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Candidate Declaration: Odium, Socialist

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posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Odium for President

I, Odium, hereby declare that I am running for the office of President of The United States and are running for the Socialist party.

In short, my platform is simple:
I stand for a contemporary Socialist Party. One that is ran by the people for the people and not at their expense. A party which will reward you for your hard work and re-build a community in the United States of America.

To expand:
My political platform is simple:

Re-introduce Community into the United State’s with limitations on big business and their unethical practices.
Ending of the Iraqi occupation and Afghanistan, along with the withdrawal of forces from around the World. Using the money saved from such bases to place more Police on the streets of the United State’s of America.
A complete re-designing of Government structure allowing for States to govern themselves and the people to have a say in how the Nation is ran. The people should be the one who decides and not a few politicians and true direct democracy should be placed in the United States.
Re-directing military spending, with the slight reduction in spending to reduce the deficit and redirection of funding with more money being spent on preventative technology such as the Patriot Missile System.
Redesigning the criminal justice system so that many offences are removed – prostitution, gun legislation and so on and so fourth. No longer should people be forced to listen to the morals of others they themselves make their own moral judgements.
A system of “Paid on Performance” for Government agencies punishing those who fail to meet targets and rewarding those who do the people should not bare the incompetence of elected officials.
Limitations on home ownership, when a second and third (and other) properties are purchased reasons have to be given. Too long have the poor been forced to pay for the over-inflated house prices so that the rich can gain their holiday homes.
An increased level of inheritance tax – people should work for their money and not live off of their parents.
Private education should be outlawed, with those who wish to donate additional money to the education system having it spread equally among the schools.

As a candidate for this office, running on this website, I promise the following:

I will uphold the Terms & Conditions of at all times

I will conduct a campaign that focuses on issues

I will seek to always answer issue-based questions with direct honesty and integrity

I will not, through my actions, communicate libelous or slanderous statements or advertising messages directed toward other candidates in the primaries or general election

I will not, through my inaction, allow libelous or slanderous statements or advertising messages directed toward other candidates to be made on my behalf

I will participate in every debate and avail myself to questions from the general population

If selected in a primary election, I will accept the nomination to run for my party for The President of The United States and select a capable running mate for my Vice President

I understand that if I fail to live up to the higher standards described herein, I may voluntarily or forcibly be required to end my candidacy or Presidency if elected.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 05:38 PM
Dear Above Top Secret Members.

I would like to ask you to post any questions you have for me on my stand. The issues that you as an individual find important and I will do my best to explain my position on them for you. I look forward to hearing your views and to finding out what your issues are.

We are all different and what we care about differs. But we still want what is best for our Nation, ourselves, our family and those around us.

Furthermore, thank you kindly for taking the time to look at my post and to ask me any questions.


Peter J. Sanford.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 06:41 PM
I'll ask you the same questions I'm going to ask everyone -

Questions for the potential future president of the USA -

1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....

2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....

3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....

4 - Your economic platform ....

5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....

6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....

7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...

8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...

9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights -

10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments? (any for me? Just teasing on that )

11 - Your education in America fix? (or does it need it?) Your thoughts on what to do with 'no child left behind'....

12 - Your policy for foreign aid and 'forgiving debts' .....

13 - What federal funding, if any, would you put into medical research etc etc? Including FETAL stem cell use yes or no??

14 - Afghanistan? Your policy there ....

15 - Oil companies, pharmacuticals, etc etc? Any thoughts in that area as far as your administration goes?

16 - The United Nations .... Your policy and thoughts in regards to that and how your administration would deal with them??

17 - Amnesty for illegals or send them back (anchor babies and all)??

18 - NASA ... further funding, more funding, less funding, a complete change ??? What would you and your administration support in this area?

19 - ANWAR ... drill or not drill? Alaska's state right to drill (they want to) or will your administration forbid it due to the possibilty that the Refuge could be damaged in the future?

