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Aldous Huxley speaks!

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posted on Dec, 4 2002 @ 10:43 PM
A Brave New World Order. Berkeley, March 20 1962
The topics that he covered include how to compell populations of people to consent to, and love their servitude.
Also covered in the dissertation was mind control by way of torture, hypnosis, and mind-altering drugs. Huxley explores each in detail.

Part 1
Part 2

and a little interesting thing about what microphones can pick up: During the intermission, Huxley says, My it is hot in here, perhaps we could improve ventilation, to which is replied by the presenter, I believe that it is part of the conditioning. See if you can hear it.
You need Real Player.

posted on Dec, 5 2002 @ 02:27 AM
Eh...Berkley is not well known for being "sane" when it comes to making decisions about society. But, I don't know, '62....a little early for drugs, but I wonder what Huxley would have to say about berkley becoming one of the biggest places for educating hippies in America?

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posted on Dec, 5 2002 @ 12:30 PM
so what is your point. Huxley died in '63 because of complications from an '___' trip. Previous to that, he joined with Timothy Leery and wrote a treatise on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, for people who were doing hallucinogens. I don't think the Huxster would care about the hippie thing.

posted on Dec, 8 2002 @ 02:00 PM

During the intermission, Huxley says, My it is hot in here, perhaps we could improve ventilation, to which is replied by the presenter, I believe that it is part of the conditioning

i'm just wondering where abouts you heard that, i listened to it half asleep which may be why i missed it. also i was concetrating on the end of the first clip so maybe i was looking in the wrong place aswell.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 05:53 PM
the 'intermission' when some students have to get up to go to some classes. As they are shuffling around to leave, it is said then. If you have some sound editing software you can bring it right up. If not, then just listen real closely. LOL

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 08:18 PM
Um Ma-Ha-Bone Huxley died from '___'? That's like following a 7 year old into battle! Huxley had no brain if he was trippin out on that stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if he also thought the moon was talking to him.

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posted on Dec, 11 2002 @ 03:40 PM

Um Ma-Ha-Bone Huxley died from '___'? That's like following a 7 year old into battle! Huxley had no brain if he was trippin out on that stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if he also thought the moon was talking to him.

he was like 70 when he died from lsd. so it was probably cardiac arrest or something along those lines. note that he died from complications from lsd

posted on Dec, 16 2002 @ 01:28 PM
if Huxley had no brain then he made incredible use of whatever it was that did the thinking for him. Do you even know who his father was? How about his brother? Cripes! You're talking about a family that produced quite a few influential intellects...not to mention the influence they've had over other, more public intellects...

posted on Dec, 16 2002 @ 09:17 PM
Do not judge one's capabilities on their families.

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posted on Jan, 29 2003 @ 11:29 AM
You amaze me with your ignorance...Aldous Huxley was a brilliant writer, researcher etc...he was quite prolific as a should really check out who is is before you start slagging him....LOLOLOLOL...more proof of Freemasons this point you are becoming a joke...

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 12:47 AM
[Edited on 2-12-2003 by EPLURIBUSUNUM]

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