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Proof That God Does Not Exist ! (updated)

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posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Jaypeth
when you are on your way out find a partner.....God may just want to take a gamble 50/50 on who to choose and who to lose ,,,, and killing god makes you a loser

Like he says, if you do not believe in my words, indeed people just become ashes when they die. I personally would like eternal life, and see my grandpa again..
Indeed killing God puts you on the Opposer's side, which everybody is on these days, whether they realise it or not.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by AD5673
God does exist. Pray to him and find out. If you have problems aks him to help you out. He will thats how you know that he exists. I prayed to him a lot of times and he has helped me. Even the siplest stupid things when i cant find something for 2 hours (actually happend i lost my keys) I prayed to him and about 10 secinds later i find my keys. God does exist and i have seen him in 3 different forms. One was when i was 4 years old. I saw him out the window when i was lerning the God's Prayer from the Bible with my grandma. I saw him out the wondow, and i know for a fact that he does exist. Scinecetists say that Earth was created by some energy $hit and a big bang. Where did the energy come from???It had to come from somewhere right? Well it was God. Now you might ask 'well where did God come from???' Well God doesnt want you to know where he came from. He doesnt want anyone to know. Exept maybe whn you are in heaven with him.

That's so true... So beautiful too, good post... I could tell that came from your heart.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:08 AM
my brother needed 70 dollars in one night or he was going to
be put in jail. He prayed that somehow he could make enough money that night.

so later he did his usual job that night and made exactly 71 dollars in tips. way more than he ever made in tips before.

I see this stuff all the time. it dont just happen, its tiny miracles that millions of faithful see all the time.


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by AD5673
Well lilbam tell me where did EVERYTHING come from????? What are you going to tel me some bull$hit about energy or matter???????????????????? Thats bull$hit. Energy couldn't have come from anywhere. So there is a God.

Precisely, sweetie pie! If you could for a moment see beyond your furious mind, I'd be more than happy to discuss this with you.

Energy couldnt've come from anywhere, therefore, what's the difference between energy and God? If it didn't come from nowhere, how did it come from a SEPARATE entity called God? (Separate from the energy that is, unless he IS this energy, in which case you're just calling energy GOD, and in this sense, sure he exists).

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by AD5673
God does exist. Pray to him and find out. If you have problems aks him to help you out. He will thats how you know that he exists. I prayed to him a lot of times and he has helped me.

Or so you assume. Your "desire" that whatever was the turnout was GOD, doesn't mean that is what it was. Somehow he doesn't seem to help out all those other people praying to be saved, like the dying in Iraq who're praying to God to make the Americans leave. The Palestinians who want the Jews to stop their genocide campaign against them. The Native Americans who prayed to save them from the BRITISH who invaded and slaughtered them to build this country. The Jews who prayed to be saved from Hitler.

Somehow God likes you more than everybody else on this planet. Or perhaps this is a delusion you've created for yourself, since the only reason you have for saying that God did anything at all, is because you WANT it to be God.

Even the siplest stupid things when i cant find something for 2 hours (actually happend i lost my keys) I prayed to him and about 10 secinds later i find my keys. God does exist and i have seen him in 3 different forms. One was when i was 4 years old. I saw him out the window when i was lerning the God's Prayer from the Bible with my grandma. I saw him out the wondow, and i know for a fact that he does exist. Scinecetists say that Earth was created by some energy $hit and a big bang. Where did the energy come from???It had to come from somewhere right? Well it was God. Now you might ask 'well where did God come from???' Well God doesnt want you to know where he came from. He doesnt want anyone to know. Exept maybe whn you are in heaven with him.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Originally posted by AD5673
God does exist. Pray to him and find out. If you have problems aks him to help you out. He will thats how you know that he exists. I prayed to him a lot of times and he has helped me. Even the siplest stupid things when i cant find something for 2 hours (actually happend i lost my keys) I prayed to him and about 10 secinds later i find my keys. God does exist and i have seen him in 3 different forms. One was when i was 4 years old. I saw him out the window when i was lerning the God's Prayer from the Bible with my grandma. I saw him out the wondow, and i know for a fact that he does exist. Scinecetists say that Earth was created by some energy $hit and a big bang. Where did the energy come from???It had to come from somewhere right? Well it was God. Now you might ask 'well where did God come from???' Well God doesnt want you to know where he came from. He doesnt want anyone to know. Exept maybe whn you are in heaven with him.

