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Anyone know any good home remedies?

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posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 06:37 PM
Okay I only know one. If you have a toilet that is really stained, squirt ketchup on it and let it sit a couple of hours, and they will be gone. I am looking for some good home remedies, anyone know any?

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:12 PM
I know tons of remedies for health and home. Are you looking for something specific?

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:42 PM
The best home remedy? Duct tape! It fixes everything........

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
I know tons of remedies for health and home. Are you looking for something specific?

I am looking for both........

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
The best home remedy? Duct tape! It fixes everything........

LOL you're funny.....made me spit my pop out lmao

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker1011
Okay I only know one. If you have a toilet that is really stained, squirt ketchup on it and let it sit a couple of hours, and they will be gone. I am looking for some good home remedies, anyone know any?

Are you trying to cure anything in particular?

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:59 PM
yeah my daughter has bronchitis....looking for something for that and I love home remedies in general..

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:37 PM
If you get shot, and you need to take away the pain:

one anti-hystamine
two ibuprofen
two paracetamol

Thats my home remedy.

I get the feeling though it should be in that survival forum....


posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker1011
yeah my daughter has bronchitis....looking for something for that and I love home remedies in general..

Take a look at this link:

Turmeric: One of the most effective home remedies for bronchitis is the use of turmeric powder. Half a teaspoon of this powder should be administered with half a glass of milk, two or three times daily. It acts best when taken on an empty stomach.

Ginger: Another effective remedy for bronchitis is a mixture comprising of half a teaspoon each of the powder of ginger, pepper, and cloves, three times a day. It may be licked with honey or taken as an infusion with tea. The mixture of these three ingredients has also antipyretic qualities and is effective in reducing fever accompanying bronchitis. It also tones up the metabolism of the patient.

Onion: Onions have been used as a remedy for bronchitis for centuries. They are said to possess expectorant properties, They liquefy phlegm and prevent its further formation. One teaspoon of raw onion juice, first thing in the morning, is very beneficial in such cases.

Spinach: Fifty grams of fresh leaves of spinach, and 250 ml of water should be mixed with a pinch of ammonium chloride and one teaspoonful of honey. This infusion is an effective expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis.

Sesame Seeds: An infusion of one teaspoon of sesame seeds, mixed with a teaspoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a teaspoon of honey, can be given once at night with beneficial results in bronchitis. Half a teaspoon of dry seeds pounded into powder should be given, mixed with two tablespoons of water, twice daily. Alternately, a decoction of half a teaspoon of the same should be taken twice daily.

Almond: An emulsion of almonds is useful in bronchial diseases, including bronchitis. It is prepared by making a powder of seven kernels of almonds and mixing the powdered kernels in a cup of orange or lemon juice. This emulsion may be taken once daily at night.

Chicory: Chicory or endive is another effective home remedy for bronchitis. The powder of the dry root of this herb should be given in doses of half a teaspoon mixed with one teaspoonful of honey thrice daily. It is a very useful expectorant in chronic bronchitis.

Linseed: A hot poultice of linseed (alsi) should be applied over the front and back of the chest. This poultice may be prepared by mixing one cup or sixteen tablespoons of the seeds with a quantity of hot water, sufficient to convert them into a moist mealy mass. This should then be applied carefully, Turpentine may also be rubbed over the chest.

I think if you're going to try home remedies on a child you should also be in contact with your doctor to make sure you're not doing more harm than good.

I'm a big supporter of home remedies, but I urge caution, and I urge you to do thorough research before jumping onto any witch doctor's bandwagon.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:04 PM
wow anxietydisorder, thank you that is a huge help..of course I would ask my doctor first about it she is 20 years old though not a small child...she just e-mailed me and told me that it has turned to that is bad, he put her on an inhaler for it! She started smoking when she turned 19, which I gave her ell for doing, I hope there is a remedy for asthma..........thanks so much for getting that info though........I am saving it on my word program.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:51 PM
Well, here's something.

If you have a bite on any part of your body that becomes infected, or just an infection on a part of your skin that is red, get some bacon. For instance i had an infection on my right leg from some kind of bite. Anyway, wrap the bacon on the area and put some gauze or saran wrap over the area, have a little
and go to sleep.
In the morning, if the infection was extremely severe, 3/4 of it will be gone just like that. If the area is still pink, red, blue or black, give it the bacon treatment again overnight ( of course your doctor will give you antibiotics, which you MUST take)....By the second treatment, you WILL BE SAVED!!!!!!!
No redness, no sore, no nothing. You will be cured!!!!!

This is a home remedy especially for bites, etc.

This saved my life once.

Make sure you head to the doctor immediatly for regular medicine- you should always do this first. (Doctors need money)

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:57 PM
Doctors need money, lmao@you

Who would have thought bacon would save a life......great remedy thank you dg

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker1011
wow anxietydisorder, thank you that is a huge help...
she just e-mailed me and told me that it has turned to asthma...

