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Russia's new submarine launched ballastic missile fails.

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posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by vK_man
please i am about the rapid respread of christianity and islam(good part) and not the bad one (radical factions), religion is daliy part of life in southern russia and yes north ossetia is predominantly orthodox christian..

I was referring to the "stans" and the North Ossetia is basically in Eastern Europe as i recall... I think i may have overstated the disposition of the major religious grouping but the dynamic is still very much the same taking into account the so called radical supposed Islamic terrorism coming from Chechnya which is part of the same region. The problem Russia is now experiencing has to do with religious extremism and not the suppression of religion in general...

eah a man who predicted that russia will begin armament by 2007 at great speed .... looking at the no. of priojects russia has and the speed increasing... i say krutov is right.... and krutov predicted the american rearmament ... he says these are war prepartions against russia

Russia has never stopped rearming so i don't understand where you or this guy is coming from. Do you think buying a few extra cruise missiles and tanks changes the strategic picture at all?

here is no relation. These projects are not connected and will be implemented in different situations. If we succeed in re-constructing Communism in Russia before American re-armament, we will use Yamantau Mountain. If not, Yamantau Mountain will still be in control of Russian Federation forces, and we will have to speed the process by launching the Sovietia project.

Must be the translation as it seems quite crazy to me. Who wants communism back? Insanity....

You don’t understand a simple thing: Not all military preparation processes (Yamantau Mountain, Uragan Defense, etc) are under our control...It [Yamantau Mountain] is operational, but digging is continued and it will never stop. But it is only one of many underground cities we have.

I suppose this is Krutov speaking again while wearing his leather jacket bragging about his thousand supporters? I just don't understand why you are quoting this person....

more than 40 around 90 , but only 23 had such capability the rest no..

The SS-24 was NOT a stealth missile and it was simply rail mobile. Where did you get the idea from that it was anything special?

what about launch on warning... a weapon like ss-24 could neutralize the amrerican ICBM threat in half hour to 17 minutes without even americans knowing that a nuclear strike has been launched .... made it a perfect counterforce weapon ..

Last i checked America still had listening and EW posts all around the USSR and satellites for backup so how on earth do you launch a surprise strike against the US? What about the thousands of nuclear warheads in the OHIO fleet?

recon sys and condition of nuke forces is bad...

Define 'bad' in terms that actually describes their readiness and state of repair.

I predicted the fall of the MAD system by 2001. And it has really fallen! By 2001, RUSSIA IS NO LONGER OFFICIALLY CONSIDERED AS A NUCLEAR POWER BY NATO. Why? Because Russia cannot retaliate.

Based on what? Why do NATO no longer fear Russia and why do they still want treaties limiting nuclear weapons?

The RVSN (Russian nuclear missile army) is in ruins, the first warning system is destroyed (I have plans for a Russian warning system).

Ruins? Why does the western intelligence agencies ( to say nothing of the Russian government) still credit Russia with as many nuclear warheads on it's ICBM/SLBM forces? Are both western intelligence and the Russian government lying to so that Russia may seem stronger than is reality? Why? Didn't you hear that the cold war was over and that Russia is no longer a threat according to western media outlets? There is nothing wrong with the satellite early warning system and there never was for any number of days so unless he has source material i will assume his lying to rebuild his own Soviet Union.

Americans can destroy all the Russian nukes before they can even start—even without using US nukes, just with cruise missiles, placed in the ex-Soviet republics.

The massive air defense forces protecting these nuclear weapons is obviously non function as well despite being upgraded so frequently....

Forget about the Cold War. Russia was never a military superpower. The Soviet Union was. Not Russia.

You run into all kinds of people on the internet but i must tell you that Krutov is most certainly one of crazier one's i have had to listen to ...

and the greatest proof proving his prediction again was the article in foreign affairs 'nuclear primacy ' in 2006

Once again i have shown that the 'nuclear primacy' document to be a sham based on lies and worse; you really can search ATS for everything i have posted as you might actually learn from intelligence sources instead of this pretender.

depends ... what if first the main warning radars are taken out and communications destroyed ....

They could not even destroy Serbian communication networks so once again i can't imagine how Krutov comes up with this nonsense. Why do you defend this man when he claims Russia must be powerful again when i tell you that it never lost it's power? This must go down as one of the stranger discussions i have ever had on this forum.

