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Wii scars and other Wii mishaps

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posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 04:18 PM
I must be inebriated from the splendor that is High Definition.

[edit on 6/12/2006 by 7Pan7cho7]

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 04:42 PM
poncho lets get back on subject.

Originally posted by Um Hi
No, it means the strap breaks easier! You don't read the posts do you?

They play with the straps on, when they swing, strap breaks, broken nose, TV, window. They are stronger so they throw the Wiimote harder then a 6 year old.

So, after cutting the losses from lawsuits, and in one year after price drop on God360 and the PS3 how will Wii be doing?

the strap is only there IF YOU LOSE GRIP OF THE WIIMOTE. i have never ever once put tension on the strap because its not there for any reason other then catching the wiimote if you LOSE YOUR GRIP.

who should have a better grip? a 6 year old girl or a teenager or old man? how will the wii be doing in a year? lets just look at how it is doing now. its more searched then ps3 and the xbox. its catching the xbox and leaving the ps3 in its wake. its making nintendo a hellish profit and its selling out everywhere. ask australia, they just purchased more wii then ps3 has soldworld wide.

being a fanboy is fine with me umhi, but there is a point where u can use common sense.

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
No, it's not about holding on to the controller, it's about how hard you play with it. For instance, if you are playing baseball and you go to throw the pitch, I think teenagers and grownups will naturally (not necessarily intentionally) "throw" harder than a six year old. Think about 60mph+ for average teens and adults 75+ for people who actually can throw a baseball hard or pitch, versus 20 or 30 mph for a six year old (assuming the six year old plays baseball and/or throws with the proper mechanics).

This is what we are talking about, not how strong your grip is.

i thought u actually played the wii poncho. its all about the grip. if you dont let go of the wiimote, u dont break the strap, easy as that. even the governator could use the wii without breaking the strap. YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO LET TEH WII MOTE FLY OUT OF YOUR HAND. this has no purpose for any game, and if anyone is stupid enough to let go of the wiimote intentionally , they deserve a broken tv.

my kid was the 3rd best kid out of 15 on her tball team. better then probably 10boys. she knows how to throw and she can get the pitch up to 80+mph in wii baseball. the thing is , SHE DOESNT LET GO OF THE WIIMOTE. its about grip not strength.
if u dont let go of the wii mote, the strap doesnt break, the tv doesnt get hit. simple physics.

[edit on 6-12-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 12:42 PM
I know you don't actually throw the wiimote, what i was saying is that older people are naturally going to have a faster/harder throwing motion (whether they mean to or not), you play for a while and your hands start to get sweaty, it could slip out of your hand (like in the videos), the strap breaks and it flies across the room.

Why do you keep bringing up statistics about how well each console is doing? Didn't you just tell me to get back on subject? In this thread I don't really care who's doing what, this about people getting Wii scars and having other mishaps.

The name of the thread isn't The Wii sucks because it will try to kill your TV, forcing you to find a way to plug it into your brain to continue playing so it can kill all of all our children (buy a PS3), so I don't see why you feel you have to bring up who's selling what. Besides, right now it's not even that big of a deal, maybe in a year or two, but right now is too early for any of that "well this system is better because of this, all the others aren't going to sell any, etc. etc.

Oh yeah,

Chill man, you act like the Wii is your child and I just called it retarded (which i have yet to say anything about the Wii.), and now you have to defend it to the death.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7

Why do you keep bringing up statistics about how well each console is doing? Didn't you just tell me to get back on subject? In this thread I don't really care who's doing what, this about people getting Wii scars and having other mishaps.

someone asked how i thought the wii would be doing in a year , so i answered them . it was on topic, i dont ignore or dodge peoples questions.

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
I know you don't actually throw the wiimote, what i was saying is that older people are naturally going to have a faster/harder throwing motion (whether they mean to or not), you play for a while and your hands start to get sweaty, it could slip out of your hand (like in the videos), the strap breaks and it flies across the room.

again i ask. have you actually played the wii? if you have you would understand you dont have to put all your power into anything. not even 50% of your strength really.

