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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:07 PM
Hello, everyone!! I don't have to name names...You know who you are...*staring* haha

Hi, syrinx!! Welcome back!! You are always welcome here. No concert yet. Please stand by...hehe I'm sure TD appreciates being called the most significant human being to walk the earth...You know, it's all relative...

Hey, Cyber!!! This is actually just a quick post to say hello, and let you know I was reading (I know TD is too; he said so in our last interview). I won't be able to interview tonight as I'm leaving town for a couple of days (leisure). I will be leaving in an hour or so until Sunday afternoon/early evening.

I also wanted to say that the chasm between the Internet truth movement and the U.S. national media has got to become to large as to render the national media absolutely useless; or marginalize it totally. When it gets to a certain point, if it doesn't catch up it's just going to be laughable. It already is as far as I'm concerned. The networks are doing everything they can to keep viewers...Here's a hint - tell the truth.

I don't want to get off on the media. There are a lot of hard working, sincere people there. But as an industry it sucks; and it's hurting the American (and world) people.

There are events that will occur from which there is no turning back; and there is no covering up. This includes social and political events, but even more importantly, it involves our place in this universe. The dramas we experience here on the ground will soon pale in comparison to what is revealed. We are seeing the beginnings of these now. They will continue until there is no doubt in anyone's mind that we are not alone.

It will be my pleasure to see the media forced to acknowledge the several large, white elephants in the room...

As for the dreams you had, Cyber, I haven't been remembering mine at all. That is until last night. Just had a weird, pretty incoherent dream. I was watching this small group of people from pretty far up in the air. There was a guy with long, dark hair taking a bike off of a dirt jump...Just observing...

An earlier part of the dream had me using some ability to get rid of this fleet of black SUV's (as soon as I said that I thought MIB). There was this group of about twenty or so black vehicles. My sense was that they were not wanted in this place I was in, and I was requested to use some ability to make them all vanish. I'm not sure if I was successful...Interesting dream...

I agree with you, ATSGUY. Cyber's words - and win 52's - are inspiring and insightful. Thank you for your contributions to this conversation!! Like TD said, this is the peoples' thread. This isn't his, mine, our yours - it's everyone's.

ATSGUY, I also read your stuff about Jim Sparks. It's become clear to me that Jim is right; there are many different races with many different agendas. Jim was in contact with one of those races. I was also intrigued by the time travel stuff (I can hear TD clamoring for the website now ahaha).

There is no need to be concerned that you are going to have a run in with a "lower vibrational" (thank you, Cyber), or threatening group of ETs (as Jim's experiences seem to suggest may happen).

If a group were interested in overtaking our planet it would have been done by now. The fact that they haven't has confirmed for me that there are much more advanced and powerful beings overseeing our progress, and offering guidance and protection.

Some may suggest that we have already been taken over. I wouldn't argue with them, because I can easily see how the control and manipulation could originate with non-terrestrial sources. It has, however, become clear, that this situation is making a turn for the better, regardless.

There exist the ETs who would like to exploit and manipulate our race. There also exist, however, greater, more advanced, and benevolent beings who are also becoming directly involved with our race - and, I would assert, have been for millennia. For all of the seemingly negative experiences, there are an equal or greater number of positive experiences. Ultimately, the choice is going to be ours how we proceed.

What's up, win 52? I was picturing you earlier - a man driving around in an old car with a five pound quartz crystal in the back seat haha Quite an image...Karma Police...

So your trek has made an unexpected turn...Veddy interesting...

You said,

Originally posted by win 52
Soon enough, you will feel the hair raise on the back of your neck.

You keep posting messages like that and it will hahaa


Originally posted by win 52
All I am getting is, "get ready".

I am sensing it has to do with those large objects heading our way. We are not being told the known facts.

This is a fact. I would like to know, however, which objects these are. Are these the objects in the Interstellar the Movie and F.A.S.T. videos, or Comet Holmes? Or are they something entirely different...?

