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The NWO has been given a Death Threat it should Heed!

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posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 12:27 AM
wow - that reverse speech stuff is interesting - i wonder how much merit there is in it tho. anyone know much about its reliability?

Also, for those who are interested, there is full links there for the audio of this interview there. i'm downloading as we speak.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:55 AM
In Fulford's latest blog, he has called an urgent meeting to discuss what he considers a potential disaster in August, from what he claims is inside info from MI6.

From google's translation of the Japanese text:

Theme: About the military coup and the junta where America is imminent
(Including the movement of the Chinese association for this movement)

Mafia of the world, Japanese [yakuza], concerning the entwinement of other reverse side organizations and each country authorities the explanation which is easy to know
(Time of question and answer is set long, also question other than theme is possible)
Day and time:2007 August 8th (water) 19:30 ~22: 00
Place: Tokyo station eightfold state business center 1F (the Tokyo Chuo Ku capital bridge 1-10-3 Hattori building)
Access: From JR Tokyo station “eightfold state mouth” walking 4 minute

One of the interesting blog comment responses referred to this interesting thread on libertyforum, which discusses a shadowy group called Al Haramain in Ashland, Oregon with alleged connections to 'al qaeda'. I note this in light of the recently published threats against 'rural' america, the Oregonian congressman denied access to the Continuity of Govt details, that this group also had a branch in Montana, and is tied in with Iran as well as S.Arabia thru it's fugitive leaders. Well worth a read imo.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:05 PM
wow, very interesting - August 8 is not far away either. but what is the nature of this proposed potential attack? he puts water in brackets, what does that mean? have i misread this?

You would think that Fulford reporting this would pretty much render the attack null and void - im not so sure we would see it now - lets hope we dont.

However, IF we do see it, then wow. Would it serve as a complete confirmation of Fulford's claims? and what would the response be?

The more i read of Fulford's interview on Rense, the more i fear for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. it would just seem the perfect time for the 'Illuminati' to send the Chinese Secret Society (CSS) a message to back-off. Then again, perhaps the CSS will have gotten their way by then.

Damn, am i the only one who wants to give the CSS a better/simpler name. hence forth they are CSS to me.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:20 PM
hehe CSS sounds fine to me. The (water) comment is a google translation thing, if you spend some time looking thru it all, the Japanese way of language translates to English in odd ways such as this. Can be quite hard to follow.

Meanwhile some of the 'lightworker' channelling crowd seem to have taken notice and amended their readings to include Fulford. Make of those guys what u will. Here's an extract:

The challenge by Benjamin Fulford and the Chinese Secret Society to the Rockefellers, the “eye of the pyramid”, was met by the destruction of the world’s largest nuclear power plant in Japan with two major earthquakes caused by microwave technology. This is the final act of evil these ones can make, not only against the people of the world, but against Mother Earth. Creator Source has disallowed any nuclear war, even those these evil ones plan to start in the first week of August, 2007 against Iran, Syria and Pakistan.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:29 PM
yeah makes it tough to have read it all transalted - Fulford should be looking after our interests and give us a decent transalation!

Anyway i would place the fourwinds stuff simply on the interesting pile but wouldnt give it too much credance.
One part of me cant wait to see what happens this week, the other part of me - the ruling part, wants to see nothing happen this week. Lets hope we have no news over the next few days!

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:52 AM
I think the best way we will be able to see credible evidence of this panning out is in the form of high-level missing person/murder/suicide reports and escalating tensions between political parties. I know everyone here will be on top of it, you guys are on the ball.

Thanks for the info.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by InnocentBystander
I think the best way we will be able to see credible evidence of this panning out is in the form of high-level missing person/murder/suicide reports and escalating tensions between political parties. I know everyone here will be on top of it, you guys are on the ball.

Thanks for the info.

I'm not holding my breath. It looks like the banksters are successfully crashing the market. The debt ponzi scheme is finally coming apart at the seams. When the Yakuza 'save' us, you realize there will be nothing left to prop up the U.S. dollar? So as I see it, either way were are screwed.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 04:32 AM

Don't know if its related but sounds ominous.