20 - Alternative energies .... Solar, wind mill farms, etc ... what are your thoughts and plans in this area to make us no longer at the mercy of anti-American oil rich countires?

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 06:41 PM
I'm going to add one more special question .... just for those non-americans who are running for faux-president ...

WHY should I ... an American .. vote for someone who isn't American??

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:05 PM
Thank you for asking these questions Flyersfan. I will answer below:

1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....

This is simple: You have the right.

The US of A was a Nation founded by men who knew one thing – without the ability for the people to protect themselves a Government could bring down tyranny upon them. This is still relevant today. In my mind gun legislation needs to be repelled with the only law being simple: Those who buy guns simply have their guns placed on file, so that if a bullet is shot from it the Police know through the use of forensic evidence.

Furthermore to ban guns is irrelevant you will never eliminate them and to outlaw them places them only in the hands of criminals.

2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....

Abortion law is something that hits close to home for me. As I have mentioned before I have been on the receiving end of this with an ex-partner of mine having an abortion. It is something that creates diverse emotion for us all and thus is something that needs to be spoken about very seriously.

The problem is if it should be legal or not? What instances it should be legal? In my mind it needs to be legal. Accidents do happen, children (teenagers) do get pregnant and in my mind all banning it would do would be to move us back to the Victorian era where doctors did it illegally.

However I think the true answer to this is how to reduce the rates of people getting abortions. We need to look at why people are having them and part of the problem can be explained by how Holland lowered the rates of abortion in the Nation. This was done through education and prevention. Sexual education needs to be raised in the classroom, girls who are sexually active need to be taking the pill and boys and girls both need to be given condoms for free. They also need to be taught what children will do to them and their lives along with women being educated about what abortion can do to them mentally.

Also a revamping of the adoption system should be looked into so that those who would have had an abortion might keep them to be adopted.

3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....

Homosexual marriages are rather simple. The State should allow it, but any religious group who does not desire to do a ceremony should not. It is up to Christians if they think that homosexuality is moral but the Government does not. Such things should be left down to the individual.

4 - Your economic platform ....

I am a contemporary socialist. I believe that the gap between the rich and the poor is almost laughable but I do not support the idea that many Marxists support of a universal single wage. Wages should be based upon the skill the job requires, Doctors, Teacher, Managers, etc, should all get paid more than someone who works in a shop due to what they have achieved. However a doctor (brain surgeon) should not get more if he lives in a different area. This should apply to all jobs. Furthermore, people should have to have several years experience before they can gain a high status job.

5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....

I am a supporter of inheritance taxation. Everyone needs to put something into society and being born into money is not doing that nor is taking over your parents business. I support the idea that anything over $100,000 USD should be taken in by the Government and placed into community projects – after all, it was the people who gave them their money. If you yourself can not achieve enough to support yourself even with $100,000 there’s a large problem. Society needs to be based around what people achieve not what they are born with.

6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....

Firstly the United State’s needs to openly say they will withdraw as quickly as possible.
Secondly they need to start to interact with terrorists. It worked for the British in Northern Ireland and without any dialogue nothing will differ.
Thirdly it should happen as quickly as possible.

Thus the Government should set down a simple timeline meeting with the terrorists, local Islamic leaders, etc and getting the Islamic Governments to begin to replace them with troops along with the U.S. helping them how they can (removal of sanctions as an example.) They need to open dialogue and make it clear they will remove from Islamic Nations as long as the terrorism stops.

7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...

It’s not something that will solve the problem directly. Buses, planes, boats will still get through along with cars. So all the illegal immigrants have to do is to use another method although it will be a worthwhile temporary measure. During this period the immigration system needs to be sped up with applications getting reviewed within weeks rather than months. To do this more money needs to be placed into it (which can be taken from things such as the Iraq war budget).

8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...

The ports should be Government controlled; more money should be placed into increasing surveillance measures so that they can detect any problematic and suspect packages. The problem is nothing will ever be 100% safe but leaving it in the hands of a private business could be hazardous to the Nation’s security.

