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Are we at war with Islam?

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posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 11:31 PM
FACT of this matter:
Islam is BAD! Islam wants to KILL you. People blame the usa for this and that and everything inbetween. Have we exterminated iraq? or afgan? If a radical Islamic country like Iran was in power and you were not muslim, YOU WOULD be DEAD. Convert or Die is the creed. It is what it is, deal with it. I'm just glad a country blows them back to the stone ages every once an awhile. THANK GOD for the jewish airforce!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:23 AM
The stated aim of the Islamic religion is to convert everyone to Islam, to impose Sharia Law and all followers MUST actively work towards this goal. They will not tolerate any other beliefs, including atheism.

Christianity has been responsible for some horrendous acts but any worse than the ritual slaughter practiced by Central and South American societies as part of their religous beliefs? Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims continue to kills each other on a regular basis in the Indian sub-continent. Organised religion is responsible for most of the evils of the world and are used to control. However, the very nature of Islam is forcing us into WW3, the very thing that Bush et al desire for their own reasons.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:38 AM
Yes, most people don't realize this hatred is fabricated and fueled by religion and propaganda. I have nothing against some simple men from Arab nations and i am sure they don't want to kill me either.

It's the complex and greedy who want you to fear them and them to fear us, so we go into the war and complex and greedy profit from it. Why do you think Iraq war is taking so long? For the same reason as Vietnam war -- more war means more profits. (ruined nations need to take loans and so on)

[edit on 24-6-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:45 AM
this is to most people

i beleave ever since 9/11 my life and all other muslims i no our lives have changed people look at us differant ways we get called terrorists.
i dont think its a war on islam but i am angry with bushs war and i had enough many people say the deaths are because of civil war and sunnis and shias in some respect they are right but they are also wrong many muslims have been killed because of us airstrikes or coward soldiers who raped and killed innocent muslims this discusts me and this is why there is hatred against the west go on youtube and search something on the lines of us troops killing muslims you will find alot i will try to find links.
it sadens me to see this and wait irans next what is it with bush does he want ww3 many muslims will fight the us n isreal if they attack look at iraq if an attack happens the world will forever change in a bad way.

also many people say islam is a relgion of hate will your wrong islam doesnt teach violence and this jihad is used by militants for there own goals so please do not insult my relgion saying its evil wasnt it christians in the crusades who killed many muslims and waged a holy war?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Yes, i agree. Christians killed A LOT of people and sadly, still do even today. Just check this and this page for more information on how many people were killed by God fearing lunatics.

Islam is not so violent and i wish more people would realize that. But what can we do when media usually portrays it as violent. People trust TV today more than books and even their brains, so it would be a miracle if people realized something on their own.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 05:26 AM
Organised religion has been, and continues to be, the biggest single cause of human suffering.
The reality of the current situation is that followers of the Islamic religion are the perpetrators of most of these acts. The very nature of Islam dictates that Muslims HAVE to actively seek to convert the world to Islam and impose Sharia Law upon us. Muslims HAVE to support other Muslims who are actively involved in terrorist activities resulting in a wall of silence from Muslim communities when investigating these crimes. Muslims believe that all non-believers, "Kaffirs", are inferior and should be treat as such at all times.
Hundreds of years ago Muslim society was very tolerant, however, it has regressed to become the single most intolerant faith in existence today. Islam has declared war on all other faiths and beliefs.
This in turn is being exploited by powers in the western world to increase arms sales, develop and test new weapon technology and help foster a general feeling of fear and panic which will result in more and more regressive laws and increased reliance on the state.
Civil liberties are being eroded every day; Organised religion is evil, Islam is evil, control is evil and we are being screwed over from every side.

Well it was good to get that off my chest

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by sy.gunson

Actually Islam blames Christians and talk about the infidel Crusaders, but actually the crusades came after Islam invaded Spain in 711.

I am neither Christian nor Jewish, but it's an inconvenient truth for islam that the site of the Al Axa mosque in jerusalem was holy to Judaeism and Christianity long before the birth of their prophet .

Facts that those of Islam still don't want to admit....

