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Hi All! I am Jenn, from Canada.

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posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Hi All! I am Jenn, from Canada.
I have had some strange experiences, most of them when I was a child up till about the age of 25 when it began to slow down.
I haven't got a clue why, or what or how, but weird stuff does happen in this world and there is no trying to convince others, most need to experience it for themselves I guess.
I am an adoptee who found my biological family when I was 25 and made the confirmation that my very odd experiences were infact hereditary.
The family I grew up in did not believe in the paranormal at all, very difficult for me in my position (I felt haunted all of my childhood) but I had a nice normal childhood with good parents. It was just me who wasn't normal.
It is quite possible that abductions took place in my family and even to me who was adopted at birth and had no contact with my birth family at all prior to my adoptive mother passing away (it was her last request for me to find my birth mother).
I was interested in the occult at a very very young age, mostly because I needed to know what I was dealing with and how to fight back, but found out that my great grandfather was an occultist and healer later on, unfortunatly I never met him, I have a lot of questions.
My grandfather who I met a year before his passing had seen the same entites that I had and that was weird. My birth parents also had a ufo encounter the night I was concieved and met a strange man whom they claim had rubber looking skin and black eyes. They hitched a ride with him into the woods if you can believe that! There is a bit of mystery around my conception, birth and adoption, so I have a big big intrest in paranormal topics.
I have some weird storys to tell, maybe slowly I will be able to share them. ~ J ~

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 08:52 PM
Hi Jenn
Welcome first most, and second thanks for finding us here and sharing your story with us
I too came here in about the same mind set. And just aslong as your honest and dont mind getting asked a couple questions about what you said, Im sure you will find many here to help you. I wish you luck, and will be there watching, reading, thinking.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 08:54 PM
Welcome aboard Jenn. You're in the right place. I look forward to your posts.

If you're looking for lighter topics BTS is WAY cool.


posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 08:54 PM
hi jen, welcome to ATS

i was just in canada a week ago, i stayed in BC for 2 days

where in canada are you staying at?

its really nice up there


posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 09:03 PM
Hi Jenn!

Welcome to ATS! I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences. There are others here that have had "special moments" and it's always helpful when another comes forward and shares. Our goal is to fit another piece in the puzzle.

Be sure and word your posts in such a way that it is clear you are describing personal experiences and are simply sharing and comparing with others. It'll make for a smoother thread.

Hope you enjoy your visits here for many years,

Welcome aboard,


[edit on 8/22/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 09:09 PM
Thanks for the welcome... wow, that was fast hehehe.
I am living out in Eastern Quebec at the moment but was born in Montreal.
I came here after locating my birth family. It is beutiful, but a bit isolating at times, its no wonder people see things hehehehe.
Seriously though, I have some odd perspectives I guess...
when your childhood is so full of out of the ordinary things, its hard to stay ordinary at times, but I have to try, I have 4 kids... dont want to freak them out to much. I recently contacted a psychologist because I needed someone elses prespective of my brain that was bias, so we have done some tests. She told me off the record that she believes that I went through something out of the ordinary and I would be good to take a trip up to the native reservation and speak to someone there, she said I had a high IQ hahahahaha... I dont know about that, and that I have had my perception of the world altered, I am going through some kind of spiritual trial I imagine. Anyhow... I have no problem answering questions, I have lots myself, even thought of seeing a hypnotist but I am not sure about that. TY again for the replys! ~ J ~

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:21 PM
Hi Jenn and welcome. There's a few of us on here from Eastern Canada, New Brunswick my self. Looking forward to reading your posts.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:31 PM
Greetings JEnigma

Welcome to the best site on the net. I hope you find a home here amongst us.

Good introduction
Hope to see you around the board.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Welcome to ats Jenn.. looking forward to reading some of your stories that you want to share,

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 06:04 PM

I am new here as well, so hopefully I will see you around in the forums!

Have fun here.


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