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Quantum Malware

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posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 05:17 AM
Hi all,

So we all know how annoying it is to be working on something and either to loose the data or have your pc load up the Blue Screen of Death… right?

Data is so vulnerable to attack when connections are made across any open network... Including Quantum computers...

The Realm of Quantum computing is fast becoming a reality, and with it comes all the issues we struggle with today, viruses and Malware are the bane of any users existence.


We now have a way of overcoming this issue with a quantum malware protection system..

Take a look at the following white paper...

Quantum Malware

With this, there really is a way of data coherence.

I do feel that in the not too distant future, data will be piped directly to the populace from a centralised quantum processing centre. No need for individual PC processors as all will be done else where.

For that to become a reality we need much faster bandwidths....

All the best.

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze
data will be piped directly to the populace from a centralised quantum processing centre. No need for individual PC processors as all will be done else where.

After reading this part "In comparison with classical information processing, there are more ways to attack in QIP, because quantum states contain more degrees of freedom than their classical counterparts" It sounds kind of scary due to quantum states. Since it is impossible to make perfect copies of an unknown quantum state, maybe something like "Imperfect cloning" in a superposition state with the use of logic gates in re-route to the quantum processing centre, basically sending a switch or "quantum malware" mischievously. A switch could happen so fast that the quantum processing centre could collapse briefly, one may see or "everyone" see a pretty quantum blue screen lol.

Like it says, depends on the defenders’ capabilities, or subtracting from the attackers capabilities.

Well that's my shotgun theory lol....... I need to read more on this, really have no clue how it would work but sounds interesting. Think I would rather have a quantum PC processor of my own.....Thanks for the link.

Maybe Autoit will add quantum scripting someday


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