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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:12 PM

Title: "In League with ET"

Actually, it's "In League with a UFO".

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by GLDNGUN

Title: "In League with ET"

Actually, it's "In League with a UFO".

Ahhh, Thanks for that. I'll correct it now.


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:20 PM
lol amazing how even an innocient typo is so quickly corrected by another, scratching my head

Sleeper nice to meet you but I must say I never heard of you
or your books

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:21 PM
Thank you Springer and Sleeper.

. . . . and so as not to be a One Liner - -

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:52 PM
I am usually a day late and a dollar short but I had my grandson order them for me, I hope I can say that. You might make enough money off this for a nice earthly vacation

[edit on 1-2-2007 by observe50]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I am usually a day late and a dollar short but I had my grandson order them for me, I hope I can say that. You might make enough money off this for a nice earthly vacation

Now aren't you glad you knew what the correct titles were?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:59 PM
Yes! Congrats! . . . and take the little woman on a nice vacation.

Geesh! Can we get on with the thread now

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 06:47 PM
I'm gonna admit I haven't read through the whole thread (70 pages? what do you think I am?) and I browsed the beginning of your blog before rushing out, but I have a few *very* simple questions that have probably been asked before.

1) Why are the aliens so secretive? Why not just come out and say "We're here, tell Lear. Get over it!" Why do they need to be so knife and dagger, and thus breed conspiracy theories on their existence?

2) Is there any chance the Earth is in danger of coming under attack from hostile entities? If so, wouldn't disclosure be the best course of action. I think an alien battleship appearing over Sydney would cause more panic if we had found out that aliens did exist AND we are about to be destroyed.

3) Do you have any physical evidence of your travels? Before something can become a fact, it must first be able to be seen and comprehended, then replicatable, and finally it is fact.

I can't be bothered to get into whole arguments over whether you're lying or not, because frankly I'm sleepy. So i'm content if you just answer my questions.

Night, night ATS!

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
I'm gonna admit I haven't read through the whole thread (70 pages? what do you think I am?)

I can't be bothered to get into whole arguments over whether you're lying or not, because frankly I'm sleepy.

So i'm content if you just answer my questions.

Night, night ATS!

This has got to be the classic of all posts to sleeper I have seen in all 185 pages of sleeper's thread.


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:02 PM
These are my last questions/posts for a while! Could you please answer them.

1.What is the nature of the Buddhas/What do you know about them/How do they come around?

2. Nibana or Nirvana are words that descry the exit from the dimensional hierarchy/the cycle of rebirth that as you describe is forever. Do you know any aliens that strive to leave the whole game?

3. Is the cycle of rebirth just a stellar power trip on behalf of “gods” who reside in the highest realm, who live for billions of years and are afraid to give up their ultimate bliss or what?

4. If these aliens aren’t concerned with leaving the cycle of rebirth, if it is their job to keep it running smoothly, WHY?

Throughout history Shamans have seen aliens too, they laugh when aliens tell them there in control of the planet. Gnostics believe in the Archons (aliens) who tell humans who have died that they are in control of the planet and that they must go with them, but Gnostic teachings promulgate that it’s a facade and if you want to move on, you have to see past their half-truths.

My point is aliens probably have a whole lot of control and no entity is more then thirty percent evil, but just because they are good, does not mean they are entirely helpful. It is the norm to justify counterproductive actions; most counterproductive people convince themselves they are being productive.

5. Are they really as powerful as you say or is it a way of manipulating the collective consciousness to empower them even more?

Do you really think monks in the Himalayas need permission from a race of aliens in order to explore reality, it would be spiritual authoritarianism!

Thank You!

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:03 PM
When I first came on here - I read every single post before I made my first one.

I am also currently reading all 110 posts in the previous thread that was locked.

Dude - - it really isn't that difficult.

Have a little respect for those who took the time to familiarize themselves with the entire content of this thread.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by GLDNGUN
Allow me to restate it. I have read and heard hundreds of UFO and abduction accounts. The vast majority of those who have had encounters and offered an opinion on the intent of "ET" have stated that they (the aliens) can not be trusted. Or worse. Of the few accounts that I have read from "experiencers" who have only warm, fuzzy feelings about "ET", they are usually a member of some "UFO cult". Of course, it makes sense that like-minded people would want to organize around a central theme or idea.

I will grant that there are UFO cults. Also do I agree with you about the predominantly negative abduction accounts. I asked sleeper a detailed question about this and he said in this thread that the pleasurable abductions are not remembered because they would act as a deterrent to our daily jobs here on Earth.

I am saying that hypnosis doesn't make people good writers nor does it give them information like what sleeper has provided. You did read his book? Please tell us more about it since I have yet to see a single link posted here. I ordered a copy but it'll be a while till I can read it.

Free will might not exist for sleeper, particularly if he is an agent of some kind (which his story says he is). Free will doesn't have to exist for sleeper in every area, but can still exist in whatever areas his guardian decides (or which sleeper decided before this life). Even if ET has effectively removed free will for sleeper, how does that change it in relation to the whole world? One man's lost free will doesn't even come close to the whole world's loss of free will (by disclosure, I mean).

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
This has got to be the classic of all posts to sleeper I have seen in all 185 pages of sleeper's thread.

Well i'm glad someone is worthy of that title other than myself. I am thinking of changing my name to "AlliminumAllimunum" maybe "Illuminamanana" or "Ememmelman" just to make fun of you back.

Jack, sleeper doesn't answer the tough questions. He truly believes he will be punished for going against the "final solution" of his jailer Milton.

Hail! Hail!