That's so true... So beautiful too, good post... I could tell that came from your heart.

Question.. why did he see something and assume it was God? Why does he think anyone answers his prayers, instead of it being nature taking its course? Do you think that if God didn't answer your prayers, everything would go absolutely WRONG in your life? When something WORKS in your life, you automatically attribute it to divine intervention? Come on now...

Energy didn't have to COME from somewhere, that's the point. Nothing had to come from anywhere. Time doesn't exist. If time doesn't exist, CREATION does not exist in the way you people think. What am I talking about?

What is creation? It is something that you create. Did it exist BEFORE you created it? Well, no, otherwise it wouldn't be a creation. However, BEFORE is a concept of time. If GOD is timeless, then there is no before/after for him, and therefore everything that exists has ALWAYS existed. If he created something, in reality, it's already been there for eternity, so he didn't really create it. You can only CREATE if time exists, otherwise creation would be a contradiction to reality.

Why limit yourself with linear thought anyway? This HAD to come from somewhere. Or that HAD to be created by something. Did it really HAVE to? Or is that just your lack of ability to conceptualise a TIMELESS existance? Timeless means all that there is is eternal in the infinite NOW, the creation IS the created and vice versa. Nothing HAS to be anything!

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:18 AM
actually, God loves everybody the same, but if there is a human who believes in miracles by faith, he will see alot of them by faith.

btw, how do you know she thinks god loves her more?

did you creat her or know her thoughts?


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Truth

my brother needed 70 dollars in one night or he was going to
be put in jail. He prayed that somehow he could make enough money that night.

so later he did his usual job that night and made exactly 71 dollars in tips. way more than he ever made in tips before.

I see this stuff all the time. it dont just happen, its tiny miracles that millions of faithful see all the time.


You'd LIKE to attribute it to God, wouldn't you? And what made God so picky and choosie that he ignores the prayers of the dying and hungry around the world, but decided to get your friend some bail money?

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Truth

actually, God loves everybody the same, but if there is a human who believes in miracles by faith, he will see alot of them by faith.

Very true. If you believe in something, you will most likely ignore reality and make it be what you BELIEVE it is, even if that is not the case. If you believe that every little thing is a miracle, then it sure as hell will be, at least for you. Does this mean that there is God doing anything of the sort? Well, no, you have no clue, but you HOPE it is, and you BELIEVE it is, so it MUST be him! Whatever you believe, it IS! Isn't that how belief works? Gotta love it.

btw, how do you know she thinks god loves her more?

Because if God "saved" or "helped" anyone on the planet, what would make him help someone to correct her jaw, or do a nose job, or get some bail money, and ignore the millions who are suffering, dying, being sold in sexual slavery, hungry, and abused by war? Are they not praying to a God to help them and save them from this misery? You can bet your poodle they do! And where is God? Perhaps people have a delusional idea that God should somehow remove pain/suffering/troubles from their lives? If he did that, how would anyone LEARN? Also, it is obvious he doesn't, given the condition of our planet.

So he may help someone find their keys, but he doesn't bother with the millions (billions even) of suffering? This is, of course, logic that is based off of belief, which is not really logic, just wishful thinking.

did you creat her or know her thoughts?


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:35 AM
come on lilblam. your mind is as weak and fable as ours.

creation, was and had to be created.

so basically.

1. you either believe aliens somehow found a great planet, the perfect size, perfect beauty, perfect
weather, and said to themselves: gee, lets use this perfect planet, creat humans, and use them for energy, as if
the planet itself was a miracle to them, all the while we will go through the pains of giving people like lilblam
the [mental] capability to [figure] out their plans so they could tell people and reduce our energy.

2. or God who time does not exist, but the [earths] age does exist. aging exist, its even where our time comes from. if you go back ages
then the earth would not exist yet the timelss God would.

but dont sit here and tell us whats logical, because as my god to you is illogical, your theory to me with all due respect is illogical.


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:50 AM
he doesnt here the prayers of the poor?

brother, the basis of our belief [is] once you truly follow christ you will
have to endure suffering.

you think because people die, they suffer. death is the beggining.

also how do [you] know poor hungry people do not ask for it as penance?

if god fed everybody through miracles to the point where suffering
does not exist, then would they not learn value from suffering?

god cannot tamper with free will, but works through human hearts to feed the poor ect.

like you said.

if i give a poor dying man a meal, does it merrit for the soul?


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Truth

come on lilblam. your mind is as weak and fable as ours.

creation, was and had to be created.

so basically.

