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UFO Photos Extremly Close Up, 2006

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posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Ambergambler

Originally posted by disownedsky

Could you post the raw image, straight from the camera?

hi disownedsky

here is the link for the full rez photos, straight from the menory card:

I've looked at all of these, and IMHO, there is no sign of a hoax. OTOH, there isn't enough information to really test any hypothesis about the nature of this thing. It's a very interesting case, but we haven't got much to go on.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 06:30 AM
Hi Springer

Not meaning to hassle you, I know you're all busy, but has there been any news on the photo analysis?

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Wow, I read all 10 pages, and must say this is very interesting. I've thought on all the arguments for and against this being real. (Some of which posts I found downright insulting, and am glad I found a forum where such childish behavior is not tolerated.) I am still undecided, though I lean towards UFO--meaning not known.

Amber, I am impressed by your willingness and cooperation in all of this, and wish to extend my apologies on behalf of some of my sapient(?) beings who seem to have been overly harsh in this matter.

And on that note, is it just me, or is there a direct correlation between the 'macho' image of the avatars and the amount of venom in some comments?And I am not being critical in asking this, as it is a point I find very interesting and would like to understand better.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 03:35 PM
It seems like when we have something genuine...whether it be a terrestrial or extraterrestrial craft unknown...things can fall through...

Springer, my fellow OKIE, what's up with the photo analysis???

I, for one, want to see this thing to the end....

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:24 AM
i too was wondering what happened with the photo analysis last I checlked it was supposed to be within a few days but that was a while ago

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:05 PM
NGC, that point about the macho avatars occurred to me too! I could speculate further about the correlation you mention but best not... A kind of peace did eventually break out. I was rather relieved though that Springer happened along.

Drewsillac and Implied Chaos, I'm hoping we'll hear back from Springer about the photo analysis soon, although I somehow think the analysis may just confirm that the photos are genuine (which fact I knew already), without necessarily shedding any light on their subject matter. I don't think Amber herself has heard anything yet - I'm sure she would have mentioned it to me if she had.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:08 PM
your right. i was also thinking that just because the pics are real doesnt mean it is an ET aircrat. It could be a government thing or the kite explaination that was suggested a few pages back. So knowing whether its real or not doesnt solve anything

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 01:41 AM
I also noticed the correlation between macho avatars and savage responses while reading the thread, so it is startling to see others thinking along the same lines. Will continue to watch this thread with interest.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 05:06 AM
I suppose for me, the photo analysis is important, even if just to verify that the photos are of a genuine UFO, regardless of what that UFO origin might be.

I see this forum on ATS as a kind of huge detective collaboration, 'evidence' is brought forward and then everyone attempts to shed light on its validity. The end result being a sort of huge database of agreed "real" sightings, If we start to look at all the genuine evidence brought forward, can't we start to build a picture up of what we are actually dealing with.

For me, being on that hill, on that night in person, I can say without doubt, that what I saw wasn't a kite, leaving me with 3 options, an extraterrestrial ufo, a military craft or some flying rc that makes no sound and can hover.
I then have to exclude possibilities based on the sighting and my feelings, and to be really honest with you all; I'm left with UFO or military.

In light of that, I then have to start asking myself questions:

Why did we see it?
What was it doing?
Was it occupied?
Is there something about that area?
Will we see it again?
Did anything else happen

And lots of other questions....

So my hope was that once we got past the validity of the photos we might be able to discuss the other points of the sighting, the ability of the craft to hide itself, the reasons for it being there, why it had lights, why it was so small, was there a bigger craft somewhere else, has anybody else seen anything like this before, etc.

I also really hoped that maybe someone who's really good at cgi could build this UFO in 3D.

Then, I also think, if the photo analysis is confirmed as genuine, we might start to look at the way we deal with people on this forum. If we look back at the start of this thread, the photos were shot out of the water as 'most definitely done in Photoshop', due to the "dots" in the sky. I was criticised and put under pressure, and had I been a different person I might well have just vanished. So by dealing with sightings in this way on ATS there is a risk that we might scare away people who have important things to add on here. That doesn't mean I think we should accept every photo/video as genuine, its just the approach.

Anyway, I’m rambling, so I’ll stop there

[edit on 22-4-2007 by Ambergambler]

[edit on 22-4-2007 by Ambergambler]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 05:54 AM
after reading all 10 pages, and seeing a few weeks go by in posts, i think many peopl eare awaiting the anaylaysis, reguardless of other circumstances.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 06:11 AM

It is a real pity though that you didn't have a higher shutter speed when you took them, as it would've reduced the light trails.

Agreed. If this was at a much higher ISO or done on a dark-sense cam system, this could have been actual press level evidence. Nice pics regardless! Wish those grey buggers would come visit me!


posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:03 PM
AmberGambler, I know that it must seem as if people on this forum are being overly picky in regard to your photos. But please bare with the process. While it is in fact stressful, it is the best way the UFO community has to protect it's reputation; what little there is.

If you were being subjected to the mainstream debunkers, it would be worse. At least here we can understand how something other than an actual UFO could have fooled you, and would sympathize with such an error. (Naturally, an outright hoax would garner no pity.) But the world at large would castigate you without ever seeking the truth. And once the damage was done, even if the photo later proved to be the real thing, it would be too late to salvage anything. It seems that if the debunkers get their say in first, right or wrong, it sticks like glue.

