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Fox News/CNN Sold Us Out & Destroyed The Evidence

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posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:05 PM
this is kindof a bad question.....

but at 3:35 in this video:
is that somebody jumping out of the second tower on fire?on the bottom left of the hole...(thats the bad part)...or is it something dripping out...because it appears to still be trailing when the camera man brings the camera back to the hole after following what ever fell...

1 full minute before the second tower falls....

[edit on 10-8-2007 by wenfieldsecret]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

Here is my description of what my wife and I saw on FOX/CNN during the opening act of 9/11:

What happened next was incomprehensible. The news anchors on both CNN and FOX News encouraged people who worked in and around the WTC that it was business as usual. Pressing on their ear pieces and hesitating between sentences, it was as if someone was carefully choosing their words for them.

They SPECIFICALLY and repeatedly advised employees of Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley that it was going to be a BIG TRADING DAY and they were going to miss out on hefty commissions if they didn't come in to work. This was extremely peculiar.

I notice that no one else has mentioned or coraborated you story on this point. You specificlly mention both CNN and Fox as both mentioning this and doing it repeatedly. I wasn't up at the time and don't have the energy to research it but somewhere there must still be records of both CNN and FOX's broadcasts of the time in question.

Till at least someone else confirms your assertation, I am skeptical. Lack of evidence is not proof to me.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:25 PM

What I remember from that morning is a brief interview with a USAF officer on CNN (I think) who claimed that they were unsure whether or not their own jets had shot down United 93. I was baffled that Air Force brass could be unsure about this.

But this is off topic.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:31 PM
Pavil, I did post above that I remembered similar shenanigans that day.

Besides, I think the opening post addresses the fact that there is a lack of evidence to prove anything. I don't think his/her intention is to make us "believe" anything based on his/her story. He/she is just asking if any of us remembered that and if anyone has found video evidence.

We are still in the Investigation portion of this discussion - far too soon for conclusions.
See if you can locate any videos from that time period - that's what I've been doing.

[edit on 8/10/2007 by damajikninja]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by wenfieldsecret
is that somebody jumping out of the second tower on fire?

No, that's not a person, this short video of a thermite reaction looks quite similar though.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

Originally posted by JIMC5499
What does a missile sound like?

To quote the guy (Correspondent Don Dahler) on the phone:

"I am about 4 or 5 blocks just north of the WTC...and about 10-15 minutes ago there was a loud sound that .....I can only describe it as it sounded like a missile...not an airplane....and there was a loud explosion and immediately lots of screaming out on the streets. I dont want to cause any speculation, but that's the only way I can describe the sound...and it was definately not the sound of a prop plane or anything like that....I have a pilot's license and I grew up on miltary bases, so I know what jets sound like...and I've been in war zones and heard those kinds of different sounds."

He does go on to say that it could've been a jet or a missile, but definately not a prop plane.

Now I'm uncertain that you remember the events clearly on 9/11, because you completely just misstated what Don Dahler said. He said he DIDN'T have a pilot's license, but he grew up on military bases.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by damajikninja
Pavil, I did post above that I remembered similar shenanigans that day.
My apologies, I must have missed it. They were telling employees of those two firms to go in as it was going to be a busy day and not too miss out on their commissions?

That just seems very out of character for any news report. Broadcasting on national news to a relatively very tiny percentage of the population.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:17 PM
This does not change anything at all.Just because they were mistaken and did not have all the facts does not mean anything at all really.This happens all the time with every news story.Watch the news and here how many times they say and the police are now saying.Or so and so is now saying..

You cannot have all the facts of an event the second that event happens.What are you trying to say with this post and what took so long for you to say it..........

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Muppetus Galacticus

Originally posted by JIMC5499

What does a missile sound like?

Whooossssshhhh!!! But that's just a guess

It is like when a firefighter says he heard a bomb and that is then latched onto before researching said firefighter to see if has any experience, in the military for example, to see if he actually knows the difference between a bomb and another kind of explosion.

Does the ABC guy know what "something LIKE a missile" flying past sounds like? He isn't actually saying it sounded just like a missile remember but let's be sure here. What is his background? Has he been around missiles at all? Research, research, research

i agree with you 100%. Thats why i take it very seriuously when more than one person @ the pentagon scene who was in fact trained to identify a bombing indeed said that it was a bomb site.

whats really ironic about the case in point is that the reference to a missile is in compsrison to a jet, i.e. it sounded like a missile or jet, not a prop plane as originaly indicated.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:27 PM
when the discovery channel ran the show with witness testimony.....i remember one of them saying that when they heard or felt the explosion ...that practically everyone started to evacuate like it was no big deal....calmly and what not....and when they got to the bottom...someone said that everything was okay....and to go back to work....(i believe the witness was from tower 2)

anyone else remember this?

p.s. thanks for the video Aces...

