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Attention: Project Blue Beam Is Disinformation. The Truth about everything is in here. UPDATED.

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 03:59 PM
Hey mark, I agree about project blue beam, me and ONTHEDECK discuss project blue beam on an audio session we did here
on part 2 is where we discuss the disgust.

and I came to same conclusion myself when reading an artcle on project blue beam at the project blue beam people are scheming in my opinion.

keep on rocking my friend!

[edit on 30-3-2007 by timedrifter]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 04:43 PM
Regarding Point #3 that I made hours ago...

My Guides in TSOL decided to weigh-in on that issue and basically said that they disagreed with my appraisal.

To them, that cosmic scenario is not a possibility at all...but a probability.

I hate when that happens.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 04:50 PM
thank all of you for such great info..

and Paul thank you for the link im going to read it in depth later, turns out i think its the info i need.. breathing, the will, etc..

I used to get a feeling when tryin to meditatate ( zeroing out ) like a huge flex.. I nicknamed it flexing the will, like flexing or using a muscle but it feels as if its an invisible muscle of everything.

all i can think of is, wow, that must be what willing means but its just tinkering, cant get past a flex, more so dont know why im even trying..

whatever that feeling is, it has to be something useful.. time will tell i guess..

1 serious question, sorry to be ignorant.. are there any dangers in meditation on a deep level.. like opening a wrong door or something..

I scared myself a few years back and since then have never achieved what happend.. fear lol.. but maybe it was smart to fear this? I was fire breathing ( breathing slow the most possible ) it felt like i wasnt just breathing air but breathing in everything.. it burns your throat, hence fire breathing..

I knew what I was doing because I had just read about it, I wasnt scared or hype about it, just steady clear and kept doing it.. well if any of you do this you know things happen like as your energy increases walls snap, furniture, tvs, it seems as if your energy fills the room to the point if it flexs it pops things, kinda like the room needs to be bigger to house you..

well it got to a point where i forgot about myself because i was just listening to the different sounds.. seemed like i was hearing waves, like at a beach, that shooshing sound.. well i kid you not, not only did i hear the energy i saw it doing a slow flood into my bedroom, like it is coming through the hallway. you know how you can see the static in the air, but this had a definite mass, curving, bending, like water and the noise really got intense like loud waves..

back to reality, I got scared, my mind said, youve been reading the Metu Neter and you have no clue what your doing, then im thinking I opened up some ancient something I shouldnt have..

ok, no big deal, I'll sit up to clear my head, no haps, its still coming, completely detatched from my thought or action of breaking the meditation, but after a few seconds of hold up, it finally went back to normal..

can anyone shed light on this experience, its probably the reason i dont do it anymore.. what was happening.. should i have just trusted it would be fine and keep going or was i in danger..

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 05:06 PM
Thank you Paul_Richard! I love probabilities! LOL

You said,

quote: Original quote by Paul_Richard
I think of this as a possible - as opposed to probable - outcome surrounding the general time-frame of 2012.

Please thank your Guides and I'll see you on the other side. haaha

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:49 PM
We must all realize that this is a time of sacrifice. Yes, the new world is coming, but the cosmos will need chaos first. No "Cosmos" (order) without chaos. We must all realize the tsunami's , hurricanes, earthquakes are all caused by man. So the Blue Beam project is very real indeed.

I pray my city has seen it's share of the Rapture. I don't want any part of it, I mean, who does. If the electrical grids get fried, and we live like cavemen again, I pray that free energy will result from that chaos.

We instantly go back to the cavemen age as soon as they cut our power. That is how dependent we are on corporations. We are merely a flock of sheep to them. Forget your HDTV and Tv shows. Forget your American Idol. Forget your playstation 3. Forget your internet day trading. Forget your stack of DVD's. Forget cooking on your stove. Forget everything you worked for and consumer products. Start learning how to play Chess and read books again.

My friend is a police officer here in NY and he did tours this last summer out in Queens and there was a neighborhood there that was out of power for 2 weeks and he said people were cracking, and it reminded him of an old 19th century town like Deadwood or Tombstone. People were so bored and had no clue what to do next. The Blue Beam project is real, and the stuff about Christ returning and harnessing fire from the heavens could be all holographic, but that wont occur for years to come.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:17 PM
HATAX, the vibrational change is real. I re-wired my brain a few years ago which caused me to basically change my entire personality. The hiding ended and the real me was reborn.

