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This is America Freedom

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posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 02:08 AM
Do you find these images offensive what would you do if you were called upon to defend humanity.

Which is an inch away.This the 1950 missle crisis.

see what they don't tell you is they did # like this iraq war.

america was in the height of the Korean war then leading up to vietnam a 2nd occupation.

ok WW2 at least 2-3 mill dead with masked graves official # is 1 mill each side so real number WW2.

in the last 70 yrs we had about 8 years of presidential wartime peace.
to put it in perspective.

3rd country in.

Afghan Iraq Syria Iran soon to be egypt and africa.

Are going to be American own global goverement.

are you joking?

seriously do you know history have you even scene.

And they claim they teach this in school.

And then you will see the christian popes rise up to declare christ to iraq iran I kid you not!

They have it all planned out!

[edit on 30-9-2007 by infamouskiller]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:18 AM
Learn to type.
Or be coherent.
Or support your claims.
Or actually make stable claims.
Or best yet, learn to type.

Your posts have caused my eyes to become sore.
I'm going to go lay down.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:15 AM
In the words of William Sherman;

"You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it"

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:39 AM
My head is spinning from this OP.

I'm sorry but you really need to slow down and form a coherent & detailed post about what you're trying to say.

So far I've only understood:

We have "souls" that are "black" if we don't agree with whatever you're trying to push. That's really all that's coming through, and a bunch of YouTube videos that have all been shown before.

Now, let me present to you a bunch of videos from our soldiers in Iraq either getting blown up or attacked directly by insurgents. There's a real threat there, no matter if it was created by our government or not. There IS a threat.

(some of these may be graphic) - IED - Truck bomb - IED - IED disposal - IED - IED - Firefight

Then there are the videos that come straight from the insurgency in Iraq, that show their side fighting against the U.S/British soldiers. If you want to see those for yourself, you can easily find them on LiveLeak.

I'll admit: I can find an equal amount of videos showing U.S soldiers acting questionably.

At this point, it's completely obvious that a majority of the enemy presence was created through our own presence there. That can be attributed to the completely unfounded decision to go into Iraq, but, there's a greater goal then to create chaos (both here in the U.S and there). That goal is the presence in itself.

So, what? By creating this completely incoherent thread your goal was to educate us here at ATS? There are a plethora of posts that aren't filled with propaganda! Deny ignorance.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Donoso
Then there are the videos that come straight from the insurgency in Iraq, that show their side fighting against the U.S/British soldiers. If you want to see those for yourself, you can easily find them on LiveLeak.

Just like to comment, as the FSME here, regarding insurgency videos.

Graphic/violent videos should not be upload to ATS. In fact, T&C does point out that any material of a violent nature should not be posted.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by infamouskiller

Prove those in that video are AMERICAN soldiers. You may want to start in explaining the difference in camo patterns between current American issue and those seen in the video.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:20 AM
I understand your out rage and conviction. But yuu are targeting th ewrong people. These KIDS have been put in a survival mode- which triggers far more reactions than you hav econsidered. Once you are told "Flight ' is not an option your body and mind are kicked into 'fight' mode- all bets are off and survive at all costs. This gov't and their co conspirators have placed these people ( young and older) in asituation where civility is no longer an option.
Yes men ( and women) do horrible things while in uniform- because they have had their instinctual mechanisms triggered. Ration thoughtfulness is a luxury they have no time to participate in. Also Our gov't assures by their use of standard mind control techniques to keep our soldiers 'wired for preemptive actions. This being said, this is the other reason I paid no attention to BetrayUS- He is not only controlled by his blind faith and ambition, but his innate mind is still over reacting.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:21 AM
I can't take this post for there is too much incorhant one line posts. If the OP could focus on one issue maybe we can have a discussion, but that would mean a multi way dialog and I’m not seeing that here.

One line rants really do not help much towards one's point either.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 12:16 PM
I am not sure I under stand correctly here. Our friends and family over seas fighting this "war" are suppose to let the insurgents kill them and be good people, or kill the insurgents and have "black souls"???? Would you shoot back if you were shot at? Or would you say hey, they are trying to kill me....maybe I will let them.

I do beleive that this war was created by our own govt. I do belive the 9/11 truth videos I have seen. But, I hope to God that my friends over there are not just going to let somebody kill them. The soldiers are doing what they were trained to do and ORDERED to do.

I think the only things I have been able to understand here are from the last 6 replies!!! Slow down and think before you type.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 02:39 PM
omg you still think there a army.

Bush lied this is all a lie plain and simple

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 03:58 PM
Still going to have to ask for sources in-stead of rambling.

'Deny Ignorance' and all that.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:06 PM
And he lied. So what. Give us your proof. I honestly beleive he did. You can not start rambling about things unless you understand them. The only thing I do not understand is why you have to keep saying my family has black hearts for trying to stay alive?? They even tell me they wish we would pull out since they agree that this is all a farce. But should he just let the other guy kill him????????????

I am pretty new here. Are people alowed to post rants and raves and show no proff for what they are trying to say?

[edit on 30-9-2007 by Timmyboi23]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati

Put you life where your beliefs are, go to Iraq, and stand between the US military and the Iraqis...........

I'm certain it will NOT be the US military that shoots you

Somehow, I find that highly unlikely.


posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

Hi slackwire,

The troops in the video are British.

The incident it shows happened in Basra a year or two ago, they were dispersing a riot and decided that instead of just doing what Saddam's men would have done and open fire and just kill everyone there, they were going to chase them away and if possible get a hold of a few and give them a swift kicking, just like every Brit who's worked themselves has had done to them* and unlike the OP says there were no 7 year old kids involved as far as i can remember.