I believe both Cyber and win 52 made mention of a "golden glow" in the west as being a sign. A few days later we have this absolutely astonishing story about Comet Holmes; and photos show a yellow/gold comet. The timing is almost too interesting to ignore.

I watched a show on ufos on cable a day or so ago (Maybe last night...Time flies...). There were a group of ufo watchers in, I believe, Arizona, or Nevada. They had set up a spot out in the desert, and had asked a psychic to try to make contact with ETs. The psychic said she received a message that there would be an event at 7:55pm that night that would indicate contact (something to this effect).

At almost 7:55pm on the nose, they said it began to pour rain. It hadn't rained for weeks or months, according to these folks. They took this as a sign, and (I believe) later that night, after the storm had cleared, they all witnessed (and the documentary cameras picked up) three ufo craft putting on a show in the night sky.

Bringing this back around to Comet Holmes, it could very well be that the comet is the rain storm, and that some event(s) will occur soon after this big show. It could also be that the comet WILL be the show...

Regardless, anyone following along with all of these events as they unfold can't say that they're not interested. When you follow all of this stuff, it just has an effect on your outlook. And for me, it's for the better. I hope it is for you too.

I hope every person who is becoming aware is experiencing a fire inside that is growing...That fire should burn away all of your previous, limited notions about your existence, your value as an alive individual in this universe, and place in the world.

I watched the recent video interview with Dan Sherman, who was an intuitive communicator (I think this was what he called it). Dan was hired by our government to communicate with an advanced race of beings. In the video he says he asked the beings a lot, including about God. These beings responded that "God" is everywhere; and that they and us come from the same source. This is a reality that we will soon experience first hand.

Take heart what these beings - what the universe is sharing; through fellow beings, like TD, win52, Cyber, ATSGUY, and folks like David Wilcock, Sheldon Nidle, James Gilliland, Alex Collier, Bob Dean, Krishnamurti, Osho, John Lennon, the Lamas, Anthony Robbins and others. You are a free, independent, intelligent, valued, powerful, and loved being - and you are not separate from the other myriad beings in this alive universe.

Hi, TD!! Just saying hi and givin' a shout out!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

I will be reading...And I'll be back Sunday...


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:32 PM
"They farm us. They clone us. They make organs from us, and all kinds of stuff. I'm not saying they are wonderful, benevolent beings coming down here to save the Earth. Bull#! They have their own self-interests."

So, Jim, they want to preserve the Earth so they can continue to harvest DNA from certain bloodlines?

"Yeah. I think the Earth will be fine, eventually. But humans might not be able to live on it. You need a certain percentage of oxygen to breathe."

You mean the aliens are trying to get their 'crop' to stop self-destructing, so they can keep harvesting what they need.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:07 AM
I got Jim Sparks book and i read all of it, i couldn't put it down! and the fact that he talked about people from the future really made it even a worse case of insomnia considering i just had to finish it...lololol

I just wanna say the book really gives you a even greater awareness than now...i think it is fantastic, i cannot wait till the next one comes out ( it is gonna have more detail on the time travelers)

But i took the page that had the talk about the future time travelers and copied in on to my pc...the whole time as i was reading and copying it down, my lower body was bouncing up and down and jumping like 5 year old stuffed with sugar. The stuff he says is just &%*$(&*# N WOW and even though it is a little segment of the book still it just gives you a sense of #%&^@&@ yea. I BET TD WILL ALMOST FALL OUT OF HIS CHAIR, considering this is coming from someone else other than TD.

page 206

For me personally, the last eight years with these cultures has expanded my mind and my interaction with them. They only occasionally abduct or pull me from my bedroom, living room or car in the middle of the night anymore. Most interactions are face to face with unconventional, advanced notice, which is a milestone. During these last eight years, I have has several encounters with people from the future. As far as I can tell, they are anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand years ahead of us. The types of people that come to me speak English and are from the good old USA. It’s comforting for me to know America still exists in the near and distant future. These encounters have been fun, and to say the least, most interesting. I will summarize these encounters, which will only touch the surface, but this book had to end some time. My next book will share more details. I guess that’s a hint and a plug.