Now , I did this simply by thought. I re-wired my brain's neural pathways, physically. This is why I changed. Now, if thoughts can do this, then thoughts can also change DNA. The THIN IONOSOPHERE now is also a factor. The sun is affecting us. It might cause cancer to rise and cells to die, but after we adapt, we will only become smarter by it.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:56 PM
And as you speak of the Sun the Scientist speak of the Sun dimming. Look and observe the Sun is "brighter" and the only dimming is coming from all the chemtrails being sprayed to cover it. People still don't observe and see what is going on in many aspects of there everyday life.

As it is said with UFO's and Aliens I also say is right for Chemtrails, people deny ignorance.

I will be away for a week and I will miss the conversations on this thread. I look forward to returning and having many interesting things to read.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:33 PM
I can't say I agree, but then I'd be a hornytoad.

Actually I've experienced a near death experience. I spun out of the highway and slammed into a tree with no seat belt. But the angle I hit the tree, made me fly from the front driver seat to the back passenger seat. I ended up having a very minor little bump on my head from hitting the ceiling. The direction I flew which could only be achieved from 5 degrees out of a 360 circle of possible direction's I could of flown into. 5/360 = .01388 = ~1.4% probability. I'm sure the probability is much smaller if you add in other factors. However theres no doubt that it was an act of God that I wasn't hurt more than a minor bruise. The car was Totalled.

Now during the time I lost control of the car, to the impact of the tree, to the milliseconds I was in the air. I wasn't in control, my life was in the hands of something else, in the hands of God. All you can do is wait for it to happen and then take it from there, you're mind is blank during those seconds that you have no control over your life.

Now during those seconds I didn't have control of my body, or my world, but I did have control of my "MIND". I was able to think, I was able to assess my predicament, I knew what was happening.

What I'm getting at is that you're mind during an extreme time is seperate from your body. You observe life from a higher plane. From a 3rd persepective you watch yourself, you watch your body, experience the damage of chaos. The ying ying, the evil part of the world.

This leads me to believe that the mind is seperate from the body, and if that is true, then we should not be afraid of death.

Collective Consciousness? I don't know about that, from what I've experience about about life the only conscious a being has is of it's own, and what he learns through communication tools.

But Death, Almost everyone experienced it on this board some way or another. Family members, friends, 911 victims, and possible someone you knew. How do you contemplate something so divine in nature, something so divine that is almost equal to the divinity of birth.

Birth & Death, are time's when everything is in God's hands. You have no control of what happens during these times. For that reason you MUST conclude that the spirituality of life DOES EXIST. How can you justify that Birth really is Birth, and Death really is Death, without acknowledging the divine nature of which it is happening in.

The Life and Death Cycle is so spiritual and so divine, that any materialistic object seizes to exist when you make this connection.

It boil's down to people not wanting to be labeled "Insane". They have conditioned people to believe that if they think outside the box, if they go against cultural norms, they are INSANE. Heck, they even lock people up in insane assylums. But I say they are not insane, I say they are spiritually enlightened.

The day that you embrace death, and you say "I'm not afraid of death because everything is out of my control", you will become a spiritual person. Your spirit will live forever, but your body can be broken.


Human Being = Homo Erectus = Mind + Body = Spiritual + Material

Now let's say that during death you "lose your body", because it is only material in nature, it can be changed, you have no control over it, it is part of life.

Spiritual + Material = Mind + Body

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Hi OnTheDeck, Tr0lla et al,

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Thank you Paul_Richard! I love probabilities! LOL

Yeah...They REALLY surprised me on that one

I had no idea they would actually confirm Emmanuel's prediction. They have been right about the last two US presidential elections and other things, but perhaps it is best to just put this idea in the back of our minds. I mean, this is not something that brings comfort to most of us in the flesh.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Please thank your Guides and I'll see you on the other side. haaha

Haha is right. Mindblowing.

Originally posted by tr0lla
...Paul thank you for the link im going to read it in depth later, turns out i think its the info i need.. breathing, the will, etc.

Glad to be of help. Your vacuum vision paralleling that of the prediction about the Universe dissolving into Light is uncanny and not just a little cryptic.

Originally posted by tr0lla
I used to get a feeling when tryin to meditatate ( zeroing out ) like a huge flex.. I nicknamed it flexing the will, like flexing or using a muscle but it feels as if its an invisible muscle of everything.

all i can think of is, wow, that must be what willing means but its just tinkering, cant get past a flex, more so dont know why im even trying..

whatever that feeling is, it has to be something useful.. time will tell i guess..