Fourth stage—precise strikes with Kh-101 missiles, armed with “Marabu” stealth generators in order to cripple the American air and missile defenses.

They have no air and missile defenses worth crippling as few they have can simply be saturated. The American navy deploys decent amounts but a few nuclear tipped cruise missiles and that's the end of that.

This stage will be combined with an attack on US space systems. Without satellites, the American army is crippled. Bombs with GPS navigation are useless.

Russia still operates the SS-18 and only a few of those missiles employed to lay down EMP at high alituteds will turn the USA into a pre industrial society in less than thirty minutes. No stealth generators or cruise missiles required.

Satellite communication is destroyed.

One presume that if Russia can build the Yamantue complex and upgrade and build thousands of new air defense systems while deploying new ICBM's it still operates the same Particle beam and laser sites that it used to in the cold war? They could permanently damage American spy satellites then so why all these new stuff to do something Russia never lost the capability to do?

Communication with nuclear submarines is destroyed.

And that will change anything how?

The only thing left is a demoralized, blinded and disorganized conventional force, which poses no threat.

Go find Krutov so that i may ask him why he is spreading all this misinformation about a weak Russia. Does he style himself to be the next Lenin?



posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by vK_man

stellar yes i agree that US economy is declining and currently is in bad shape , another war and USA is done economically...
i have tons of proof on this on this... if you ever want sources you could ask me

Americas economy is sinking in large part do to our horrid taxation system, Good news is its about to be replaced by the 'FairTax'. Which in its first proposed year will help the american economy grow by 10.6%!! And many economoist have said it will double americas current economic size by 2015! Good high paying jobs will come back to the US in scores. Countrys like Germany, Japan, China, and even mexico and several other countrys will be sending many of there businesses here to the states to save huge somes of money, all in the while providing americans with jobs-a-plenty! America will see unprecidented job growth here in the states.

Global corporations consider local tax structures when making planning and capital investment decisions. Lower corporate tax rates and favorable transfer pricing regulations can induce higher corporate investment in a given locality. Such investment translates into higher economic growth. Ireland's real GDP growth was almost three times higher than the European Union average between 1991 and 2000. During the decade, Ireland taxed corporate profits from manufacturing at 10%, the lowest in the EU.[12] The United States currently has the highest combined statutory corporate income tax rate among OECD countries.[

Bill Archer, former head of the House Ways and Means Committee, asked Princeton University econometricists to survey 500 European and Asian companies regarding the impact on their business decisions if the United States enacted the FairTax. Of these companies, 400 responded that they would build their next plant in the United States while the remaining 100 companies said they would move their corporate headquarters to the United States

This is from wikipedia. The link is at the lower part of the page.

Like explained above. There will be hundreds even thousands of jobs that foreign companies will be bringing back to America. The United States has always been the world’s model for economic prosperity… That was up until the mid to late 1990’s. Then somewhere in that decade we fell behind several other nations. With the FairTax enacted, we will once again become the world’s economic trend setter and employment magnet.

The 'FairTax' is a consumer tax. Americans keep 100% of their paychecks and will no longer have to deal with the IRS, and the corrupt income tax.

The FairTax will equally lessen crime and make criminals pay taxes from their illegal income for the first time ever. Because when crooks buy with their ill gotten gains they’ll be paying taxes on their purchases. For the first time ever, illegal aliens will also pay taxes despite their “under the table” cash income. Millions and millions of foreighn visitors will be paying American taxes as well. Because when they buy in the US they are essentually paying our taxes. Most of the lobbyists on Capital Hill will have their power brokerage decreased because tax “favors” will no longer be used to garner corporate political clout.

We currently have a thread going on about the 'fairtax' here on ats.

Heres a site from wikipdia that explains the 'fairtax'

Heres some articles from that explains in great detail what this fairtax will do for america.

