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Important and so negative Internal Political crisis in USA: 2007-2009/

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posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 09:01 PM
The terrorist attack in the USA will release a terrible political storm in the USA, great division and confrontation between the parties and also between war supporters and the Peace activists.
At the end of this year there will be the worst political situation ever seen before since the 1960's, and this will not finish until 2009 at least. The elections of 2008 will be a decisive point to determine the continuation of this crisis that could be out of control causing terrible damage to the national unity. If the Republican Party insist to go ahead to a third consecutive term this could be the end of the Union as has been known until now.
The next year many things that we have now would have changed totally in the political scenario and also that includes the role of the federal administration and the people that is in charged of it at present.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 11:40 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Well, let me tell you that the economical war that the Venezuelan President, that since this next Sunday become openly Dictator of that country, is planning against the United States, clearly declared by him in public, according with many reports through the media by the most reputed information agencies, this in his last Trip to Teheran, is the pending ingredient that I has been waiting for long time and that would bust an economical & political hard period in America for the last third of this second term of George W. Bush.
There are many people writing me letters that ask me with insistence what is advisable to do from the economical point of view in the case that we would have the worst of the scenarios, what type of inversions could be the most recommendable?.
Responding to these inquiries, I dare to recommend to be cautious in inversions that be related with any industry that has strong dependency with respect to oil.
Also please be extremely cautious to have inverse portfolios of currency primarily in American dollars, diversification in Forex market is the line that is advisable. It is important also so important to pay attention to Gold, Real State, jewelry that are usually good inversions during recession, that in my opinion is the general economical situation that we must affront in the long term if Chavez could win, legally or illegally the Sunday election.
With respect to the Stock market, that anyway will be more risky that in the past, probably alternative auto motor engines powered of a mixture of Gas and Alcohol would be boosted by this energetic crisis and solar energy, panels of Photocells, will be other industrial sector that obtains benefit of this difficult times.
Small cars with low oil consumption will be the new line of products in the mind if the public on 2008 and at least the following three or four years. This is also a time in which the big cities can expand their public transportation services in order to help the people to reduce their own expenses related with that need. So production of buses will be another range of possible good business, but any way as I told you above it is so important to be cautious in any inversion in the auto motor industry sector and to check constantly the economic indicators of the stock market to be sure when to inverse & for how long.
I think it is also important to say that depending of the impact of that the Venezuelan-Iranian plot against American Economy we could be affronting a collapse of the stock market in the near future, so as I told you certain type of commodities like gold or to transfer inversions to the Real State Market, precious stones or the Forex one can be the only way to prevent great economical losses.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:39 PM
So, you're saying there's a strong chance that the Republicans will want George to continue as president for another term and that will cause a great upheaval???

Oh, yes, without a doubt. A dictatorship is coming to America. God help us all. I've been right all along!!!

