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i predict the world trade center will be destroyed in a raid, seen across earth

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posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 10:55 AM
What happens when you open a can of Whoop Ass?

It usually means WAR!!!! right?

What do you need to do to open that can of whoop ass?

Take off the lid, right?

Add (+) a Raid, and you have an attack, a robbery, a gang who is performing the raid.

But, what if this raid is seen across(t) Earth? one of the most ancient names for Earth is UR (from ancient Babylon, the first civilization).

Opened a can of whoop ass that always results in war when the lid is removed, add (+) raid with things stolen and killing performed by a group which is seen across(t) Ur.

add em up and: War lid plus raid seen across Earth.
War lid plus raid seen across Earth
War lid + raid seen across Earth
War lid + raid seen across Ur
War lid + raid seen t Ur
Warlid + rade seen t Ur
Warlid + rade cen t Ur
Wor ld +rade cen t ur
World +rade cent ur
World +rade centur
World trade centur
World trade center.

god is the word, god is alive.

[edit on 20-9-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:01 PM
you got to be kidding right??

if your not , then good luck with grade 5.... again

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:04 PM
Man, all I'm going to ask is where do you get your shrooms?

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by doggmann
you got to be kidding right??

if your not , then good luck with grade 5.... again


that's all I have to say..doggmann pretty much covered it for me

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:45 PM
Because of this post I am now dummer than before......

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Man, all I'm going to ask is where do you get your shrooms?

Considering that "esoteric masters" of the third world have frequently used hallucenogenic substances such as mushrooms and other substances with pscyhoactive alkalyds, Lysergic's question seems as serious as he is mocking.

This post makes absolutely no sense and it utilizes a system of "divination" that is far beyond the realm of logical or, for that matter, illogical thinking. In fact, it appears to be quite subjective and is based upon having a good imagination and 20/20 hindsight.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant

Originally posted by Lysergic
Man, all I'm going to ask is where do you get your shrooms?

Considering that "esoteric masters" of the third world have frequently used hallucenogenic substances such as mushrooms and other substances with pscyhoactive alkalyds, Lysergic's question seems as serious as he is mocking.

This post makes absolutely no sense and it utilizes a system of "divination" that is far beyond the realm of logical or, for that matter, illogical thinking. In fact, it appears to be quite subjective and is based upon having a good imagination and 20/20 hindsight.

Yeah..what he said..

I would attempt to make sense of what you just said but I think this post had the same effect on me as it did ConstantlyWondering..

But if I could understand it, I'm sure I'd agree in one form or another.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 12:36 PM
I think to fully comprehend where ET is coming from, it might be helpful to review this thread-

Now judge for yourselves (of course) the validity of his premise, but if nothing else, it's some interesting thought process.

He may be onto something, and maybe not. But he's obviously given a lot of thought to it, and where I may not agree with the presence of an underlying meaning amongst all the permutations, it's still interesting (to me) to see the kinds of thoughts and theories someone like ET can have.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 12:39 PM
It's Friday, isn't it? I knew it. Ya'll are posting at an internet cafe/bar and having a reaaaaaaaaaaally good time. Aren't ya??

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 09:30 PM
I thank you for your time yeahright. It has helped me.

As for the rest of you cowards, stop being afraid. do not fear me.

DickBinBush, benevolent tyrant, ConstantlyWondering, Lysergic, doggmann


Edun [mirror] nude !!!!!!!
Adam [mirror] mad (e silent) made a !!!!!!!
Man [mirror] nam (e silent) name !!!!!!!

Stop fearing, for 1 moment.

You seek the opposite of love?

How can you hate without first being afraid of loosing one of your first 6 loves?

1 = fear
2 = food
3 = family
4 = friends
5 = fornication
6 = finances

6 times you loved the 6 loves that begin with the 6th letter of the “all fib I bet”, alphabet!!!!!!!


Be not afraid, I forgive you for everything!


I am just a silly odd man in the nude and holding out my truth to you so that you may compare it to yours and see if it is compatible!

Every emotion you feel is merely a mask for hate, sadness and sorrow, and lonleyness.

My fifth grade education is obviously far more wise than all your worthless opinions.

Stop fearing, for just one moment, please, I beg you.

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