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A new race war in Perth

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:22 PM

TEENAGER died and two men were seriously injured when a minor quarrel escalated into a wild brawl between two rival groups in Perth, police say

some would read that and not give a second though, two groups fighting, and one unfortunately being left dead.

And, as the police say

"As far as police are aware at the present time, while inquiries are continuing, this is a one-off incident of violence that's occurred overnight."

It's nothing out of the ordinary.

For what I cannot fathom, police are trying to cover up a major race-war that started last night, and is going to escalate seriously over the immediate weeks.

Maori's and aboriginies faced off last night, in a brawl using bats, knives, rocks, poles anything and everything.
1 young maori boy was killed, 2 are in serious condition in hospital.

taking direct quotes here from the west

''A maori, who gave his name as paul agreed there would be further bloodshed ''

'' Maori and aboriginals have never got along, they probably have reasons to hate us, but we just f'''''ing hate their lack of respect. They steal our cars, break into our houses, leave rubbish on our lawns, there has always been problems between us, but this place is gonna turn into a warzone now ''

the young maori lad that died, was here on holiday, and returning home next week.

eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.. There are going to be some deaths in the aboriginal community due to this, and its likely the aboriginies will respond likewise when we intentionally kill one of theirs.

Not good times in Perth.

[edit on 6-11-2007 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 02:04 AM
Hmm this made the news over here in New Zealand. Otherwise all I am going to say is that it looks like that NZ is not only exporting its best brains but we are also exporting the lower class of thugs. I was born in Perth and I spend my childhood there and I cant remember hearing about any trouble caused by Maori.

Unless they were born on Australian soil the likes of these Maori trouble makers should be sent back to where they came from oh wait I don't want them back .
I would hate to see the relatively ease ability of Aussies and Kiwis to live in respective countries diminished because incidents like this one.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Yes, Aboriginees and Maoris. Two of humanity's finest, ha ha.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 11:18 AM
why must we fight and divide ourselves based on something that is mostly a human construct?

honestly, there's more genetic difference between a tall man and a short man then a white man and a black man of the same height

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 12:32 PM
Hate to see anything negative happen over there. Spent some time in Fremantle and Perth. I enjoyed it very much and hope to return.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by NathanNewZealand
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Yes, Aboriginees and Maoris. Two of humanity's finest, ha ha.

I take offense to that!
Is that sort of borderline crap nessecary?

Ive lived amongst both races for some time, and I can tell you there is a profound difference in their morals, dignity and respect.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Ive lived amongst both races for some time, and I can tell you there is a profound difference in their morals, dignity and respect.

I am interested in your knowledge of the two groups, being here in the US, we get little to no input of social and cultural differences that you have first hand experience with.

One of the things I miss most about being in the US Army was the ablility to share and experience diverse cultures.

Understanding and respecting differences in culture can actually bring people together.

At least in my experiences it did.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 11:10 PM
Im some what biased, being my mother is a maori... but dont get me wrong, both races have bad eggs and good eggs.. and ive been involved in the best and worse with both.

Aboriginies for example, will beat the crap out of you for no reason..
You can be walking down the streets, 3 or 4 of them will walk up and accuse you of saying something to them.. it doesnt matter if you didnt, and they full well know you didnt, they just want to fight you.
this has happened to me no more than 4 times.

in perth, our capital city... there's a large park in the cbd section.
90% of the time, if you walk past it, or through it, you will see groups of aboriginals, males, females, young and old.. sitting down, laying down.. drinking beer, sniffing petrol from cans and just being dis-orderly.

a large number of the robberies, assaults, etc etc are aboriginal.

This is mainly city folk,
where as if you head out into the country, into the bush you'll meet some of the best aboriginies. They have morals, and respect..
These are the aboriginies of old, aborigines who live of the land and love all people.

The city people, not all but a large majortiy drink their dole cheques, sit in groups in the parks, swearing, abusing and doing nothing for society.
most of the time they stick to themselves, but the younger ones roam around in groups, and fight for no reason.

As for maori's,

I find, so long as you dont dis-respect them, they wont dis-respect you.
And likewise, if you have problems with one of them, while he's in a group, you will fight him...
The aboriginies will gang bash you, while your backs turned, while your on the ground, with wood, poles anything they can find.