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 02:58 PM
Hi again,
Well George W. Bush is no going to be President for one more term, that is sure, in fact he will be very lucky if he can finish the present one normally in his private and public life, to have the opportunity to live the relatively calmy life of a Former President.
Although I have some restrictions to talk about internal policy of the US, since God warns me that there is a so high risk that the internal polarization could be worst in the following months, it is allowed to me to say that the best that the Republican party can do for the next term is to go to the opposition. It is important to insist in this point, and I warned about this before, if Mr Giuliani, that for me looks will be one of the two candidates, insist to much to arrive to the power this country can go ahead in the worst poliltical crisis of its History since Watergate if no since the Civil war. Probably he doesn't know this but the next term will be particularly difficult for anyone in the Presidence. Giuliani can be President of the United States or have some other so important political role as a leader of his Party sometime in the future if he plays correctly his cards in 2008.
You know politics is comparable with Football, sometimes is more inteligent to put a nice player in the reserve, to wait sitting down the best moment to allow him to enter to the yard, than to push him to enter so early in a decisive game. Power is exactly the same & usually the party that is ruling is the one that suffer the major waste in all aspects, since it is the one that have the major responsibility.
With this comment I am not saying that God is Democratic or something like that, I am saying that 2008 is a very critical year in the political life and any mistake commited by the principal political figures can damage in a way that can not be repaired later the delicate balance of the national Unity. From my recent threads now you know clearly the Danger that Chavez and his followers represent for America so to add more internal divisions is something that is so risky.
The new President of America in 2009 anyway will require of the support of both parties to affront a very complex national & international situation. To avoid misunderstandings finally let me clarify that I am not saying that Mrs Clinton will be President in 2009 but anyway it is clear that a Woman will be President of this country in some near Future & at that moment a new era of Peace will come to the country and the world. This campaign will be very useful to boost her to a very important position in the future but she must moderate some very liberal points of view that she has at present to be in the big job with success.
As I told before, almost three months ago the first time, there is another so strong political figure that emerge surprising in the electoral scenario in the Democratic side, or even as s third neutral option, before the 2008 election and in my opinion he has more option that Clinton to be the winner. To speak clearly everything points that Former Vice President Al Gore is that person. If he is the one that I watched in my visions he is going to start his race to the white house after the earthquake of California that I am waiting since spring 2007 & probably will occur no later than the next spring.
With my respect to all the political figures that I have mentioned here,
thanks for your questions, and God bless America,
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 07:56 PM
Thank you for clafifying that for me. I also read in another prediction somewhere that Al Gore would be president but it would be a terrible time for this country and the world. The powers that be will make it miserable for him.
Anyway, i thank you for putting to rest my worse fears.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 03:29 PM
The Peace of god to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,

In this occasion I will refer to the role of Obama in the present political campaign in response to questions about this topic that arrived to my mail box recently.
I didn't mention Obama until now since I thought he must deserve a separate thread only for him. Indeed this political figure will be decisive to the Democratic party to return or not to the power during all the next year.
Indeed the participation of various members of the Afroamerican comunity in very important positions on the present republican administration, as for instance the State Secretary and the Homeland & security, is going to produce a change in the tradictional tendency of this sector of the american population on the next election.
If the Democratic party don't offer at least the Vicepresidential nomination to Obama I can see with my inner perception that it will be so difficult to return to the white house in 2009, and we can expect to have another very close election that divides more this nation and not the clear one that America needs to recover the necessary national unity.
There is a precedent of this same situation the modern history of America, the campaign of 1988. About 20 years ago everthing was done to have an Afroamerican Vicepresident candidate in the democratic side but a terrible political mistake, that was interpreted by millions of voters as a snub to despise the importance of their ethnicity, cost the defeat that George H. Bush did over Michael Dukakis.
If Governor Dukakis never changed his mind to include Jesse Jackson that year in his formula probably the result had been different & the History other, since he facilitated the arrival of the Bush Dinasty with that decision than with any other of his campaign errors.
Let me insist in this point: Even Ronald Reagan couldn't do more to help Bush father to be President than the nomination of Loyd Bentsen for the Vicepresidency that year in Atlanta. The rejection of a person , that almost won by his own right the Democratic nomination, for the Vicepresident candidacy that moment was fatal for the democratic party, so this would be in 2008 a second chance to repair that unexplainable error or to do that twice.
It looks that the History never repeat but many times unfortunely same errors are done even in the same country in different epochs, so this is a clear suggestion or advise that must be considered either by Hilary Clinton or Al Gore that in my intuition could be the Democratic Candidate nominated for the crucial 2008 election.
Finally I would like to mention that Obama and the Afroamericans are only one of the two minorities that are going to have tremendous weight in this election, for the other one: The hispanos, and their fight for a new migration reform, I will prepare other thread in the future.
Your friend,
The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 12/13/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 05:01 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Let me today in the last day of 2007 release the remaining part of this important thread that initially it was planned to be posted in two weeks but that now under the imminence of new important facts in the National & International political Arena, I think it is really urgent to disclose to the public.

On this occasion I will dare to predict an incoming recession for 2008 that is going to be worst in 2009 and can lead the world to a depression if urgent and effective contingence plan is not applied to prevent it.