Future people always seem to meet you in the most unexpected places, at least for most people it would be unexpected. I’m much more comfortable being around near-future people—the ones that are a few hundred to a couple of thousand years out from now - -because they are still somewhat like us. When the originating time frame gets out further -- 10,000 to 50,000 years --- we start to get a little kinky.

Within the next hundred years, time travel and much more will be as common as using a remote control. Time travel will be of no consequence and for the most part boring. Future people come on tours. I am not kidding; they love to have encounters with people of this era and other time frames to which they travel. They blend in and don’t interfere—they just observe. However, the highlight of the tour is to talk to a person from the distant time period, which has been me on many occasions.

At times their cloths are funny or they do not fit into our current time period. They speak both verbally and telepathically. They carry conventional American paper money neatly folded and ironed in two-inch squares. Many of these bills from different time periods fit neatly into what looks like a wallet. When it is time to spend or make a purchase, it’s funny to watch them unfold and inspect the bills in front of a merchant to make certain the bills are of the right time period.

There is a trust, so under and all circumstances you don’t give them away, or ask questions. In time they will tell you what you need to know and then some.

I have learned that many of the visitors people call “aliens” are really “us” from the future. That’s right, us! We become far removed from what we are today, and we look more like what we commonly refer to as Greys. We get smaller and thinner, our cranium becomes more enlarged, our eyes become much bigger, and our skin color changes to a grayish blue. Whether it’s good or bad, we leave behind emotions. How else does one become far removed? I will site just one example. Ask any abductee how often he or she has seen a Grey sit down for a nice dinner of meat loaf with gravy? Answer—never. And their mouths are very tiny, and they don’t seem to move. So I would say they don’t eat food, as we know the term!

Think about what social impact not-eating would have on our society—no more breakfast with the family, lunch with friends, holiday meals, etc. Everything in our world would change. There would no longer be a global food-based economy. At this point the impact is almost unimaginable, because our day-to-day life revolves around eating three square meals a day.

However there are already some monks who are said to go without food and “breatharians” who seem not to eat. More and more people are becoming vegetarians, so our eating habits are changing. So, as the generations pass, we can foresee telling our children what meals and tasting food was like. As more generations pass, it would become an old-fashioned gable. As much as I love eating, the good side of this would be a lot less killing.

Now some of the people have met come back to our day after thousands and thousands of years have passed. Now maybe you can imagine that these future people find it impossible to relate to us as flesh-eating animals. To us they appear as aliens and to them, we are animals, which happen to their ancestors. Get the picture? To make your heads spin even further, imagine that it is us traveling in time — no longer being emotional — no longer aging, eating or talking! What an alien world that would be! So, my friends, consider our descendents as the aliens of the future!

THE river of time flows like the infinity sign, ( a sideways figure eight). It just happens over and over and over and over and over. So how does one travel in time? In a sense, you just need a boat that’s fast enough and you can travel the river any where you please. It’s best that it stays just that way from the most part, just travel. For the world isn’t what you think it is, its better.

That is coming from Jim Sparks himself...the part were he says

There is a trust, so under and all circumstances you don’t give them away, or ask questions. In time they will tell you what you need to know and then some.


its a great book you guys should get it, i read it in a day and some extra hours just couldn't put it down (
it ruined my whole weekend too

Also this just came to my mind, i was thinking about some of my childhood memories and i dunno i really wanna try to remember a memory of when i was little on a island with my i think i will go see a psychologist to try and get hypnotically regressed ( this is just for And if TD, fi you got trouble and really wanna try to find out what those memories are in detail, why not try that its worth a shot ( if you got money to spare:lol

This is a segment called the Bringers of the Dawn...i find it to be a little to corny and a little to much new agey ( i hate that word, new age...when i went to go get jim sparks book the lady at the counter showed me the new age section i kinda felt embarrassed but was to excited to

it is almost like the history of everything...still pretty cool, i haven't listened to it all, there are like 1-18 to take it one by one

[edit on 28-10-2007 by ATSGUY]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:09 AM
Hey ATSGUY & You,.........yes you!!!!!!!!

