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UFO's Over Hawaii

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posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:04 AM

...whatever was in the northwest sky Friday evening around 6:20 p.m. drew a crowd along Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach Park.

Honolulu resident Peter Hollingworth described as two lights circling in the sky, about 45 degrees above the horizon.

Video of one of the lights was recorded from the Channel 2 SkyCam.

“These two little fireballs with a stream behind it,” said Hollingworth. “Looked kind of like a shooting start but it just kept going. They changed directions a few times, at first it was coming in then it turned, then it went out then it came back in again"

This was posted on Drudge, so everyone is going there, and it might be a little slow.

This looks like another good sighting, with lots of witnesses. Plus, the video is really good.

What do people think?

Meanwhile, on what basis might this be a contrail? Does anyone have any experience with how such a phenomenon works? It seems as though from what people were describing that it was pretty odd acting for a contrail.

“Some people just think differently than scientists and they like to look for the fanciest most exciting explanation. Those people would like to think it's little green men, I think that's very unlikely."

To this I say, no, sir. First, I personally do not think differently from a scientist. I am trained as one professionally. Second, I am not immediately willing to embrace the most "fancy" solution. I would be a pretty poor scientists if I did that. But I am also not willing to discount a possibility on the basis of probability. There was a strange phenomena observed. What scientific method, sir, allows you to go on the news, ridicule people, speculate on what it might be, and then never research the phenomena? Do you believe that you are above such research, or are you just so sure?

[edit on 1/29/2007 by Togetic]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:08 AM
Hickham is nearby. (I've flown into Hickham on military aircraft).

You never know what is going on out in the middle of the Pacific in regards to our military testing things. It could be us .. or it could be 'them'.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Togetic
Meanwhile, on what basis might this be a contrail? Does anyone have any experience with how such a phenomenon works? It seems as though from what people were describing that it was pretty odd acting for a contrail.

“Some people just think differently than scientists and they like to look for the fanciest most exciting explanation. Those people would like to think it's little green men, I think that's very unlikely."

To this I say, no, sir. First, I personally do not think differently from a scientist. I am trained as one professionally. Second, I am not immediately willing to embrace the most "fancy" solution. I would be a pretty poor scientists if I did that. But I am also not willing to discount a possibility on the basis of probability. There was a strange phenomena observed. What scientific method, sir, allows you to go on the news, ridicule people, speculate on what it might be, and then never research the phenomena? Do you believe that you are above such research, or are you just so sure?

[edit on 1/29/2007 by Togetic]

I wholeheartedly echo your sentiments. My first reaction to this piece was wondering how long is the term "little green men from Mars" going to be used when something unknown is seen in the skies. It's actually insulting to think that many "educated" folks insist on using 1950's terminology to put us simpletons in our place. What's the next "swamp gas"? To bad Hyneck isn't alive. I'm sure he'd have a rational explanation for it.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 10:38 AM
WAY TOO SLOW right now, since its on the drudge, it is probly gettting a million hits per min.

Looks fascinating, but i will check it out later, for now, off to school.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:05 AM
found these and they might be home vids of the same thing.

youtube vid 1

youtube vid 2

the description in the article from the news website says something about it appearing like a contrail and these videos seem to have that same "look"

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:59 PM

There was a missile test off Kauai at around 7pm last Friday. Maybe they were shooting down flying saucers? who knows!

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:10 PM
This is the second article this week where I've seen that idiotic, old school, "little green men" reference-And it makes me want to put my fist through my monitor. That was old back in the 60's, and the media and scientists STILL are throwing it around in their dispicable pathetic attempts to discredit and debunk peoples experiences. AAAARRRGGGHHHH

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by MagicalRat

There was a missile test off Kauai at around 7pm last Friday. Maybe they were shooting down flying saucers? who knows!

The article reports the tests at 7:20PM and the lights were seen before this.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 07:39 PM
dupe deleted.

[edit on 29-1-2007 by harrytuttle]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Yeah, I saw those videos at YouTube too. They look like contrails from jets - I don't know why they are calling the UFO's. They don't move like anything out of the ordinary, just slow turning circles. I don't see what the BFD is.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 09:32 PM
This whole lights in the sky thing is a bit fascinating since there's a prediction for this and so far it's proving to be pretty accurate.

See this topic:

D4rk Kn1ght's prophecy is coming true!

[edit on 29-1-2007 by promomag]

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
Yeah, I saw those videos at YouTube too. They look like contrails from jets - I don't know why they are calling the UFO's. They don't move like anything out of the ordinary, just slow turning circles. I don't see what the BFD is.