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by sy.gunson
Actually Islam blames Christians and talk about the infidel Crusaders, but actually the crusades came after Islam invaded Spain in 711.

it was actually a somewhat peaceful invasion compared to the barbarism of the crusades. and it ended up with a higher standard of living for those in spain (because the muslims didn't slaughter all the christians) and an end to persecution for the jews... who had to leave once christianity retook it.

and it wasn't ISLAM that conquered spain, it was the moors. it was territorial conquest, not religious.

oh, and there was a 300 year gap between the moors conquering spain from the visigoths and the first crusade.... no cause and effect.

yes... looks like someone is trying to skew facts here.

I am neither Christian nor Jewish, but it's an inconvenient truth for islam that the site of the Al Axa mosque in jerusalem was holy to Judaeism and Christianity long before the birth of their prophet .

um... that's kind of why it became a holy sight in islam, because of its connection to judaism and christianity.

Originally posted by edsingerOriginally posted by edsingerFacts that those of Islam still don't want to admit....

they'll admit facts, they just dont' like it when things are skewed.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoulit was actually a somewhat peaceful invasion compared to the barbarism of the crusades. and it ended up with a higher standard of living for those in spain (because the muslims didn't slaughter all the christians) and an end to persecution for the jews... who had to leave once christianity retook it.

That's another thing that erks me, Muslims apologists claim that under Muslim rule the Christians and Jews were treated well. That is complete horsepuckey.

They were taxed to finance the wars of Islamic expansion. They were treated much WORSE than blacks in the southern US before the 1960's.
Many were killed for no reasons....

It was not a good thing at all. Islam is violent, and these 'captive' Christians and Jews also supplied many a children to support the Islamic expansion.

Slaves - Islam still supports it and I find that funny considering the Nation of Islam in the US and its appeal to African Americans.

The Crusades were not pretty by any means, but neither was the Muslim expansion, which predated the Crusades. You had better go ahead and read what Muhammad and his followers did to people in conquered territories if they refused to convert.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by edsinger
That's another thing that erks me, Muslims apologists claim that under Muslim rule the Christians and Jews were treated well. That is complete horsepuckey.

They were taxed to finance the wars of Islamic expansion. They were treated much WORSE than blacks in the southern US before the 1960's.
Many were killed for no reasons....

no, they don't claim they were treated WELL, they claim they were treated better than jews and muslims were treated under christians (and by treated under christian i mean slaughtered)

It was not a good thing at all. Islam is violent, and these 'captive' Christians and Jews also supplied many a children to support the Islamic expansion.

um, just like the enslavement of muslims practiced by christianity....

Slaves - Islam still supports it and I find that funny considering the Nation of Islam in the US and its appeal to African Americans.

islam supports slavery today in the same way that christianity and judaism do.

The Crusades were not pretty by any means, but neither was the Muslim expansion, which predated the Crusades. You had better go ahead and read what Muhammad and his followers did to people in conquered territories if they refused to convert.

the same thing the christians did when they were expanding into the pagan territories...

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

um, just like the enslavement of muslims practiced by christianity....

Maybe you need to read more on the history of slavery, of which the Muslims were very efficient at it, in the book it tells of how muhammad's followers actually messes up in the slave trade in Africa by the practice of using tribes from the interior to get the slaves to sell in the markets of the mediterranean. By doing it the way they did , it left a door open for Christianity to sweep through these lands.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
Maybe you need to read more on the history of slavery, of which the Muslims were very efficient at it, in the book it tells of how muhammad's followers actually messes up in the slave trade in Africa by the practice of using tribes from the interior to get the slaves to sell in the markets of the mediterranean. By doing it the way they did , it left a door open for Christianity to sweep through these lands.

yes, but the christians had practiced slavery too, both sides practiced it. anything bad that you can say the muslims did you can also see the christians doing too.

i love that you're ignoring all my counterpoints that destroy your petty and misinformed arguments.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 03:22 PM
We are not at war with Islam per se. We are at war with a virulent new species of Barbarianism that has unfortunately found a host body in Middle Eastern societies.

Civilized nations have been fighting barbarians for thousands of years. Barbarianism is not an Islamic phenomena, or even a phenomena of less developed nations. It is, rather, a human phenomena that must be fought wherever it pops up.

