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Should truthers infiltrate "official" story movements

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posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:03 PM
i find it interesting that humans can continue to repeat the same behavior over and over again even when they continue to get the same response, and that instead of changing their technique, they simply due what they always did only more intensely.

if you continue to do what you always did you will get what you have always got.

Which brings me to the topic of Cover ups. i will not cheapen this discussion by labeling these conspiracy's, because the matter is serious, and peoples minds are like computers which already have a emotional impression regarding the latter word.

It is said that the process of trying to emulate the thinking patterns and attitudes of succesful people (people the best at what they do) and phase them into your own behavior (modeling success) in a way that makes sense to you often creates personal success in what ever you are trying to do.

It seems "truthers" are set on waking up people to different cover-ups in todays world. A world where the media control is centralized, where the banking centers ( central banks) run the countrys of the G8 privately by determining the monetary policy and manipulate the economies (thru co-ordinating central bank policy's with head bank (Bank of international settlements) , and where people are often too busy to stop and question the answers they are given and often fail to believe the survival of the fittest attitudes by the elitiest groups (club of rome, tri lateral commission) see human lives as expendable.

It seems people who create official story's of what really happened regarding an event of importance (Govt's) i.e ( JFK assasination for instance) are hell bent on keeping people who question the answers from being taken seriously. Seems like a smart yet corrupt way to tell people what to beleive (especially if you don't think they need to know or can handle the truth) and get away with it.

Sometimes i think this is justified because the threat to society of a great unrest triggered by an emotional response to some unpleasant truth could be crippling, especially in a complex issue. however when this is LIKELY done with malicious intent that is part of ( as Carroll quigley (georgetown professor who authored "tragedy and hope a history of the world in our times) summarized and then supported as roughly a Anglo American Elite agenda to bring about world control of political and economic sectors of all country's. this is unaccpetable to me and it is done in order to have more control over people in order to maintain a heirarchy of power it crosses the line.

The powers that be work thru problem, reaction, solution when it comes to manifesting the world the way they wish to see it. Knowledge like this is compartmetalized because loose lips sink ships and comparmetalization of information has been proven to work in other groups (Military) and people continue to use structures that work. They go thru their problem, reaction, solution scenario's because it is IMPORTANT for them to get people to actually WILLINGLY ask for the very things that the elite want to establish but can't until they manufacture and design a problem to which the masses demand a solution which will be steered to match the same thing the elite want to establish. it is enlightening to see the history of such manipulation.

What is my point? well to cut to the chase, what people think is very important to the PTB. One of the techniques they use (that works) to keep people from being taken seriously who question their answers, is to infiltrate Truth or dissident groups, rise to positions of influence, and act in a way that will allow govt's and official storys to look more credible by associating the dissident or truth movement with lunacy, or crazyness. also it sometimes works by infiltrating peaceful protesting groups with violent protesters who incite the police which leads to stopping the protest thru police intervention. By no means do i endorse that technique but mention it because it is used because it works as an end to a means. The techniques i am curious of as options involve influencing the war of the six inch game ( the war between the ears, of the mind).

By infiltrating the offical story's , be it ( 9/11, global warming, and any other convenient causes used as catalysts to advance the agenda Carroll Quigley (Georgetown proffessor) pointed out in "Tradgedy and Hope a history of the world in our times" ( after being privaliged enough to look at the CFR and Bilderberg notes in the mid 60's) which as mentioned before was a centalized gov't controlled by the financial centers (Central banks) of an anglo-american elite. The club of rome (the enviornmental arm of this Anglo-American elite decided in 1992 that famine , floods, enviornmental threats, and climate change wether real or created would fit the bill as a catalyst to get the public willing enough to demand solutions to these problems and the perceived associated effects of which. The solutions of course would be political and economical change (post industrial societys) which would be marketed as a necessary change and would be implemented to match their desired model of world gov't by bankers.

By infiltrating these official story's mentioned in the first line above, and giving the perception that you accept them as true and then using any chance to also mention something like your absolute belief in ( the warren commision magick bullet solution) or (something that will be perceived as LOONEY, you will effectively assoicate the offical story w/ crazyness.

it's kind of like being the robin hood of spoken word. instead of stealing money from the rich and giving to the poor, ( or stealing the reputation of the truthers and giving it over to the liars/indoctrinated) it is almost like associating the liars w/ crazyness to get the followers to decide to question the offical answers. IT WORKS

again some upon initial consideration of this technique will say NO! i shall not stoop to such levels i will continue to do things that dont' work (like shout truth to people who do not have the open mind or beliefs necessary to accept or consider them) till my face turns blue. and this is fine all i am saying is consider this a POTENTIAL OPTION. it is like in JFK when kevin costner says black is white, and white is black, and that we have to think like them, you can't fight close minded people with rationale arguments! they have to slowly decide that another option is possible. And what better way to get people to question the offical story then deem yourself a believer and then mention another made up nutty belief you have (which will associate craziness w/ offical story)

i should note that i don't do this personally and mention it just in passing to any truthers who would like to try something that works

P.S the federal reserve needs to be abolished for the 3'rd time in this nations history ( previous times the central bank was abolished and now it has a slicker name "the fed") ron paul is the only candidate willing to try. Good luck to him.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 9-11-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 03:52 PM
I dont think there is an "official story movement" at all, and we dont need to infiltrate them to make them look any more ridiculous than they already are. Good times.

