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America must collect 100 billion pounds sterling from Switzerland.

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posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 01:12 PM
The anti-christ or the devil, which owns the money, has demanded a debit card at the International Monetary Fund until such time as they do. Furthermore, it is claimed that he earned the 100 billion pounds sterling at the Union Bank of Switzerland using some exotic tax evasion scheme. Also, his attorney at law is furious because IMF has yet to deliver a Gulfstream that he bought and billed them for in Egypt. I could get in a lot of trouble if I tell more.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 01:18 PM
Edit to add: Read that as silver not Pounds bad but still funny

So um the point is somebody owes us money right? I mean considering our (the U.S.) debt at the moment, I think it's a relief just to hear somebody else owes us some money.

Will this be in regular silver or satanic silver? Because as everyone knows there really is no difference between regular silver and satanic silver except for the fact that satanic silver is just a bit more evil oh and it makes your eyeballs bleed.

Small price to pay really, cuz we need the cash.

And can the gulf stream take me and my friends to vegas? With the silver?

Just curious.


[edit on 10/27/2006 by Spiderj]

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 01:19 PM
Well you've convinced me with your research and unassailable logic!

Can I borrow your tin-foil hat?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:00 PM
This just means that he is a cunning businessman. Of course, the IMF and America, or those American agencies that he has empowered to collect on his behalf, may just ignore his demands.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:07 PM
Prokurator -

When making a thread about something "big" going down, whether it is actually big or just big to you, it's prudent to include sources. Like a news story or document, something that lets everyone know that this is actual news and not a feverish rant.

If you have no source and are basing off personal experience, a short but sweet intro as to who you are would be nice.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:09 PM
You're already in trouble ...

Support? Verification? Facts? ... well?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:19 PM
I would like to oblige you. All I can say is that I have this from sources at the IMF and they are very hush hush about it. They are still sceptical about the identity of the man, but they were first contacted about 3 months ago.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Spiderj
Edit to add: Read that as silver not Pounds bad but still funny

So um the point is somebody owes us money right? I mean considering our (the U.S.) debt at the moment, I think it's a relief just to hear somebody else owes us some money.

Will this be in regular silver or satanic silver? Because as everyone knows there really is no difference between regular silver and satanic silver except for the fact that satanic silver is just a bit more evil oh and it makes your eyeballs bleed.

Small price to pay really, cuz we need the cash.

And can the gulf stream take me and my friends to vegas? With the silver?

Just curious.


[edit on 10/27/2006 by Spiderj]

It's Satanic Silver. Come on everyone knows normal silver kills Satan just like it does werewolves and vampires. Lord, and here I thought you were intelligent Spider.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:50 PM

by baphomet79
Lord, and here I thought you were intelligent Spider.

I know I know my knowlege of occult metalurgy is lacking my apologies B.

As for this:

Originally posted by Prokurator
I would like to oblige you. All I can say is that I have this from sources at the IMF and they are very hush hush about it. They are still sceptical about the identity of the man, but they were first contacted about 3 months ago.

If your friends at the IMF got an email from a Nigerian prince...I got the same one, not the anti-christ I can assure.

I would think the IMF would have a bit more on the ball.

Well what is it they say, dance with the devil and you pay the price.

Guess its true.

WHat's up with the gulfstream? Can't satan request at least a 747?


posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 03:12 PM
WHat's up with the gulfstream? Can't satan request at least a 747?

Don't know spider ... sorry. Also why would satan wanna go to Vegas?

Of course they may just be dealing with terrorists that are capable of doing some serious damage.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Prokurator
WHat's up with the gulfstream? Can't satan request at least a 747?

Don't know spider ... sorry. Also why would satan wanna go to Vegas?

Of course they may just be dealing with terrorists that are capable of doing some serious damage.

