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I'm worried for my 18 month neice--VERY concerned!

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posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:42 PM
My neice is 18 months old, she's wonderful and I love her.

A few months after her birth, I started noticing odd looks coming from her once in a while at different locations. My sister, for instance, would feed her and I would be playing with her feet or hands--that's when I noticed her eyes. My neice's eyes would be fixated on a certain part of whatever room, completely empty of people--and she would be moving her eyes--side to side--as if someone was walking back and forth. I thought nothing of it being she might be exploring the decorations or dust but whenever I saw her, I would focus more on her eyes and where they were.
That's the strange thing, they weren't wondering AROUND the room, they were wondering SIDE to SIDE only. Not up or down, but in a straight, left to right line watching something--anything moving back and forth. I thought babies that age couldn't focus on anything for any length--like that.

So she grew, and eventually her eyes never were the same. I grew comfortable thinking it was just a phase. That's when the waving began.
My neice has her own baby room and my sister's house. It has lovely arch windows on the left and right. When she became a year old, she started slowly crawling and mumbling--exploring more intently about the world. So one day as I was babysitting her, she wonders into her room to play with her toys and I'm there playing with her when ABRUPTLY she stops playing, looks at the window--and waves. Not for a short while, not all around, but watching--fixated on something and waving for almost a minute. It continued as more babysittings took place, and when she learned the word, "Hi," that's when she, the first time, made actual verbal communcation with whatever was there. She said, "Hi," and giggled and mumbled in baby talk for a few words and continued to play, but kept looking up.

It happened today.

My sister had another experience of her own, one not so friendly. She was feeding my neice, watching tv as she did, when she started getting her ready for bedtime. She casually went over and turned the tv off, when my neice just let out this horrid scream and cried as if she fell down. My sister checked her for cuts, bites, bruises, scratches and nothing could be found! She cried for hours and refused to be put down. Nothing could stop her crying--nothing could help my neice to calm down.
What could have scared her so badly to act so freaked out?

I don't know what this is, and I'm so concerned. It worries me to see my neice just wave in mid-air to nothing, no trees, no birds--just air!
Is it ghosts, angels, or somethinge else?
I'm spiritual, but I only believe in angels or demons--not believing God would let ghosts exist and walk around aimlessly. The only clue I have is she only waves in that room, in that space, when I'm with her only.

Could I have something to do with it?
Any help/thoughts are apperciated!

::Update:: I failed to mention her stuff animals. One in particular requires you to push HARD on the toy to make any noise. We've only had it a month or so, it does not really coincide with the events before--these events have happened long before this toy. In any case, one evening while my sister was here, she heard the toy, which no one was in her room, but in the living room adjacent to her room, go off. The toy was by itself, and when my sister checked on it, it was sitting in it's play box, nothing touching or around to push the foot to make the noise.

[edit on 25-5-2007 by lilyblooms]

[edit on 25-5-2007 by lilyblooms]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:11 PM
Well, thats a tough one. Ive heard people here and elsewhere mention the posibilty of children seeing or experiancing ghosts, then growing out of being able to see them.

Does it only happen at your sisters house? If so, why not try a little ghost hunt of your own one night when the two (sister and child) are elsewhere. Set up tape recorders, a camera, whatever else you can get your hands on. Who knows, you might just pick something up.

The kid hasnt been hurt, it may have been scared a little but no physical damage has occured, so im not sure any immediate action (no idea what you would do) is necessary.

Sorry i cant help any more than that.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:26 PM
EVP is probably a good start to see if the infant is experiencing anything paranormal, however I would forward that kids do weird things when they are really young and you can't read much into it.

I have 4 kids and they have all done strange things but you can't look into them too much, just recently my 7 year old daughter was making claims of ghost's and she wouldn't sleep in her bed. As she is good at keeping her feelings secret it took a while to coach the "gut" of what she was going through out. Turned out that she was spooked because of a girl in her class talking about ghost's and saying untrue things.