I agree, because 747-400's and 777-200ER's belonging to Qantas, Air New Zealand and United Airlines that fly non-stop between the US West Coast and Australia/New Zealand often fly near Hawai'i for navigation and in case they need to quickly land in Hawai'i for any emergency.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 01:28 AM
From what I saw of the video, they look like contrails to me. I think everyone is jittery because of the current UFO flap underway (i.e. O'Hare, lights in the sky, etc.). A plus is that any legit sighting is likely to be noticed, but we'll also get red herrings like this.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
This is the second article this week where I've seen that idiotic, old school, "little green men" reference-And it makes me want to put my fist through my monitor. That was old back in the 60's, and the media and scientists STILL are throwing it around in their dispicable pathetic attempts to discredit and debunk peoples experiences. AAAARRRGGGHHHH

I feel the same, its as if ANYTHING that has to do with a UFO in the strict 'unidentified object' sense is immediately mocked in this manner even before 'the aliens' explaination enters the scene. I don't understand why other outlandishly 'fancy' subjects, like religion, with even less evidence for there truth and lots of rediculous paranormality sprinkled in with no way to verify it, is taken as seriously as a heart attack in the media, and yet something like the possibility of a UFO manned by other mortal beings is 'little green men from mars' and anyone who thinks aliens could be, -could be-, behind a UFO, is stupid and unscientific. I can't believe people are still doing this crap. Maybe its because its just easier to mock something that might get you laughed at.

However, I would go with the contrail explaination on this. It doesn't strike me as otherwordly, in the way it moves and its appearance, although I have never seen anything like that where I live. It doesn't seem to fit with other UFO videos of this nature either.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 05:53 AM
don`t really understand media this days.. they focus on bob killing bill and than suiciding and other story`s exactly like this.. they showed a report about the hawaiian ufo`s at exactly 46 minutes from the start of the news bulletin and 3 minutes before sport and weather.. this means to me that people don`t really care about ufo`s.. don`t really understand the majority..

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:53 AM
Actually Fox news just showed the clip and the news man said an Astronomer said it looks like a piece of ice falling off of an aircraft, lol

I thought falling means DOWN not sideways

How do these people keep there jobs is what I would like to know????

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Actually Fox news just showed the clip and the news man said an Astronomer said it looks like a piece of ice falling off of an aircraft, lol

I thought falling means DOWN not sideways

How do these people keep there jobs is what I would like to know????

I can see how if there are winds in the atmosphere that it could push something like that around, but I agree with you that the explanation does not necessarily make sense.

I find it amazing that those who chide us as "speculating" can look at a tape and divine the contents. Isn't that also speculating? As someone who demands proof from people claiming to have gone for a ride with aliens, I don't see why I should demand less from this gentleman.

Maybe there is a spaceship full of angry snowmen taking revenge on the ensalvement of their brothers by six year olds attacking the United States with blocks of ice. Hawaii, Florida? Viva la revolucion!

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:28 AM
I do believe there are ufo out there but I tend to agree with the contrail explanation on this one.

The sun reflects off the contrails like it does on clouds. Now picture the tiny spec of a plane in front of the contrail moving across the sky. You probably wouldnt see the plane because of the distance but you would see the contrail.

If it were any other time in the day like the afternoon then it would probably have been white. It was seen at 6:20pm in the evening which is ruffly sunset and the perfect time to see the sun reflecting off the clouds making them change to pretty colors.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:29 AM
This does make you cringe a little. Skeptics mention "little green men" to try and belittle the subject because they don't know what it is. They don't "believe" U.F.O.'s exist, so to protect there belief system they throw out any explanation because to them U.F.O.'s can't be the answer. This makes no sense. If you look at this article and these threads, you can tell most so called skeptics are not interested in the truth, their interested in protecting there "belief". They throw out explanations no matter how silly they sound because to them U.F.O.'s are not a "natural explanation". This again shows how prevelant their "belief" is. Why couldn't extraterrestrials be a natural explanation? Dr. Michio Kaku talks about type 1, 2 and 3 civilizations and some of these civilizations could be millions of years ahead of us in evolution and technology. Why wouldn't this be a natural explanation? It's because of the ego and "belief" that to a skeptic, this couldn't be an explanation. The person they interviewed in the article did the same thing they do with psychic ability. Skeptics always mention Miss Cleo or Sylvia Browne. The "little green men" was said to try and take away any serious dialogue about the subject.

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