[edit on 12/29/2006 by semperfoo]

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posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 06:24 PM
yes, talk about blowing away all competition, of course you dont see all the anti americans talking about the options that will happen to ensure american dominance ( anti-americans hate that phrase ) but it will be so.

the idea I like about this which nobody can dispute and I dont expect it to be disputed because it already has and prevailed but basically what the fair tax would do it halt outsourcing, and have a counter effect, all of those foreign people who are overseas working for an american company that belongs here will all of a sudden have to re think their situation, all of a sudden they arent more superior than the 'stupid american' because infact they are still abused by their governments greed, somthing we are trying to get a grip on right now in america. so basically I can see mass imigration coming from overseas just to work and live in the US which already happens now even with our flawed system which should tell everyone here how great this country is. im wondering how we are going to deal with this considering we have a probelm south of the border. now it will however increase the tax base and revenue but god damn this place will be populated, rural areas wont become rural anymore =).

its like all of the people who spew garbage saying america will implode and collapse go silent once fair tax is brought up, because they know what the outcome would be if they're smart and have done their proper research and unlike the current government they live under we americans have complete control in regards to chaneges to improving ouir lives. complete american dominance, no oil currency shift, no rise of the EU and china and russia well, russia will be russia =/. we all know how people from the west and from europe just love packing up to go start a new life in mother russia !

keep spreading knowledge semper gw.

i work and propser in this country right now, life is sweet. I love working hard and smart for my money and investing because that is how money should be earned so it's used properly, fair tax would seriously give a kick in the ass to those in this country who want me to pay for all of their crap which is something that infuriates me, I hate seeing politicians mostly democrats playing to this crowd aswell. stupid socialist mindstate which needs to stay overseas.

it would make one sick like it has me to see some dude or woman roll up in an escalade or a god damn mustang GT, have all kinds of jewlery on talking on a blackberry with an ipod and the works paying for groceries in food stamps AND LIVING IN SECTION 8 HOUSING alot of which is nicer than my own pad, WTF IS THIS CRAP? they dont even take care of the houses they live in, they just park all of their 100 cars infront, leaving beer bottles of old E all over your damn lawn. you can say something about it but you will just get told to F off and have your property ripped off, not to mention having to deal with cops, i dislike cops especially L.A. county corrupt sheriffs.

what sucks is alot of section 8 people get moved into nice areas, some people on section 8 are not so nice and they have troubled kids, this means burglary because usually those kids always have their friends over scoping out the new neighboorhood, so now I gotta worry if someone is going to break into my rubicon something I never had to worry about before and something that indeed happened, I have to worry about someone who shouldnt even be living where I am and by someone who relys on my tax dollars just to enable them to rob my stuff, totally flawwed system and if people ehere think im exagggerating well then you dont live in california.

im talking about all races here, 'the man' would no longer be holding you down.

aside from me ranting this is not going off topic as much as claiming america is going to collapse or sink without knowing full well the option americans actually have to prevent this which we will do, I am not going to sit by and watch someone trash my country especially when they dont live and invest here. I was simply responding to this.

[edit on 29-12-2006 by ape]

[edit on 29-12-2006 by ape]

[edit on 29-12-2006 by ape]

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 09:45 PM
What does all this have to do with the Bulava?


posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 09:48 PM
nothing, but im not going to let a not very well thought out opinion about my country get by that easy so I think it's justified.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:04 PM
Correctamundo! When someone is wrong It is our duty to inform them they are wrong. Haveing said that. Like ape has said, we're not going to stand by and let all the anti-american bashers bash our country that we are proud of. Espeically when they are blindly talking out of there ass. I thought my initial response pertained to this thread. Besides getting off topic is what I thought you ppl do best around here.

Perhaps you would find it more 'acceptable' if we were agreeing with the above posters views (who initially got off topic first) about the decline and eventual collapse of the american economy?

Well its just not true. And we took them to school on it.

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 07:42 AM

Russia has never stopped rearming so i don't understand where you or this guy is coming from. Do you think buying a few extra cruise missiles and tanks changes the strategic picture at all?

stellar , krutov is talking about rearmament beginning in 2007...not a few cruise missiles....

Must be the translation as it seems quite crazy to me. Who wants communism back? Insanity....

so you don't know funny...53-72% of the people in russia support stalinism

This observation leads to a convincing explanation for recent trends in Russian politics: having lost its sense of national identity after 1991, Russia is struggling to create a new one based on a blend of tsarism, communism, and Stalinism (3/14).