This made my daughter's mind run wild and human fear is defence mechanism which can do strange things in behaviour which aren't necisarily rational.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:34 PM
This makes my skin crawl. My baby grandaughter wouldnt stop waving at an empty kitchen the other day
I tried distracting her, but she kept happily waving at something that i couldnt see. Fortunatly, i understand they grow out of it. Whatever the visions are they will fade with time.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 11:09 PM
The little ones are VERY CLOSE to the other side.
It is MY belief they can see their guides, and other family members who are cheering them on in the new experience they are having of being 'physical'............
I believe they can SEE ghosts and what not.....I do not think negative ghost waste time with ones so new because they are so young they have yet to learn to be afraid of many things.............
I do however think that ghosts will come to see the baby...BECAUSE the baby can see them. It is a way they can feel validated and 'real' when so many of our adult kind can NOT see them at they come and wave at the babies.

Now.......from personal experience with my own son who was 9 months old.

My husband at the time and I were looking to buy a very OLD house. The last family who owned the house experienced the father dying in the house from lung cancer. He was a good man and completely OBSESSED with fixing up his big old home.
While we were looking at the house, my son in my arms got very excited in a couple of rooms and was vocalising and waving.....basicly TRYING to jump out of my arms and into 'thin air'...................the family showing us the house then told us "I guess he can see Daddy, he died in this room ya know"
I believed my son could 'see' Levon, the man who had passed away in the VERY room we were in.
We ended up buying this house.
I would speak aloud to Levon....saying "hey I am planning to re-do the floor here and I hope your liking the fact I want to go back to the old wood".......
He NEVER responded to me in any way that I could ever really see.
But my baby son would react happily............and, NO JOKE HERE, when my boy was sleeping and I was taking him to his room, the door would open on its own, so that I could easily take my son to bed.
It would just slowly open up and I could walk in unhindered.
I ALWAYS would say "Thank you so much Levon" and put my boy to bed.
We ended up opening up this old place as a Bed & Breakfast Inn.

More than a few times.......we had people knock on the door who wanted a room, and would then say they felt 'uncomfortable here' so I would tell them about our ghost & and ended up not staying. This was fine with me because I truly think Levon was looking out for us and would try really hard to scare away possible negative customers. It ended up we only had good folks stay, and we were never robbed or taken advantage of by people staying with us.

I believe the ghosts 'crave attention' so desperetley, that they hang around the tiny ones because they can be seen and acknowledged by the tiny ones, unlike us older folks.
I think your little niece is totally SAFE and NORMAL....................its only that you that are sensitive enough to notice whats going on. Most people don't notice a thing................
I think this goes on with ALL the young ones but passes by the notice of MOST adults. I do not think you need to worry about this.
Do yourself a favor and try to get video of this going when your niece is older you can ask her ~WHO~ she was waving at, because she just might be able to tell you

I did a thread about Levon being my friendly ghost aught to read it, BECAUSE it pertains to your topic right here....and there are pictures!

[edit on 26-5-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 11:24 PM
You might also want to take her to a doctor, as this may not be supernatural. The "staring into space" thing you are describing is a symptom of a certain type of epilepsy that my cousin has (I'm sorry - I can't remember the name right now).

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Thanks guys.
I have a problem though with doing EVPs. My fiancee has had bad experience with people trying to connect to the other side and says that you should stay away from it because if you're not careful, things you don't want to come from the other side, can. I don't want to do the EVP or anything to ask paranormal presences to expose themselves or show that they actually exist because they will know that I acknowledge them and perhaps--make things worse?
As for the epilipsy (spell wrong?), we checked with the doctor over that and no, the doctor said she was healthy and no signs of that--my sister thought that as well.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 01:07 AM
Yeah im crawling too,really bad vibes here just reading about it,I didnt make it half way through before I got the vibes,It' is probably something you would probably want to look into.

Alright I cant even read this entire post, I have rarely gotten this strong of connection just through reading the situation. What ever there is in that house is pretty strong. Now I'm felling something at the house im not saying I am a psychic but man this is something else here.If you would like to see if this is somewhat true there is a numerous amount of things you can do to see if this is the house something in the house or something else all together.