I will always make an effort so long as a maori or aboriginie respects me, to respect him.
To date ive never met a maori who's purposley disrespected me for the fun of it,
and likewise, after living in Australia for 15yrs, i can only think of a few aboriginies who've respected me, and they were all from the bush.

you can be sitting at a shopping centre here in perth, enjoying lunch...
a aboriginal lady will walk through, with 4 young kids.
they are wearing dirty tattered clothes, and no shoes.
the kids run all over the place, yelling screaming, bumping into people.
she'll simply yell at the top of her voice, swearing or not at the children..
in a crowded public place, you dont want to here a lady yelling and screaming with profound language at her children who are running a muck.

I recall one instance a elderly lady told the aboriginal lady to respect her surroundings, stop swearing at her young kids, give them a shower and respect the people around her.
the aborigninal lady put her child down and abused this eldery lady.. screaming yelling, getting right into her face and throwing her arms in the air, telling her to f'off etc etc..

this is not an unusual occurance.

These maori's say the aborigninals disrespect them, break into their houses, steal their cars, leave rubbish all over the lawns..
You can bet your bottom dollar its the truth..
not because a maori said it, but because we see aboriginies do this on a daily basis.

Sorry if I sound racist or have a bone to pick with aboriginals, its not the truth..
Im simply telling you the realities of city-youth-aboringinals.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 11:41 PM
When it comes to Aboriginals two vivid memory's stand out from my child hood . The first is seeing an Aboriginal kid carrying a coke bottle filled with paint onto a bus. The second memory is of an Aboriginal toddler pretty much shop lifting at a road house and a staff member saying that they don't even bother to stop them any more.

But I should point out that there are unsavoury people in every race there are white power gangs around for example. If a white guy had beaten a Maori there would be outrage but because this is brown vs brown skin nobody cares.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
Why must we fight and divide ourselves based on something that is mostly a human construct?

The thing is, it's even stupider than that. We divide ourselves based on where we were born.

There has been an increasing hostile trend towards the Sudanese here in Australia as well. Just add them to the list shall we?
I honestly can't help but notice how race-intolerant this country is. Islamic, American, African, and even the original inhabitants, Aboriginals, have all got a bad rap. But the funny thing is, the news and editorial media is not perpetuating the negative stereotypes, so I don't know where the racist mentality is coming from.

Old, but relevant: Racial Riots Erupt In Sydney Australia

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 12:43 AM
I have personally had 35+ years of exposure to the workings of an Aboriginals mind and their culture and I can tell you exactly why the Maori's don't get along with them. They have this payback system that results in never ending retribution upon retribution, they don't believe in ownership of anything ie: whats yours is mine and if you touch mine I will bash you unconscious.

We Anglo's have learnt that you have to just let them win and act like nothing happend and soon they will move onto other targets. This works and if you even remotely try and stand up for yourself you are in for months of undeserved payback and retribution.

Most Maori's I have met are very respectful and proud, with the latter trait being the catalyst for trouble with an Aborigine. Back down and away from them as you can't always watch your back, as soon as your not looking whammo 10 will beat you into a pulp with weapons.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:11 AM
wow thats crazy, im in melbourne, i aint heard nothing, and it aint normal to hear nothing down here.

thats crazy, friendly races, although aboriginals are stereotyped as trouble makers, tho i dont completly believe its true,

dam gangs, ruining this country and turning it into america, no offense americans i love your work!

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:44 AM
Australians of "Anglo" and/or "European" background have had enough of other nationalities for one simple reason, like it or not, but the majority of other nationalities to come to this country "do not want" to assimilate!

This is not a race issue, but can easily be made into one.

Im not advocating a white australia policy either so don't even try to thrown that at me at this moment.

Yes, there are good and bad in every breed, but as a nation, I think our governments should be looking hard at groups and nationalities that cannot, will not or have severe difficulty assimilating to this country's way of life and the morals we live by.

Im fed up with vocal and violent minorities changing and trying to change the way the majority lives because it doesnt suit them, WTF?

Sudanese are having trouble assimilating, Muslim immigrants are having trouble assimilating and they are even wanting to change this place to be more like their homeland.