Rogue 9

*When i was growing up you didn't get in to trouble if you could help it because if the policeman got you he'd clip you round the ears and take you home and tell your mam, and she'd hit you again.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Great post, I enjoyed your movies... A real eye-opener.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by infamouskiller
omg you still think there a army.

Bush lied this is all a lie plain and simple

Lol I have spent a year over there in our military, and there was a rather big army over there when I was there, and so does that make me a Bush crony?

[edit on 30-9-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:44 PM
The context of the videos are questionable. The soldiers maybe thought the bus held terrorist or other weapons. What if the bus failed to stop at a check point? One of the men got out of the bus and RAN, you don't do that! You surrender if you are innocent, not run! Soldiers themselves are not evil, the orders given are. After the (one sided) fire fight the soldiers gave first aid, scrambled to them "put him on the hood, the hood" trying to save them, you can hear at one point one soldier gives cease fire when they realize its innocent bus. Im not defending anything I saw, but I will say again, the context of this video is in question, as we don't know what happened before, THEREFORE we have no right to debate it!!! PERIOD. For the marines own sake of their lives, they now shoot first and ask later when the officers feel necessary.

Yes the war itself is wrong, but what people, like infamous, fail to realize is that the moral ground at which the war is being "fought" is correct. Even though thats truly not the grounds for the war, the "so called" is correct. 9/11 was setup, yes, but the situation in the world is far more complex than infamous, or others, actually know. Bush truly believes taking over iraq and handing it to a new government will give some stability in the mid east. I doubt this but... Sudan had to be taken out of power, he was a menace to his own people and frankly a hitler in rising. Its true sudan wanted nothing to do with terrorist, but he failed to push them out of his country, and established a "dont mess with me, I dont mess with you" relationship with them, and that CANT STAND.

Do not support the war, SUPPORT THE TROOPS, because they are just mindless, unknowing unfortunate pawns in this global catastrophe. It is no fault of any 1 of them, or any of them, that this is happening (happened). Remember, this is fact: The gov is evil, NOT THE TROOPS. The orders are wrong/evil, NOT THE TROOPS. I'm going in the army to be an MP myself, to help people and arrest criminals, and peoples lack of knowledge makes me second guess if I really want to defend this country FULL OF ARROGANCE. I'm doing so anyway because its whats right, so consider yourself lucky infame I'm such a good person. Its truly sucks for me I have to make sure some of you worthless people with tiny brains stay alive and safe.

Furthermore, infamous's lack of knowledge in this situation makes me want to go go crazy! As yes, this was wrong, but the context IS UNKNOWN, its very clear the marines helped them immediately after when they, more than less, realized their mistake. Seriously infamous, you remind me of a left winger desperate for votes, grow a brain!! Police and military won't take over america unless in a state of martial law, where america is attacked/crippled and order has to be maintained for good of the people.

Originally posted by Knightshadowz

Originally posted by thedigirati

Put you life where your beliefs are, go to Iraq, and stand between the US military and the Iraqis...........

I'm certain it will NOT be the US military that shoots you

Somehow, I find that highly unlikely.


Shut up, hes right. US would not shoot him. The T's would. Bunch of tools in here!!!

Originally posted by infamouskiller
Please don tell me I am free to post here are you joking the WWW ahs nothing to do with the us gov. giving me a freedom to do it.

Again you prove how little your brain holds as "information". The us gov invented WAN topology you brainless wit! Universities then adopted WAN, then ISP's gave WAN connectivity to consumers. You are "free" to post here, because the government gave you something called... ISP's!!! Free enterprise and freedom itself allows you a connection, and allows you spilling your crap on the internet. So thank them for that! If you stand behind what you say, go hack a connection to WAN illegally! DONE

[edit on 30-9-2007 by 1337cshacker

[edit on 30-9-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by 1337cshacker
The context of the videos are questionable. The soldiers maybe thought the bus held terrorist or other weapons.

Damnit 1337cshacker stop trying to put reason into this, but to caveat on your post...

You know, I seen a lot of battle footage that just shows, as example, 3 men walking down a road and then BAM a hellfire hits them right in the middle killing all three. What the video doesn’t show is they did a mortar attack on the base and another UAV was watching them do it and then tracked them as another with missiles came over to take them out. Even in the case where innocent people are killed the vast and I mean “vast’ majority of the time they did something that they should have not done to get themselves into the situation. In a world where everyone could have a bomb on their body or every car could be rigged with a very large explosive there is no such thing as taking chances. All of our guys have set rules to follow, but they also cannot assume that a car just happens to run a few outer check points by accident.

As everyone says war is hell and in a world were close to 100% of your fighting is asymmetric type battles there are no forward front lines, and there is no one in uniform other than our troops, and in that situation you just cannot take chances.

[edit on 30-9-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:28 PM
So your agreeing? If so I'm glad someone else has a brain worth mentioning.

Yes everyone, innocents have been killed in this war (just like ALL WARS), but NOT INTENSIONALLY! Thats my main point, but as specific point, well just read my post again, no need to say it twice.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati
Are you saying that we should NOT do exactly what YOU are doing?

Wow what a rant you go on, and where is the beginning of the bus video? Why does it start after it's on fire??

How much crying did you do on 9-11-01? and what have You personally done to prevent it from happening again?? where were you when the elections took place in 2000 or 2004?

"if you don't stand behind the troops; Feel free to stand in front of them"

Put you life where your beliefs are, go to Iraq, and stand between the US military and the Iraqis...........

I'm certain it will NOT be the US military that shoots you

Wow. What an excellent post! BRAVO to you!

*proud military wife*

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