Sorry already mentioned in another topic here..

[edit on 8-8-2007 by mazzroth]

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 04:40 AM
Fulford's having a Q&A public seminar regarding his views tonight. Will be filmed but as it's in Japanese, I spose will need to wait for a transcript.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 04:52 AM
The threat of deadly force is all that these scum understand. They are soulless killers who consider the common man nothing but chattel and so I am glad that some one is holding their feet to the fire in some way. I trust G. Bush about as much as I do any other dictator and freakshow moron.

We are in awful danger from our own government, and if some foreign power can shake it out and get our nation back than more power to them. We are as bad as China in many ways, if not worse, and what is the difference between being a prisoner of the truth here or anywhere else? We torture, we arrest without warrants and imprison hmans without trials, we abuse human dignity all the time; oh sure, we cloak it in a thin Christian veneer and parade the flag..all propaganda. The truth is that we are as bad or worse than anyone on earth, and I hope that we start hearing about big shot rich world rulers dropping like fies very soon.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 06:50 AM
better than them dropping like flies is them agreeing to change.

Wanting death is being no better than 'them'.

As Fulford puts it, these people could be the greatest force for good the planet has ever seen AND they can still make their money - "They have no reason to fear peace".

does anyone know the latest on this? Fulford said he gave Rockefeller a 48 hour deadline over a week ago and we have heard nothing. What is this public forum about Shar_Chi?? How did you hear about it?

Mazzroth, the link you gave does tie into this story in my opinion. The cover story put on it means little. Fact is, IMHO, the CSS are possibly making a move before they start the eye gouging so to speak. It sounds to me a like a threat to bring the US economy down - it should get some kind of response.

I guess tomorrow could be a big day....

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 07:01 AM
The meeting is going on in Japan as I type. I'm using Google Translator to read his blog, it's tough going, but you can get the basic idea.

I'd say recent activity to note includes the shuttle diplomacy by US Treasury Secretary Paulson, the death of 2 Rothschild patrons, coupled with the merger of their European banking interests. Nothing overtly has been mentioned of the 48 hr deadline that I can see.

[edit on 8-8-2007 by Shar_Chi]

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 04:19 PM
followed your link and used babel fish to translate but there only seemed to be announcements about the forum coming up...

strange. but in any case i find Rothschild deaths quite bizzare unless circumstances have changed drastically in the last two weeks - which of course is possible. Fulford said that the first concern was teh Rockefellers and that they would talk to the Rothschilds later. So could Rothschild deaths really mean aything?

Hopefully he will update his English website soon.

Thanks for the update anyway SHar_Chi

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
The death of 2 Rothschild patrons, coupled with the merger of their European banking interests.

Shar_Chi, you mention two patrons. Who are they?

Banker, vintner Rothschild dead at 90
INNSBRUCK, Austria, Aug. 8 (UPI) -- The Baron Elie de Rothschild, who helped run France's successful Rothschilds' bank, died this week in Austria at the age of 90.

The Telegraph reported Wednesday that the death of Rothschild comes after he enjoyed a successful career both with his famed Paris banking family and as the temporary head of his family's French Chateau Lafite-Rothschild vineyard.

A success in both worlds, Rothschild remained an active individual until his death Tuesday in the Austrian Alps.

Is this just a coincidence or something to do with the Green and Red Society? Eerie timing anyway!


posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:57 AM
Yeh he is one, Baron Guy de Rothschild is the other, who died in june.
I think its unrelated to fulford's posse. But perhaps not to the greater scheme of things.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Yeh he is one, Baron Guy de Rothschild is the other, who died in june.
I think its unrelated to fulford's posse. But perhaps not to the greater scheme of things.