I claim that if some important economical parameters and indicators, that I am going to mention as follows, will not be correctly monitored and controlled by the Federal reserve, The government of USA, The European Banks and the International Monetary fund on time.

To be brief these are my economical predictions and the decisions that I recommend must be taken on time to affront successfully this crisis:

1) The inflation caused by the high prizes of Petroleum directly and indirectly over many important products through the increase in the transportation costs & the cost of raw materials derived from the oil.

- The contraction of the demand of goods produced by the extra cost of Gasoline for the public, that in the last 6 years has absorbed 10 times bigger fraction of the expenses in the budget of every person in the USA and the western countries.

- The only way to affront the two described issues above is to reduce the dependency of the Middle East & Venezuelan oil by promoting the necessary research to develop new energetic technologies & manufactory processes in the near future. Besides this it is also important to make a new deal with independent exporters of oil that are not members of OPEC, like Mexico & Russia, to increase our importations of petroleum from them.

2) The devaluation of the dollar and its negative impact in the acquisitive capacity of the American people. In this aspect I am pointing to the tremendous external debt that USA has now especially with banks of the so called Asiatic Tigers and with China in particular.

- As a consequence of the previous aspect the only actual possibility of economical benefit for America is to change its role in the world economy of the principal consumers market to become one of the principal exporters. The low position of Dollar with respect to other currencies must be used as a natural advantage to offer quality manufactured goods at lower prices than Europe.

3) The weak point to change the role of importer to exporter is probably the cost of the manufactory derived of the higher salaries but that could be managed by promoting a new agenda of migratory reform that allow the Mexican people to be inserted as the low cost workers that USA economy needs to be competitive with respect to Asia.

- If the economy reacts positively anyway many jobs in the distribution & marketing chains will be available for the American people & specially at the professional level in middle and high level administrative positions. More factories in the States, using the relatively cheap hand made of the Mexican workers, will represent more jobs in other levels for American people if the government support a National Policy to move industries from oversees to the USA territory.

4) The strategy to don't create new taxes and reduce the preexisting to release the industry of this charges will not produce the expected effect of boost of the economical growing since anyway the inversion policies of the principal corporations is focused to open new manufactories in the Far east and not in America where it is clear that more jobs are needed.

- Without a more realistic taxes policy also the Public sector is not able to inverse in many important projects like the sector of communications, construction, infrastructure that could give more oxygen to the economy. The new fiscal reform must be concentrated in taxes over importations and primarily from any country that doesn’t have social security and laboral protection laws similar than the ones existing in America, in other words specifically from the Far east countries.

5) The entrance of China in the World Commerce organization and the negative impact that this is going to cause in many markets for many industries when this so powerful producer of goods at so low cost be in free competition.

- It is essential to force China to revaluate its own currency since the external debt that we have with that country plus its tremendous impact in the world trade justify that Yuan changes its value and that is precisely one way to reduce the comparative cheap prices of their products in the western markets.

- American investors’ collaboration will be fundamental in a National Economical emergency plan since it is necessary to move capitals from China to reduce the enormous misbalance in the trade with that country & the economical dependency.

- It is also essential to create a common agreement in Nafta that regularize the triangulation of products imported from the Far East to North America and that at present constitute a so negative factor that is weaking & driving to serious economical problems to many industries that are producing in this continent the same goods.

6) The incredible expansion of the credit as the principal way to maintain the economy floating with good indicators & how this is connected or stimulating a lot of speculation & uncertainty.

- It is needed a national agreement between banks and Credit cards services to reduce the interest rates and try to find the way to allow the public to cut their debt since anyway is the only real possibility to move the economy & change the current horizon of fiction economical growing.

7) We have lived to long time under the negative impact of the makeup of many important economical indicators by the government through manipulation of information, the official statistics, with certain important bias in order to look better than they are.

- It is necessary a new approach to the national banks of statistics with respect to the economical indicators, there is no way to change effectively the things that are not running well if we are going to continue working on the base of false information that is not showing us the reality in which we are living.