From 1939 to 1945, a World War was fought to beat back barbarians. In that case, they manifested themselves as Nazis in Germany and imperialists in Japan. Neither society was Islamic. In the 1970s we witnessed appalling barbarianism in Pol Pot's Cambodia. In the early 1990s we saw it in Rwanda. In the late 90s, Europe and North America beat it back in the former Yugoslavia. Today we see it in Zimbabwe, Darfur and the Middle East. The West does not have the resources, or even the will, to fight it everywhere. That is why even as we concentrate on Afghanistan and Iraq, and confront the fascism of Iran, we neglect Darfur.

Barbarians must constantly be beaten back until one day it they are eradicated. Not to do so, to lose the will to do so, will carry the most evil consequences for all who are civilized.

Some will question my characterization of Middle East parties as barbaric. Please understand this is not directed at reasonable Muslims. But it is the only word that can adequately describe those who beat women on the streets, murder their own people and target schools and children.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 07:13 PM
AlexofSkye, incredible point. even though WATS is now a thing of the past you can still click the little thing here on PTS, so i'll do that anyway.

you've explained it in the best way i've heard so far.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

i love that you're ignoring all my counterpoints that destroy your petty and misinformed arguments.

Horse *&^ - You present what you wish as fact when just as I you are biased in your beliefs.

You haven't looked into the PRESENT day use of Slavery by Islam have you? You ignored it and just said the standard "Christians' did it also. That, was many years ago and MANY Americans died to stop it here, but just as then as is now, Africans are selling Africans to the highest bidder and it happens in Islamic countries not western ones.

You ignore that the Crusades came AFTER Islamic Expansion was halted by the Moors in France/Spain.

Ignoring seems to be what you do well....

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by edsinger
You haven't looked into the PRESENT day use of Slavery by Islam have you?

that's not an issue of islam, that's an issue of a lack of SECULAR MORAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE ENVIRONMENT.

You ignored it and just said the standard "Christians' did it also. That, was many years ago and MANY Americans died to stop it here, but just as then as is now, Africans are selling Africans to the highest bidder and it happens in Islamic countries not western ones.

um, you can buy slaves at gatwick... or at least you could before they caught them. you can buy slaves in america still. sure, it's hush hush and under the table, but it still happens.

and again, the thing isn't an issue of islam vs christianity, it's the civilization that sprung up DESPITE christianity in the west.

You ignore that the Crusades came AFTER Islamic Expansion was halted by the Moors in France/Spain.

yes, and you ignore that there was no cause and effect. the "islamic expansion" was seperate of the moorish expansion. the moors expanded because they wanted land. simple as that.

Ignoring seems to be what you do well....

seems like you do a better job of ignoring history that doesn't suit your needs.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 04:51 PM

How can those first 2 words be used in the same sentence or even together, isnt that a oxymoron?

–noun, plural -mo·ra /-ˈmɔrə, -ˈmoʊrə/ Rhetoric. a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
Do you think Arab nations will just watch if Israel and US strike Iran?

No we are not at war with Islam.

You think the the Sunni Arabs of the the other Arab nations will defend Persian Shia Iran in a war? Remember the Iraq / Iran War? Who did the Gulf states and most of the Arab world support? It wasn't because they were fans of Saddam.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by pavil
No we are not at war with Islam.

Remember the Iraq / Iran War?

Remember "The enemy of your enemy is your friend"

Who holds to that?

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Yes, i agree. Christians killed A LOT of people and sadly, still do even today. Just check this and this page for more information on how many people were killed by God fearing lunatics.

I find the links and the above assertion beyond grossly inaccurate and hideous.

1. The lunatics were not really God fearing. Had they been, they'd have been very loathe to do any such thing. Most of them were their own god in their own eyes to varying degrees--delusionally so.

2. I don't recall reading of a single case of such hideous mayhem at the hands of anyone who remotely met the Biblical criteria for authentic Christians.

3. It seems quite . . . hypocritical to assert on the one hand that any horrific thing someone does who a 3rd person labels a Christian--you seem instantly eager to label such a person another blood thirsty horrific Christian.

4. Yet, when someone notes that Jihadi's are rushing hither, thither and yon eagerly and horrifically, gleefully blood letting in the most brutal and starkly demonized ways . . . you seem eagerly quick to rush to their defense and particularly to the defense of the rest of Islam by noting intensely that

Well harumph, they aren't REAL Muslims.

5. Double standards are amongst the least impressive things I observe in life. Actually, I find them a variation of evil from hell.

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