By the way nice avatar JackofBlades-- right at home with mine (but Anubis is cooler!)

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by IamnomanasIamallman
Well i'm glad someone is worthy of that title other than myself. I am thinking of changing my name to "AlliminumAllimunum" maybe "Illuminamanana" or "Ememmelman" just to make fun of you back.

Jack, sleeper doesn't answer the tough questions. He truly believes he will be punished for going against the "final solution" of his jailer Milton.

Hail! Hail!

Yeah, keep going off-topic and stabbing your dull-edged blade at everyone.
You have your own thread to discredit Sleeper, now...go do it over there and get your much coveted points and attention.

Springer's gonna be tapping YOU on the shoulder next if you stay this course.


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:15 PM
Red sky at night- sailors delight.

Hydden-- I don't have time to explain why I haven't violated T&C by my above post, nor detracted from the OP.

Please review my above post, and try to find the statement in there that proves a gigantic point.

And please don't say everyone, it's obvious I only dislike about 5 people on this thread out of like 20.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:17 PM
Oh....and yes. I'm ordering his books too!

And since Sleeper probably won't say it because it doesn't seem to be his style:

"Thanks for the free publicity, guys!"

(And since Springer already listed the names, here are the links for your pleasure)

In League with a UFO

Shrouded Chronicles of Jesus the Christ

Nope. Still doesn't change me from wanting to listen to Sleeper's story. Hmm. Oh well. It was a shot, guys. But thanks for the great reads!


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
I will grant that there are UFO cults. Also do I agree with you about the predominantly negative abduction accounts. I asked sleeper a detailed question about this and he said in this thread that the pleasurable abductions are not remembered because they would act as a deterrent to our daily jobs here on Earth.

So evidently the "ET" rationale is "let's just scare them so badly they'll be scarred for life!" Yeah, that'll teach 'em. I wonder how many people right now are in mental hospitals, taking pchyscotropic drugs, or getting some sort of other "help" in order to deal with abduction issues and memories? Maybe it's just me, but that would certainly seem to act "as a deterrent to our daily jobs here on Earth".

I am saying that hypnosis doesn't make people good writers nor does it give them information like what sleeper has provided.

I've never suggested either, unless you are equating human hypnosis with "ET" mind implants. "Sleeper" has already stated that he has no way of knowing what he is relating is actual experience or a false memory.

You did read his book? Please tell us more about it since I have yet to see a single link posted here. I ordered a copy but it'll be a while till I can read it.

Perhaps you missed one of my earlier posts where I quoted at length from the book. There wasn't a "link".

Free will might not exist for sleeper, particularly if he is an agent of some kind (which his story says he is). Free will doesn't have to exist for sleeper in every area, but can still exist in whatever areas his guardian decides (or which sleeper decided before this life). Even if ET has effectively removed free will for sleeper, how does that change it in relation to the whole world? One man's lost free will doesn't even come close to the whole world's loss of free will (by disclosure, I mean).

Perhaps you should read my quotes from the book again. Or Sleeper's blog. "Free will", "personal rights", etc. are "illusions". At least according to "Milton". Not just "Sleeper's" free will and rights, but everyone's. As heavily as you seem to be into Sleeper's story I'm surprised you missed that.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by IamnomanasIamallman
Red sky at night- sailors delight.

Hydden-- I don't have time to explain why I haven't violated T&C by my above post, nor detracted from the OP.

Please review my above post, and try to find the statement in there that proves a gigantic point.

And please don't say everyone, it's obvious I only dislike about 5 people on this thread out of like 20.

(sigh) See?!?

Now I gotta put you back on ignore....a-gain.

(waves bye-bye)


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:28 PM

I will grant that there are UFO cults. Also do I agree with you about the predominantly negative abduction accounts. I asked sleeper a detailed question about this and he said in this thread that the pleasurable abductions are not remembered because they would act as a deterrent to our daily jobs here on Earth.

Unfortunately, I must admit that also sounds like something that a UFO cult would say, rationalization.

Would not very unpleasant abductions also serve as a deterrent to our daily jobs by virtue of PTSD, depression, fear and general freaking-out-ness?

So, why ARE there any unpleasant abductions at all?

Sleeper has a strange and interesting story, in the end there's plenty of wishes there, e.g. "things will get better, and we will ascend to higher levels and live forever thanks to ETs".

What if it just plain aint so? Suppose there is nothing higher, and ETs are here, real, and not here to do us any favors and that's that.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
Unfortunately, I must admit that also sounds like something that a UFO cult would say, rationalization.

A fair statement.

Would not very unpleasant abductions also serve as a deterrent to our daily jobs by virtue of PTSD, depression, fear and general freaking-out-ness?

So, why ARE there any unpleasant abductions at all?

I don't know anything about them. I know nothing about UFOs. BUT I cannot accept that Earth is so beautiful and ET doesn't know its here. If they do know, then clearly we are "kept" as whatever they wish. The fact that we have a chance to show our merit, is a boon in my opinion.

Sleeper has a strange and interesting story, in the end there's plenty of wishes there, e.g. "things will get better, and we will ascend to higher levels and live forever thanks to ETs".

What if it just plain aint so? Suppose there is nothing higher, and ETs are here, real, and not here to do us any favors and that's that.

In that case, I'd ask yourself if A: you have a soul which gets reborn into a world of "forgetting" like this one, or B: you are a soul living this one single life and then it's eternity in heaven or hell, or C: you are just a bag of meat. The answer will determine the rest of your life not because it can be proven, but because it will determine how you will react to your family and to those around you.

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