Is it just me or can I detect someone’s awareness and vibration level picking up as a result of your

Thanks for sharing the text on Time Travel. I feel uplifted by it as well.
At the moment when we have a curiosity about something we check it out on the net or find a video or book about it.
Soon the same will apply to time periods as described in your text.
It must be the most exciting feeling to be able to go and visit anywhere at anytime just to observe and see how things are / were done.

I think the main thing holding us back from this at the moment are peoples thoughts of wanting to go back in time to make profit by buying / stealing and bringing it back to the now. We must get to the stage in the near future where we can make anything we desire so there is no need to go back and buy stuff other than to experience culture & foods.
I guess this is what TD is talking about when the time machine scans you to see if you are suitable to go. If you are thinking that you are going with intention to go back to buy Microsoft stocks then the machine wont let you go for example.

Hey it gives us another thing to look out for when out on the streets in seeing if we can detect future visitors. Knowing that they are out there is the first step. You have also given us some hints in what to look out for. Strangely enough it has been one thing in the back of mind since I started in this I guess I don't really hang out in tourist type places though.

I had another message to post yesterday and got as far as typing most of it up and then was told to pull it. I was then guided through a few other areas relating to it today on the net. I know what I am being told but I can't make the last connection yet. I will keep trying to make it fall into place and it will be of help to you guys also.

Onward we go........

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 10:21 PM
It is uncany, how things are fitting together.

I know for certain we are connected to the same link, Wasp.

OTD- this is as certain as my accident in 1980. I know it.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 10:21 PM
It is uncany, how things are fitting together.

I know for certain we are connected to the same link, Wasp.

OTD- this is as certain as my accident in 1980. I know it.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Hi there this is my first post.
I've been lurking around for a few months now but never posted.

Anyways. I was reading through this very interesting post.
And I came across two things that intrigued me alot.

First was the Holmes comet suddenly brightening up greatly.
And secondly the whole photon belt thing. (saw that in another thread)

Is it possible that the Holmes comet brightening up suddenly be because it is going through the photon belt?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:53 PM
Great thread, I started to read from pg 50 and honestly I just couldn't read everything because unfortunately I'm running out of time here (Still gotta study about 4 hours today).

There are somethings I want to know, I'm sure some of them are pretty silly, anyway, here we go:

- What does TD thinks about the Metal music style, I mean, will it exist in the future? (yep, I'm into it

- What's the point of studying trying to enter a good College if in a near future none of this will matter?

About the whole ET phenomena, somehow I think it's real, but nothing confirmed this to me yet. I have no idea why (ok, I'm lying here) but sights don't happen too often here in Brazil, at least not for me. Resuming, my point is, I'm not buying into TD's story yet, I would LOVE to see that happening in a near future, but there are so many hoaxes around the corner that I just can't believe everything.


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:19 PM
I have one pretty simple question, hoping it is not too late. (although it couldn't be considering what we're dealing with here) Anyways: WHERE DO I SIGN! I'm all about interstellar and time traveling, especially if there is ETs involved.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by ATSGUY

Very interesting excerpt there(what's the name of that book, by the way?); I've always considered the possibility that some aliens(especially the greys, considering the obvious aesthetic similarities there) are us from the distant future. I would love to read that book; it looks like at the least it would be an entertaining book that gets you thinking.

Also, I'd like to get it out there that I would be MORE than happy to sign up; and that if I were given an opprotunity to do this, I would go without a second thought.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Core90
reply to post by ATSGUY

Very interesting excerpt there(what's the name of that book, by the way?); I've always considered the possibility that some aliens(especially the greys, considering the obvious aesthetic similarities there) are us from the distant future. I would love to read that book; it looks like at the least it would be an entertaining book that gets you thinking.

Also, I'd like to get it out there that I would be MORE than happy to sign up; and that if I were given an opprotunity to do this, I would go without a second thought.

The book is called The Keepers by Jim Sparks, and it is a very well written book depicting his experiences and on-going experiences with the ets.