8) Finally it is so important to evaluate the extra-cost that represents to the American people the war taxes derived of the conflict in the Middle East, and further complications that are going to arrive in the near future when that conflict will go out of control under new circumstances in the international political arena. This conflict probably is good business for the War industry but in general is creating an issue for the nation.

- There are many hard decisions that must be taken in the emergency plan that is needed to save the national economy of a recession & certainly several of them must refer to the convenience or inconvenience to support this war. It is critical to balance the advantage to continue being the principal sponsor of the government of Iraq to the disadvantage that a confrontation with the Muslim world represents for the American Economy.


Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 12/31/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 06:01 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light
Dear readers,
Happy new year for all of you, I wish the best in all your personal plans.
This is just to confirm that indeed the sharply fall of the stock market today, while the petroleum prizes registered also another historical maximum , is the confirmation of my thread about an incoming economical crisis for the American Economy. It is remarkable that this
behavior has occured only 48 hours after I did my warning about this possible economical fact.
This is the time to do important decisions for the government and the private corporations to prevent a major recesion in the United STates.
Take in account my plan that was released only two days ago preventing the begining of this matter to arrange your own plans of inversion for the 2008.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 07:20 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light
Dear Readers,
This is just to repond the question that appeared recently in Dreams & Personal Predictions Forum about how soon do you think the American Economy will colapse?
Well according with the imminent trip of President Bush to the Middle East, and the terrible consequence for him, as I has been stated it would occur in my other threads, it is actually not difficult to answer this question:
Suppose that President Bush suffer any damage, even some minor injuries, or it is killed by the Plot that clearly AlQaeda has against him in this political tour, then the impact on the stock markets of New York, Frankfurt, London, Moscow, Tokyo and Shanghai will be terrible.
As soon as this terrible fact happen the inversors are going to lose confidence in their inversions in the USA, confidence in the Dollar and the imminence of a so big World War is going to push the prize of the Petroleum to heights that now look as unbelievable.
Dollar is going to have an extraordinary & incredible fall in only one day, Wall street will become an asylum, since the volatility of many products is going to reach its maximum in only hours as a consequence of the uncertainty, and the Congress building in Washington DC will be a bedlam.
Under such bad scenario it is probable that the stock market go to a forced recess of various days to stop its fall and until a provisional new President take emergency decisions not only to manage the complicate international situation, but to try to armor the National Economy against the crisis.
Negative consequences will arrive in many ways, even it would be possible a cancelation or delay in the next Olimpic Games with all the terrible economical loses that this could represent.
Thanks for your atention,
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 1/6/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by The angel of light
Hi again,
Well George W. Bush is no going to be President for one more term, that is sure, in fact he will be very lucky if he can finish the present one normally in his private and public life, to have the opportunity to live the relatively calmy life of a Former President.

GWB has already been elected for two terms - he can NOT be elected again. As far as finishing this term as you describe - others have done it - why not GWB?

Has GOD not told you that EVERYONE who is in a position of leadership/authority is there because GOD ordained it? Whether or not any person be of the opinion that any authority is 'good' or 'bad,' it is still GOD's will that is done.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Posted on 11/30/2007
So, you're saying there's a strong chance that the Republicans will want George to continue as president for another term and that will cause a great upheaval???

Dear reader,
Hi, excuse me, but it is so curious that you based this so inteligent comment using that quotation that indeed I gave more than a week a go but you miss to add also the one of one of my readers asking me precisely if George W. Bush is going to be a dictator of the United states for one more term?.

I think that to give an objective comment like yours is good to show all the facts and not only some of them, otherwise by cutting and pasting anything that was told before it is posible to create almost any posible impresion, even the most false.

This is so similar to the strategy followed by the smart Bible manipulators that every time are saying that they found unquestionable evidence of a new God commandment by showing isolated verses of the scriptures without mentioning any context or reference to it. It is a good trick but anyway only to deceive ignorants. No more comments about this reply.