First off I would see how the child behaves in another area or house or whatever. Make sure the conditions are the same as before.This could be easily done by inviting her and your sister/brother to your house or offer to babysit at your house.

If there is a noticable difference in her behavior(im sorry i keep trying to get to the end of the post but as I go it gets stronger I cannot delve further into the information you provided im getting too freaked out in a manner of speaking.)you may be able to discern if this is an entity or if your niece is just percieving many different things.

If this is indeed an entity, it could mean many different amount of things.

Judging from the little blurbs Ive looked at Ive got most of the story.

What you have described is what many would classify a lower level poltergiest though from judging the wave levels it may be stronger then that. I feel sorry for that poor girl for having to deal with such a horrible thing as being scared by such a powerful presence.

The first levels of activity show that this poltergiest or whatever you wanna call it can manifest within a physically noticable form in order to have your niece be able to follow it with her eyes.

Childrens minds are not skewed by the knowledge of reality as they have not conceived what reality is yet.Therefore this allows them to see hear and feel certain things that we could not comprehend due to our solidified foothold in that which we deem to be our reality.

This means that while a child can percieve and interact with such a thing,it does not neccessarily mean that what you are dealing with is a normal everyday thing.

Due to the circumstances of this case I would say that there may be cause for alarm. There has already been alot of interactivity with this thing so much so that it has become a concern within you.

With poltergiests of any kind you have to be very careful. While this thing may have been in the house all along it may have been the child herself who brought this thing to life. Hence why there could have been nothing wrong before her "wonderful" arrival in this world.

I will not be quaint here any longer. This is what I see in your case.

In the begining the child was showing strange behavior from the very start.AS her life force is growing this entity has seemingly found a connection with this child. The waving is a definite sign of a personal connection with it. While she will interact with you and the other members of the family perhaps. She is aswell interacting with it on a daily basis.

Many entities of this nature,that being of spectral human imprint.Are what is left of a persons mind and soul(meta physical being) after they die.
These imprints can be left for many different reasons but that is not what is important right now.

What is important to focus on here is the connection between your niece and whatever it is that is there. Aswell as how poltergiests behave.

From my studies I have discerned this. Even the smallest whisper of a person will more then definately change during its span within the realm of our percieved reality. When i say whisper ghost ghoul lytch/litch poltergiest even such as zombies vampires demons necromacers shamen
priest whatever.

These names/titles or even categories pertain to certain descriptions of these entities people monsters whatever,that people have noted studied become or whatever.

When i say now poltergiest i say this because of these reasons. Poltergiests usually have a tendancy to grow in activity and in most cases can turn pretty ugly.

A poltergiest is usually a ghost which has taken residency within a dwelling place or object.

These entities on the lower levels exsist on a more of an energy basis. Lower level entities within the poltergiest spectrum may not even be noticable at all.That is until a person within our percieved reality comes along who can sense it.

Due to its nature being energy it needs it to thrive and live in a sort of way. When I say energy I mean more along the lines of human or even an animals contact.

We emit energy waves at any given moment of our waking and sleeping life. AS we observe think and feel we are in a way interacting with all that surrounds us within this percieved universe realm or whatever you want to call this.

As a lower level poltergiest starts to interact with an individual,it has been noted that in many cases the activity has a good chance of increasing and become more strong as the individual in question.In this case being your niece.Interacts with it. While it is not sure if ghost dissapear.It has been noticed that they will grow.

In many fields poltergiests will have certain levels of activity.A lower level,can be sensed more then anything,while a low to medium poltergiest may perhaps be heard running upstairs or whispering in the night or perhaps crying.

While a ghost/poltergiest obtains an imprint of a person who was once alive. It is alot different then you or me. I cannot even really fathom what is there I only dabble in such things.

Things can change,sometimes quickly or slowly.It depends on the individual entity really.

The instance of the scream depicts that your niece suddenly became scared.
This could be due to an uppage in the interactivity with this being.The fact that she was scared shows that it was not a good feeling that she got from it

This is what starts me on the road to saying its a poltergiest,this is perhaps now a lower middle level entity. Here is the kicker though now that you have become involved this can sometimes give this entity more energy again through recognition.