Ive heard from many people in highly muslim poupulated suburbs that they do have a policy of buying properties and putting their own kind there to keep their suburbs muslim.

Dont beleive me? Have a look at meadow heights in melbourne, next to Broadmeadows. I have heard first hand from people moving out of these areas that the local muslim community is wanting to buy a whole residential block of homes, then demolish them and build a huge mosque there.WTF?

Australian kids cant even have bacon in their Macdonalds or KFC burgers in these suburbs.

Sudanese just plain 'ol have no respect for the law down here.

Its easy to call Australians racists, but mate, we give everyone a fair go here, but if you blatantly disrespect this country, its people and way of life, go home!

If we were to go to some of the countries these immigrants come from, there is no way in hell we could make it even a little bit like Australia, so why are we bending over backwards to suck up to these violent and un-assimilating minorites?

yes, Aboriginals are native here, and they do need support from our governments more so than what they are getting but when you give a community free housing, buildings and brand new vehciles, and they tear them down almost straight away and destrot that 50,000 dollar landcruiser the australian tax payers have just bought you.....mate, your not gonna get one ounce of sympathy from me, and the rest of the public either.

We need a hard and fair use of the law, round them up and lock them up, keep the streets safe and clean.

Yes, race riots are comings and they will be big when they do occur, but it is because of frustration on the majority of the community by the innaction of our government leaders, and the blatant disobedience by some of these groups.

I wont apoligise if I upset some people here with my remarks, these are my thoughts, and I know that many do agree with me. action is lomg overdue and I dont beleive you can ever have a 100% coherant multicultural society -

you have to select which cultures complement your society and buil it up that way!

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:49 AM
eye for eye?.....what about the new covernent...the new deal...."love ur enemy"....if this is happening, it's "Tribal Fighting"'s "Domestic Violence" against brother....all races/tribes are ONE family...all human beings, all actually RELATED...same ancestors way back....Family u gotta factor in the DRUGS/Alcohol & the mental sickness/lostness/hopelessness of a dispossed people with a very dark history/past...blackfellas worst enemy is himself...same all of us...urban darkness/ all cities...agrovibe to the extreme...not just blackfellas...last days happenings....ruler of this world doing his best to suck in as many in as possible...kill as many as possible......please pray for all.....GB

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
I am interested in your knowledge of the two groups, being here in the US, we get little to no input of social and cultural differences that you have first hand experience with.

Unfortunately like many indigenous people of the world aboriginals have an affinity with alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse occurs at a much higher rate compared to the wider population of Australia in aboriginal people. Not in direct correlation but probably something to do with alcohol abuse is the higher incidence of violent crime, domestic violence, sexual abuse and shorter life span in aboriginal communities. Many isolated outback communities have resorted to banning alcohol to stem the flow of alcohol abuse and its related crime. Heres a nice stat for you Alice Springs has the highest stabbing rate in the world although it isn't in W.A.

In many health professionals views isolated outback aboriginal communities are similar to third world environments. The state and federal governments solution is by throwing money at the problem communities. Recently it was indicated that sexual abuse was so rife in these communities that immediate action had to be undertaken and army as well as police officials had to be stationed in these communities to try and quell that sort of behavior.

Aboriginal people are entitled to many government benefits (money) above the normal dole payments, the reason why is most probably because of past atrocities committed by Australian government. Such as government policies in the 50's-60's where aboriginal children were taken from their parents and assimilated into white families. Every year leaders for the aboriginal communities hold protests to try and lobby the government to try get it to say 'sorry' for past atrocities, as well as sign some sort of treaty probably akin to what Maoris have in New Zealand.

Perth/Fremantle CBD areas at night as well as known night spots can be a dangerous place if you wander a block away from the nightstrips. As a poster already mentioned walking near parks as well. Mainly because of aboriginal gangs, roaming around they usually target anywhere that money is exchanged on the street i.e. kebab stands, atms etc. Train and bus stations can also be a bit hairy at night. During the day its usually just poor asses white, black whatever asking you for a dollar for the bus.