The SS-24 was NOT a stealth missile and it was simply rail mobile. Where did you get the idea from that it was anything special?

what you state is official ....

Last i checked America still had listening and EW posts all around the USSR and satellites for backup so how on earth do you launch a surprise strike against the US?

AYAKS was designed for this purpose , it would travel through the mesosphere , avoiding the thermosphere and generates a plasma field that would absorb radar beams ....

Based on what? Why do NATO no longer fear Russia and why do they still want treaties limiting nuclear weapons?

its russia that keeps running around the USA for treaties
as for NATO ,it no longer fears russia ... and that is coloured revolutions have took place and small nations like Poland ,georgia are joining NATO ..
and Poland is going to have a ABM base....

There is nothing wrong with the satellite early warning system and there never was for any number of days so unless he has source material i will assume his lying to rebuild his own Soviet Union.

This is how Lt.-Gen. Oleg Gromov, the deputy commander of the Space Forces for acquisitions, described Russian early-warning satellites. Speaking at a round table at the Federation Council on 11 November 2005, Gromov complained the Space Forces do not have the resources to bring the early-warning constellation to the “minimum necessary” level and [even if they had,] all that they have is the “hopelessly outdated” 71Kh6 and 73D6 spacecraft.

as krutov said OUTDATED... in 2001

They could not even destroy Serbian communication networks so once again i can't imagine how Krutov comes up with this nonsense.

In one of versions of Third World War, 5 (five) M-1000 jets are enough to bring United States to its knees. They move through North Pole, surrounded by fighter escort. Two of them (from left and right) are DRLO planes, the central three ones are cruise missile carriers. They jam all communications and radars, and when they are near Canada, they launch nuclear-armed Kh-101 cruise missiles, which are almost impossible to track until they hit target, that means United States won't be able to counter-attack. After nuclear cruise missiles have crippled USA's nuclear and anti-air potential, Soviet ground troops go in to claim the ground. This plan was widely discussed by Soviet military elite

some of the soviet plans .... unofficial also , he has given short details here of other interesting weapons

upgrade and build thousands of new air defense systems while deploying new ICBM's it still operates the same Particle beam and laser sites that it used to in the cold war

many of lasers were in saryashagan

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by semperfoo
Correctamundo! When someone is wrong It is our duty to inform them they are wrong. Haveing said that. Like ape has said, we're not going to stand by and let all the anti-american bashers bash our country that we are proud of. Espeically when they are blindly talking out of there ass. I thought my initial response pertained to this thread. Besides getting off topic is what I thought you ppl do best around here.

Perhaps you would find it more 'acceptable' if we were agreeing with the above posters views (who initially got off topic first) about the decline and eventual collapse of the american economy?

Well its just not true. And we took them to school on it.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - It's only a matter of time before the beleaguered U.S. dollar loses its status as the world's reserve currency and medium of exchange, U.S. fund manager and author Jim Rogers told Reuters in an interview.

"The dollar is a terribly flawed currency," said Rogers, who co-founded the Quantum hedge fund with billionaire investor George Soros in the 1970s. ess
hah, those are predicted effects ,remember bush also said that there would be budget surplus .... but its deficit
The 2006 federal budget deficit of $4.6 trillion is $1.1 trillion more than the 2005 federal budget deficit," econometrician John Williams, who publishes the website Shadow Government Statistics, told WND. "The Bush administration is in an untenable situation with a budget deficit this dramatic. Taxing 100 percent of all wages, salaries, and corporate profits would not eliminate a deficit of this magnitude, and cutting Social Security and Medicare spending is politically impossible."
americans love to say any thing 'fairtax' some another theory like ATS AND THE conspiracies lovers
[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]

[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 08:31 AM

Russia still operates the SS-18 and only a few of those missiles employed to lay down EMP at high alituteds will turn the USA into a pre industrial society in less than thirty minutes. No stealth generators or cruise missiles required.

only civilain communications... its military communications that are necessary to destroy and SS-18 launch would alert american nuclear forces...

for that purpose marabu is needed..

all these new stuff to do something Russia never lost the capability to do?

well ,according to Krutov , russia has lost a good amount capability that it had ...
that can be reconstructed only with sovietia

you could talk to him

Must be the translation as it seems quite crazy to me. Who wants communism back? Insanity....