As we get closer to a middle level poltergiest we will find more manifestation within our percieved reality,This can involve more audible interactions sometimes manifestation in form, small interactions with objects,in many cases usually objects that the person is really connected to and loves or something like that. Aswell as eletronic device manipulation or EVP(forget what exactly it stands for)

Now depending on the nature of the entity and the individual's connection with this thing. Things can start to go bad

In many cases ghosts are very confused or limited to certain behaviors.
Whereas a poltergiest can change its behavior at any certain point,this is the difference between the two in many fields of study.

A middle to high level poltergiest is labeled this due to its extreme behavior,in many cases this can be very noticable to sometimes dangerous behaviors.This can include complete form manifestation, Talking voices,and high levels of interaction with those who are around it.
Movement of objects aswell as even possesion of people and animals.

Boundaries and behaviors of a poltergiest and the levels is merely a guidline put together by many years of witnessing and having to deal with certain strange paranormal events such as yours here.

I would like to thank you for posting your concerns here on ats,and hope that what I have said here may help you in your dilema. While I'm not going to say this is what it is,I'm going to say perhaps.

I hope its believable enough and coherent enough to follow.It is difficult for me to explain such information based on what it is we are talking about.

[edit on 26-5-2007 by toraylin]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 05:31 AM
I just wonder why you think this is something to be concerned about? Perhaps it has a lot to do with how your family has discussed or not discussed such things? My family has always dealt with this with humour.

It's happened all our lives but I'll just give you 2 recent examples.

My daughter was delighted when she heard another baby playing with her sons toys while he was not in the room. It didn't happen a lot, but just occasionally. And sometimes when he was asleep. Once when I rang her, when my grandson was just learning to say Hiya, I thought I heard him shout 'hiya' down the phone, and she heard it down the phone also, but he was playing in his bedroom and it was not him, so we just laughed and said the ghost baby must be learning to say hiya too. It's just the way our family has always been about these things.

We've always accepted that other beings share our lives and space, and tried to acknowledge them if we thought they needed it.

A few months back, my sister started seeing a little dog running along beside me. Just occasionally. And mid conversation she'll say to me 'your little black dog just ran round your legs' and we'll smile and carry on. My youngest daughter knew nothing of this, and the other night she said to me 'I just thought I saw Shadow (our black kitten) run under your legs, but he's asleep on the chair', so maybe it was my little ghost dog

Like others have said, I think these things come and go throughout our lives, and occasionally we will be frightened, depending on the circumstances, but I don't really think there's a need to worry, and there are ways to protect yourself if you think you need to be protected.

And of course, there are plenty of people who think it's a gift to be able to see these things. Don't scare her if she sees things, but just allow her to talk about them when she can.

I probably haven't been of much help, but I did want to try to give you a different angle on how to view this

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:17 AM
Hi Lilyblooms,

I'm sure your niece will grow out of this. It is true that young children are apparently very close to the spiritual side. Maybe if reincarnation exists it is because they have just passed back over fom 'the other side'. We have no memory of this part in our lives and who knows, they could be saying goodbye to the people they have left behind...

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:49 AM
I truly believe that the little girl in question can see 'spirits,' sorry to scare you.

I believe that over the hundreds of years that humanity has walked the Earth that we have been dumbed down. Iluminati based (but that's another story) or just generally. I mean the television, radio, computer games, etc etc all stimulate the mind but they are made for that very purpose, and in my humble opinion, all add up to the lost spiritual part of the brain we have today.

Children so young don't know anything about how Earth should function. They haven't had education yet (again do you believe education was invented to numb the population down? Numb us down? But how you ask!? I mean that schools tell you what is right and wrong and that is the only truth. The truth you are taught in school.) So they haven't had education, and they don't know physics and chemistry and what is conceivable, so their minds are free to believe and see what is 'real' around them. I guess you could take the Matrix films as a far fetched example. This spirituality happens all around us but most of us can't see it because we have been told that it can't happen.