9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights -

If you are in a public place such as on the street, a park, etc, than you are open to anyone seeing it and thus things such as the CCTV cameras and surveillance in public is fully legal. However anything that is conducted in the privacy of someone’s home should only be acceptable with a court order.

10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments? (any for me? Just teasing on that )

I’m working on this at the moment.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:05 PM
11 - Your education in America fix? (or does it need it?) Your thoughts on what to do with 'no child left behind'....

The removal of the private education is something I believe in. At present there is a two tier system of education where those with money get a vastly better education than those without. Due to this I support the idea of a “Bank” for the education system where those who wish to donate can do, then at the end of the year this money is given out to the Schools that need it the most.

More money needs to be placed in modernizing the education system and what is being taught needs to be overhauled. Maths, English, Core Science and Computer based education should be in the primary strata of the education system. The secondary strata should be based on creativity, the arts, music, crafts, design and thirdly social education things such as crime, physical education, Government, politics and sexual education.

The world has vastly changed and the education system needs to move with it.

12 - Your policy for foreign aid and 'forgiving debts' .....

Foreign Aid should only happen in instances of extreme disaster, famine, hurricanes and so on and so fourth. These should be given to States even if they are a perceived enemy/hostile group. Debt should be forgiven because it will take longer for it to be paid back and only help to keep these Nations poor. Furthermore the lending of money to other Nations should be fully stopped and they should be allowed to manage their own affairs.

13 - What federal funding, if any, would you put into medical research etc etc? Including FETAL stem cell use yes or no??

Stem Cell research should be given funding, as should all medical research if possible. The Governments roll is to protect the people and the nation. Without funding into medical research illnesses will not be lowered but more money needs to go into stopping the illnesses in the first place. People need to be educated that heart disease is a cause of X, liver disease Y and lowering these rates will lower the burden on the people.

However, the funding should be allocated on a simple system of whatever is the highest killer in the Nation and then down and down and down until the money runs out.

14 - Afghanistan? Your policy there ....

They need to get out as soon as possible. Hand over power to Islamic Nations, the United Nations and Nations bordering the country. It is a waste of money and a waste of soldiers lives.

15 - Oil companies, pharmacuticals, etc etc? Any thoughts in that area as far as your administration goes?

Big Business needs to be brought back into line. They are not above the people and have no control over the Government aside from the owner’s single votes (each respectively).

16 - The United Nations .... Your policy and thoughts in regards to that and how your administration would deal with them??

The United Nations needs to have a role as an international forum to deal with international issues – that is all. It should be able to place sanctions, it should be able to invade nations and it should be able to protect nations. But the charter needs to be updated with more Nations added to the security council and the use of the veto removed.

17 - Amnesty for illegals or send them back (anchor babies and all)??

Illegal immigration will probably always happen. The US of A was a Nation founded by immigrants when there were no laws about it and the Nation was able to prosper. The rich diverse cultures, identities and views helped create the Nation and to deny this is to deny it’s passed. However, to give out amnesty promotes the idea that it was fine for them to commit these acts but sending them back will result in them coming back so this isn’t the answer either.

The answer to me is simple. They need to be given the ability to work legally for the taxation; any illegal immigrants who do not apply for citizenship need to be sent back with a database created. If they are found to be repeat offenders a jail sentence should be given.

18 - NASA ... further funding, more funding, less funding, a complete change ??? What would you and your administration support in this area?

Long Term: More funding.
Short Term: Less funding.

At present the United States needs to lower the deficit and some non-essential Government programs will have to unfortunately loose money. Once the Nation has been better secured, wars stopped and the troops brought home more money should go into NASA. But the Government should begin to think internationally for space exploration and not just what the United States of American can do. If it helps better the people by talking and co-operating with other Nations, National pride has to be swallowed.

