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[HOAX] Haiti UFO Video - YouTube - [HOAX]

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posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by swordsaint
to say that these are "horrible" is just idiocy, especially when you have no idea what creating something this realistic entails. give credit where credits due u know?

The videos ARE "horrible" because they are made by amateurs that don't know the meaning of "paying attention to detail". Someday when they reach the professional stage of their career they might learn that, and their video's flaws won't be so obvious to people like myself.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 03:46 PM
It is heartening to see the spirits of the posts in the pursuit of truth. We have been trained to be good gears over the century or more, and ignore the questions. No one here is a gear it seems. Very impressed with this string.

I have problems with either argument still. I am also taking into account the disinformation element we have been subjected to by the black intelligence orgs. No way to know for sure. I as many know such things exist, but the cynicism of those who know not can become a pranksters motivations.

The ban is appropriate, or we would not respect the management for this site. The offer to stay open to the alleged associated persons claims of having proof is the right thing to do. I was afraid that as one of the people whom took a stand on the damage that hoaxes do to the science that I was shameing and thereby scaring the person away, not wanting to endure our barbs.

We have to discount the reality of these videos until evidence is conclusive either way. The videos are an extraordinary claim. I have yet to see extraordinary evidence. So there it sits, maybe forever.

Hey, maybe it's real and is was a survey being done for a Before and After for the hurricane hitting the Haiti area. And a monkey just jumped from my pants.

Please do keep this string on the spool. It still might bear fruit. Thank you.


posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 04:06 PM
I have a problem with complimenting such a cynical act.

"i do personally think these videos are excellent work. very realistic, very believable. bravo to the creators (whoever you are) you sure do have a great talent."

I HAVE seen something I could not explain, and did do extensive CGI to duplicate the visual account, but I would never even think of faking it as real. When I was a kid I remember thinking if people saw what I believed they would too. I was smart enough then to discount the idea, knowing that I would do more damage to truth, if just in my own expectation of of the capacity for truth from others. My faith in the integrity of man was damaged by this event. I have no words for such a thing for them. I would definately not encourage their talent to try and impress me again.

Yea, we have had genius criminals, warring emperors, generals and leaders. I think Edward Teller was an idiot who had a talent for physics and was so ego-driven that he had to create the biggest weapon at all costs. I do not think this is intelligence or true genius however. We do not even know if these guys whomever, can even see over the dashboard of life yet. My guess is young and potentially talented, but retarded by an unethical paradigm and slightly sociopath attitude.

Don't encourage this behavior and let them see how unintelligent this was.


posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 05:08 PM
Hey folks, I've been checking in on this discussion for several weeks and just joined up.

Did anyone else notice that the same pentagonal "craft" that were shown in the Haiti DR videos also seem to have been featured months ago in the "UFO fleet over Brooklyn" vid, which can still be seen at:

They are the one's that seem to be turning orange periodically.

I was inpressed by one detail in this video: that is the reflection of some ships in the window in the forground. That is a sophisticated detail hat would not have been missed if left out.

In any case, if the Haiti DR shots are hoaxes, the same hoaxters are probaby responsible for the Brooklyn vids. And in these vids there are faces of actual people involved, who may be identified. There was also a video purporting to interview a "witness" to the Brookyn fleet but this one seems to have been removed from the web entirely.

It certainly appears that the people who originally posted the brookly fleet vids ("grosdad") , seem to have decided they wanted them off the web.

Pardon me if any or all of this has been discussed before. I confess I have not read all 80 pages of discussion.

Personally, I find all these videos very compelling, and full of really creative details and concepts that speak highly of the hoaxter's talent, sensibility and intelligence. Approve of them or not, I think that anyone who contends these were made by some teenage loser with no life is not considering the evidence.

Here is another suggestion for a motive in making these hoaxes (if they are hoaxes): perhaps a few CGI artists had a contest to see who could get the most hits on youtube, and the winner would get a prize, and/ or glory and admiration.

I hope someone has the time and energy to look into the brooklyn fleet vids, as that will lead you to the origin of the Haiti vids. If they are hoaxes (as everyone seems to accept).

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 01:26 PM
Interesting, on again, off again HOAXES.

Download when you can, repost for discussion purposes.

I'm not up to checking out all the latest HOAXES because there are more
than enough normal UFO videos and photos on the web.

Its more fun to find CGI work than see something unknown.

Whos is going to point out an XXDelta when we see one.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Just curious, but does anyone who believed this junk even for a second feel even a little silly right now? I know you were waiting for someone to conclusively prove it was cgi (besides the fact it was OBVIOUS, as I said from the early pages of this thread) but did you even for a second think that some sort of video like this would pop up on "youtube" and if it was real get no attention from ANY other type of media?????

CGI or not, common sense alone should have told you this is nothing more than fantasy. No need to even debate the fact that it was cgi, just use some common sense on what you are seeing and why you are seeing it and there is your answer. How hard is that?

