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"TEAM ATS" Is in Roswell, New Mexico TODAY, 11/29/2007

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posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 10:54 AM
With all of the alien sightings, it just seems like there would be some evidence somewhere, like a random video camera, etc, of the little guys! Will we ever have absolute proof? For 50 plus years now, people have been seeing UFO's. I just wonder if the government is letting us learn these things slowly, so we will be accustomed to the idea, and it won't be a shock when we finally see them! It wouldn't be a shock, and there wouldn't be panic, etc. Just a thought!

Also, someone should talk to the people that were at Roswell, and saw the aliens and the space ship, before they all die. Get their testimony on camera of what they saw, and of the hieroglyphic writing.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Riposte

The beauty of what we have is pretty much what Crakeur laid out. They can't really refute their own reports, actions and directives without looking pretty silly.

I also agree with Rdube, most of the prior attempts have been nothing much more than hear say. That's why I've always been an advocate of getting the data.

Well, we have the data.


posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Springer

I'm curious about the circumstances that led you specifically to Cliff Stone.
How did you find out about his document archive?

Is this part of a larger cooperative effort with TDP or is it only an arrangement with Mr. Stone....?

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:03 PM
This is an important thread, in my opinion. The book 'Beyond Roswell' by Col Phillip Corso (now deceased) was eye-opening, to me.

This was ten years ago...only a ripple in the pond, so to speak, in the timeline of the Universe. But to a human, it is timeless...or maybe just a toe in the door?

Springer and Craekur (sp?) are helping to provide use an analogy, when the Dike begins to leak, there are only so many fingers available to plug the leaks. As we remove fingers, or when the fingers begin to talk...well, then we will be overwhelmed with information (in a good way).


posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

What is "TDP"?


posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Springer

LOL... sorry Springer, TDP = The Disclosure Project.

I am essentially wondering if this endeavor is part of a larger-scale cooperative effort with the Disclosure Project, or if there were other circumstances that led you specifically to Cliff Stone and the deal is limited to him only.

(Since Cliff Stone is in fact a Disclosure Project witness.)

[edit on 12-12-2007 by MrdDstrbr]

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

We have ZERO affiliation with TDP.

I met one of Clifford's confidants and close friends in San Jose this summer during the UFO Expo and he called me to ask if we would be interested in putting all of Clifford's work up, for free for the world to see.

Obviously, I said yes we would love to have the largest FOIA archive on the internet. From there it went to "we have something we've never shown anyone that we think will get national/global media attention".

That statement is what brought Crakeur and I to Roswell, I wanted to see for myself what Clifford had and I wanted Crakeur there to make sure we had to separate pairs of eyes looking at it.


posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:56 PM
I apologize in advance if this is a silly question but when you are ready to make an announcement, will you add the information onto this thread or put something up on the main page? I just want to make sure I don't miss anything.

Please be very cautious guys, if this turns out to be as big as it sounds, there may be a lot of upset people in high places.

God speed!

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Springer

I see

What I am getting at is that before now, Cliff Stone has long been criticized and ridiculed as the LEAST credible DP witness, for being "too far out", he has been written off as a "nut", Disinfo agent etc....

And yet, as it turns out he is extremely credible!

How many other people in the game who have been heavily criticized, ridiculed and condemned are in fact credible and telling the truth, I wonder?

Just trying to suggest that some people and groups who have been essentially written off as liars, hoaxers etc may actually be deserving of the same sort of serious legwork and investigation that has been very successfully applied to Mr. Stone. Groups such as ECETI, CSETI, AERO etc.

Just some food for thought....

(Now watch for tezzajw's nearly instantaneous rebuttal everyone, watch for it..... watch for it.....)

[edit on 12-12-2007 by MrdDstrbr]

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 05:05 PM
Maybe it is suggested before, but why not to make this thread sticky? So we can follow the uptades easier. my 4,5 cents.

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
What I am getting at is that before now, Cliff Stone has long been criticized and ridiculed as the LEAST credible DP witness, for being "too far out", he has been written off as a "nut", Disinfo agent etc....

And yet, as it turns out he is extremely credible!

You type as though you have not understood the purpose of this thread, MrdDstrbr.

This thread is not about Roswell, Clifford Stone, his credibility, his past association with false Cults via TDP or even his reputation...

It's about GOVERNMENT FOI DOCUMENTS. That's it! Nothing more! It's about the facts and data printed in the government documents and the information that seemingly has linked into an irrefutable paper-trail for proof about *something* that we have to wait for.

The fact that Clifford Stone had these documents in his possession is mute. The fact that they were in Roswell is also mute. Aunty Mary living in a Brazillian jungle could have had them stored in her favourite treasure chest up in her attic and the data on the documents would still speak for itself.

You seem to mention some outlandish Cults, as though they might have a stake in Springer's and Crakeur's work, when it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM. Even when you tried in vain to hope that there was a connection, Springer flat out told you that there is no affiliation. You may believe otherwise, but it really has nothing to do with Clifford Stone either. The data will speak for itself and will not need any advertising through the Cults that you often type in your posts.

Sorry, I could not respond as immediately as you predicted I might.

[edit on 12-12-2007 by tezzajw]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by tezzajw


You used the word 'mute'....I think you meant 'moot'.

Normally, I would say, well, they're homonyms...but really, they aren't. Because, in English, they are pronounced very dfferently. AND they have totally different meanings.

SO...while your posts are always valued, sometimes we have to take them at face value...

I'm not the English major here, just a member who wishes to state an opinion/observation....

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by tezzajw


You used the word 'mute'....I think you meant 'moot'.

Normally, I would say, well, they're homonyms...but really, they aren't. Because, in English, they are pronounced very dfferently. AND they have totally different meanings.