In recent years, support of Stalin has resurged. Millions of Russians, exasperated with the downfall of the economy and political instability after the breakup of the Soviet Union, want Stalin back. A recent controversial poll revealed that over thirty-five percent of Russians would vote for Stalin if he were still alive.[23] This is seen by some as a return of Stalin's cult.

there have been other russian surveys , this was a western one...

We have calculated all our moves far in advance. If we take power in Russia, only a miracle will be able to stop us. And we will take power, I promise. According to sociological polls, most of the Russian people (53-72% depending on the social group) support Stalin and Stalinism

The American navy deploys decent amounts but a few nuclear tipped cruise missiles and that's the end of that.

and 100000 conventional tomahawk cruise missiles

the 'nuclear primacy' document to be a sham based on lies

even podvig argues that , but he also says that some part is true , particularly on the warning system

[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]

[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]

[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]

[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]


posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 09:48 AM
ohm george sorros is a piece of garbage and he undermines his own country, so what in the hell makes you think something comeing from someone who is a sorros partner is legit? pure speculation, the world economy relys on the dollar right now it is not going anywhere, if it were to crash it would cause a whole bunch of consequences that some countrys cannot handle right now.

not to mention you completly ignore the fair tax grass roots movment that is gaining massive momentum in my country especially among law makers and will happen, dont ignore the current situation in my country among voters vk_man if you dont live in this country as you obviously dont, everyone on these forums talks down about america like its a poverty sticken nation on the verge of collapse.. can you say get a freakin Gdamn clue? how about getting an education, american ranks 1st in education in the known world in regards to colleges and universities, so please continue as it's obvious you were not educated in america. I also suggest researching fair tax before discarding it because it's obvious you have not even read any of the material providede, you just want to bash like the foreigner you are.

sorros is a globalist liberal, dont ever post links that reference him because you immediatly lose all credability, it is just as bad as posting crap referencing alex jones like stellar has done, totally misinformed.

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by ape
ohm george sorros is a piece of garbage and he undermines his own country, so what in the hell makes you think something comeing from someone who is a sorros partner is legit? pure speculation, the world economy relys on the dollar right now it is not going anywhere, if it were to crash it would cause a whole bunch of consequences that some countrys cannot handle right now.

not to mention you completly ignore the fair tax grass roots movment that is gaining massive momentum in my country especially among law makers and will happen, dont ignore the current situation in my country among voters vk_man if you dont live in this country as you obviously dont, everyone on these forums talks down about america like its a poverty sticken nation on the verge of collapse.. can you say get a freakin Gdamn clue? how about getting an education, american ranks 1st in education in the known world in regards to colleges and universities, so please continue as it's obvious you were not educated in america. I also suggest researching fair tax before discarding it because it's obvious you have not even read any of the material providede, you just want to bash like the foreigner you are.

sorros is a globalist liberal, dont ever post links that reference him because you immediatly lose all credability, it is just as bad as posting crap referencing alex jones like stellar has done, totally misinformed.

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]


its corporations and globalists who rule the world ,

everyone on these forums talks down about america like its a poverty sticken nation on the verge of collapse

i never said this ... i said that american economic power is declining not collapsing ...okay, even i know that usa will remain a major power

not to mention you completly ignore the fair tax grass roots movment that is gaining massive momentum in my country

the membership is 600000
what if the corporates leave you ? hint: china,india what i am saying that is every nation has to obey the globalists .....

I also suggest researching fair tax before discarding it because it's obvious you have not even read any of the material providede, you just want to bash like the foreigner you are.

read it a month ago .... there is a easier way ..,. depreciate dollar agianst yuan and stop wasting excessive resources on defence ... i suggested this on pravda several times..

the world economy relys on the dollar right now it is not going anywhere, if it were to crash it would cause a whole bunch of consequences that some countrys cannot handle right now.

even i know that and i am from india ... if dollar goes , everything goes ..
the other economies will not let USA collapse , but they wish a decline in the military aggression of USA

posting crap referencing alex jones like stellar has done, totally misinformed.

rather well informed on soviet capabilites (particle,ABM)