My main problem is I don't want to see 78 pages for every obviously fake video just because there are some people SO eager to believe they will overlook the common sense reasons and put the burden of proof on those of us who have the technical ability (but maybe not the infinite time and resources) to prove stuff like this is fake. Screw that, from now on you prove it's real, lol.

Its threads like this and that stupid "chad drone" thing that makes me think that perhaps people are a either a little too gullible or a little to eager to believe.

[edit on 21-8-2007 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 05:12 PM
"Just curious, but does anyone who believed this junk even for a second feel even a little silly right now? I know you were waiting for someone to conclusively prove it was cgi (besides the fact it was OBVIOUS, as I said from the early pages of this thread) but did you even for a second think that some sort of video like this would pop up on "youtube" and if it was real get no attention from ANY other type of media????? "

I don't feel silly at all.

I would rather be smart and look dumb than the other way around.

The CGI was not "obvious" to many intelligent people including me, and experts have confirmed that it was extremely well done.

As for the coverage of the "other media", are you kidding?

The mass sighting at O'Hare was only reported at all through the extraordinary efforts and courage of a couple of individuals. If the Chicago Tribune reporter had not risked his job and reputation by reporting that incident we would never have known about it, and as it is, very little has been disclosed.

The only other coverage it did get was from smirking, sarcastic news anchors making jokes about "little green men" and "the X-files".

If a person had videoed that incident and the Tribune reporter hadn't had such balls, we may well have only heard about O'Hare from a shaky, anonymous video on YouTube and you can bet it would be immediately debunked as CGI by all the clever "experts" out there who wouldn't know a UFO if it flew up their butt.

Ditto for the English Channel sightings.

Ditto for the affidavit of Walter Haupt.

Why aren't the testimonies of the "Disclosure Project" front page news? Former generals and defense secretaries claiming first hand knowledge of UFO's and goverment cover ups. Find me any mention of that astoounding story in the major media

The odds are that the first genuine, definitive video of a genuine UFO will be (or has been) taken on a cheap camcorder by an ordinary Joe. He will send it the "other media" and they won't touch it because of the chance that it is a hoax. He will then post it on YouTube where it will be ignored and/ or debunked.

Youtube and similar sites are something new, andthey have the capacity to change the way we learn about the world. I think we should watch carefully but be discerning.

I don't believe that all "other media" is actively conspiring to conceal UFO stories, but there is certainly a powerful culture of ridicule and stigma regarding this subject, in the press and in academia.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by nonprophet
The only other coverage it did get was from smirking, sarcastic news anchors making jokes about "little green men" and "the X-files".

A guy should make up a database of news reporters, and media people who ridicule and make a mockery of the UFO's and potential alien visitations. Save all their clips and news bits, then in the future when aliens do actually arrive to the masses, and these same reporters start reporting the "glorious visitations from our galactic friends", there will be quick access to their past reports to point out all their hypocrisies, and derogatory reporting styles. Hehehe...

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:03 PM
New video from barzolff814 on YouTube!! Is this a hoax aswell?

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Naughty grannies

"...Back from haiti with a new toy... "



Finally, we see the toy ...

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:52 AM

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 01:46 AM
Here's a link to a similar toy, he must have added some pieces (be sure and watch the video):

Note: The remote is larger than the one shown in Barz's video, so it's a different make.

Note 2: I'm sure his wife and his boyfriend, Dennis, ask this one all the time and I'll ask it as well, "Is 22 seconds the best you can do, Barz?"


[edit on 8/22/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 02:19 AM
ha nice one.. he's gonna start the drama all over again. funny.. hes definately got the cgi thing down.

no trees and now people.. hes been reading.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 04:02 AM

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 04:44 AM
wow, that "proof" video is absolutely stunning.
It would be very hard, if not impossible, to tell weither this would be real or hoax

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 04:51 AM
*moves out of the way for all the backpedaling*

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by sideburn

I loved the the bit....."The scary part, he said, was that in spite of the evidence, "many people refuse to believe it's a hoax."

If the LA Times story is correct, methinks perhaps he was cleverly creating interest in his film project idea.

He says it was also part of a social experiment? I think we need more of them. Yes there are hoaxers aplenty and one is a little peeved at "Oh no not another one!!!" but maybe eventually there will be a leveling out of rationality. There are too many who only need the slightest whiff of something different, before they declare this is concrete proof "they" are here.

Reality eventually will reach the consciousness of most, I believe. Its like those old pictures of fairies and ectoplasm from the past. People back then ignorant of technology, were easily fooled, I think in part by wanting to believe too much.

Oh well time to charge up the mental batteries ready for the next hoax...erm..I mean sighting

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 05:39 AM
Hey, Barzolff814! Stop by ATS, we wanna talk to you about this!!!

He wont be stopping by...

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 06:02 AM
hi tunning spork,
this is barzolff814. I'm ready to talk in few hours. you can send me a message on my Utube account to verify my identity.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by ummofriend
hi tunning spork,
this is barzolff814. I'm ready to talk in few hours. you can send me a message on my Utube account to verify my identity.
why don't i believe you

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