SO...while your posts are always valued, sometimes we have to take them at face value...

I'm not the English major here, just a member who wishes to state an opinion/observation....

In your previous post, you mentioned a book by mister Corso that was "eye-opening", to you. It is actually ''The Day After Roswell'' not ''Beyond Roswell''. I just wanted to correct you on this; make things fair.

btw is this my first post? I've been reading this board for the longest time now... it was about time I joined the fun.

I have hopes for this particular topic, let's make sure it lives.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 01:48 AM
weedwhacker, I've seen everyone from Site Owners, Super Moderators, Moderators, Writers, Conspiracy Masters, right through to common plebs all making both spelling and grammatical errors as well as simple keyboard typos. Typical common mistakes are with the words 'there they're their' and 'you're your'.

If there's one thing I've learnt from many many years of typing on internet forums, it's this: Never be overly critical of minor spelling and grammatical errors, unless you yourself are perfect. Sure, some people are obviously hopeless, but most people can at least manage to construct something legible without losing their meaning.

See, you've kind of set a precendent now, that if I ever find a single error in your posts, then I could be obliged to reply in kind - which I won't. I've read enough mistakes in your posts to know that you're human - like the rest of us.

Sure, the word 'mute' was wrong, but I think that most people reading can understand the obvious error and infer the intended meaning. You're new to this forum, as you've admitted. I don't know how 'new' you are to the internet, but you'll learn that it's far better to just let some things slide, as they can really bite you back in the future.

Now, to stay on topic, back to those FOI documents... I'm sure that they also contain spelling and grammatical errors. Afterall, they're written by humans too - some who are probably not too intelligent, despite their designated jobs.

Edit: I've also seen one of the best writers here, arguably THE best, in my opinion, make simple mistakes. Schuyler, where have you been lately?

[edit on 13-12-2007 by tezzajw]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
You type as though you have not understood the purpose of this thread, MrdDstrbr.

This thread is not about Roswell, Clifford Stone, his credibility, his past association with false Cults via TDP or even his reputation...

It's about GOVERNMENT FOI DOCUMENTS. That's it! Nothing more! It's about the facts and data printed in the government documents and the information that seemingly has linked into an irrefutable paper-trail for proof about *something* that we have to wait for.

Nice try, tezzajw.

Are you a Mod? No? So it ISN'T your job to tell people what they can and can't post about?

Again, I applaud your thinly veiled effort to prevent ATS from ever making a serious inquiry and investigation into ECETI, CSETI and AERO - but I'm sure it'll happen eventually, when enough people start asking about it.

I understand that there's a lot of other important stuff going on right now so it's not likely to happen any time soon, but that's fine. I'm a patient guy

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 04:43 AM
The personal snipes and off topic comments cease now.

Back to the topic.

Mod Note: Posting Conduct… Play The Ball – Please Review This Link.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by sanctum

I am sorry if you feel my point is off topic.

The fact that Mr. Stone has long been written off as a nut but ended up being highly credible and having piles and piles of physical evidence, well to me that just naturally begs the question, "HOW MANY MORE of these 'nuts' and 'hoaxers' are actually credible and deserve serious investigation?"

But if my musings and asking intelligent and important questions "out loud" for the forum to see is really so inappropriate, I will stop now....

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
The fact that Mr. Stone has long been written off as a nut but ended up being highly credible and having piles and piles of physical evidence, well to me that just naturally begs the question, "HOW MANY MORE of these 'nuts' and 'hoaxers' are actually credible and deserve serious investigation?"

I think there's still a misundestanding. There's no "physical evidence" involved here. This concerns official government documents that just happen to have been obtained by Clifford Stone via the FOIA.

It could just as well be Mr. Clifford Sitts of Ft. Lee, New Jersey. Mr. Stone isn't being investigated. No claims of his are being investigated. There is no physical evidence involved. It has nothing to do specifically with the incident now known as "Roswell".

This is a situation where Mr. Stone has accumulated a huge volume of official government documents and has made them available to ATS. That's what's at the bottom of this current exercise; the government documents obtained by Mr. Stone via the FOIA.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:11 PM
I believe that while we may want MrDstrbr to not have a valid point, he in this case may have one.

While what ATS is involved with in no way has something to do with Mr. Stone's credibility or beliefs, the fact that Mr. Stone , through his beliefs, effectively obtained information of relevance, and that this information was not obtained from Carl Sagan or SETI scientists, is in itself an abstract lesson of some merit.

I'm not quite sure how to put that lesson into words. I would like to wait until I see what the AMIGOs have found before I set the lesson in stone. But it may not be an easy pill for some to swallow, if all things come to fruition in the end of this story.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by yeahright
I think there's still a misundestanding. There's no "physical evidence" involved here. This concerns official government documents that just happen to have been obtained by Clifford Stone via the FOIA.

Documents are "physical", wouldn't you say? They are physical evidence, as opposed to "he said she said" evidence.

It could just as well be Mr. Clifford Sitts of Ft. Lee, New Jersey. Mr. Stone isn't being investigated. No claims of his are being investigated.

Perhaps not, but this whole incident has still given him huge credibility. Springer and Crakeur are now publicly praising him. He is contributing possibly the best evidence ATS has seen yet. I don't think anyone can really argue that this isn't affecting his credibility in a hugely positive way.

So if the "Heinz 57 species" nutcase is actually CREDIBLE - well then how many other people that we tend to write off as nutcases or hoaxers are actually credible?

Could Greer and Rosin and Webre and Salla and Gilliland ALSO be credible?? Just to name a few......

What sort of bombshell evidence could be turned up if the same level of effort were made to investigate them?

It has nothing to do specifically with the incident now known as "Roswell".

Yes I know, Mr. Stone just happens to live and work there.

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