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It's Official, I've had enough!

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posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 01:31 AM
I know exactly how you feel.

I made a thread about a UFO experience I had (in Australia) many years ago - got a whopping 3 replies ....

Yet I've seen dead set crap threads go on and on about absolute rubbish. Does anyone have any idea how hard it was to write my experience? Hoping maybe someone has seen something similar, or could shed some light on the subject, yet an honest to god encounter gets ignored. I should have written some bogus crap about reptilians abducting my sheep or some such rubbish.

I hope you stick around, at first I felt like leaving too, thinking this place was only for b*llsh*t artists and wanka's - but its got some interesting stuff here.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 01:53 AM
I agree that there seems to be a lot of sh** on ATS with individuals making outrages claims such as aliens warring over our planet, restating the NWO stuff again and how we are all doomed, and the ridiculous people who try to argue about whether there is or isn’t a God…

But hey what can you do… I imagine the staff of ATS want to keep the “posts” churning so they are not going to do anything about it and of course any other site that is similar will have the same problems as well.

Individuals who come on to this site to purposely “net bash” people you will find anywhere on the net and on the street as well. Try not to take it to heart and go on with your merry posting.

As you stated before you enjoy the time on this site with some of the old members so don’t waste your time and energy on the ridiculous topics and annoying people.

So from one Ozzy to another “Cheer up mate she’ll be right”


posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 03:12 AM
Perhaps the time has come for a membership based (fee included) forum as people are far less likely to abuse those services which they pay for. Also, this would keep the less accountable/more imaginative populations at bay and age validation could even come into play. 18 over/under forums would be nice but doesn't seem practical or even necessarily appropriate. Until then, and perhaps even then... Babylon it will be.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Globule

Hi Globule! Do stick around old chap, we need all the rational minded people we can get on this forum. If all the good people go, this site will descend into the realms of fantasy very quickly.

It is annoying that we get people on here who claim "I was abducted by aliens last night" and people seeing Moonbases in craters and vast lakes on the shores of Mars etc. But there are the newcomers to think of. We can make sure they get to hear the rational side of the story!

There we are, I've even convinced meself, and that doesn't happen very often!

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Globule

I've never been a fan of UFO-related topics (I do believe they exist, BTW), so I hardly ever visited any UFO forums.
But since you are voicing your impatience with this site, I might as well muse publicly on my grievances... To me, it's the astonishing amount of puerile pseudo-skeptics that is driving me - slowly, but surely - away from ATS. Just so we understand each other: I mean people who come here, to any forum, and start their posts with phrases a la "prove to me"...

They are too lazy - or perhaps intellectually immature - to even read a basic book or two about the subject that purportedly interest them OH SO MUCH (and it's often about existentially and philosophically VITAL questions), not to mention do some serious thinking on their own first. So it's not really a surprise that people of their intellectual caliber would strut in here and boast (yes, boast) their obvious ignorance.

It is not a surprise... but it is becoming somewhat tiresome.
Which is why I am spending less and less time here; and just today I noticed that I've stopped recommending this site to my friends.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by Vanitas]

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by spectre76
Perhaps the time has come for a membership based (fee included) forum as people are far less likely to abuse those services which they pay for.

I don't know if you've ever had the opportunity to think about this, but the fact (yes: fact) is that many extraordinarily intelligent and thoughtful people of this world can't even afford a piece of bread. (But many do have access to public internet points.)

Intelligence AND the right to know, to ask questions, to exchange opinions should not be tied up with money. There ARE other ways of regulating websites.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Burginthorn
I know exactly how you feel.

I made a thread about a UFO experience I had (in Australia) many years ago - got a whopping 3 replies ....

I thought i would read your thread before i posted a reply (sorry i never read it before) but that's what I'm all about, it's getting to the stage where were seeing "I was abducted by reptoid's" or "I saw saw a humongous flying ferret" (that's just my sarcasm, i hope those threads exist) that where scrolling through the post's and avoiding some really juicy account's.

And to spectre76, i kind of think that will not happen in the near future other than having people actually sending actual proof of there age, but i know what you mean, we've had a couple of (how should i say) Bored Kid's.

Don't forget, the net is a wonderful place where anonymity is what you want, you don't want somebody you've just abused online coming over to your place with a baseball bat because they did not agree with what you had to say, but i agree.

Thanks All

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:21 AM
well sadly, get real used to it. Because, all UFOs are either explainable, projects, CGI or otherwise....always was the case always will sure to hold your collectives breathes for a long long time waiting for your ridiculous X-Files smoking gun.

I come here for entertainment purposes, to even consider going to any of these sites for any other reason is down-right foolish. Especially (addressing threader) "scientific discussions about the global UFO issue" LOL laughable fiction. I often wonder how some peeps on the UFO tip even get through life as functional people, seem to be living in some dreamscape of pseudo-reality filled with goblins, witches, flying people, ufos, alien races and fables.

Take anyone Topic Thread here and show me even ONE example of proof, please. Until then the skeptics will always have the last word and will continue to put things into perspective for the fantasy-minded dreamers.

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