If you read up on human biology then you read that 'what you see' is made up from vision yes, but also what your brain perceives is true about the real world. You see things upside down and the wrong way round, then your brain turns it into a 3-d world for you based on what it perceives the world should look like. The brain is so powerful and it can influence you in believing things which aren't true. Click this link, and play the video with headphones on. Your brain tricks you into thinking you're in a virtual world with the man walking around the room from left and right.

Anyway my point is that your 18 month old niece hasn't been influenced in any way, the same as most young children, so she perceives things that could very well be real. The spiritual eye that many older people have lost over the years because of education etc and numbing down through media types.

The shocking thing is the supposed 'physical' attack. It's widely known in spirituality that poltergeists latch on to children, although this is usually through the ages of puberty development, and I would hope your 18 month old niece is quite a bit away from that. I guess you could do a bit of research about the area / street you're in or maybe the exact house that the sights from her are taking place, like the place where she waves etc. If she does this in multiple places then that's even more of a mystery as it would seem that the entity is following her around...or that she is seeing a lot more than just the one.

Again I wouldn't be alarmed yet, you might just be watching someone with great gifts in the early stages of her development. She might turn out to be a very gifted child. I truly believe and hope that we are on path as a race to become more spiritually active. I just hope that with development of our knowledge of physics and science in general that we don't shut off more parts of the brain through 'right and wrongs - truth and non plausible truths,' as surely it would be narrow minded to believe that what we know in science is the 100% fact. As a race we know very little even though it gets us by in every day life.

I guess the best advice I can give you is to wait for maybe spiritually gifted people to make their way to this thread and tell you about their childhood experiences as it may turn out they had the same experiences when they were very young like your niece. And don't stop her from seeing or using her spiritual eye. If anything, as she gets older try talking to her about what she is seeing and ask her to describe it. Embrace such a gift.

[edit on 26-5-2007 by Arawn]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 01:26 PM
No need to worry, babies are the purest forms of life and their eyes can see things adults can never see. I doubt its a demon, for one thing, babies have no fear.

My neice use to do the same thing. She's 7 now, but at the age 2 when she was learning about angels, she use to talk about one watching her wherever she went.

Our grandmother died the following year in '03, and my neice continued to talk with her up until last year. Thats why I'm confused about the afterlife....

My neice freaked her dad (my brother) out by telling him about the renovations done to my grandma's house without her seeing it. She told him how grandma loved the new paintings and floors, but my brother brushed it aside until months later when we had a family gathering at the renovated home. My neice went intoour grnadmothers bedroom and said "Grandm, what do you think about your new room?" and a few seconds later my neice told everyone, "Grandma said she likes the changes and that she loves everyone."

Of course, my aunts and uncles couldnt hold back their tears. Now my neice spends her time watching "Thats So Raven" I guess TV can waste a

[edit on 26-5-2007 by Judaz_Escariot]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by lilyblooms
looks at the window--and waves. Not for a short while, not all around, but watching--fixated on something and waving for almost a minute.

I think that is the word right there (Window) maybe she saw her reflection.

Originally posted by lilybloomsMy sister had another experience of her own, one not so friendly. She was feeding my neice, watching tv as she did, when she started getting her ready for bedtime. She casually went over and turned the tv off, when my neice just let out this horrid scream and cried as if she fell down. My sister checked her for cuts, bites, bruises, scratches and nothing could be found! She cried for hours and refused to be put down. Nothing could stop her crying--nothing could help my neice to calm down.
What could have scared her so badly to act so freaked out?

It happens sometimes maybe she didn't want to go to bed?. I don't have kids but alot of nephews and nieces and I know a few times where they cried like that because they were tired and didn't want to take a nap. I'm not trying to discredit you or anything but I think there are rational explanatons to atleast some of what she's doing.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 05:27 PM
I understand many points of view and I have kept an open mind to each and every one--I apperciate all the help ATS members have given.

