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Man exploring French Catacombs attacked and dragged of by someone/something.

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posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

I have seen the exact video you were referring to. It was late at night many years ago when I saw it as well. I have been trying to find the video for years but have been gloriously unsuccessful. This is the first time I have seen it mentioned on the internet. If you have the video please contact me at [email protected]. The one posted here is no longer available.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Telos

yess, i would also like to know more,i just watched a show about a man who was lost and i want to know more about this young lady

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 12:52 AM
huh, i just saw this on the "chiller" channel and began to look up info on it and lo and behold i was lead here, man i love this site, anywho.

even if this isn't paranormal it's still creepy as heck! think about it your alone, down in the infamous catacombs of paris. time stands still, it's pitch dark, not even the air around you moves and there's nothing around but you and millions of human bones. after just a few hours by yourself down there i'm sure your mind would begin to play tricks on you.
a crunch of bones, what was that behind you? a scrape against the wall, did something really just pass by that corner? down there in the darkness you'd really begin to believe that this is the gate way to hell, that there 'are' demons down there just waiting behind a corner to get you.
and then the guy takes off, whether it was his mind or something he saw (perhaps a hallucination) he's got all these thoughts running through his head driving him crazy! and he run's - deeper and deeper into the catacombs until he finally dies alone from starvation with these thoughts running through his head. and from starvation would probably come hallucinations, so he probably died really seeing the things he thought were after him.

now i've just gone and creeped 'myself' out. GREAT THREAD THOUGH! ^_^

and the ladies voice, come on guy's. she's the short lady on "poltergeist" the movie. they just tried to make it more 'creepy'

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 04:08 AM
I think the scariest part of that documentary is that the "expert" appears to get lost on the way back. It's textbook bad planning when you presume to be able to get out through a manhole when you know the authorities are systematically sealing them up. Those guys made it through I hope but they all seemed lost and a little on edge.

I don't think the video tape footage is paranormal. I don't see anything dragging anyone away, it just seems it was a bit much for him and he took off (in the wrong direction). I probably would have done the same thing. What's more horrible to think about is the fact that instead of being killed quickly by a "monster" he could have been down there for days, all alone in the dark, dying of thirst and hunger. When you're confined in a space like that for that amount of time, your mind starts to play tricks on you and he probably hallucinated all sorts of thing. Poor man

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by goosdawg that's just water splashing from the guy's footfalls as he runs. No spirits. Just claustrophobic paranoia/dementia, if even this is real and not a hoax. Seeing as it's from Scariest Places on Earth, in which many of their supposed "haunts" are real and turn out to be fake (check the Jersey Devil episode and look at that girl's website to find the truth), this is a hoax

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:46 PM
BTW, if it hasn't already been said, the narrator from the video is the person from Poltergeist. Her name is Zelda Rubinstein.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:06 PM
My wife and I went down to the catacombs about 2 years ago. My wife is sensitive to places and she felt nothing down there. She said all the souls have passed on. What really freaked her out was a church about 3 blocks away from Nortre Dame(on the same island) It was built to supposedly house the crown of thorns worn by Christ. When we entered the lower part of the church she felt a heavy bad ominous feeling. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. Anyone else been there or felt this?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

remember indiana jones and the last crusade? Remember marcus brodey? Got lost in his own museum once..

he gets wacked and dragged off by the order of the crucifix form..or something like that. Maybe his guy stumbled onto the holy grail, or arc of the covenant, or an alien secret base..oooo im creeped out.

but i agree, there should be internet talk about something that strange, if not already, there is now i guess.

[Setting-Venice Catacombs..

INDIANA JONES "petroleum..we could sip a well down here and retire" -FREULIEN "just like your father, giddy as a schoolboy" INDIANA JONES"My father was never giddy, even when he was a boy"]

[edit on 12-2-2009 by mastermind77]

[edit on 12-2-2009 by mastermind77]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:53 AM
I was in the french catacombs last June, and unless this man had permission(as previously stated) to go to a secluded/locked area of them, it seems a bit unrealistic. The path is pretty much just straight through, so you can't really go anywhere. But there are more catacombs then just then ones in Paris, which are mostly, if not all, connected. So I suppose there is some possibility.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

I have been searching for the same thing. I saw that video, but the story that went along with it was that they assume the man was exploring on his own and got lost. At the point where the camera was dropped, it seemed he got spooked because you can hear him running away. People tried finding the owner of the camera but never did. I saw this story on the travel channel. I have seem many other shows and researched the catacombs and this systems goes on for miles. most of it is cut off from the public with exception to tour spots. There are still many ways people can sneak into them if you really know how to and want to do the leg work to find these spots (as did the lost camera man). I saw the show a couple of times over the past few years, and I think the show was spookiest places or scariest places and again I saw it on the travel channel. Since you do not have cable you wouldn't have known but maybe you could check out there website for the show. I know it was an older show. Ook Good Hunting!