19 - ANWAR ... drill or not drill? Alaska's state right to drill (they want to) or will your administration forbid it due to the possibilty that the Refuge could be damaged in the future?

It should be up to the people of the individual state and a referendum on the issue should be held.

20 - Alternative energies .... Solar, wind mill farms, etc ... what are your thoughts and plans in this area to make us no longer at the mercy of anti-American oil rich countires?

Simple: Modern houses should have solar panels; they should have smaller windmills placed on them. IT might be ugly, it might be unattractive but A) It removes the need for so much oil and B) It means they have more money to spend (due to saving on oil and such) to help better themselves.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I'm going to add one more special question .... just for those non-americans who are running for faux-president ...

WHY should I ... an American .. vote for someone who isn't American??

The reason and only reason you should vote for anyone is because You think we'd do the best for you and the Nation and there is no other reason than that. Be we, Black, White, Yellow, Green, Christian, Muslim, Jew, British, Frence, Mexican and so on and so fourth.

If we'll do the best, we should have your vote.

Thank you for the questions and if you'd like me to expand on any of the issues or further questions please ask me. I am happy to answer them.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I'm going to add one more special question .... just for those non-americans who are running for faux-president ...

WHY should I ... an American .. vote for someone who isn't American??

This question is unfair, against the spirit set out in SO's initial premise and should not be answered.

The "contest" is open to ALL ATS posters, not exclusively to US ones. This is an international board.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by neformore
This question is unfair,

It's very fair. It in no way excludes anyone. Why should I entrust my nation's security to a foreigner? That foreigner will have to win me, an American, over. Odium answered very well.

should not be answered.

Not be answered?
What a way for YOU to start a presidential campaign!

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:45 AM
I actualy would like to come to the defense of neformore on this, neformore is correct when stating that this election is for the ATS president of the United States. Not exactly the president of the USA. There is a difference here. I believe that neformore should be able to run because this race is open to all.

If you feel that someone not from America is not a good choice for your vote that is your right.

I would also add that I probably didnt have to come to the aide of neformore but I felt that this question was answered.

[edit on 26-2-2007 by whatukno]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I believe that neformore should be able to run because this race is open to all.

Sure. Of course. I didnt' say he shouldn't run.

I just wanted to know why the person running felt that an American should vote for a non-American to be presidnet of the USA. The answer was perfect.

[edit on 2/26/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:02 PM
Thank you for your concern Neformore but I did ask for any questions to be asked. Although I, you and I am sure Flyersfan understand this is a hypothetical situation but nevertheless I do not live in the US of A and thus many of the issues American Citizens find important I do not have direct hand experience of. Although both the U.K. and the US of A have similar problems – take immigration – the way in which the problem is caused are different. The U.K. has no borders, it is not the U.S.A. but nevertheless I think my views are important as a foreign citizen to all Nations.

If you feel it is unfair to answer the question than do not answer it on your thread but do not use my own thread to air your grievances for another member of the forum. It is neither the time nor the place and will only help to distract from what SkepticOverlord and the staff are intending to do with this sub-forum.

If anyone has any more questions feel free to ask me, I look forward to hearing them.

Thank you.

Peter J. Sanford

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:15 PM
Not meaning to derail your issues Odium, but since it is dsicussed more
here than anywhere else in thei section thus far.

I do think neformore is right, it really should'nt matter what nationality
someone is, as long as they are doing good.

That said FlyersFan does have the right to ask it, as that is part of free

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:21 PM
wrong thread


[edit on 26-2-2007 by infinite]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:42 PM
What I think needs to happen to education in the United State’s of America.

As I outlined above, I believe that the United State’s of America like many contemporary Western Nations have forgotten what the purpose of education is. It wasn’t to brainwash, it wasn’t to teach people what to think but rather to give them the skills in life to gain a decent job and the ability to survive. The problem is that the education system has not moved along with the times and due to this public (Government) education is not doing what it should be.

My plan is simple:

Create a system where classes are tiered, split into three tiers.