[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]


posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 10:31 AM
oh so you think russians have deployed DEW aswell? despite the fact they cant even afford it? take a good look at how they continue to develope new and more advanced ABM's yet somehow they are also deploying DEW tech which makes ABM tech obsolete? do you see the logic in this at all??? please dont tell me you share the same opinion as stellar about actual russian capability, they only make 1 su-47 and cant even afford to maintain a key function to a triad nuclear force, honestly come on.

secondly you just said you live in india, if you think the companies want to outsource well then yes you're correct but only because of the profits they would be making, now when you enacts a policy that would bring all of them back because they would make more money here in america well then that would eliminate the conspircacy now wouldnt it? the government taxes the hell out of everything people have to go to your country and china to compete, but u can damn well bet an american like me and many others are in the process of taking our industry back and our jobs and revenue back, so enjoy it while it lasts and continue to downplay it, I suggest you get a visa.

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by ape
, they only make 1 su-47 and cant even afford to maintain a key function to a triad nuclear force, honestly come on.

secondly you just said you live in india, if you think the companies want to outsource well then yes you're correct but only because of the profits they would be making, now when you enacts a policy that would bring all of them back because they would make more money here in america well then that would eliminate the conspircacy now wouldnt it? the government taxes the hell out of everything people have to go to your country and china to compete, but u can damn well bet an american like me and many others are in the process of taking our industry back and our jobs and revenue back, so enjoy it while it lasts and continue to downplay it, I suggest you get a visa.

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]

but u can damn well bet an american like me and many others are in the process of taking our industry back and our jobs and revenue back, so enjoy it while it lasts and continue to downplay it, I suggest you get a visa.

well, that is to be seen , looking at a lot of economic and political info , i say that only low and medium skill jobs remain in USA ...
in india manmohan singh's govt has brought corporate taxes further down , which has led to further influx of corporates in other marketing segments and and rise in incomes and standards reverse brain drain , the indians living in usa are returning to india .......
i am not concerned about visa to usa , usa is a crowded place ....
australia is preferable...
as for fair tax ,its a theory not implementation, and everything has loopholes....

oh so you think russians have deployed DEW aswell? despite the fact they cant even afford it? take a good look at how they continue to develope new and more advanced ABM's yet somehow they are also deploying DEW tech which makes ABM tech obsolete? do you see the logic in this at all??? please dont tell me you share the same opinion as stellar about actual russian capability

i don't share the same opinion as stellar , but i agree with over soviet capbilites not RUSSIAN , where russian capabilites are concerned i believe krutov.....

[edit on 1-1-2007 by vK_man]


posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 12:22 PM

posted by vk_man
well, that is to be seen , looking at a lot of economic and political info , i say that only low and medium skill jobs remain in USA

haha you indians are just as ignorant and arrogant as the documentarys showed, first of all all you know nothing of my country, we have even though alot of it has been outsourced alot of good jobs, I for one work in telecom and very familiar working with fiber and switch equipment and this is only fiber technology and alot of americans are on board so you dont know what in the hell you're talking about. I usually have to work with indians over the phone when I call in for DSL trouble or assignment change because that department has been outsourced by the company i work for and I ALWAYS have to walk them through the technology because they dont even know the difference between line equipment and cable pairs yet alone how to differentiate whats inside and whats out at the prem, you have no experience 'BOY' so dont lecture me..

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by ape

posted by vk_man
well, that is to be seen , looking at a lot of economic and political info , i say that only low and medium skill jobs remain in USA

haha you indians are just as ignorant and arrogant as the documentarys showed, first of all all you know nothing of my country, we have even though alot of it has been outsourced alot of good jobs, I for one work in telecom and very familiar working with fiber and switch equipment and this is only fiber technology and alot of americans are on board so you dont know what in the hell you're talking about. I usually have to work with indians over the phone when I call in for DSL trouble or assignment change because that department has been outsourced by the company i work for and I ALWAYS have to walk them through the technology because they dont even know the difference between line equipment and cable pairs yet alone how to differentiate whats inside and whats out at the prem, you have no experience 'BOY' so dont lecture me..