You're very welcome truthseeker1011, I have another link for you on asthma, but there are a lot of similarities.


Honey (shahad) : Honey is one of the most effective home remedies for asthma. It is said that if a jug of honey is held under the nose of the asthmatic patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with honey, he starts breathing easier and deeper. The effect lasts for about an hour or so. Honey usually brings relief, whether the air flowing over it is inhaled or whether it is eaten or taken either in milk or water. It thins out accumulated mucus and helps its elimination from the respiratory passage.

Garlic (Lahsoon) : Garlic is another effective home remedy for asthma. Ten cloves of garlic should be boiled in 30 ml of milk. This makes an excellent medicine for the early stages of asthma. The patient should take this mixture once daily. Steaming ginger tea with minced garlic pods in it, can also help to keep the problem under control and should be taken both, in the morning and evening.

Turmeric (Haldi): Turmeric is valuable in asthma. The patient should be given a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk, two or three times daily. It acts best when taken on an empty stomach.

Bitter Gourd (Karela) Root: The roots of the bitter gourd plant have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. A teaspoon of the root paste, mixed with an equal amount of honey or juice of the holy basil, is an excellent expectorant, and is a remedy for asthma. It should be taken once every night for a month.

Figs (Anjeer) dry: Dry figs help clear mucus from bronchial tubes and are therefore a valuable food remedy for asthma. Phlegmatic cases of cough and asthma can be treated with success. It gives comfort to the patient by draining off the phlegm. Three or four dry figs should be cleaned thoroughly with warm water and soaked overnight. They should be taken during morning time in an empty stomach, along with the water in which they are soaked. This treatment may be continued for about two months.

Indian Gooseberry (Amla) : This fruit has proved valuable in asthma. Five grams of gooseberry mixed with one tablespoon of honey, forms an effective medicinal expectorant and tonic for the treatment of this disease. It should be taken every morning. When fresh fruit is not available, dry gooseberry powder can be used, mixed with honey.

Linseed (Alsi): A decoction made from linseed is considered useful in curing congestion in asthma and to prevent recurrence of attacks. Simultaneously; linseed poultice should be applied externally at the lung bases for reducing internal congestion.

Mustard (Rye) Oil: During the attack, mustard oil mixed with little camphor should be massaged over the chest. This will loosen up phlegm and ease breathing. The patient should also inhale steam from boiling water mixed with caraway seeds (siya jeera). It will dilate the bronchial passage.

Dietary considerations: The patient should avoid the common dietic errors. Ideally, it should contain a limited quantity of carbohydrates, fats and proteins which are acid-forming foods, and a liberal quantity of alkaline foods consisting of fresh fruits, green vegetables and germinated gram. Foods which tend to produce phlegm such as rice, sugar, lentils and curds as well as fried and other difficult-to-digest foods should be avoided. Asthmatics should always eat less than their capacity.

Other measures: The patient should take enema in the beginning of the treatment to clean and colon and prevent autointoxication. Other helpful measures include application of mud-pack to the abdomen, wet chest packs and steam bath. Fresh air, breathing exercises, dry climate, mild physical exercises and correct posture help in treating the ailment.

There's a lot of information on the web for natural remedies, but again, use caution. There's nothing stopping me from making a web page that espouses the use of butane to cure hemorrhoids, but my advice could get your ass blown off.

Always do your own research from multiple sources.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 03:51 PM
wow anxietydisorder than you so much for getting that information , I told my daughter about it and she wrote it down, all of it.says she is going to try them. Thanks again!

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:46 PM
To break phlegm down in any chest infections such as bronchitis, you can use honey, lemon and vinegar. This can be sipped or taken on a spoon when the urge to cough arises.

I can not remember the exact mix but my mum used to use this on us as kids. You will probably find it on the net.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by resistancia]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 06:13 PM
Thanks.....I heard about honey but not the others though,, thanks for your help...I am writing all these down to save


posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 06:33 PM
For diarrhea put a tablespoon of nutmeg in about half a coffee cup's worth of milk and drink it down (as fast as you can, it's foul tasting). IMHO this works better than anything else.

If you get an abscessed tooth, chew a clove of garlic a bit and cover the problem tooth/gums with the pulp the best you can. It will burn but if it gets too bad remove it for a bit and put it back on. This will work on any type of infection.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Cug
For diarrhea put a tablespoon of nutmeg in about half a coffee cup's worth of milk and drink it down (as fast as you can, it's foul tasting). IMHO this works better than anything else.

If you get an abscessed tooth, chew a clove of garlic a bit and cover the problem tooth/gums with the pulp the best you can. It will burn but if it gets too bad remove it for a bit and put it back on. This will work on any type of infection.

Thanks that one came in handy my son has a bad tooth-ache.

[edit on 103030p://120410 by truthseeker1011]

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