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Ann Coulter Shocks Cable TV Show, Declaring: Jews Need to Be Perfected

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by shihulud

It pretty much sounds like you are simply regurgitating something you read on the web or perhaps in a book. The truth is that the christian faith is much deeper than this and is well supported by hundreds of old testament prophecies. If you care to dig deeper you can look at this site.

Jesus is not pagan and is not a pagan myth. Rather it works the other way around. So called scholars deliberately mistranslated their egyptian and culled thousands of disparate sources to find vague similarities to the gospel. They then declared that Jesus is borrowed from pagan myths. Unfortunately for them, archeology fully supports both the old and the new testament.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by cavscout

Ah! Self sacrifice, I get it. Took one for the team.

Well sorry, but it wasnt good for ATS to post that sort of content. I didnt alert them but I think the Mods. did the right thing.

Nope, I could care less about points. I thought the shock value would drive the point home. If you are a political junkie you see a lot of this stuff sorry to say.

Frankly I haven't read all the posting rules yet. Right now I'm kind of driving by Braille so to speak. Sorry you were offended. Though I've seen worse innuendo on this site. Indeed just take a look at some of the images in peoples avatars.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by SevenThunders]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:03 PM
Please, return to the topic of the lovely talented Ann Coulter and her insightful views on the Jewish people.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:18 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again..

why let this woman have a platform for hate? Ignore her, maybe she'll go away. Stop watching Fox, stop responding to her outlandish speeches, don't buy her books, .... well unless you like her.. but seriously everyone else who can't stand this hate filled human being, ignore her. I didn't even read the article or the thread. I saw her name and that was enough for me.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by masqua
Please, return to the topic of the lovely talented Ann Coulter and her insightful views on the Jewish people.

As you wish, but the fact is there is nothing really left in this topic.
The outrage against Ann Coulter is a reaction to the idea that christians want all Jews to convert to christianity. That's hardly a controversial statement. Jews take offense to it because they have been taught that to become a christian means that you are no longer Jewish. For any other religion that would be a true statement, but in fact it is not true for a Jew and it's fairly easy to see why.

For a Jew, faith in Jesus simply means that you believe that Jesus is the Messiah already promised in their Old Testament. You do not have to change your culture or stop following the law or traditions. Indeed there are many messianic jewish congregations who believe in Jesus and follow all of the traditions.

Now it turns out that some Jewish sects believe that the Messiah is already here and he is a certain rabbi in New York City. They have some odd beliefs actually. Yet I've never heard Jews rise up and say that these people aren't Jews because they believe that such and such Rabbi is the Messiah. There are no personal attacks or outrage at their beliefs.

The primary reason that the Jews reject their own who trust in Jesus is due to the fact that phony christians in the past, used the sad fact of history that the Jewish high priesthood was complicit in the death of Jesus to persecute Jews. That poisoned the Jews against their Messiah for two thousand years. Right now though, evangelical christians are the jews and Israel's best friend. Everyone else seems to hate them irrationally as has been the pattern of history.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by masqua
Please, return to the topic of the lovely talented Ann Coulter and her insightful views on the Jewish people.

Okay - Ann Coulter needs to be castrated before she knocks some poor desparate woman up - or worse yet herself - and accidentally spawns the next nightmare of the mutant androgynoidic gene line.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by cavscout

Originally posted by shihulud
Why shouldn't people hate christianity as it has been the cause of so much hate and division in its short 2000 year stint.

Short 2000 year stint? Very few things last 2000 years, and of those that have none can be said to have had more influence on the world than Christianity.
Yes with its murdering of thousands if not millions of people that don't believe its crap. Yes that it a worthy religion eh?

And I challenge you to show me something, anything, that has been around 2000 years and not been perverted by greedy men to better their own situation.
I totaly agree that there is very little but christianity seems to be the most greedy of most religions although I see Islam as getting more perverted but that may be due to the christian leadership of the western world seeemingly thinking it has some sort of authority (which it doesn't).