Its great to see the new people that are interested in the thread

Td or Renato if you will has a website were we have basically everything that is on this thread is on his website, but also you can check out his is on the side i think...

and i guess if you really feel the need to sign up td had this little guest book thing

[edit on 29-10-2007 by ATSGUY]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:03 PM
A big, scary, October 29th hello to ATSGUY, Cyber_Wasp, win 52, TD, grey580, tunin, jmilla, Core90, and everyone following along!!

I first wanted to say that, probably due to lack of interest, has just announced that it will be releasing an extremely controversial document, and that,


This looks like something you'd see streaming across the beginning of some 1950's science fiction movie.

They're hyping this most recent release like it's the holy grail. Here's what is said in a post at Open Mind Forums on this release,

The following was received from Victor Martinez this morning via e-mail. It's time to gear up the Serpo and Disclosure machine! ;D

On Halloween eve, Tuesday, October 30, 2007 @ 6 a.m., PDT, I will be streaming a never-before-published, highly classified document dealing w/ the UFO subject in both GENERAL terms and very SPECIFIC terms.

I'm acutely aware of and know that for many of you, the "Project SERPO" story is just that: the story is too UNbelievable and takes belief that such an exchange program ever occurred so far that it's just too "out there" for many of you.

OK, 10-4; NO problema! What all of you will be reading Tuesday morning will be -- in many respects -- even more INCREDIBLE than the "Project SERPO" story. However, for some -- and in many respects -- the coming "Project SERPO" POSTING #27 and #27a will be BELIEVABLE!

It looks like a possible disclosure that is the result of a combined effort,

This release and preparations for it have been underway for a very, very long time and was recently approved in a 4 hr, 50 min, 6-way conference call ... ALL of you will now get the unique opportunity to take a look at the inner workings of the GROUP who actually deals with and controls the information regarding the alien presence on Earth!

SERPO POSTING #27 will be streamed in SEVEN (7) MASSIVE parts all in rapid-fire succession which includes a brief setup piece.

It will be the "WHAT" which will take your breath away! ... the WHAT will be enough!


I hate to say it, but aside from TD's revelations that he may have been personally involved in a project in the 1970's that took him back to a familiar alien planet, my take on Serpo has been kind of ho-hum...If it's real, I don't see much of a change in my day to day life. If it's fiction, well shame on those folks for wasting our time...

All disclosures of this sort seem to be well-intentioned, but never get the backing of the government, or major media. They typically end up fizzling out. What is the purpose of a disclosure anymore? We've had enough of them; time to meet our "friends". Someone opined on another board that it will probably be disappointing...We will see...We only have twenty-four hours or so...

The folks at F.A.S.T. have added another couple of videos (Episode 43 and 44). The individual involved with F.A.S.T., Gridkeeper, is posting in a thread at ATS he started called, "Found New Video regarding the large Space Objects-F.A.S.T. Far Above Space and Time".

Gridkeeper recently responded to a question about the helicopters from our own Cyber_Wasp,

Originally posted by Gridkeeper
Hi, good question, you know I don't think people will ever understand the real situation going on here. I would love to spill all but that would be suicide.


Titillating...I wonder what he sees/suspects is going on...

What I see is going on - what I'm sensing from everything coming in is that something massive is underway. This is not a matter of an alien species simply plucking up a person here and there to experiment on. This has gone on for a long time, I'm sure. But something very different is afoot...

Anyway, I wanted to give a hearty hello to those whom, I think, are new posters here - grey580, tunin, jmilla, and Core90!!

To jmilla and Core90, on TD's behalf, rock on!! Neither TD nor I will contact you personally. However, you may meet someone who follows up on your request. I volunteered too (natch). You've got nothing to lose, and possibly some pretty crazy stuff to gain.

Hey, grey580!! Nice to hear from you. You asked,

Is it possible that the Holmes comet brightening up suddenly be because it is going through the photon belt?

I don't know. I also don't know who could offer a valid answer to that...There seems to be so much going on in our galaxy/solar system right now that anything's possible.