Meditation can be passive and it can also be active. The passive focus comes into play when you are opening yourself up to guidance from above. The active focus comes into play when you are willfully working on things through visualization, projected feelings, etc.

Originally posted by tr0lla
1 serious question, sorry to be ignorant.. are there any dangers in meditation on a deep level.. like opening a wrong door or something..

Don't ever be sorry about not knowing about something. If anything, be sorry that you don't seek answers.

No, there are no dangers in meditating on a deep level. Deepak Chopra and others espouse that when one is in a deep meditative state, that is when the most self-healing can occur. I see some truth in this.

The most that can happen from meditating deeply is that one falls asleep. If that occurs, then the body needed the rest anyway.

Originally posted by tr0lla
I scared myself a few years back and since then have never achieved what happend.. fear lol.. but maybe it was smart to fear this? I was fire breathing ( breathing slow the most possible ) it felt like i wasnt just breathing air but breathing in everything.. it burns your throat, hence fire breathing..

I knew what I was doing because I had just read about it, I wasnt scared or hype about it, just steady clear and kept doing it.. well if any of you do this you know things happen like as your energy increases walls snap, furniture, tvs, it seems as if your energy fills the room to the point if it flexs it pops things, kinda like the room needs to be bigger to house you..

well it got to a point where i forgot about myself because i was just listening to the different sounds.. seemed like i was hearing waves, like at a beach, that shooshing sound.. well i kid you not, not only did i hear the energy i saw it doing a slow flood into my bedroom, like it is coming through the hallway. you know how you can see the static in the air, but this had a definite mass, curving, bending, like water and the noise really got intense like loud waves..

back to reality, I got scared, my mind said, youve been reading the Metu Neter and you have no clue what your doing, then im thinking I opened up some ancient something I shouldnt have..

ok, no big deal, I'll sit up to clear my head, no haps, its still coming, completely detatched from my thought or action of breaking the meditation, but after a few seconds of hold up, it finally went back to normal..

can anyone shed light on this experience, its probably the reason i dont do it anymore.. what was happening.. should i have just trusted it would be fine and keep going or was i in danger..

You were channeling. No big deal. When you feel any kind of energy that is disharmonious to your being, whether you are meditating or when you are just walking around, simply reject it. That's all you have to do.

There are other tips I can give you. The best I can think of at the moment is to be aware of the colors of the energies that are coming in at any given time. If they are violet, yellow, orange, red, or brown, reject them. If they are sky blue and/or white, embrace them. This applies to healing modalities as well as meditative practices. For example, whenever I do my Qigong (Chi-Gong) exercises and I sense and/or see yellow energy, I have learned that I need to immediately reject it or I will become sick to my stomach.

Be aware of the channeled energy color coming in and you will have more control over the situation.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:09 AM
Physical evidence for any of the absolutely insane, wild claims you just made? Vibrations of consciousness? You sound like you've lost your mind.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by RedDragon
Physical evidence for any of the absolutely insane, wild claims you just made? Vibrations of consciousness? You sound like you've lost your mind.

Thats mainly part of the idea of this thread.

People want physical evidence so much that they have forgot there is existence beyond the physical.

How can i give you physical evidence of somethings that are not physical?

Do you understand your own question?

And you cannot lose your mind,your mind is the one thing you cannot "lose",you can lose your body,you can lose your emotions but you cannot lose your mind.

Your mind is eternal you will ALWAYS have your mind.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by RedDragon
Physical evidence for any of the absolutely insane, wild claims you just made? Vibrations of consciousness? You sound like you've lost your mind.

That was what you saw.

I think, someone who sees very clearly with his/her mind.

There is plenty of evidence if you listen with your mind, instead of your ears.

My flag...I only had time to read the first page. It is great to hear from others walking this path.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by win 52

Originally posted by RedDragon
Physical evidence for any of the absolutely insane, wild claims you just made? Vibrations of consciousness? You sound like you've lost your mind.

That was what you saw.

I think, someone who sees very clearly with his/her mind.

There is plenty of evidence if you listen with your mind, instead of your ears.

My flag...I only had time to read the first page. It is great to hear from others walking this path.

Evidence in your mind is called anecdotal evidence. You can't use anecdotal evidence to support a claim because it's common knowledge that the brain plays tricks on you- mirages in the desert, spiritual experiences, etc. are all halucinations that seem very real to the experiencer and are anecdotal "evidence".