I think part of the problem is some of them are in love with themselves and their egos cant handle even the possibility that they may be wrong. I think any reasonable person can admit that they dont know everything for sure.
After 9/11 I thought it was just government incompetence, I stuck to that stubbornly until a few months ago when I really did some homework on the subject. I never really paid much attention to the subject to begin with though, but as soon as I started doing some research, it became more apparent what happened .

[edit on 9-11-2007 by Unplugged]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Unplugged
I dont think there is an "official story movement" at all, and we dont need to infiltrate them to make them look any more ridiculous than they already are. Good times.

Uh huh!

The imagination positively boggles at what theories you must countenance as not being "ridiculous".

Originally posted by Unplugged
I think part of the problem is some of them are in love with themselves and their egos cant handle even the possibility that they may be wrong.

Again, uh huh!

Originally posted by Unplugged
I think any reasonable person can admit that they dont know everything for sure.
After 9/11 I thought it was just government incompetence, I stuck to that stubbornly until a few months ago when I really did some homework on the subject. I never really paid much attention to the subject to begin with though, but as soon as I started doing some research, it became more apparent what happened.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:21 PM
I originally thought 9/11 was done by 19 highjackers with box cutters but the collapse of WTCs 1 & 2 were odd to me.I had no clue about WTC7 at that time.
Over a year ago a friend of mine sent me a link to Loose Change.People either hate it or like it but that's not my point.Dylan Avery encouraged people to research on their own and that's what I did.
If people took the time to research they would find that the Official Story is a "conspiracy" in itself.
George W. Bush has been caught on tape lying many,many times.
Donald Rumsfeld has been caught lying many,many times.
Ditto for Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice.
Rudy Guiliani has been caught lying many times.
The list goes on and the U.S. government goes in circles, changing stories etc. and pretty soon people forget what the original fight was about.
Take 9/11:
Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind.
Saddam Hussein helped fund those terrorists.
OOps, no he didn't, he has WMDs.......Hmmm, oops, no he doesn't.
Let's invade Iraq for no legal reason and hang the leader of the country.

All of the top three in my list all said Hussein had WMDs AND all of them denied saying it........on tape.
It really is a vicious web designed to confuse the masses who rarely pay attention to the news.Day by day the news slowly shifts to another angle.
Look at "Stay the course", where'd that go.
I could go on all day but I won't.
In answer to your question all I do is inform people one at a time.If they doubt me I point them to sites I feel are reputable.
Ambush journalism,disrupting live TV shows,jumping up and down behind live interviews etc. is not the answer in my opinion.It makes the truth movement look "crazy".
Rational debate is the answer.If the opponent can't answer your questions they discredit themselves.Let them lose it on tape,show it.
Use Ron Paul as an example.He remains calm,he has answers and he let's his opponent paint him/herself into a corner.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Fitzgibbon first i would like to ask you if you are in the military ( or have fought in the war)?

also the problem i have is that people seem to know somehow for CERTAIN that what they believe is what happened. At least that is how it comes across when they name call and say this didn't happen and this didn't happen . I mean are people so naive to trust their govt's blindly? I have no idea what happened , and neither does anyone else have all the details. The point i'm trying to make is should people be so close minded to eliminate the possibility of a cover up on 9/11? and why does history paint a tale of this being unheard of or certain? I mean google gulf of tonkin, operation northwoods. Would people feel scared to imagine that rogue elements within govt's and intelligence agency's carried this out? because if that is the case, you would be immediately biased. These are serious question that need to be answered by anyone who think what they believe is true, while others at least admit that they don't want to deal w/ the possiblities because it's depressing.

Not saying it had to be rogue element inside gov'ts and/or various intelligence agency's, just that if you can't see that it is possible, then you may be naive or scared (simply based on history).

some people are so scared about uncertainty's that they force themselves to be ignorant and think in "absolute's". it's nothing that define's these people but it is a part of being human, and a weakness in the human condition or thought process for some.

there is no need to get defensive when discussing this either, no advantage for using smiley faces or one liners, just serious discussion about possibilities and options, and at least admitting possibilities

p.s oh and unplugged i had an idea for a T-Shirt that says

FRONT I believe the 9/11 official story .......and

BACK I believe in the easter bunny.....santa claus.......and that the chicago cubs will win the world series.

that is the way you infiltrate a movement, instead of saying what you think is true allowing people an easy way to argue it , you just point out the weakness in their argument, and the fact that anyone with a ounce of critical thinking skills on the matter can see that a rogue element of gov't officals wit some intelligence support is at least a OPTION or POSSIBILITY.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
Fitzgibbon first i would like to ask you if you are in the military ( or have fought in the war)?