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7

Chill man, you act like the Wii is your child and I just called it retarded (which i have yet to say anything about the Wii.), and now you have to defend it to the death.

isnt the point of these forums to have discussions. im just holding up to the ats motto and im trying to help people deny ignorance. do you believe everything you see on the internet? if you cant handle someone discussing the post you created. then why create it?

here look at this

these people claim the wiimote became lodged into their tv. im quite confident you will believe them. you know because they said it happened and people dont lie .

now look closer at the pics. notice the damage to the tv stand directly under the supposed wii mote hole? the wii mote didnt cause this , and im sure whatever ruined the tv is also what ruined the tv stand.

now look at the scratch to the right of the hole in the tv. did the wii mote cause this scratch?

why would the wiimote end up on the side of the tv? were they aiming for the gutter?

why hasnt the wii notified them it has lost contact with the wii mote? it lost its batteries so it should have a message across the screen saying the connection with the wiimote has been lost , but it isnt there.

if you believe this story of the wiimote impaling the tv, i dont know what to say.

u must understand that you dont take everything as fact off the internet.

here ill give you some more bantha fodder to digest. look what my wiimote did to my tv.

i cant really prove it, but yeah it happened.

sorry you dont like the fact that im arguing this thread with you. you never should have started it if you cant handle simple discussion.

i must go now, i need to change my wii's diaper.


[edit on 7-12-2006 by elitegamer23]

[edit on 7-12-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 10:15 PM
No, that's funny. There's no way you could the controller into a TV like that. Reminds me of the guy that lied about his PS3 over heating and burning his house down.

I didn't say that people have to "throw" the wiimote hard, i said that many people will do this, some unintentionally, and some because they just can't contain their hulk-like super strength abilities. But still, people will do this, not because they have to, just because they will.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
No, that's funny. There's no way you could the controller into a TV like that.

there is no way you could spear the wiimote into a tv like that? well many people seem to believe its true.

look at the youtube video you linked where the guy is playing wiitennis and he launches the wiimote. WHAT AN IDIOT. serving has NOTHING to do with power, it has everything to do with timing. that was most likely intentional. if you actually played wii tennis, you would realize that guy tried that. a 90 year old woman could serve a more powerful serve then him , if she timed it right. throwing your arm as hard as that guy did is just ignorant. it will accomplish nothing. that video was staged. not only does he exaggerate his serve, but he lets go of the wii mote. play wii tennis and you will understand that video is bunk.

[edit on 7-12-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
No, that's funny. There's no way you could the controller into a TV like that.

there is no way you could spear the wiimote into a tv like that? well many people seem to believe its true.

Well, you could do it, but not by even just plain throwing it without the strap breaking. I can't believe people actually believe that.

Maybe is somebody had used some type of torch or lighter to burn a hole in their TV, and then put the wiimote in there.

But their is no way you could throw any kind of remote (unless it was so hot it could melt plastic, and even then, how could you throw it, and how could you keep it from melting through more TV.)

As far as this story goes, (and anybody who says a console burned their house down when it didn't even malfunction) :w:

I can't believe that someone could believe that you can throw something through a TV like that. :shk:

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 10:49 PM
the kid who said his house burned down becuase of his ps3 was threatened with a lawsuit by sony.

try the wii poncho. actually play wii sports and you will realize anyone who loses their grip, while using a hard enough motion , to cause the strap to break, thus causing the wiimote to break the tv screen or tv is a dolt.

i dont understand why people are making excuses for such idiots by placing the blame on nintendo and the wii mote. if you crash your car into a persons house, is it the cars fault?

sony has filed a pattent for a pointer like controller similiar to the wiimote. that is how awesome it is.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 11:21 PM
I really don't care who's fault it is, i just think it's funny.

Someone buys the Wii because of the price, then goes and puts a whole in their TV.

Of course not everyone bought it for it's price, but that's still ironic. I would feel so stupid, especially if i was that kid that broke the light on his ceiling fan. :bnghd:

I might get a Wii later, but i'm kinda on the fence about it, I want to see what games they will have to offer later down the line (ones that won't be on PS3 or 360). I don't really want to get a PS3 right away either, because if they keep mucking up the way they have I'll just get upgrades for my PC.

Anyways, to everyone out there that owns a Wii and hasn't found a way to put a hole in something with the wiimote

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7

Someone buys the Wii because of the price, then goes and puts a whole in their TV.

who has a 60 inch hdtv , then buys the wii because its cheap. im sure these people could afford a ps3. i could go buy an xbox 360 and ps3 tomorrow with cash , but i got a wii.

price has nothing to do with it. its about fun.

i thought u played the wii

considering 1.3 million people have purchased a wii, and u havent seen over 5 TRUE accidents if that . i would consider your cheers is to the 1,299,990 people who are competent enough to handle a wii.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 11:38 PM
If you ask me i'd say EG is right about it being staged, probably some sony fanboys trying to give nintendo a bad name.
The guy is clearly overdoing it, and if it's not staged he is a prize idiot...

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by chris01621
If you ask me i'd say EG is right about it being staged, probably some sony fanboys trying to give nintendo a bad name.
The guy is clearly overdoing it, and if it's not staged he is a prize idiot...

But if they were sony fanboys, why would they have a Wii?