About the future of President Bush well I have told a lot about this, so it is not necessary to go deeply in more details , I only think convenient to clarify that, if he is the Western Leader that I have seen assasinated, the guilt of this crime is going to be assigned to innocent people.

This is not the first time that I tell this, but for the ones that didn't remember this, I told clearly that this incoming second crime against an important leader will be charged publically to people that was not involved on it, for political reasons, and the trully guilties are going to remain unpunished.

This means that in this crime will be two conspiracies: one to execute it and another to hid the actual responsability behind it. Unfortunately the enemies of the Peace in the Middle east are many so it will not easy to verify which one will be the guilty in this ocasion.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:24 PM

It is not God's will that i go and rob a store anymore than it is God's will that Georgie be president by stealing election after election.

I love the irony of your peace avatar!

Or did i misinterpret your signals?

[edit on 8-1-2008 by dgtempe]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:17 PM
The peace of God to all that belong to the light,

Well Queenannie it looks you must explain us a little more about your interesting avatar, why you took that popular peace icon as your corporative image?

About my personal Avatar I only can say that the explanation about why I chose this so nice famous painting of Guido Reni was due to two different reasons:

- Many people think that Angels are only feminized figures that are permanently singing and or flying like butterflies in the garden of the houses on a summer day, when indeed an Angel is a soldier of God fighting the most difficult war that ever existed: the war for the salvation of the human souls.

- Since the worst battle of that war is inside every human heart and not outside, as many people think, is in that place that the trully peace can exist, the peace of God is remaining only in our more intimate actual being. So the ones that have it cannot lose it for any external fact that could occur, it does not matter how grave it would be.

Therefore I am not in favor of two bad facts of our time:

- The light christianism that is so popular in these days in America and the world, the one that assure the salvation of the soul only because you are member of this or this other church and because you accepted Jesus as your personal saviour in front of many people, to show your new light look of course , but you are not doing anything practical in your life that shows that, such faith is false since is a faith without works, without any compromise.

- The fundamentalist Christianism that thinks that it is a virtue to use God to justify violence against other people, even the no christians living overseas, and runs faster to support new crusades, supposely to deliver freedom and faith to them, but actually moved only by materialistic reasons, but is so lazy & myopic , to find that the actual enemies of the man are all living in his own heart, in his own concious, are his own sins & low passions and not the ones of the other human beings.

In resume be brave to defend the virtues and fight the evil since courage is one of the most distinctive features of the sons of the light.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed!
Do you think I came to bring peace on the earth?
No. I tell you, but division
From now on there will be five divided against each other. Three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother in law against daugher in law and daugher in law against mother in law.
Jesus Christ, Gospel of St Luke, Chapter 12, vers 49-53, The Holy Bible, New International Version

Do not be afraid to those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn
" A man against his father,
a daughter against her mother
a daughter in law against her mother in law
a man's enemies will be the members of his own household" (Micah, 7:6)
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and however losses his life for my sake will find it.
Jesus Christ, Gospel of St Matthew Chapter 10, vers 28-39 The Holy Bible, New International Version

[edit on 1/8/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

It is not God's will that i go and rob a store anymore than it is God's will that Georgie be president by stealing election after election.

How did he steal any elections? We vote...registered American voters voted him into office twice.

NOT that I am justifying his actions nor condemning them...but to say anyone stole an election is basically passing the buck. He was voted in...if something was taken perhaps we have been robbing ourselves by not demanding that which is our right.

I love the irony of your peace avatar!

How is it ironic?

Or did i misinterpret your signals?

I wasn't aware that I had sent any.
What do you mean, exactly? And I will explain.

[edit on 1/8/2008 by queenannie38]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Queen your post is ironic to the above poster becuase anyone who disagrees with his/her theory is a non believer and is flat out wrong in the posters mind. Also If you look at the OP's posts they are nothing more than rehashes of current events that are being talked about all over the United States. None of the Information is new that has any validity. Ya we know that people dont like GWB, we know that the economy is failing, we know that GWB could reach a third term due to marshal law and the patriot act. So please I ask you, tell us something we dont already know...