1. you either believe aliens somehow found a great planet, the perfect size, perfect beauty, perfect
weather, and said to themselves: gee, lets use this perfect planet, creat humans, and use them for energy, as if
the planet itself was a miracle to them, all the while we will go through the pains of giving people like lilblam
the [mental] capability to [figure] out their plans so they could tell people and reduce our energy.

2. or God who time does not exist, but the [earths] age does exist. aging exist, its even where our time comes from. if you go back ages
then the earth would not exist yet the timelss God would.

but dont sit here and tell us whats logical, because as my god to you is illogical, your theory to me with all due respect is illogical.


Our minds are not weak btw, they are limitless. Any and all limits are self-imposed. All that exists in the entire "creation" is WITHIN our minds, and vice versa. We ARE all that there is, and vice versa. All is one, and many at the same time. Non-linear concepts my friend.

Perfection, on the other hand, is very limiting. In fact, it's very subjective and relative as well. All there is, is lessons. Everything that exists, exists for learning. In an attempt to KNOW everything, and EXPERIENCE everything, the Creator (God) BECAME everything, and therefore Created everything. However, it has ALWAYS been, because there is no time. Reality is INFINITE and TIMELESS, as all that can ever possibly exist already does. The Creation/Creator (being one and the same) want to experience EVERYTHING, but the thing is, everything has no LIMIT. Therefore, this will go on for eternity, but simultaneously! We're here to LEARN, to learn what's it's like to be what we are, what it's like to experience this environment, what it's like to progress the consciousness. Some will learn what it's like to degress, and basically head towards non-existance. All there is is lessons, to learn what it is like to be absolutely everything, absolutely NOTHING, and everything in between (which is INFINITE, and never-ending in scope).

All that exists, has always existed, and always will exist. God IS all that exists, as nothing is NOT from/of God. How could something be OUTSIDE everything that exists? By the very definition of "everything", anything that exists, is part of everything. You can create a whole universe if you want, and dwell within, if you discover how my friend. Your mind has NO limit, only self-imposed one. Religion imposes a limit, and tells you to give up your will to some entity called God. This is a grand deception created to keep you grounded, to stop the inner desire to advance and expand your mind and to KNOW all that there is to know. Instead, it says knowledge or truth is irrelavant, you must BELIEVE what you're told, not seek to KNOW.

If you think carefully about these concepts, you may learn something. I have been where you are, I have gone through a period of my life where I was religious and believed in things, then I have gone through periods of "spirituality" and "new age" etc. I have had enough of lies, illusions (even self-imposed delusions, aka beliefs). Now, all I seek is TRUTH. Nothing else will do. Belief only swayed me away, and you WILL learn this one day, but only when you choose. You may disagree, and that is fine. You disagree simply because you haven't learned this lesson yet, and ALL that exists are LESSONS!

You cannot know how to ride a bike until you sit down and RIDE it. There is no TOOL that can teach you to ride a bike, without making you actually RIDE one. This is how you learn reality, by experience, by BEING the reality. If someone tells you something, you must put in the mental effort to learn/understand in order to KNOW. If you do not, you will not really know, until you do. No matter how much someone tells you that 1+1=2, you won't know until you put in the effort to UNDERSTAND.

Same goes for everything. Without effort on your part, you can never gain anything or learn anything. If you leave everything to another entity (call it God or whoever), you give up your own will, your own BEING, and you thereby stop your progress until you learn what you've actually done. Once again, telling you this is pointless at this stage, because you have your beliefs and assumptions, and you hold on to them dearly.

The only way for you to know and understand, is through effort on your part, and when you are READY, you will know, not a second before then.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 12:08 PM
i believe what im told?

thats nonsense.

what i believe are [teachings] that are me, yet come from a revealed christ.

if i said his teachings were false,then i would be saying im false. if i didnt believe this, i wouldnt believe in myself.

your theory was revealed as well, yet its free thinking, while im stuck in a box.

if something was not you, would you believe it?

how can i deny jesus who teaches what IS me?

it never ends.


posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 12:15 PM
im officially done on this thread. ive said what i wanted to say.

God Bless.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
good luck or bad luck does not prove the existance or none existance of god.

the fact that someone prayed for your wife is coincidence, it does not mean god stepped in and helped her. why would god help your wife with jaw problems and then forget to help millions of kids in africa with food problems ? was your wifes looks more important than peoples lives in gods eyes?

you had some luck and assummed it to be the work of god.