@Elite Gamer, I'm sure you saw the part of my post that said of course not everyone buys it because it's cheap.

posted on Dec, 7 2006 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7

@Elite Gamer, I'm sure you saw the part of my post that said of course not everyone buys it because it's cheap.

yeah but you still think people buy it because its cheap. people who cant afford an xbox 360 or ps3 dont buy a wii. they buy food, and clothes and pay their bills. you dont get into gaming unless u can afford it, and anyone who can purchase a wii, extra wiimotes, a tv to play it on, electricity, games, batteries, ect ect . well these people probably could afford a ps3 of xbox. people buy a wii because nintendo makes amazing products. i have a friend who is an ubber sony fanboy and he thinks the ds only outsells the psp because " its cheaper" that is so not true. play a ds and you will understand.

take a look at the history of video game consoles. not once has the more powerful system won. if money has to do with a persons choice of system, they need to find a cheaper hobby. people buy what is fun.

ive already put 470 into my wii, and ive purchased a ds game in that time, so ive spent 500 on games in the last 3 weeks. that is the price of a ps3 , i just chose the wii instead.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 03:00 PM
SO far dozens of cases have come out where the Wiimote attacks and kills TVs, windows, lights, noses. I'm sure dozens of SONY Fan Boys went out and wasted money ona Wii just to break a really really expensive TV. Geesh, and I thought people who thought the Moon landing was Staged were paranoid.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Um Hi
SO far dozens of cases have come out where the Wiimote attacks and kills TVs, windows, lights, noses. I'm sure dozens of SONY Fan Boys went out and wasted money ona Wii just to break a really really expensive TV. Geesh, and I thought people who thought the Moon landing was Staged were paranoid.

do you ever read what you type????????????

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 06:29 PM
You and Chris came up with a Conspiracy, that PS3 owners waste hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to make the Wii look bad. I said you people must be really paranoid if you think SONY would waste time and money to make the Wii look worse then what it already does.

So yes, I do read what I type.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Um Hi
You and Chris came up with a Conspiracy, that PS3 owners waste hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to make the Wii look bad. I said you people must be really paranoid if you think SONY would waste time and money to make the Wii look worse then what it already does.

So yes, I do read what I type.

no one said anything about an consipracy , and you are just looking goofy saying anyone here is paranoid. yeah its ats but we are simply talking video games ffs. the paranoid are in diff forums.

the guy in the video could be a sony or microsoft fanboy , it doesnt matter . he should be slapped after doing that to that poor little wii-mote that is for sure. i will bet you the wiimote still survived that pussies hardest throw!

if you ask me i think the guy and his friends were internet savey andthey like manyother people in the wonderful world of .com decided they wanted 15 min of fame. you tube is huge and so is myspace if you havent noticed. anyways, his idiotic UNNEEDED POWER serve and INTENTIONAL RELEASE of the poor little wii-mote was maybe his way of being "youtube cool"

that was deffinitly staged. play wii tennis and you will know.

why cant you just relax um hi, its not our fault the wii is loved by millions.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by chris01621
If you ask me i'd say EG is right about it being staged, probably some sony fanboys trying to give nintendo a bad name.
The guy is clearly overdoing it, and if it's not staged he is a prize idiot...

Also, you have edited almost every post you did, what you edited is only known by those who read your posts before you edited out the parts where you go on about how this is some conspiracy by Fan Boys against the Wii.

As said before by others you act like someone called your child a gimpy retard when they post the truth about the Wii. Calm down, it's just a game system. And that is the truth, it is just a game system. It can't do anything but play games and attack innocent TVs.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Um Hi

Also, you have edited almost every post you did, what you edited is only known by those who read your posts before you edited out the parts where you go on about how this is some conspiracy by Fan Boys against the Wii.

As said before by others you act like someone called your child a gimpy retard when they post the truth about the Wii. Calm down, it's just a game system. And that is the truth, it is just a game system. It can't do anything but play games and attack innocent TVs.

um hi, MY 6 YEAR OLD HAS MORE INTELLIGENCE THEN YOU, YOU ARE SO NAIVE YOU DONT EVEN REALIZE HOW NIMBLE YOUR MIND IS. sorry i gave you a chance but saying such stupid, pointless, irrelavant, things only devalue the conversations we have here.

UM HI ARE YOU REALLY OBLIVIOUS TO YOUR IGNORANCE? just go away please, your annoying . we used to be able to have mature , intelligent conversations here about video games, THEN YOU CAME ALONG. can you please find a website with kids who behave like you.

go away please , the vomit you spew takes the focus off what could be decent discussions.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 09:57 AM
i will now appologize to ats and all the members EXCEPT UM HI. i will also use this time to ask UM HI again, go away please. there are plenty of websites that cater to people like you. ats is not one of them.

if i must be warned for these last 2 post, so be it.


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