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Teacher to 1-st grade: Santa is fake. Parents are angry.

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posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 04:30 PM
What is so wrong with little kids beliving in something good? Santa is a good object of magic taht the kids need in this harsh world. For those that are anti-Santa, I belive that none of you are parents, will you tell your child at a young age that Santa is fake and ruin a holiday for the kid? Thats why kids love Chirstams some magical fat jolly guy brings them toys, who the in the right mind woiuld enjoy a holiday when their non-magical parents give them toys? Just another damn birtyda to them.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 04:42 PM
You know it is possible that those who fervently believed in the whole santa thing aren't as intelligent as those who were told the truth. 'shrug' Or maybe they're more honest as human beings in general, i don't think anyone's ever done a study on it before... I had an invisible elf when i was a kid. Of course by the time i hit eleven i realised he probably wanted to start a family so i set him free, heh, yeah ok even i believed in something not real however, I'm looking at this from an adult angle and how i see the world now. For Christians though, isn't it wrong to believe in fake gods??
I mean after all, children aren't depending on God to give them presents but Some Strange Guy no one has ever met before in a red suit who sneaks into their house once a year 'and never eats the cookies or drinks the milk' !!!

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 06:54 AM
Yes its an odd thing that we made up a guy who breaks into your house. I just can't understand why its so bad to let a kid belive in Santa, they'll find out sooner or later. For little kids Santa is the big thing about Chirstmas.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 08:23 AM
Personally, I'm going to go through some elaborate steps when I have a kid.... (frozen boot prints, soot around the fireplace, etc.)

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:44 AM
I think they should fire the teacher immediately!!!

You cannot destroy someone's belief... that is just wrong.

I think all kids should get to enjoy Santa Clause, but some people absolutely refuse. I also don't see why all religions can't have Santa Clause... I mean after all, it doesn't say in the Bible anything about Santa Clause... his legacy doesn't have to be tied to one religion.

And to all of you who will "NEVER" lie to their children... wait until you four year old asks where babies come from. Then asks how does the baby get into mom's stomach to begin with. If you tell them the truth and explain sex to a four year old... you will go to jail, directly to jail, there will be no passing go or collecting $200.

Not to mention the Social worker that will be at your door to take your kids away imediately.

Now give Santa a break... in the horrible world we live in, it is nice for the children to actually have something to believe in and something to smile about.

P.S. If any of my kid's teachers ever tell them there is no Santa Clause...

Be Cool

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by K_OS
I think they should fire the teacher immediately!!!

You cannot destroy someone's belief... that is just wrong.

I think all kids should get to enjoy Santa Clause, but some people absolutely refuse. I also don't see why all religions can't have Santa Clause... I mean after all, it doesn't say in the Bible anything about Santa Clause... his legacy doesn't have to be tied to one religion.

And to all of you who will "NEVER" lie to their children... wait until you four year old asks where babies come from. Then asks how does the baby get into mom's stomach to begin with. If you tell them the truth and explain sex to a four year old... you will go to jail, directly to jail, there will be no passing go or collecting $200.
hmmm i dont know where you come from but i've never heard of that before. I think telling any child under the age of 12 about that is unnecessary. However it should be at the discretion of the Parent only.
Not to mention the Social worker that will be at your door to take your kids away imediately.

Now give Santa a break... in the horrible world we live in, it is nice for the children to actually have something to believe in and something to smile about.

P.S. If any of my kid's teachers ever tell them there is no Santa Clause...

Be Cool

heh, fire the teacher for telling the truth? 'smirk' Society is messed up!!! Ok although i totally agree the Teacher shouldn't have told the kids that Santa wasn't real, i do believe that you should tell kids the truth, whether it be Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Because in the mind of a child, it's real whether or not you think so.

[Edited on 15-12-2003 by Sapphire]

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