Thanks for the info. Shar_Chi. Well, I checked Fulford`s Blog and he mentions the Green and Red Society around March. He didn`t break the news to the English speaking world until the end of June. Makes you wonder anyway.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 09:32 AM
THe author of the article, Henry Makow, is a wingnut. On his website, he claims that the CIA incited feminism to destroy the American culture. He goes on to say that women have no business working outside the home, that they should stay at home with their children. SavetheMales is a lunatic site, Makow is full of it.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
THe author of the article, Henry Makow, is a wingnut. On his website, he claims that the CIA incited feminism to destroy the American culture. He goes on to say that women have no business working outside the home, that they should stay at home with their children. SavetheMales is a lunatic site, Makow is full of it.

yeah im not too keen on Makow's views on the role of women in society, but that doesnt make his other research less credible - it just makes him sexist and a bit of a tool.

I do believe however that it is VERY Illuminati to take over a movement and steer it in the direction they want it to. THey did it with feminism, black rights, and now they are trying to do it with Global Warming. If they steer a positive movement in the direction they like then it ensures it doesnt get out of hand.

I mean, this global warming thing was hijacked, became the 'flavour of the month' and is gone already - no-one bothered researching outside of what they were told so no-one discovered the potential REAL truth behind climate change....

But we shouldnt get too stuck into this stuff, will derail the thread too much.

Back on topic, i think it is quite massive news that Baron Rothschild died, but i just dont see how it would relate to the Chinese Secret Society. Unless Fulford was told not to say anything about their plans for the Rothschild's (possible) then i would have to stick this in the coincidence bin at this stage. need Fulford update really.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by srsen
Back on topic, i think it is quite massive news that Baron Rothschild died, but i just dont see how it would relate to the Chinese Secret Society. Unless Fulford was told not to say anything about their plans for the Rothschild's (possible) then i would have to stick this in the coincidence bin at this stage. need Fulford update really.

Srsen, it`s hard figuring out what is planned by the Green and Red Society. Remember, they approached Fulford to ask him for advice and to be a sort of go-between between them and the West.

From Fulford`s interview with Rense: RENSE: Okay. Back to the meeting in Taiwan.

FULFORD: They decided that these people need to be overthrown.

RENSE: The Rothschilds, the Illuminati, the Rockefellers.

FULFORD: Yeah. The Illuminati. And specifically, if I have to, I will ally myself with the Rothschilds against the Rockefellers, if it comes to it. I'd rather get them both out of power, but the Rothschilds are a much mellower bunch at this point. They're [promoting] the global warming thing. It's stupid, but...

However, he does mention David Rockefeller first:

RENSE: Will you be playing a role in making such an offer?

FULFORD: Absolutely. I am their spokesman. My job is to represent them in the Western world.

I know what I am allowed to say and what I am not allowed to say.

The point is this. We would start by killing David Rockefeller, and then work our way down the list until they agree to our terms.


FULFORD: My job is to try to make sure that not a single person dies. That is the ideal. The commissions that are going to be offered - and I know David Rockefeller is going to be listening to this, so you'd better listen, David Rockefeller:

1. They are going to be allowed to keep their palaces and their servants. They will be given an amnesty, but they must appear before a truth commission.

2. And they must promise - them and their clan - to never, ever try again to enslave the human race.

3. And third, they must spend the rest of their lives doing good deeds.

Those are the conditions. I think they're very good ones, and it's the best they have available. They'd better hurry before the American people drag them out of their houses and hang them from the nearest lampposts, which I think is about to happen anyway.

RENSE: Do those conditions apply to the Rothschilds as well?

FULFORD: Yeah, I mean, maybe the Rothschilds can work themselves their own deal. I'm in contact with a Rothschild representative, and maybe we can come up with something else. The main point is to stop the genocide. That is the number one goal.

I can`t wait for an English update from Fulford. I know he has a busy schedule in the Japanese media.


posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 01:29 AM
The Red and Green could really pull any move out of the bag, you just never know.

Perhaps Baron Rothschild died due to stress caused by the Red and Green? not impossible. Maybe he didnt even die but just went underground to avoid to coming comotion? That's also highly possible.

hehe maybe he's sleepin next to Walt Disney in the cryo chambers

[edit on 10-8-2007 by srsen]

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