[edit on 28-1-2008 by BucketheadKFC]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:00 PM

Also If you look at the OP's posts they are nothing more than rehashes of current events that are being talked about all over the United States. None of the Information is new that has any validity. Ya we know that people dont like GWB, we know that the economy is failing, we know that GWB could reach a third term due to marshal law and the patriot act. So please I ask you, tell us something we dont already know

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Well I think after all this very impressive and pathetic discourse of this person the only thing that I can say is:

Why don't you post my friend your own predictions about the incoming facts in the international economy or politics and show to all of us that the current tendencies will no longer valid in four or six months as I did in 2007?

Why don't you post a dozen of earthquakes in a correct sequence of occurrence each one after other like I did on 2007?

If you know in advance all that I am posting here you must share your so impressive deep knowledge with the whole community of BTS & in that way probably my job will not be so heavy and I will be able to take some vacation with the tranquility that there is a nice viewer here replacing me for a while?.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 1/29/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:31 PM
Impressive. You know me so well, Buckethead, yet you have 11 points! Imprssive.
My words are based on the criminal history of Bush, his cronies, and if i come thru as a know it all, not open for discussion, i apologize.
Only stating the very obvious here.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by queenannie38

Its my conclusion, one that i have made about the current situation.

It happens to be correct.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
It is clear for me that during the following weeks, until two so crucial moments of his Presidency, his second and also so dangerous trip to the Middle East in May and his trip to New Orleans in April, that is no less inconvenient for many reasons, George G. Bush will transit for one of the most impopular and difficult moments of his rule.

More low performance in the Stock Markets, showing that the tendency toward a recession is running even faster that was previously estimated , although all his efforts to reactivate the economy from one side; The principal error will be his stuborness to remain in the same globalizing economical model and don't understand that is time to change of strategy.

From the other the increasing political scandal around the so many times, around 1000, in which he or the members of his administration gave to the public opinion false information about the supposed massive destruction weapons in Iraq and the hypothetic connection between Sadam Hussein and Alqaeda; This will destroy any remainder of credibility in his capacity as political leader.

I don't see clearly that he can surpass successfully all these obstacles to arrive calmly to the transition to the next administration in January 2009, even it is difficult for me to see him still heading the country for all the electoral season until November.

your friend,
The Angel of Lightness

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:00 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Let me tell to you that I am so sorry to contradict the words of President George W. Bush that yesterday insisted to claim that America is not going toward any Economical Recession.

He is completly wrong in this aspect, indeed we are not walking but running and even faster that I supposed initially to a recession, that if it is not correctly monitored could be a depression.

The behavior of the stock markets during the first two months of the year was the worst in many years and it is a reliable indicator that my prediction of this economical and social crysis given on the middle of 2007 was correct.

When anybody can watch on the TV the so many advises promoting magic systems to buy new houses for the cost of only a piece of land, by paying the tax debt of a property that somebody lost after years a years of inversion, when anybody can watch also advises offering to the people to buy any object of old gold that they have at home, when there are also hundreds of minutes of advertising in the TV offering miraculous systems to repair the credit or reduce the mortage, there is something to worry about.

This my friends are good indicators that there are many investors viewing the imminent fall of Dollar and also the caotic situation of many real state owners that cannot affront the weight of the credit, and are trying to obtain advantage of the crysis. This situation will be worst while the high prizes of Oil continue pressing to the American public,and the 10 million dollars daily that the War of Iraq represent continue pushing our economy to the abysm.

I pray to God that the mind of Mr. President Bush finally could descend to this world and that he can open his eyes to see clearly the reality that his advisors are hidden to him for long long time, that the economical model of Globalization is totally wasted.

If he does not react on time and put again his feet on the earth, to stop this unuseful policy to hide the sun with his hands, the stability of the national economy will be in real trouble even before his administration ends.

your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 3/1/2008 by The angel of light]

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