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:30 AM
entering in the French catacombs , its extremly easy, most of entries are not all registered , the catacombs are under Paris and cover lots and lots of space on different levels, lots of entrances are accessibles in old building basements, old train stations, sewers access etc etc

I personaly traveled in the french catacombs and i know that place very very well but honestly i dont know all the acces and differents tunnels (too many tunnels, way too much dangerous to explore)

But yes, some things are really unexplanable

try to search "place d'italie , catacombs Paris , sernam" and you gonna the result by yourself on googles.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:33 AM
i slept during one week in the french catacombs, with some friends we explored old underground churches and old WWII shelters and obituaries and underground cemeteries

Try to look on google about "Giraud Map, paris catacombes"

you all gonna be amazed

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Telos

I was really interested in that story if you could tell me were or send me a copy of the full story that'd be great.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 04:51 PM
Sorry to bump an old thread but no wonder they never found him.
Going off the video you can see the markers where the guy is walking past, in the "scariest places" documentary the team walk past the same place before descending a level.
The video which the guy drops you can clearly see that as he passes the markers (same level where the skeleton figure is, "gateway to hell" etc) the man turns round quickly before dropping the camera. He isnt going INTO the Catacombs but rather going back the way he came. He more than likely had a panic attack and wanted to get the hell out of there.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:43 PM
People have been saying they don't think the video is legit because he dropped his main light source and that would be unrealistic but I disagree with that, he could've been unreasonably scared.

However, I still do not believe the video is real. Why? Well how about this, I challenge anyone to find just the video without the show "scariest places on earth" attached.. Just the original standalone video.
(I tried searching for it because I wanted to watch it from beginning to end not sped up like they do in the show)
If this video were real, I truly believe you'd be able to find the standalone tape, I also believe there'd be more hubub about it.. It's a pretty big deal to find something that mysterious, I think there'd be way more fascination if it were real. It might've even stemmed a movie..

While the idea is entertaining and while it's obvious that people have gotten lost and probably died down there, I think the show created this specific story and tape for effect. That's just American television for ya, I'm not surprised.

I'd love to believe that tape is real because how awesome would that be? It'd be like real life Blair Witch project type junk! I am so interested in stuff like this, finding creepy tapes and pictures like they always seem to find on tv and in movies (the ring tape etc).
If anyone knows of any found footage that's absolutely without a doubt real, I'd be extremely interested in that.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Hey everybody, I'm new here and, upon finishing watching the "Scariest Places on Earth" documentary featuring the man lost in the Paris catacombs, I just had to do some more research on it. I happened upon this site and would like to add my two cents.

I personally think that the video is real:

Hundreds, probably thousands of people do illegal exploring in those tunnels every year. Whether they're thrill-seekers, college kids doing it on a dare, or people just interested in seeing the history that's down there, most of them probably bring cameras, especially in today's technology and YouTube age. We're bound to eventually see video of people getting lost and panicking, and that means that we're also bound to eventually see a video of panic that spirals out of control and ends in a presumably tragic way.

I can think of two reasons why he dropped the camera:

1. He thought that he was being chased so his fight or flight reflexes kicked in, forcing him to drop the camera as it was a hindrance to his being able to run as fast as possible (both arms need to be pumping in order to move as fast as possible, and even if it was a small camera his mind just told him to drop it). Chances are he recognized his mistake right away but was too terrified to stop running.

2. He knew he wasn't being chased, but was in full panic mode anyway. As someone who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, I can attest to the fact that when you're in a full-blown panic attack you honestly don't care about any inanimate object that you might happen to be holding. He was probably just so completely freaked and out of his mind with panic that he didn't even care that the camera was his only light source.

I somewhat believe in the paranormal, but in this case there definitely wasn't anything that was actually chasing him, despite what he may have thought. It was just 100% panic. He had probably been lost for quite some time by the start of the video but was keeping his cool because he knew the outcome of panic. Gradually the fear built up, he probably began thinking thoughts that he shouldn't have (i.e. when my lightsource goes I'm quite literally screwed, does anybody even know I'm down here, what will my girlfriend and parents be thinking when I don't come home, might I suffocate down here, are there ghosts down here, etc), his breathing probably accelerated, then he might have seen a shadow or something that spooked him so badly that he kind of went mad.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:57 AM
Whereas, I find this post and video VERY entertaining, not one person has brought up the most likely of scenarios. This explorer got down there, got scared, and then got himself killed. This person also should have brought a tazer or a lead pipe. If this is a real video, most likely he came across someone doing something illegal who did not want to be found. That guy, talking, making noise, acting like a weirdo, could be heard through a mile of cave. Some meth cooker or just a schizophrenic homeless man, scared/killed that guy. If you watch a documentary called dark days (or another that escapes my mind), people live underground in big cities. The further down you go, the fewer you may find, but they are still there. They can see/hear someone coming from a LONG way away. they just find a hole and crawl in to never be seen. The homeless in those two docs said their eyes could see everything without a light. I recall one guy saying he had not come out of the tunnels in years. People die there all the time (the homeless), and nobody would ever know.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 03:29 PM
As a french living 5 minutes away from paris by foot and knowing a guy whose hobby is to go down in the catacombs and sleep over, i can assure you there is a HUGE complex under paris, that only a small part of it is opened to public, a bigger part has been restored, a bigger one concerning the exploration, but i wouldnt be suprised that ALL of the catacombs as not yet been discovered or rediscovered. ( like zahir hawass and the Giza plateau ahah)

Just wanted to post this although i didnt read the whole topic pages, may help some people

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Egad... That's some mystery. I intend to go there and explore someday, when I'm strong enough.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

I found this site looking for the EXACT same video you speak... I'm so curious to find out what happened i ACTUALLY want to go there myself to find out but I'm too much of a coward to do it so i research.... I know the mapping of the rout the guy took down there an if you want to check it out yourself i'll fill you in but it IS illegal to go down there...

if anyone finds the videos then my my... It was removed for a reason and i wanna know why to.
edit on 31-3-2012 by TheHyronProject because: (no reason given)

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