There was a post made by ST in BG at another paranormal message board addressing the comet. Here is an excerpt (ST's responses are in bolded orange),

User ID: 314707
10/29/2007 9:30 PM

The wait is days.. not months is it not ST?

**Things Are Getting Closer !!

Why does it feel like time has got faster?

**Artificial Time ... Linear Time Is Collapsing On Itself !! ... True Time ... Where All Things Are Now ... And All Flow As One ... This Is Being Realigned To ... Being Realized Once Again !!

Tell us what is going on with the Hubble craft apparently being seen movin around the night sky the last few nights?

**A Realignment !! ... Is What Came Through On This !! ... For What Reason(s) ??

did it fire anything at comet holmes?

**There Have Been "Attempts" To Prevent ... What Is Going To Happen !! ... Though This Will Be ... Of Wasted Efforts !!


I know that doesn't really answer your question, but it seems to allude to the comet having a purpose...Ultimately, it shouldn't matter what caused the explosion; it happened. And more unprecedented and inexplicable events are unfolding around us...

Hi, tunin!! I sent off your questions to TD. His responses are below in bolded yellow,

- What does TD thinks about the Metal music style, I mean, will it exist in
the future? (yep, I'm into it )
Of course metal music will exist!! the spectrum of music will only get broader in the future

- What's the point of studying trying to enter a good College if in a near
future none of this will matter?
I agree but nothing is set in stone

About the whole ET phenomena, somehow I think it's real, but nothing confirmed this to me yet.
according to project serpo, ET disclosure comes tomorrow.
I am not asking for anyone's belief my brazillian friend, take it as you will.
most of my family is in brazil so it is a significant place for me

tunin, TD is not perpetrating a hoax, but he admits he is still trying to understand his experiences. It's a wait and see kind of thing...

As far as living your life normally, until things change there is no reason not to. No one can say what awaits, but it's happening now. Best advise is to be prepared mentally. And enjoy things as they unfold. It's sure to get weirder...

I wanted to post two more pics I took this past weekend - Pic 1 and Pic 2. The second pic "appears" to be a clear as day saucer. It could also be a bird, but it wasn't visible when I took the pic...

And finally, I want to give a shout out to win 52!! I like to see messages like your previous post!!

And to TD!! Rock on!!

[edit o

[edit on 29-10-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:23 AM
Hey Hey Hey !!!!!!!!

Thanks for the heads up on the Serpo update OnTheDeck !!!!!!!!
One can only pray that they will actually deliver this time.
I would love to see some color video from the Serpo Planet showing people going about their

Also on the same day there is the Dark Mission Release as well to check out that ATSGUY has mentioned in another thread on ATS.
They are having a meeting where an Ex NASA guy is presenting frames from the Apollo mission that he was ordered to have destroyed 40 years ago. Apparently they will have some 'leaked' moon photos to compare them with also. I don't know where the photos will be posted.

We also have the Japanese & Chinese Satellites orbiting the moon with modern cameras so I am following that one as well.
They can not keep this hidden for much longer.
Something has to give.....surely !!!!!!!!!!
Sniff.....Sniff....Sniff.....Why can I smell fish?

Is it possible not to believe the message I have been given?
I have to somehow road test this idea. It is the answer to the message that I was not to post yet. I still have to try it out. It can't be that easy.

Lastly, speaking of the bizarre.
Guess what song was magically playing on my car stereo today?
Gold by Spandau Ballet. Believe me, it aint played in my car since I don’t know when.
Either it is a confirmation about my earlier message or I'm coming out of the closet....

Always believe in your soul
You’ve got the power to know
You're indestructible
Always believe in, because you are

Hey !!!!!!.....what’s with the tomatoes......that just missed.....ok bye !!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:34 AM
Also just quickly.

Find the time to watch the ATS 911 Mysteries Video about the Demolitions.

I tell you, sometimes I am disgusted beyond belief.
The video highlights what is wrong in this world in spades....and then some.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:35 PM
Hey Everyone! whats up!