Some other ideas:

My sister told me last night when I discussed the idea of this forum with her that her husband had some strange occurences with my neice the other day. In the kitchen, there was a clanking noise coming from the upstairs--a pipe it very well could have been but in any case--my neice would go over to the corner that the noise was coming from and stand looking and hearing the noise. She would point and wonder about the noise--and again--she bursted into a fit! She cried and went into her mood as said before, (why I feel it wasn't due to her not wanting to nap). The noise eventually got fixed, but refused to be put down, reconciled with, or in any way talked with over the noise. Now she has done that with my brother in law and my sister--completely different times--different instances.

THEN my sister explained my neice had a waving moment in the living room, adjacent to her baby room in the apartment. She claimed the only place she hasn't thrown a fit, waved, or stared blankely at was my sister's bedroom--where she puts her down for naps. Could that mean anything?
She hasn't done anything in my house or my mother's house--just in that room--and now it seems she's doing it with my sister in other places.

:: Dispute::
The window reflection claim--if that was true that my neice saw her reflection in the mirror--shouldn't I have seen mine or hers as well? When she looks up at the window to waive, I'm sitting right next to her and I have inspected the angle, the lighting, the noise in that room and I didn't see any sign of reflection, bird, plane, noise that could otherwise distract her attention. Now, the point isn't that she waved--it's that something stopped her ABRUPTLY to look up and WAVE, GIGGLE, and say HI!.

My neice has two waves. One to say hello and another where she is trying to grab something--that's her way that she wants you to come here, or wants something. I remember that when she waved the other day, she made her second wave--the grab. She wanted A.) whatever that object was to come to her B.) whatever it was it had. Could that make whatever it is actually come now that she has welcomed it to do anything to her?

[edit on 26-5-2007 by lilyblooms]

[edit on 26-5-2007 by lilyblooms]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:23 PM
maybe she's extra sensitive to another dimension?
it's too bad we do go through quite a bit of conditioning through our lives. it'd be interesting to tap into a very young person's mind for a while to give it a good 'read' and possibly be reminded of a more pure understanding of this world.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:06 PM
Does the sister have any pets? how do they re-act to the area? I myself am a strong believer that animals can sense a presense if it is there. I have 3 dogs and sometimes just randomly they will all stop and watch the kitchen as if someone was coming into the door or as if someone was in the kitchen. Then after about 1min one will stop then 2mions later or so the others will stop watching. If there are animals just watch and see how they react when the baby is reacting to whatever it is that is there.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:20 PM

Could that make whatever it is actually come now that she has welcomed it to do anything to her?

Again, you are being negative. Why do you feel it is having 'power' over her, of any kind, and why do you worry it is negative? I'm beginning to question your motives asking these questions. Do you think anything otherwordly is negative?
What do you think demons are? I this all Biblicaly related or are you genuine in wondering what otherwordly things your niece is seeing?
Otherwordly beings aren't always negative, but maybe your upbringing has taught you otherwise?
Usually, interconnectedness with otherwordly beings is very positive.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:31 PM
You say you are spiritual....I'm assuming you believe in God and his son Jesus? If so rebuke the thing in Jesus's name and be done with it. I personally dont believe in ghost. I find it hard to believe that God would miss one and allow someone to just wander around. Now angels and demons are another entity altogether. If it is an angel the rebuke wouldn't have any effect but if its a demon he'd be gone as soon as the words leave your mouth. Besides if Houdini couldn't come back then I highly doubt anyone could ether.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 07:48 PM

'm assuming you believe in God and his son Jesus?

I'm quite disturbed you brought that question into this discussion - why is it relevant?

[edit on 26/5/07 by Nebankh]

[edit on 26/5/07 by Nebankh]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by lilyblooms
I'm spiritual, but I only believe in angels or demons--not believing God would let ghosts exist and walk around aimlessly. The only clue I have is she only waves in that room, in that space, when I'm with her only.

It seems that your baby neice is more spiritually intelligent than you.

I beleive in this.. I beleive in that .. blah blah blah. Well hun that baby is SEEING it. Maybe you should start questioning yourself instead of thinking something is wrong with HER.

Take it from someone who knows. Quite a few people have given you the right answer on this thread. Use it.

[edit on 26/5/07 by SteveR]

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