Why do you single out Christianity? Why do you harbor so much hate in your heart? Is it because you are searching for something to fill the void?
Because I find that christianity is the biggest source of dissent within the world today. The muslims are just as pissed off with the christian leadership with the "my way or the high way" attitude. Christianity has NO right nor authority to suggest such things due to it being a false religion and even if it wasn't it still has no authority.

You’re hurt, and you are lashing out, but you are still loved.
Yes loved by my family and friends not by some invented deity that a minority of people believe exists - you tend to forget that there are over 20,000 christian denominations who disagree in one way or another in some way. Which other religion has such divisions? NONE, just goes to show eh?

Do you deny that christianity has had a role in the division of the world?

Yes, this I deny.
Its really a pity that swearing is prohibited on this site or you would have at least 100 profanities sent towards you against your reply. Christianity has killed more people in one way or another than any other religion. Only disease has killed more but then again isn't religion a disease that infects the mind?

Just as with anything that has been around that long you can point to dark (on the inside) men who have attempted to pervert it for their own good.
Yes just as the worlds religions continue to do so today

However if one follows the word of the Christ as he spoke it, one will be filled with love, understanding, peaceful intentions, humbleness, charity and good will towards all men be they Christian or not.
Why do christians feel they have the monopoly on morals and ethics (swear words again). Well before the supposed jesus these values were in use. It seems even jesus stole stuff from the buddhist way of thinking.

Why can't you realise that christianity is a false religion that has stole most of its values from the other religions that surrounded it at the time. FFS it stole xmas, easter and even tried to capitalise on halloween with its all saint's day pish.

Do you even know of what happened during the early years of christianity?

Its not as if I hate individual christians themselves hell my family are christian but the religion itself is a scourge on humanity as is every other.

No, like I said, the religion is no scourge. The few men who have used it poorly are the scourge.
[edit on 11-10-2007 by cavscout]
I agree that man would find some other way to subjegate the populace if not for religion but religion seems to be the best way so yes religion is a scourge on humanity.


posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Just goes to show that Neo-Cons don't really care about Jewish people they just believe in their [BS] biblical prophecy. They don't care who they use to get to it.

Originally posted by cavscout
I am sure she didnt make this statement in a loving and caring manner. It wasn’t a soothing and heartfelt offer of help and salvation.

I'd find it just as irritating just in a different way. It is arrogant through and through both ways and why I tend to dislike Christianity (and Islam for the same reason).

Changed minor profanity with [BS]

Please read ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors

[edit on 11/10/07 by masqua]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I must say your thoughts are the classic example of the intolerance of Christianity.

When ever a religion gets to the point that they have all the answers and the so called truth and every other religion is wrong then the religion claiming the so called truth is on the verge of being irrelevant.

Read the bible and the murders and child sacrifices that the god of the OT committed and this is the same god that christian believe that Jesus is, and came to this earth in the flesh as to save all humanity for their so called sins.

So for all christian that think that Jesus is the representation of god in the flesh of the Old Testament then you believe in a God that advocated murder, committed murder and condoned child sacrifices.

Ask yourself this question. Who's sins did Jesus really die for? The billions of people that have not been born before Jesus arrived and had not the opportunity to sin? Or for the murder and child sacrifice that he committed as god before he came in the flesh?

For biblical a explanation read this thread.'

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:38 PM
I dont agree with her use of the word "perfected". i think a more appropriate word would be saved. i have heard often the jews have it half right, which is untrue. the only way to the father is through the son. those who do not accept Jesus Christ will not experience eternal life.

please know that i am not a anti semite, anti muslim, anti tao, anti etc. i believe that every person has a right to chose whatever religion they want

but if you do not accept Christ as your lord and personal savior, there is no place in heaven for you

Jesus is all about love. Jesus loves osama bin laden, or even a rapist or child molester as much as he loves me. we are all sinners, and no sin is greater than another. its sounds like a bumper sticker, but the words ring true, christians arent perfect, they are forgiven.

christians seem to screw up christianity, but Jesus is not christianity. Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

This is a valid approach if you don't like Ann Coulter and how, in fact, the free enterprise system works.