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson

Originally posted by RedDragon
Physical evidence for any of the absolutely insane, wild claims you just made? Vibrations of consciousness? You sound like you've lost your mind.

1) How can i give you physical evidence of somethings that are not physical?

2) Your mind is eternal you will ALWAYS have your mind.

1) How convenient. I can make up at the top of my head absolutely wild, insane claims and then claim that they can't be refuted and don't require evidence because they conviently exist in a place where evidence doesn't exist. And no, I don't have any evidence of this place not requiring evidence existing.

2) Evidence?

Project Blue Beam is disinformation people.. Here's real information without any evidence, believe this people..

[edit on 3/31/07 by RedDragon]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:33 PM
I was sitting around pondering ideas like this and came up with this.

There is something that just is. Something that has no limit. its impossible for me to articulatly describe but i will try my best. There is no word that could possibly describe this but I will go with the word "Highest".

"Highest" as I stated above has no limits, it cant be measured in anyway, its not bound to anything, its boundless. Its everything not just around us but EVERYTHING. We are "Highest", our thoughts are "Highest", this thread is "Highest", EVERYTHING is "Highest".

The reason we are traped in this so called "reality" is because "Highest" is too unlimited for its own good. So it creates defusions within it self, we are one of the many products of these defusions. The reason why some of us feel like there is more than just this physical "reality" is because "Highest" is trying to communicate with us. The reason why we have trouble understanding these communications is because we are just as powerful as the communicator because we are "Highest" aswell.

I think we all have come to the realization that there is more than just this physical "reality". So how do we escape this physical "reality"?

Realizing we are "Highest". Realizing we are everything and everything is us. If we realize this we will be unlimited and anything will be possible. That is what freedom is.

your thoughts?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Kyle_mal
1) I was sitting around pondering ideas like this and came up with this.

2) I think we all have come to the realization that there is more than just this physical "reality".

3) your thoughts?

1) Lots of word salad here. No offense, kind of made me think you have a problem like schizophrenia or something (I'm not a doctor, so I can't prescribe you or anything), just a disconnection from reality.

2) Nope, and as you get more intelligent, that "realization" (delusion) goes down. At the average IQ of 100, 90% of people have that realization and 10% don't. At the above average IQ of 140 (top .5% of the population), 10% of people have that delusion and 90% don't.

3) You just said a bunch of random non-sense that you made up off the top of your head and all of your claims are groundless.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by RedDragon

Originally posted by Kyle_mal
1) I was sitting around pondering ideas like this and came up with this.

2) I think we all have come to the realization that there is more than just this physical "reality".

3) your thoughts?

1) Lots of word salad here. No offense, kind of made me think you have a problem like schizophrenia or something (I'm not a doctor, so I can't prescribe you or anything), just a disconnection from reality.

2) Nope, and as you get more intelligent, that "realization" (delusion) goes down. At the average IQ of 100, 90% of people have that realization and 10% don't. At the above average IQ of 140 (top .5% of the population), 10% of people have that delusion and 90% don't.

3) You just said a bunch of random non-sense that you made up off the top of your head and all of your claims are groundless.

Are you trying to convince yourself something?

A disconnection from reality is what people are striving for, that way we can see the world as it really is.

But its not a total disconnection or else that would be against the point, some people can just observe what is going on in this so called "reality" people are not delusional as you so nicely put it.

As long as people can still interact with the material world then there is no problem, it considered as a multi-dimensional being.

Delusional is just a label that so called scientists or more appropriately Psychologists put on people to explain something that they cannot understand of the human mind.

Also schizophrenia is another label that "The powers that be" have labeled the very people who understand that the material world isnt all there is here, also schizophrenia is caused by society and or conditional abuse.


All mental disorders are caused or are a byproduct of society,abuse, etc.

Schizophrenia is a non-existant disease... Dis - Ease!

Scientists have been trying to search the brain for the causes of this Dis-ease and they havent found it for years and they never will!

A Nonexistent Disease

SCHIZOPHRENIA A non existent disease

Anti PsychiatrySCHIZOPHRENIA A non existent disease

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson

Originally posted by RedDragon

Originally posted by Kyle_mal
1) I was sitting around pondering ideas like this and came up with this.

2) I think we all have come to the realization that there is more than just this physical "reality".

3) your thoughts?

1) Lots of word salad here. No offense, kind of made me think you have a problem like schizophrenia or something (I'm not a doctor, so I can't prescribe you or anything), just a disconnection from reality.