[edit on 1-1-2007 by ape]

indians are just as ignorant and arrogant

thats what most americans say ,because most indians are hard working and intelligient and have taken high level jobs away... i call it jealousy

I for one work in telecom and very familiar working with fiber and switch equipment and this is only fiber technology and alot of americans are on board so you dont know what in the hell you're talking about

your intelligience level displays something else

ALWAYS have to walk them through the technology because they dont even know the difference between line equipment and cable pairs yet alone how to differentiate whats inside and whats out at the prem,

that happens with everyone who's inexperienced ,but once they learn no problems.


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 01:18 AM

posted by vk_man
thats what most americans say ,because most indians are hard working and intelligient and have taken high level jobs away... i call it jealousy

The only reason jobs are going to your 3rd world country is because of exactly what you said your tax laws, US tax laws are the most arcane out of all the worlds democracys which is why jobs and companies outsource it's not because you work hard it's because they save money with your ignorant self. your attidtude only motivates me to continue educating people here on the net and when im out living my life, this will be passed sooner or later and the outsourcing will stop and you sir will go back to whatever your situation was before my country's innovation and opportunity graced your country. haha you remind me of that indian guy in the outsourcing documentary, thinking you're smarter and better than the american worker=[

as for fair tax ,its a theory not implementation, and everything has loopholes

fair tax is more than a theory its actual fact, it has been researched by my nations top economists and they have fully endorsed it, soon enough it will be passed, I love how you comment on my education yet you refuse to research something properly before commenting on it. you're not educated enough to refute fair tax so please dont attempt to especially in the fashion you have displayed.

that happens with everyone who's inexperienced ,but once they learn no problems.

they need to learn english properly first considering 70% of them cant even read a CLR yet alone dsl equipment.

[edit on 2-1-2007 by ape]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by ape

that happens with everyone who's inexperienced ,but once they learn no problems.

they need to learn english properly first considering 70% of them cant even read a CLR yet alone dsl equipment.

[edit on 2-1-2007 by ape]

The only reason jobs are going to your 3rd world country is because of exactly what you said your tax laws

yeah , thats one part

you're not educated enough to refute fair tax so please dont attempt to especially in the fashion you have displayed

certainly more knowledgable than you ... like how you said USSR did not have DEW and stellar gave sources , f-22 is only supercruise aircraft in existence while mig-31,mig-25 is supercruise or

it's not because you work hard it's because they save money with your ignorant self

we work double for 1/10 the salary that americans get and yes we save it for the future not frivolously waste like you hedonistic americans and we do not cry ... its a tough life in india ....but yes , its survival of the fittest and companies hire us because , we indians and the chinese are the fittest

you remind me of that indian guy in the outsourcing documentary, thinking you're smarter and better than the american worker

you remind me of ignorant neo-con americans on pravda , who start off with racist slurs when they come to know that they are talking with indians

your attidtude only motivates me to continue educating people here on the net and when im out living my life, this will be passed sooner or later and the outsourcing will stop and you sir will go back to whatever your situation was before my country's innovation

no more outsourcing is required .. we are being able to generate employment ourselves and morever india is a rising power today..
any ways now the jobs are getting outsourced to bangladesh,pakistan and other far more poorer countries than india.. if you think fairtax will help retrieve jobs forget it ... it could generate employment in usa

I love how you comment on my education yet you refuse to research something properly before commenting on it

the american govt is plutocratic and controlled by rich corporations
and yes you yourself did not read its possible negative implications

However, critics argue that it could be difficult to collect, having challenges with an underground economy (avoiding the tax),[4][3] and that it may not yield enough money for the government, resulting in cuts to governmental programs, increased deficit, or a higher tax rate.[3] Additionally, it may be difficult to permanently eliminate income taxation, as it would require a constitutional amendment to aggressively repeal the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

stop lecturing others ignorant one and read more it could even become a disaster

Finally, many, many ordinary freedom-loving people, weary of the present outrageous system, are cheering the FairTax as a great improvement.

But it's not.
The FairTax is not only not an improvement. We believe it's UnFair, dangerous, and a disaster in the making. You think nothing could be worse than the graduated income tax? We can virtually guarantee you that, after five years of the FairTax, you'd be looking back with nostalgia on the days when Americans had to put up only with the IRS and the income tax

[edit on 2-1-2007 by vK_man]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by vK_man
thats what most americans say ,because most indians are hard working and intelligient and have taken high level jobs away... i call it jealousy

I for one work in telecom and very familiar working with fiber and switch equipment and this is only fiber technology and alot of americans are on board so you dont know what in the hell you're talking about

your intelligience level displays something else

that happens with everyone who's inexperienced ,but once they learn no problems.