It sure worked that way for Air America. Nobody liked the on air personalities, the guests, the content, etc. Didn't take long for the sponsors to realize this, and they disappeared with all their funding.

Result: a network many considered to be bigoted and hateful was off the air.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by shihulud

It pretty much sounds like you are simply regurgitating something you read on the web or perhaps in a book. The truth is that the christian faith is much deeper than this and is well supported by hundreds of old testament prophecies. If you care to dig deeper you can look at this site.
Oh yes us atheist's cannot think for ourselves. If jesus was the messiah WHY DON'T THE JEWS RECOGNISE HIM AS SUCH. Why didn't jesus fulfill the prophicies of the 'Hebrew Bible' Oh and while we're at it why did the christians change the ages of the patriarchs, I refer you to the septaguint version of genesis (which was used by the early christian leaders) If you care to check, it seems that the ages of begatting children are TOTALLY different to whats normally considered in the christian genesis, in fact if you calculate it out methuselah outlived the flood by 14 years(while still living to 969 years) but the christian version has him dying at the time of the flood - so convenient isn't it?

Jesus is not pagan and is not a pagan myth. Rather it works the other way around. So called scholars deliberately mistranslated their egyptian and culled thousands of disparate sources to find vague similarities to the gospel. They then declared that Jesus is borrowed from pagan myths. Unfortunately for them, archeology fully supports both the old and the new testament.
Oh I forgot that christianity seems to be immune to criticism - oh Satan made this #e up to try and debunk christianity (swear words). The fact that the main proponents of christianity were PAGAN'S (hmmm Paul of Tarsus whom BTW constitutes nearly 50% of the writings in the NT, Emperor Constantine who supposedly converted on his death bed) and the total similarities to virtually every pagan religion that went before and even at the same time as it. Did you notice that when christianity became the main religion that all other pagan religions and un orthodox christians were persecuted? I wonder why?


posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:09 PM
In case you didn't notice there is no news anymore. The so called news on television is nothing but entertainment. No pertinent information regarding world events goes on anymore. It is all staged. Written days in advance and the exact same prefabricated "news" is broadcast on all the major networks at the same time.

Here is how it works.. they find these nut cases such as Ann Coulter and let them say whatever they want for the shock value so that more people will tune in and wonder whats going on. It is a game to them. Corporate media is a joke.

I haven't relied on television as a source of information for 6+ years now.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by CPYKOmega]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:18 PM
I can't stand this woman. She is tacky & rude and if anyone ever deserved a little instant karma it's her. Maybe in her next life she'll come back mute.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by masqua

sorry never seen this - but I've had more of a rise in this forum than in most - I seem to kill things dead and it's good to debate.


posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:55 PM
I like Ann, but I think her outrageous statements stem from her frustration of not being born a man like Sen. Larry Craig so she could indulge in a little........foot tapping.........

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by zoso28
Jesus loves osama bin laden, or even a rapist or child molester as much as he loves me.

Wow he was a screwed up individual then.

Funny how he can love everyone and not be hated but if I do I'm a sicko... =/

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
I can't stand this woman. She is tacky & rude and if anyone ever deserved a little instant karma it's her. Maybe in her next life she'll come back mute.

I hope she comes back as a troll it would suit her.

[edit on 10/11/2007 by Kacen]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:52 PM
Video: Ann on Judaism 2007 on CNBC a Google-Vid 5 min

Video: Ann on US - Canadian relations and her understanding of Viet Nam a YouTube link.

She's "perfect". Much "fun".

I'd like to hear some more of what Valhall might consider as a "future" for "Ms. Coulter"... really, don't hold back now, Mmmm-kay?



posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Exactly. Any Christian would believe someone of any other religion would be better off by embracing Jesus and becoming a Christian.

not me

i hate religions, though (even though i do pray myself and i was raised as a roman catholic)...

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:08 PM
I'm usually a nice poster...BUT...

Ann Coulter is PURE Evil....and anyone who believes her or listens to her is just as evil. She is useless to debate and useless in general. Augh...she's a couple choice 4 letter words. that I got that out of my are you all tonight?

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