I for one have, at this point, faith in your honesty in this matter. I have no reason to think that what is portrayed in the photos are not exactly as you experienced the event. The analysis of the photo is more or less the last step in a vetting process that must run it's course. So far you have given me no reason to think that this is a hoax, so that leaves only two choices; military or UFO/alien at this time.

I agree that this is a scary process, and for someone who had no prior exposure to this it might scare them off. But this can also serve as a warning to potential hoaxers that such attempts will be doomed to failure. Therefore,it is working out as best it can.


posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:35 PM
As a side note, as it in a way addresses the thought AmberGambler mentioned regarding scaring away other people who report such things.

I am not sure that most people can tell when critical comments go from being constructive to badgering and disparaging. While I am very new to this forum, I am not new to the social politics of such a setting. Perhaps it would be within the scope of reason to go get a drink of water and chill some before posting a scathing reply. I have been involved in the UFO investigation for some years,a and I am well aware that at times emotions flair, especially when a true believer feels that a hoax may be in the offing.

Such wrath can never be undone, and the harm is sometimes long lasting. Our government has used this same tactic to good advantage for many years. It need not be used by those who only seek the truth. A hoax seldom has a long lifespan before those with good sense brand it as such. Anger will seldom speed the process one way or the other.

Pardon me if I seem to be lecturing. I know that some here will wonder at the temerity of a relative newcomer to these pages in speaking out. But the venue of open forum is not that of a closed society, and therefore not held to the same temporal restraints found in personal discussion. The pages herein are the nearest we come as a society to being truly egalitarian.

And I speak for future purpose as well. Should I find that some statement I should make brings down the wrath of those self appointed arbitrators of truth, make no mistake, I will not be as meek as AmblerGambler. I need not recourse to vulgarity or rhetoric, for I try to keep an ample supply of fact and logic. I will state for the record that I have small sympathy for those who use gut instincts to decide matters as opposed to gray matter.


posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 12:18 AM
Has anyone heard news of the pics? I realize that it has only been a few days, but surely a status report, no matter how brief seems in order. If they are not found to be hoaxes in the first round of testing, then this thread deserves to remain current, and not forgotten.

I think I speak for more than just myself when I ask about this matter. There was a great deal of interest here before the pictures left, and I am sure that many are still interested.


posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by KingAmongstMen
Well insults aside the images are a hoax. Anyone with basic knowledge of photography knows this

I'm sick and tired of some people in this forum... It seems like the people who actually post real pictures and talks about real experiences it the one everybody starts insulting and arguing with.
But some other people in here who is respected and post what I think is nonsense gets away easy.

Thank you very much Ambergambler for coming here and telling us about your experiences and not letting these negative people stop you!

I think Ambergambler acts very credible and I believe that she is telling the truth, and the pictures doesn't look hoaxed at all. And I'm consider myself an expert enough to spot fakes.

And over the time I consider myself very educated in the UFO/aliens/paranormal field too (I even personally know people who have communicated with aliens). And about the ship responding to her voice (or her thoughts) it's perfectly normal. Remember that some of these beings have insanely advanced technology and can do almost anything.

People should watch more Star Trek, it's closer to the truth than we might think.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 11:05 AM
Hi Amber, Just wanted to say thanks for posting your story and answering everyones questions. I just finished reading this entire thread. I really wish people would take the time to read a thread before posting acusations that have already been made. But with every reasonable intelligent person, I suppose there must be an ignorant one lurking around waiting to attack someone. Anyway, I think you seem sincere, and I hope we get some info about the photos soon,

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by strangefires
Hi Amber, Just wanted to say thanks for posting your story and answering everyones questions. I just finished reading this entire thread. I really wish people would take the time to read a thread before posting acusations that have already been made. But with every reasonable intelligent person, I suppose there must be an ignorant one lurking around waiting to attack someone. Anyway, I think you seem sincere, and I hope we get some info about the photos soon,

I will agree here to save me some time here, Im at work, but wanted to chime in really quick.. Everything I ask of you was explained to me not only logically but very kindly.. I am always weary of hoaxes and tricksters.
Amber has come across to me as honest and this can be taken much more seriously now.. I hope if anything I was one of the more kind debunkers here. I see something amazing and my brain wont let me take in the info before all my questions have been asked from the source.
Thanks for sending me a U2 that helped clear up alot of stuff...
I am still waiting to hear from the masters on this one.. I await egarly.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:46 PM
Sorry to be a bit of a Johnny-come-lately, but I wondered if this might help:

I noticed that all the trails were the same shape and length, so only constituted a small camera movement. I quickly got rid of them. Some small reddish lights seem to be excluded by some of teh yellow trails, so they went, I'm afraid. I have no opinion yet, but thought it might help someone else?

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 07:25 PM
Still waiting... Come in, Springer!

[edit on 28-4-2007 by Mollo]

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Hi Everyone

I sent a U2U to Springer asking for a follow up on the photos, I received a reply back and i'd like you all to know what he said. Now as I dont know policy on posting private U2Us I will tell you in my own words.

It seems the conclusion is that these photos are of a radio controlled model, Jeff has one himself and filmed it a couple of years ago, and got images identical to mine, even down to the pixels.

Springer suggested I go to Jeffs forum and submit a new thread asking him for a follow up on these photos.

I would like to see Jeffs Video and his pictures, as I would like a conclusion on this for myself, if that is in fact what we saw and photographed.

If there is a radio controlled model like this, then I'd like to know which one it is, I would love one

I don't agree with this conclusion, I don't think it was a radio controlled model, but i'm willing to be proved wrong.

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