Primary: Maths, English, Core Science and Computing.
Secondary: Creative based education, art, music, and skills to survive such as (cooking, basic electrical skills, first aid, etc).
Tertiary: Government and Politics, Social Sciences, Sexual Education, Physical Education and similar educational areas.

The time spent in each of these classes should be dependent on the level that you place them in with Primary getting the most time spent on them and Tertiary getting the least time spent on it. I honestly believe that with the core skills (Primary Education) they will be able to do any job in society. Once they become 16 years of age, they should then begin to focus on more important subjects with the combination of secondary and tertiary education that they decide they want to do. We can only show them so much the rest they have to do on their own.

The Government should pay for this education – it should be State sponsored and open to everyone, regardless of culture, ethnicity and any other factor. Scholarships should be given to the brightest of students (those who achieve the highest grades). Furthermore the education system should be split into two styles:
Apprenticeships – these should be state sponsored from the age of 16 and should be design based qualifications, mechanics, electricians, builders, etc.
Academic – this should be kept for doctors, lawyers, businessmen and women. Again with them deciding at the age of 16 which route they take.

Another significant change to the education system should happen, the abolition of standardized testing. All these form of tests do is to show what you can remember they do not display what an individual learns. Each subject should have different forms of testing a perfect example of this is science: science exams should be based on individual students researching a scientific theory and either attempting to prove or disprove this theory. Science is practical in real life and they need to learn the rules of science.

The abolition of private education is the last thing on my educational agenda. I am a firm believer that allowing the rich to build their own schools, employ the best teachers, etcetera does nothing but keep money in their hands. Private Schools should be removed with anyone who desires to spend money on their children’s education placing it into a National savings funding which is distributed to Schools based on: Need and show improvements. It should not be about who has the most money at the expense of the rest of society.

Peter J. Sanford

[edit on 26/2/2007 by Odium]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Odium

Odium for President

I, Odium, hereby declare that I am running for the office of President of The United States and are running for the Socialist party.

In short, my platform is simple:
I stand for a contemporary Socialist Party. One that is ran by the people for the people and not at their expense. A party which will reward you for your hard work and re-build a community in the United States of America.

And the people are those who stole the country from the native american. What about returning the country to the real people and not those who murdered and stole their way to a nation!!

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:51 PM
Thank you for answering my questions.

A few more based on what you have said. Thanks -

Originally posted by Odium
The abolition of private education ... Private Schools should be removed

Freedom to practice religion means that we have a right to send our children to a church-school if we so desire. Would you be closing all the Catholic parish schools? Protestant schools? Jewish schools? Muslim schools?

It should not be about who has the most money at the expense of the rest of society.

Why should those who have earned more money be forced to make their children suffer by not giving them the best education, in the safest environment, that is available? Why should those who are smart enough and skilled enough to earn more money have to be penalized and not be allowed to spend it on their children?

Do you have children? Just curious. This is the internet so if you don't want to answer I'll understand. If you have children would you be comfortable sending them to a city school with gangs, drugs, guns, etc just so that everyone is 'even'?

Those are sincere questions. I'm not being a wise-acre.
Thank you.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Freedom ERP
And the people are those who stole the country from the native american. What about returning the country to the real people and not those who murdered and stole their way to a nation!!

Don't worry .... in a few decades this land will again be 'stolen' and much of it will belong to Mexico. You might want to start translating your request into Spanish so that the Mexican government can deal with it.

btw .. no one alive today 'murdered and stole' this nation.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:56 PM
hey guys, stop blaming eachother for "who stole what"

Flyersfan is kicking off the debates and is doing a good job keeping us busy.

lets not have a history lesson or bring up the whole non-American thing

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Ah come on now infi, quit being so koi.

Just sat it, freedom ERP neds to get over his bleeding liberal attitude
over something that happened hundreds of years ago, and can not be
blamed on anyone alive today,

[edit on 2/26/2007 by iori_komei]

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