Most of the other cultures take pride in themselves and their quarrel isn't with some Joe Blow, getting money out of the ATM. I'm not saying Maoris, Whites, Asians, Sudanese etc haven't been involved in violence and crime if you antagonise them or even if you are misconstrued as antagonising them you better 'put on your running shoes.' Its just aboriginals attack unsuspecting defenseless people viciously when they are just waiting to catch the train home in Perth. They've bashed people and just left them for dead stealing small amounts of money. In my time spent going out at Northbridge and the City I've never had much trouble but you do usually see the odd bashing victim.

There isn't any easy answer to the whole situation as for the OP's post in this instance I'd take the Maoris side any day over the aboriginals and I'm of neither race. As aboriginals attack people unprovoked and viciously. I'm not racist I'm just a realist.

As for supposed Sudanese gang issues. I believe thats just a media beat up. Today Tonight (tabloid media bs) aired security footage of people ripping up a liquor store and attacking patrons, claiming these people were Sudanese. Media watch proved that none of the attackers were Sudanese.

Originally posted by watch_the_rocks
Old, but relevant: Racial Riots Erupt In Sydney Australia

Quoting the Cronula Riots as a source of racial violence is a moot point, I'm sure people will figure that out when they read the thread. Their was huge blow back from lebanese gangs

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 07:22 AM
Well I'm from Sydney and it takes a very brave person to walk down the streets of REDFERN on a sunny day, let alone at night time.
It's an aboriginal enclave.
It's also officially a police no go zone.
So you take your life into your own hands going there FOR ANY REASON.

A lot of jobs are vacant in the area as businesses rent out office space as it is so close to the city. Unfortunately, they soon find it impossible to find staff who want to work in the area as it is DANGEROUS. And to keep staff as they are often the victims of crime to and from their workplace.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 07:40 AM
This seems like a serious problem, it makes me wonder if the local police are ignoring these gang activities?

I get the feeling that the government is partly to blame, it is like they are trying to just pay these folks off hoping things will improve when in all likelyhood they only help spread this type of behaviour by taking away any hopes, goals, desires, and dreams.

If you don't have to work to receive income, why would they?

You end up with alot of people who have no path in life, too much time on their hands, a grudge which paid off in the past so why not cause more trouble to maybe get more compensation.

A difficult situation for sure, I thank you all for your honesty in voicing your opinions on this volatile situation.

I only wish I had an answer for you.

Feel free to correct my assessment of the situation in case I went astray, my goal is to understand the situation you are going through in your country.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 08:04 AM
For a bit more background on the REDFERN RIOTS that aboriginals staged in Sydney....

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 08:31 AM
Melbourne_Militia, I totally understand what your saying for we have the same exact problems here in the US except its with Hispanics and to a lesser extent with Muslims. There are some parts of this country where an American is practically a foreigner in his/her own country.

It has been proven time and again that a multicultural, multiethnic nations cannot survive. It may last awhile (ex. Yugoslavia under Tito or Russia under the Tsars and Communism or even the United States today under the "melting pot" theory) but it will eventually fall apart and split (like Yugoslavia and the USSR in 1991).

Diversity = good
Multiculturalism = bad

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

reply to post by blahdiblah

as a south aussie all i can say is these guys are spot on with what they say, and they echo the unexagerated, unbias truth of what sadly occurs in australia.

ive been to alice springs a few years ago, we stayed at a beautiful little van park with fantastic cabins. we were told by the owner dont walk to the casino thats ~200m down the road, you wont make it back with your takings. drive your car down there and back, and to stay away from the todd river at night.

In Adelaide its Victoria square in the city that has problems.

its actually quite sad for me to agree
that our nation like this, because they truely can be fantastic and very interesting people but as previously said it seems the ones in the city have lost their way, and with it they lost any will to rise above the alcohol + petrol sniffing problems and become a truely important part of our society + a proud part of our heritage.

Its also interesting to note that some rural communities suffer the problem on a very large scale also, although because its an aboriginal community it occurs against their own kind, so its not just isolated to the city.

we may have problems with various types of people but you will find australia as a whole, a very friendly + accepting people. The problem lies with others who dont want to integrate into our society and decide to create their own little town.

Its important for people to remember and share their heritage, thats what makes australia great.
people coming here for a better life and then not wanting to mix into regular society so they create their own instead are the ones who drag it down

[edit on 8/11/07 by Obliv_au]

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