[edit on 10-8-2007 by wenfieldsecret]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 07:06 PM
i have sen the exact footage that you spoke of and i remember how they blew it off as a small plane, and the fire department where arriving so no one should worry things should be handled soon. i remember they commented how it would be interesting how they put it out.
however on the 2nd or 3rd anniversary "i think" cnn replayed the entire morning over again as it played from when they first started that morning. they actualy had a time line and they started with some boring story and switched the wtc story and reported a small plane seemed to have accidentally crashed into the wtc. rewatching the beginning was so surreal considering i knew how it would all turn out. It brought back the shock of the day and the way we felt and acted before that day happened. It was such a life changing morning for America, It blew my mind that first reports of it were so completely under valued. i will ask around if anyone recorded the replay. at first i thought i did but i cant find it as of yet. i'll keep trying , good luck on your search.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by pjslug
Now I'm uncertain that you remember the events clearly on 9/11, because you completely just misstated what Don Dahler said. He said he DIDN'T have a pilot's license, but he grew up on military bases.

You are correct. Dahler did make it a point to say "I have flown but I do not have a pilot's license." Whether or not this makes him a less credible witness due to this fact is probably splitting hairs. It wasn't an intentional error on my part and did not serve to strengthen my position. I was trying to quote Dahler for JIMC5499, who asked what a missile would sound like.

Besides, I don't think ABC was intentionally misleading anyone on 9/11. CNN and FOX News, on the other hand, were laying some whoppers out there. Conspiracy to commit mass murder is an offense not to be taken lightly. I'm sure that they are well aware of crimes they are innocent of, until proven guilty.

Unless we can all find a common ground to make a stand in the near future, we might as well start making arrangements to secede from the union before FEMA takes over. I knows there's a chink in their armor somewhere, but they are good at covering their 'cracks'.

Anyway, back to the video hunt... this guy Richard Andrew Grove says in this presentation that he started recording headline news 18 hours a day to DVD. I wonder if he's still kicking?

[edit on 8/10/07 by HaveSeen4Myself]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
Thanks for the suggestions, guys.

The chances of anyone having this on TIVO, DVR, or VHS are very slim for a few reasons. I imagine hordes of people recorded the broadcast of 9/11
[edit on 8/10/07 by HaveSeen4Myself]

did someone checked this site?

Date: 2001-09-11 12:48:09 UTC Air Time: 2001-09-11 08:48:09 EDT Length: 0:41:41

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by pavil
My apologies, I must have missed it. They were telling employees of those two firms to go in as it was going to be a busy day and not too miss out on their commissions?

That just seems very out of character for any news report. Broadcasting on national news to a relatively very tiny percentage of the population.

I wholeheartedly agree pavil. I would have to be quite ignorant to falsely make up these claims, since good men have died for much less. However, if what I say is accurate, what would you do in my position? I just can't get my head around the idea that a group of people have such a stranglehold on the information contained in every archive on the world wide web. Who is more paranoid here....the perps or the victims?

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by themaster1

did someone checked this site?

Date: 2001-09-11 12:48:09 UTC Air Time: 2001-09-11 08:48:09 EDT Length: 0:41:41

Bingo, Great find.
Watching it now. 1 st interview of someone describes it as a big two engine jet like a 737.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 08:01 PM
its sad, we live in a day and age where money cant buy you the truth.

if the richest man on earth [ bill gates/others] was to seek for answers and willing to trade all his riches, we still would not have the truth.


sad sad. but but,

this is deep, deeper than fox or cnn of course as you all know.

so no need to play devils advocate or point fingers. fox and cnn are all tools, puppets dangling from strings that they think dont exist.

whatever technology the US didnt want the middle east/Iraq to have, they have succeeded.

they might even argue that this was for the "greater good"

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 08:33 PM
since my post was not addressed i again ask what you seek to accomplish by pointing out that in the heat of the moment they said it was a cessna?Did you know the second the plane hit that it was a 747?negative

What's the point of all this?It is no secret 911 has been covered up by many many different companies and even the goverment.However trying to remember the exact events that happend 6 years ago would be an accomplishment for any person.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 08:43 PM
Just watched the CNN portion of the time frame in question. There was never a mention that people should continue to go to work to miss a Big market day or anything even remotely like that. They was confusion as to what occurred in the first few minutes as to what actually was going on.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 08:57 PM
Hello themaster1. The CNN footage you linked to is totally bogus. Those aren't even the same news anchors who were there on 9/11.

The timeline is also wrong, since the story broke three minutes earlier. If you will notice, they immediately use the words 'very disturbing' and 'devastating'. On 9/11 these words weren't used until after the South Tower exploded.

The unconfirmed Cessna theory would have never even been suggested, if this footage was authentic. Any reference to a Cessna on 9/11 is definately getting harder to find, so I guess they're efficiently purging that from history also.

But if you weren't glued to cable news on 9/11 I probably sound like a space cadet. Since the tragedy occured on a Tuesday morning when practically nobody was paying attention, I realize that the claims I am making sound absurd to practically everyone.

They don't need to neutralize people like me really, because society in general does it for them. But this is the nature of the beast, and it takes either a lot of courage and/or insanity to make the claims I've put before you in this thread.

I've had two major UFO encounters in my life also (which I've posted about on ATS), so I'm no stranger to being in the severe minority. I stand firmly behind every post I've ever made here and I have no regrets. If we ever achieve the technology to upload our memories on ATS, I'll be the first in line.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:04 PM
Here is the FOX news broadcast of the timeframe being discussed.

Edit this is not comlete..bad youtube title. Sometimes I hate YouTube.

Fox did rebroadcast and stream the 2001 coverage on sept 11, 2006 keeping right in time with the events as they unfolded in 2001.

[edit on 10-8-2007 by pavil]

[edit on 10-8-2007 by pavil]

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