That stuff ATSGUY posted with Jim Sparks was pretty amazing in relation to TD's story and I realize there is a whitley Strieber Audio session where describes similar stuff, I think OTD posted something about that, some pages back.

also, that bringers of the dawn message is great, I listened to the the whole thing, all 18 clips, it makes so much sense to me and does not come across like some cult stuff, it is simple logic and seemingly awakening the simple logic and re-introducing it in my opinion and makes some things clear, nothing religious about it which is a plus. Also what they say about sexual energy makes sense and it makes it clearer why these so called "morals" about sex are so highly imposed around the world and why it leads to suspicion the bad guys want us to keep thinking sex is evil and all those diseases exist.

Hey OTD,
I read the entire serpo update today, although it was cool, I cant say i was all that impressed, I knew ronnie regan knew something, they tried to kill him too, they simply failed to kill him unlike lincoln and kennedy in my opinion. but it does give a better perspective. I also noticed the language his ADVISOR'S used with him, very controlled and filtered, not clear who they were protecting really, put a different spin on dis-info campaigns too.

anyway, lets continue discovering the puzzle pieces !!

one peace, is a puzzle, complete.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:57 PM
My oldest son also wants to volunteer he is able bodied and wants to see the future has in store for us

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 12:24 AM
Hey ranger - I feel parasites are the cause of most, if not all disease and sickness.

I believe there is not a whole lot wrong with a good healthy skronkin, no matter who the woman is. I have to draw a line there, no telling what other options may be presented.

I know, I get on about religeous writings. People have to understand my focus is on what took place, not what popular religions of the day seem to feed people.

The bulk of my information seems to be connected to the events taking place on Earth 2000 years ago, and further back. I understand they are connected to what we can expect to encounter over the next few years.

You need to take religion and churches out of the picture. Somehow it is good for people to come together in peace. No wars and fighting or arguing, man how great is that.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 04:10 PM
I would ask if he could read and write, and check his pockets

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by win 52
Hey ranger - I feel parasites are the cause of most, if not all disease and sickness.

I believe there is not a whole lot wrong with a good healthy skronkin, no matter who the woman is. I have to draw a line there, no telling what other options may be presented.

I know, I get on about religeous writings. People have to understand my focus is on what took place, not what popular religions of the day seem to feed people.

The bulk of my information seems to be connected to the events taking place on Earth 2000 years ago, and further back. I understand they are connected to what we can expect to encounter over the next few years.

You need to take religion and churches out of the picture. Somehow it is good for people to come together in peace. No wars and fighting or arguing, man how great is that.

you got that right Win!!!

and i just finished the bringers of the dawn stuff, wow i still cant belive that the woman says that stuff was channeled, it seems to make sense out of almost everything else we are reading and listening too.

Also its great to see alot of new people taking interest in this little thing we have going on ( that will be big one day)

There is a new interesting video that just came out, with Dennis kucinich, he was asked if he belives in ufos...and we said he does but the reaction from the other politicians and the people in the audience just makes me nod my head in shame on the ignorence of the american people...allot of people in the world are ready but here we have so much control that any talk of this kind of stuff gives you the impression of a lunatic, and yet when u see videos of those crazy Evangelic

i would like to quote what a fellow said in the comments below the video...

They laugh at the UFO extraterrestrial idea, but as soon as we talk about Angels and Church they get all serious and #.

So they believe in magical Angels that float down from heaven but not in technological beings from another planet. Yeah... That makes a whole lot of sense!

Politicians = Experts on Mind Manipulation.

here is a little booklet ebook, called theblueproject i got it from this thread

i dont no if it was already posted, but it is a good read
again probably disinfo but still a good read nun the less

[edit on 31-10-2007 by ATSGUY]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 06:37 AM
Greetings Fellow Bringers of the Dawn !!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG ATSGUY, you have to stop posting this stuff.
I am half way through the Bringers of the Dawn and I am speechless.
It feels like a lot of the stuff I am living through at the moment.
There is so much to digest. Awesome stuff.
Here is a link just for you ATSGUY. It has 100 x ten minutes parts......

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