So you are going to tell me "the fact is" it was a coincidence. Kind of bold of you don't think. My wifes jaw moving into place within 2 weeks was not luck, You can name it a medical mystery, Whatever, but don't call it luck.
And first of all it has nothing to do with looks. It has to do with being able to eat and breath right. So inform yourself on underbites before you label it a comsetic situation. She was heeled because God decided to answer the prayer of a extremely devoted man. God does great things for children in africa all the time. But like I said no one will ever believe me so.....

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 06:34 PM
Thanks Lillbam, your posts has made me think more and more that a creator God cannot exist.

How could a God illogical to our logics exist outside our logics and still interfere in our world where our logics say he/she/it can not exist??

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 08:43 PM

Or so you assume. Your "desire" that whatever was the turnout was GOD, doesn't mean that is what it was. Somehow he doesn't seem to help out all those other people praying to be saved, like the dying in Iraq who're praying to God to make the Americans leave. The Palestinians who want the Jews to stop their genocide campaign against them. The Native Americans who prayed to save them from the BRITISH who invaded and slaughtered them to build this country. The Jews who prayed to be saved from Hitler.

Ummm, Jews doing genocide to the Palestinians? Are you nuts? Come on tell me that was a typo.

Ok , God can not , and will not answer everyones prayers, Iraq for instance, there are people praying that the Americans stay, just as well as Poeple praying they leave. Thats why everything is not answered. Secondly , in my view because I am christian I believe he will only answer prayers, "or mostly" of those who have excepted his son.

Riddle me this, where did the Universe come from, and you better go very far back, because anything you say, I can easily say , "but where did that come from" you will eventua;;y hit a wall , a wall that abruptly tells you something came from nothing. And well , as we all know, sometihing can not come from nothing , therefore leading me to believe in a higher being calked God.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 09:49 PM
If you get a mix of 0 and 1 say 0 are nothing (no time) and 1 are something (time), one day I was in both �worlds�50/50 seriously.
I have never experienced something that extreme before, it joust happen no reason at all I was ------ for some minutes. I don�t want to Wright more about it�
I believe no! I am sure the true god comes from your self ((the energy within you) and that�s you)) so I think lilblam got good points of view.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by AD5673
God does exist. Pray to him and find out. If you have problems aks him to help you out. He will thats how you know that he exists. I prayed to him a lot of times and he has helped me.

Or so you assume. Your "desire" that whatever was the turnout was GOD, doesn't mean that is what it was. Somehow he doesn't seem to help out all those other people praying to be saved, like the dying in Iraq who're praying to God to make the Americans leave. The Palestinians who want the Jews to stop their genocide campaign against them. The Native Americans who prayed to save them from the BRITISH who invaded and slaughtered them to build this country. The Jews who prayed to be saved from Hitler.

Somehow God likes you more than everybody else on this planet. Or perhaps this is a delusion you've created for yourself, since the only reason you have for saying that God did anything at all, is because you WANT it to be God.

Even the siplest stupid things when i cant find something for 2 hours (actually happend i lost my keys) I prayed to him and about 10 secinds later i find my keys. God does exist and i have seen him in 3 different forms. One was when i was 4 years old. I saw him out the window when i was lerning the God's Prayer from the Bible with my grandma. I saw him out the wondow, and i know for a fact that he does exist. Scinecetists say that Earth was created by some energy $hit and a big bang. Where did the energy come from???It had to come from somewhere right? Well it was God. Now you might ask 'well where did God come from???' Well God doesnt want you to know where he came from. He doesnt want anyone to know. Exept maybe whn you are in heaven with him.

These people did not believ in Jesus. Jesus is God's son. God said you cannot belive in me and not belive in my son; and who did the Native Americans pray to??? Their dead relatives???? They sure as hell not going to help them.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by AD5673]

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by AD5673]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by Truth

my brother needed 70 dollars in one night or he was going to
be put in jail. He prayed that somehow he could make enough money that night.

so later he did his usual job that night and made exactly 71 dollars in tips. way more than he ever made in tips before.

I see this stuff all the time. it dont just happen, its tiny miracles that millions of faithful see all the time.


You'd LIKE to attribute it to God, wouldn't you? And what made God so picky and choosie that he ignores the prayers of the dying and hungry around the world, but decided to get your friend some bail money?

God wont just go off helping everyone. People have choices. God does NOT controll them.They have to truly belive in God to recieve his help.

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