Nope. Too old and wrong country anyway.

As far as the rest of your post goes, you honestly have to look at what happened and ask yourself how things were supposed to have happened differently in real-world physical terms? When the suggestions start with nukes or beams or no planes at all and conspiracies that would've had to have had thousands of U.S. citizens complicit and quiet to this day, you create a world that beggars belief and defies human reality.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:47 PM
I believe you are discussing the idea of a corporate mole.

Lets say a guy moves up in business until he gets access to illegal wiretapping then whistle blows the operation.

The problem with this is to move up you must adopt their methods. Lets say you are in a corporation, you must support group think, push indoctrination and treat people like disposable robots.

If you do this, besides helping the agenda of the elite it also burns up your soul, as you hang around with just other elites you start to think as they do, then one day you look in the mirror and a mire shadow of your former self looks back.

When you fight the monster by using his means you become the monster.

They are not going to let you in on their secrets until you have done things as bad as them, and you will go down with them. At some point you have to say no more compromise, and decide if what little you have learned is more valuable then the damage you did to 1000s on the way to gain that info.

They can also dangle disinfo in front of you, then if you have a conscience you go out and spread it, corporate media jumps on board and spins it and you help them that way also. There is to much what is real, and what is not. You almost have to not give people info, but give people things that match their experiance and what they see going on, then let them develop critical thinking.

Now it is possible to not be to vocal, while maintaining your belief in what is right, staying under the radar, your lack of vocal opposition and limited power may get you close enough to find a few things out, then when you pop up, you just whistle away, skipping down the road knowing two things, anything in the future you find will have to be found through digging, and you can scream from the rooftops now.

Note that the Intel communities themselves say 80% of all information is available in public sources, you only have to dig and connect the dots.

One more thing, you mentioned how the official report controls info, you forgot the Internet controls info. infiltrated by the official version (my thread) sensorship

Hillary Clinton's use of a 2 million hits You Tube site to promote her without disclosure, also using subliminals. (my thread)

Yahoo's censorship

To be honest, people need to speak in person with everyone they know, burn CD's and pass them out, teach people to dig deeper then page 1 on a search engine. And teach people to question and think.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Fitzgibbon

Originally posted by cpdaman
Fitzgibbon first i would like to ask you if you are in the military ( or have fought in the war)?

Nope. Too old and wrong country anyway.

As far as the rest of your post goes, you honestly have to look at what happened and ask yourself how things were supposed to have happened differently in real-world physical terms? When the suggestions start with nukes or beams or no planes at all and conspiracies that would've had to have had thousands of U.S. citizens complicit and quiet to this day, you create a world that beggars belief and defies human reality.

thanks for your response

all i'm saying is that it may be very close minded if you look at things critically (and historically) to eliminate the possibility of rogue elements within the gov't and intelligence agencys having a hand in 9/11. not knowing but a hand. 42 companies were found responsible of having insider information regarding these events and profited. yet a gag order was put in place, so these people couldn't talk about it (with a penalty of jail! Also your idea that thousands must have had a hand in it is misleading and inaccurate thinking IMO, because it ASSUMES they were ok with killings. the knowledge would be compartmentalized and also a few paid off "security" workers implanting bombs, a air craft using military remote controlled technology, and a VP that schedule's war games at the same day that an attack is planned so the air traffic controllers can't tell which planes on their screen's are part of the war games and which are really hijacked. not to mention they have a gag order due to national security.
bush's brother was on the board for a security group that ran security at the twin towers, dulles airport, and united airlines and was financed by saudi $ . especially when you look in the context of history regarding governements of various country's ( so you are not blinded by nationalism) you can see this walks and talks like a duck and it is at least a option even if you don't have the details.

i understand and others should that when emotions run wild many different theories will take root (wether no planes, holograms, whatever). Also intelligence agents thoughout history infiltrate truth movements and then make up silly theories to get people to associate silliness with them. the reason is because it works. At what? getting people to stop questioning the official line. and they no many people are all to happy to be lied to as long as it helps them maintain there comfort zones and beliefs about the world.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Fitzgibbon
defies human reality

Lets pack it in folks, the shows is over.

Why even post here, if anything but the official story is impossible and "defies human reality"?

moving on...

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:01 AM
The official story is what is impossible, which is why so many people get interested in the real story in the first place. In fact, if that story was told by someone less "credible" than the government, nobody would listen to it.

The ones believing the official story are the ones looking like fools in this scenario in my humble opinion, even though I guess most of them havent bothered to even research 9/11 for themselfs.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Copernicus]

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