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Teacher to 1-st grade: Santa is fake. Parents are angry.

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posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 06:43 AM
Check this out, the teacher told the kids that Santa is fake, so now they're all dissapointed. Their parents are angry at the teacher. One thing the parents forgot is that eventually the children must learn that santa isn't real.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 07:29 AM
These kids have to learn reality someday.....whether or not that was the right day for them to learn that is debatable.

I have the same problems with school teachers telling kids that God is real...but thats another debate.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by earthtone
These kids have to learn reality someday.....whether or not that was the right day for them to learn that is debatable.

I have the same problems with school teachers telling kids that God is real...but thats another debate.

its up to the parents to bring this reality to their kids, not a teacher who seems to be rather mean spirited.

i am ALL for teaching kids about reality and what is real and what should be taken seriously but these are first graders! let them have their innocent make believe friend santa claus for awhile. maybe when they get older sure break the news to them but to a first grade child santa claus is their best friend, a selfless person who gives gifts to children all over the world in the name of goodwill and love.

this teacher should be dragged out in the street and lynched, their behavior was unacceptable. this would be like a teacher telling kids there is a god/there is no god. thats not the teachers place, thats the parents job!!!!! and since santa has nothing to do with reading writing math science, etc i see no reason why they had to do this to these children.

teachers are to teach, not to break the hearts of children who didnt deserve it. this was plain wrong and i wouldnt want anyone telling my children santa isnt real, thats my job because those are my children and I am obligated to teach them these things, noone else has that right and i really believe there should be punishments for things like this.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:16 PM
Ha ha I always told my friends, " You better hope your kids don't ask me about Santa, cause I won't lie to them" I think lying to your kids about anything is a good way to lose their trust.

When I was 14, A man I worked for [cleaning up barber shop] told his kid a dog that was run over was not dead. I lost my job when I said the dog was indeed dead. Oh well. I didn't even know he had lied to his kid until he told me. I lost my 1st job cause my boss lied.

Don't lie to your children.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Stirfry
Ha ha I always told my friends, " You better hope your kids don't ask me about Santa, cause I won't lie to them" I think lying to your kids about anything is a good way to lose their trust.

When I was 14, A man I worked for [cleaning up barber shop] told his kid a dog that was run over was not dead. I lost my job when I said the dog was indeed dead. Oh well. I didn't even know he had lied to his kid until he told me. I lost my 1st job cause my boss lied.

Don't lie to your children.

spoken like a person with no children of their idealistic and yet not very practical.

become a parent and you'll find numerous reasons to lie to your kids. santa being one of them. then you have the tooth fairy, the easter bunny. seeing the kids smile all those years make up for those "lies" you tell and when they get older they understand that such things arent real but you never once hear about a child being in therapy because his parents told him santa was real.

there are more harmful things parents do to their children that many find totally acceptable, like doping them up with concerta and ritalin.

pick your battles and leave santa alone.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 03:15 PM
There is no reason to lie to children, my own or any others

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 03:39 PM
I don't think it is this teacher's job to tell the kids santa is fake.

The kids will get over it really quickly on Christmas day. They like Santa because he brings them presents. When they realize they still get presents they won't care whether Santa is real or not.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:13 PM
I think if Parents just told their children the truth from day one, they wouldn't have to deal with all this #e late on. Santa was real in a sense, just not magical. Saint Nicholas a real man who would deliver gifts to poor families at night time 'i think thats how the story goes'. Fitting thru a chimney though? Oh come on.. hehe

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:18 PM
ok let me get this straight...

you people on this board that believe in the most whacked out conspiracies and aliens think we shouldnt tell our children about santa.

i'll file this one in the "things that make absolutely no #ing sense" folder...

you people are cracked!

you dont want children to believe in santa but you want others to believe in your wild crack pot conspiracy theories.

at least saint nick was real at one point!

the people on this board worry me sometimes...truly.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
ok let me get this straight...

you people on this board that believe in the most whacked out conspiracies and aliens think we shouldnt tell our children about santa.

i'll file this one in the "things that make absolutely no #ing sense" folder...

you people are cracked!

you dont want children to believe in santa but you want others to believe in your wild crack pot conspiracy theories.

at least saint nick was real at one point!

the people on this board worry me sometimes...truly.

there's a difference, shrewd baboon

saint nick might have been real, but why carry on the legend? what's done is done...and besides, it's a lie.
as for conspiracies, they determine factors possibly affecting our lives', somehow...i doubt believing in saint nick will make a difference to any1 in the long run...
think methodically, they are bound to find out anyway? so why bother... you might as well take credit for the gifts' you purchase and make it worthwhile.
i appreciate your trying to take on a different side to this topic, but in fact...who cares anyway??


posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:44 PM
Why is it that Santa only comes to Christians kids,

What about us Minority groups.

I remember being a kid, And little timmy had Santa come to his house and recieve gifts.

All I got was a bowl full of curry.

We minority on this site ( I think only me) Should protest against Santa, that fat bastard.

I should just be christian this christman and linch his ass and steal all his toys.

And how the hell does he Fly around the world with reindeers, youd think by now he would have some sort of Anti Gravity sliegh.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
ok let me get this straight...

you people on this board that believe in the most whacked out conspiracies and aliens think we shouldnt tell our children about santa.

i'll file this one in the "things that make absolutely no #ing sense" folder...

you people are cracked!

you dont want children to believe in santa but you want others to believe in your wild crack pot conspiracy theories.

at least saint nick was real at one point!

the people on this board worry me sometimes...truly.

LoL ... No, Cracked is believing in the Easter Bunny and Santa hehe

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Why is it that Santa only comes to Christians kids,

What about us Minority groups.

I remember being a kid, And little timmy had Santa come to his house and recieve gifts.

All I got was a bowl full of curry.

We minority on this site ( I think only me) Should protest against Santa, that fat bastard.

I should just be christian this christman and linch his ass and steal all his toys.

And how the hell does he Fly around the world with reindeers, youd think by now he would have some sort of Anti Gravity sliegh.

ZeroDeep ... LMFAO!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:52 PM
Its not Funny,
Same with the Tooth Fairy,
I remember breaking my teeth just so I could get a nickel and go to the corner store to buy a jube jube.
No.....But timmy always bought jube jubes,
Where are my Jube Jubes?

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 05:36 PM
Santa is Fake?!?!?!

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 05:37 PM
LOL!! Just jk.

Anyways Parents should tell kids the truth anyways instead of feeding them all this fantasy bull#.

Hell I knew Santa was fake since I was like 4. LOL!!

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 05:42 PM
He is real... If you believe in him.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 05:47 PM
Next thing you know they'll be saying that wrestling's fake.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Next thing you know they'll be saying that wrestling's fake.

Umm.. dude... well it is. :shk:

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 06:19 PM

Ultimate Warrior
You can mean to say that he too was a fake?
And Mr.Perfect?
Those damn Zionists.

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