt say we were under attack...maybe it was you who did tho...Im sure it was you that made those claims and now your trying to defend yourself with your "higher light" answers or just answer me this...DO YOU STILL BELIEVE THE ANCIENTS EXSIST....and not the egyptians or mayans, im talking about these hyperdimensioanl beings you said live under the earth...those ancients.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:27 PM
OK, this thread is getting too weird for my taste.

In case anyone wants it, the 1938 radio broadcast of Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" can be downloaded or streamed from the Internet Archive.

At least I hope that is what I am downloading.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by TheSonOfMan

This is what you apparently interepreted from it but it is not right either.

Your only as good as your next truth.

The truth lies within mankind uncovering itself, please don't misquote me.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:32 PM
We are eternal therefore: once that knowledge is unlocked by the masses that will reflect the internal external connection.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Well just thought I would bump this from armap because truth is stranger than fiction.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 10:17 PM
10,024 X 7,000,000,000 = 70,168,000,000,000

Sorry, but I see no real significance to these numbers. I could make some guesses such as total number of bullets ever manufactured. Or a rough estimate of the human population if we were absolutely immortal. But I will just ask...What is the significance of 70,168,000,000,000?

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Ahabstar

Now when you take that number and expand it outward eventually those numbers are going out of the human range to compute it will reach quadrillions and from there shapes and sizes and symbols.

You will eventually have light language that of an entire solar system wrapped up in one symbol.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 05:41 AM
I don't really buy the Orson Wells "test" scenario and here's why. First and foremost, the show was about an alien invasion, not contact. Of course people would panic if we were being attacked by "Martians". Wouldn't you?
Next, I don't believe the government reviewed every radio show before it was broadcast.
Next, When the show started they explained what it was about right at the beginning. The real problem was that another very popular show run past the start of "War of the worlds" so when people finished listening to their favorite show, they tuned in a few minutes late and invasion was already underway. The way they switched back and forth from orchestra music to the news bulletins made it seem very realistic.
Get the full broadcast if you can, It is a real good show for those that have never heard the original.

[edit on 2-1-2008 by Larry B.]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by menguard
reply to post by Ahabstar

Now when you take that number and expand it outward eventually those numbers are going out of the human range to compute it will reach quadrillions and from there shapes and sizes and symbols.

You will eventually have light language that of an entire solar system wrapped up in one symbol.

What you have written here makes no sense to me at all. By expand it outward I am guessing you mean keep making it bigger through addition or multiplication.

If these posts are a real reflection of your thought processes I genuinely, sincerely think you need to be placed in some form of care for your own and others' safety.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 08:15 AM
I have a gripe with this theory. If "The War of the Worlds" was played to determine the peoples' reaction to disclosure, then it was a huge mistake. I think a similar program that described a major invasion by an earthly force, say Japan or Nazi Germany, would have produced similar results. They may not have been as exaggerated, but I think people would have panicked none-the-less.

If the government wanted to gauge the response of the people to the existence of extraterrestrials, then they should have done a fictional program that just informed the public of their existence or their peaceful arrival, rather than their invasion/attack. If the program had simply led the people to believe that a friendly alien race had arrived on Earth, then I think the results would have been far more different. Of course the people are going to panic if they think their lives are in danger from an invading force. To equate the response to disclosure with the response to a fictional invasion is a gross miscalculation, IMHO.

So, does anyone here agree/disagree? Anyone here having trouble understanding what I'm trying to portray? Please let me know.

I'm not necessarily buying into the theory that "The War of the Worlds" was a government-sponsored test to gauge the public's response. But I'm certainly not excluding the possibility. I'm just saying that if it is true, then it was a poorly thought-out test that resulted in data that would not be compatible with simple "disclosure".

If the American people were told today by the government that extraterrestrials exist and that they have visited here, then I don't think the people would run out on the streets and go crazy. But if the people were told today that extraterrestrials exist and that they are currently invading our planet, then people would probably respond negatively- just as they would if a foreign power invaded, although to a lesser degree I'm sure.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 09:59 AM
my question is when the next 'test' will be.

I do believe WOTW was a physchological test to analyse how people would react to a worst case scenario.

Those directing the test would realise that the reaction to a peaceful landing would be much more subdued (apart from the religious who would clearly freak out) so they tested the scenario based on a worst case - that is a hostile and lethal alien force invading Earth.

Besides, why test for an outcome they dont want to manipulate into being?

We have all suggested the possibility of a staged alien attack, they tested this scenario to determine if that staged attack would prove successful IMO.

The next WOTW? I'm thinking a internet based hoax which not even our resident experts could expose. The internet has ben perfectly smeared to the point that most people wont believe a story if the source is the net (mainstream types i mean). So why not put a clip out which is undisputable.

The source would be annonymous and the people could be left to decide for themselves. Eventually they could expand it to reach the news and maybe even follow through with some black project secret aerial technology being photographed and flown above major cities.

This would truely test where the populace is at in regards to UFOs.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:59 PM
Perhaps the reason they broadcasted War of The Worlds as an attack, if they did indeed do it as a test for the population, is because the aliens intent they may have encountered was hostile.
Which would kind of make sense. If the scenario were true, by doing this they could determine whether or not we were ready to face such a threat, yet if things went sour, still be able to say "Calm down, it's all a joke- Have a piece of cheese."

Any way you slice it, I don't think we'll be getting the truth any time soon.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

They did it as an attack because that is what it was on the story.

In case you don't know it, "War of the Worlds" is a book by English writer H. G. Wells published in 1898.

He also wrote "The Time Machine" (1895) and "The Invisible Man" (1897), among many other stories.

[edit on 2/1/2008 by ArMaP]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

yeah we know it was a story though. Someone has to write the script for such a test right?

In this case they used WOTW. It had the elements they needed for such an experiement

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 07:44 PM
The lineage for the War of The Worlds..
Tavistock Institute (Lippman) - Rockefeller Institute - Princeton- Radio Research Project...

kinda one begat the other rather than collusion but... the Tavistock Institute was largely devoted to the science of social reasoning and perceptions and really took of after WWI.

The power of suggestion that the radio held was recognized early and its use as a 'brainwashing' or manipulator just couldnt sit idle now could it. the Lippman quotes in the following link are pretty telling,.. and thats just for radio!

[edit on 3-1-2008 by fvk12]

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 06:01 PM
It is interesting how we can be thought to believe scenarios just because a government agency Tries to portray what they percieve to be truth.

Truth is a come and go basis.

What's known today will soon be known tomorrow.

The tomorrow would be what is being unveiled for the Common Society.

All things we learn in life is through our own hardships.

Those hardships could be used to gain information.

You want TRUTH ask yourselves, and find out what the Truth is.

The Truth out there, will come to late, but the truth inside of you is forever.

Just think of thewonders that lie hidden in the subconscious of our Inner Mind.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 06:22 PM
Strange,i always had my own "idea" that it was a test. Good to see i ain't the only one..difference though you have digged deeper and created a great theory.


posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 06:24 PM
The only thing I could tell you is that our reflection here is the reflection everywhere. What happens on these Earth planes expands out into all variables of the human mind. That means all galaxies, all solar system, all dark systems, void of life, through vibration. That vibration is like a bell being hit all through every existance.

This chain link of life is connected to all proportions through reflection.

Humanity has more to offer then anything out there, but out there is where the wonders of the human mind are.

The human mind is space unfolding itself.

The space in between the ears, is God, unfolding itself.

But the heart of the galaxy lies IN EARTHS TRUTH.

We humans are the propulsion system out there.

Thats amazing but I know. All human forms, even those that are not expected are still a form of human existing in another enviroment.

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