CAPITALISM! Thats the ticket
Dont forget that, THAT is the SOLE reason why you indians are currently employed by outsourced american jobs. Corporations look at you ppl like nothing more then a cheap prostitute. America is that super hott chick that they cant afford. Once the fairtax comes into play, that hot chick is all of a sudden giving it up for FREE! Translated, america will be bring back american jobs from overseas, as well as other nations who want a piece of the fairtax. They will save huge somes of moneym, mean while providing americans with JOB'S-A-Plenty!!!.

The fairtax will be enacted. The seceretary of treasurary as well as G.W. Bush himself are on board for the fairtax. And It will come to pass. Meaning all american jobs that have been outsourced will be sucked right back into america so corporations can save huge somes of money. Did you bother to read any of my sources?

The dollar wont collapse. I think its popular for you third worlders speculate it will. But we americans will leave the pure speculation up to you ppl
Our GDP is currently growing faster then our debt is. The debt is one of the main reasons why the USD has taken a hit. It will rebound. If the dollar were to callapse so would the interdependant world economy.

Another reason why the america will switch to the fairtax is the simplicity of the FairTax which frees Americans from our current overwhelming tax code and unshackles the U.S. economy. It will solve americas medicare and social security crisis.


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 07:39 PM

posted by vk_man
certainly more knowledgable than you ... like how you said USSR did not have DEW and stellar gave sources , f-22 is only supercruise aircraft in existence while mig-31,mig-25 is supercruise or

actually if you were following the conversation you will notice stellar was saying the russians have mass deployed DEW to ' counter the f-22 and make it obsolete', anyone with a brain knows how ignorant and stupid this comment is. I simply stated that it's illogical to post sources and articles from before the USSR collapsed and still think they actually have the funding to depoly yet alone continue research on DEW. I also pointed out how they are constantly develping new ABM's and ABM systems that are not DEW, now tell me with the limited funding russia actually does put into weapons development and defense are they are going to mass produce 2 weapons systems in which one makes the other obsolete and a not so smart investment? No they aren't considering they already have plenty of missiles and would not need to develop more if they are so advanced in DEW and have it mass deployed, see the logic here smart one????

the US hasnt even mass deplyoed DEW what makes you think the russians are ahead?

2 ssbn patrols in 03, 3 patrols in 04, 2 patrols in 05, the russian navy is pathetic .

1 su-47? what plane does the russians have to take out the f-22 and the JSF yet alone the f-16 squadrons and the f-15's which always owned up migs and su's, russia has a good 20 years and by then the US would be in a new age of prosperity.

your trojan horse JPFO org info is a joke, they dont know the first thing about fair tax and they attempt to confuse people with deception plus that article has already been debunked as misinformation.

here is some common information to start breaking down the bullcrap they spew.

here is something from a couple months ago refuting the JPFO as bias andmisleading

this is when the article first came out in 04, it got debunked right away. The fact you are using a search engine and just cherry picking whatever you want without doing actual research just tells me what im dealing with, you post irrelevant outdated information just like your buddy stellar.

take a good read on ancient geezer's information in the comments at the bottom of this horrible article, I laugh at how you would just post anything to try and refute something that cannot be refuted, HAHAHAHA.

you remind me of ignorant neo-con americans on pravda , who start off with racist slurs when they come to know that they are talking with indians

what exactly did I say that was racist?? now you're just posting misinformation again. fair tax will become a reality sooner or later, if the democrats want to retain power they better jump on board otherwise they are done and the GOP and libertarian parties will get on board, democrat liberal socialist policies will not be tolerated anymore. you will either have to get a visa or just join the indian military because all of those american jobs are coming back.

I love how smug the indians get when they get a taste of american c.r.e.a.m.

[edit on 3-1-2007 by ape]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 11:51 PM
Well ape. I found one job that we wont have to worry about being outsourced to India or china.

And just to clarify, its a joke for the cheese and whine crowd.
Or is it?!

[edit on 113131p://5301pm by semperfoo]

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