I understand that people who dwell in this can be silenced. Why post something that seems like a polictal manuver end around. Just today about 3 hours ago my firewall tells me that the CFR attacked my computer whats up with that? . As you sumise that they are dealing with terorist are clues abounding here?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 03:52 PM

Also why would satan wanna go to Vegas?

Why wouldn't he want to go to vegas? Heck I'm not the anti-christ just a simple sinner and I love vegas I would think the prince of lies would have a great time in vegas.

As rolls Satan so rolls the party...of the damned!


posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Prokurator
I could get in a lot of trouble if I tell more.

The amount you mentioned so far is just fine and dandy?

Also, your thread title states "America," but then you're posting about the Antichrist and/or Devil. Are you saying that America is the Antichrist and/or Devil, or that the ANtichrist and/or Devil is an American?

Originally posted by Spiderj
I mean considering our (the U.S.) debt at the moment, I think it's a relief just to hear somebody else owes us some money.

Well, pretty much every country in the world owes the US money... Just certain political groups (coughliberalscough) either forgive, dismiss, or never bother attempted to collect the money. But that's another topic alltogether.

Originally posted by Prokurator
All I can say is that I have this from sources at the IMF and they are very hush hush about it.

Who are your sources? What are thier sources? Why are they hush hush about it?

They are still sceptical about the identity of the man, but they were first contacted about 3 months ago.

Any possible ideas on who s/he may be? Contacted by whom?

Originally posted by Prokurator
Also why would satan wanna go to Vegas?

Have to go home sometime...

And why can't you give us more information? The whole "If I tell more they'll kill me (or something else terrible)" thing just screams second rate, poorly thought out attempt at gaining attention. But, that just may be me...

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:15 PM

Well, pretty much every country in the world owes the US money... Just certain political groups (coughliberalscough) either forgive, dismiss, or never bother attempted to collect the money. But that's another topic alltogether.

Hey keen,

Couldn't the chinese government (who I believe has invested heavily) begin to either invest in other countries or for lack of a better term "call in their marker" and completely mess our economy up even more?


posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:23 PM
**YYAAWWWWNNN* .. mm..


So.. slow night on ATS huh?

I dunno.. this kids got me convinced.. the Devil apparently is not good with finances? Because he owes America the money... or is it the other way around because your title is not matching your fabrication. I mean story. I mean well documented facts backed by much credible sources.

It would help to poke around ATS before making a story up like this because.. you would see we don't take kindly to it and ask lots of hard questions

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 07:58 AM
O.k. I am slowly figuring out the deal here. There was some exotic tax derivative inherent in Suisse tax law that the "debt collector" decided to exercise, to collect legal fees. Now, he claims to be attorney for God (yeah right!), that much I know.

Now the dollar has been on decline, because God's attorney has not gotten his legal fees from Suisse and America has not been prompt in collecting (punitive action I guess). The party has apparently offered information in the war on terror and believes Suisse has financed some terrorist. Hence, perhaps the debt.

[edit on 31-10-2006 by Prokurator]

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 12:34 PM
The evidence is gathering here. Yesterday the Financial Times reported that UBS had very disappointing earnings. So we seem to be in business with terrorist that do economic damage. The end seems to be financial gain, so they may be reasonable, i.e. we collect, they don't go for Armageddon.

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 12:57 PM
Or you've just taken an unrelated story and woven it into your wierd and rambling story about this monetary goblin fable you've invented.

Proves nothing but it does raise more questions about you / your motives in posting this tosh

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 01:09 PM
Well, I have to admit that I admit that I am clutching at straws here. But I am hoping the original post to be right, and guess I should disclose that I have taken a position in sterling vs. suisse franc.

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 01:27 PM
So you've actually put your money on this? To what tune, £00's? £000's or £000,000's? And why £'s rather than $'s against the Swiss Franc?

I'm confused, is this an inside tip on the money markets you've heard or some religious prophecy?

Can you state exactly what this story is now - leaving out the 'perhaps' etc, just the facts as you know them

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