2) Nope, and as you get more intelligent, that "realization" (delusion) goes down. At the average IQ of 100, 90% of people have that realization and 10% don't. At the above average IQ of 140 (top .5% of the population), 10% of people have that delusion and 90% don't.

3) You just said a bunch of random non-sense that you made up off the top of your head and all of your claims are groundless.

1) A disconnection from reality is what people are striving for, that way we can see the world as it really is.

2) Also schizophrenia is another label that "The powers that be" have labeled the very people who understand that the material world isnt all there is here

1) LOL
2) LOL again. Go to a mental hospital and talk to some people with schizophrenia and then come back and tell me how wise they are. Until then, here are brain scans of a schizophrenic (bottom) compared to a normal person (top):

Here's another image showing the difference between schizophrenic brains and regular brains:

As a group, schizophrenic brains are characterized by enlarged ventricals and less activity in the frontal lobes during working memory tasks which leads to increases in brain levels of dopamine and neurocognitive defecits. In fact, the best treatments we currently have for schizophrenia are pills that inhibit dopamine in the brain.

I don't know what kind of education you have but before making claims about the science of psychology being some kind of conspiracy and equally rediculous things, at least take some introductory college level courses so you have a clue what you're talking about.

And don't believe in stuff without evidence. No evidence means that you may as well have come up with the idea off the top of your head, which is what the people in this thread are probably doing.

[edit on 3/31/07 by RedDragon]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by RedDragon

Originally posted by Kyle_mal
1) I was sitting around pondering ideas like this and came up with this.

2) I think we all have come to the realization that there is more than just this physical "reality".

3) your thoughts?

1) Lots of word salad here. No offense, kind of made me think you have a problem like schizophrenia or something (I'm not a doctor, so I can't prescribe you or anything), just a disconnection from reality.

2) Nope, and as you get more intelligent, that "realization" (delusion) goes down. At the average IQ of 100, 90% of people have that realization and 10% don't. At the above average IQ of 140 (top .5% of the population), 10% of people have that delusion and 90% don't.

3) You just said a bunch of random non-sense that you made up off the top of your head and all of your claims are groundless.

Are you trying to convince yourself something?

A disconnection from reality is what people are striving for, that way we can see the world as it really is.

But its not a total disconnection or else that would be against the point, some people can just observe what is going on in this so called "reality" people are not delusional as you so nicely put it.

As long as people can still interact with the material world then there is no problem, it considered as a multi-dimensional being.

Delusional is just a label that so called scientists or more appropriately Psychologists put on people to explain something that they cannot understand of the human mind.

Also schizophrenia is another label that "The powers that be" have labeled the very people who understand that the material world isnt all there is here, also schizophrenia is caused by society and or conditional abuse.


All mental disorders are caused or are a byproduct of society,abuse, etc.

Schizophrenia is a non-existant disease... Dis - Ease!

Scientists have been trying to search the brain for the causes of this Dis-ease and they havent found it for years and they never will!

A Nonexistent Disease

SCHIZOPHRENIA A non existent disease

Anti Psychiatry

1) How convenient. I can make up at the top of my head absolutely wild, insane claims and then claim that they can't be refuted and don't require evidence because they conviently exist in a place where evidence doesn't exist. And no, I don't have any evidence of this place not requiring evidence existing.

2) Evidence?

Project Blue Beam is disinformation people.. Here's real information without any evidence, believe this people..

[edit on 3/31/07 by RedDragon]

1. There is no way to provide evidence for something that is not physical because we dont have the technology to capture evidence that exists in the non-physical world.

Its the same as trying to prove the US government didnt have a plan on 9-11, o yeah we do actually look at the way Bush reacted when he got told his country had been attacked by terrorists, he carried on reading....

"My Pet Goat"

Without an ounce of emotion for the people of America, if that is supposed to be a president that TRULY cared for the people of his country he would have reacted with at least a SLIGHT emotional reaction got off his arse and tried to do something about it.

But as we all no HE DID NOTHING!

Do you really need any more evidence than that to at least realise that your president doesnt give a damn about the people of his country.

Nasa is also part of "Them" so anything that Nasa provides can also be part of the big conspiracy.

Yet people have still been looking for "evidence" since 9-11 and no matter how much evidence has been presented people are still asleep.

But at least people are starting to wake up.

2. And i dont expect anyone to believe any of my posts, it us up to them wether they want to believe it or not.

As the same to you my friend.


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:46 PM
looks like dragon is trien to stop a good thread..

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