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2,000,000 Terrorists in Britain

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posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

What the heck does that matter? Christians are still wildly violent.

I think the truth is more like you personally have a "wildly violent" attitude against Christians. I do not know what made hate hundreds of millions of peaceful people. Christians believe only two things to be honest. Love God and Love your neighbor. That's it. That is all there is to Christianity. Every religion has bad people but they are members in name only. They are frauds. Just like the terrorists are not real Muslims they are human waste. To be a real Christian you have to believe and practice the two things I listed. You are confusing fake Christians with real ones. I don't know why you hate peace loving, forgiving people so much? You must have had a bad experience with a fake Christian. There are plenty of them out there just as there are a lot of fake Muslims. No real Christian would ever harm another intentionally and my Muslim friends are all peaceful people as well. What exactly is wrong with being peaceful and caring about others? Why does that offend you so much.

I'm truly confused about the board rules and this is my last post. If these constant attacks on people based on religion are OK here, it is not a place I should be. The "Three Amigo's" and the mod's must agree because I never see them do anything about these attacks against people of faith. I pity you for whatever happened in your lives to make you this way. It has made me see that there is a dark and violent side to this world I was unaware of. I pray that someday you will all come to see that hate is a cancer that is tearing this world apart. Until then I will pray for you. Even if you don't believe, there is no excuse for your hatred. The secular world is a violent place and I prefer my world of peaceful loving people that call themselves Christians. God Bless You All.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Darkmind
Mr Conspiracy, you're quoting the Daily Mail. I wouldn't use the Daily Mail to clean my shoes with, it's a vile and ranting right-wing rag. My Fiancee has now learnt not to listen to my muttering and twitching whenever I read it. It's quite inaccurate, or puts a massive spin on things.
Its protestations on the MMR jab were pandering to scaremongers.
It's still to the right of Genghis Khan. Quoting it is not going to boost your chances of persuading people about the merits of your argument.

It is all well and good to make your opinion of a particular newspaper clear to all, but unless you yourself substantiate your own position and prove with hard evidence what you say to be true, then how do you expect people to listen to you any more than you fear they might to Mr Conspiracy.

Failure to back up what you say will merely have you marked down by the balanced reader of this debate as a liberal leftie having a rant.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
But this is what puzzles me - from the Article:

"When the IRA was blowing people up, the entire Catholic population of Britain was not demonised, so why is it happening to the Muslim community?"


So why is it?

There is a very simple answer to this question. Integration.

You can not walk down the street and spot a catholic because they have integrated and are an integral part of mainstream society. Sadly, many Muslims have chosen not to integrate, but to maintain their customs, behaviours and styles of dress, which mark them out from others.

[edit on 14-9-2006 by Englishman_in_Spain]

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

EVEN if there are numerous articles about how 9-11 was an inside job, how 7-7 was an inside job, how Pentagon was an inside job - actually how EVERYTHING that was leading toward the Holy Crusade against the Muslim population is a complet and utter LIE.

7/7 an inside job, do you actually have proof to this or are you passing on heresay?

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 06:31 PM
I said it before and I will say it again never in human history have so many been so frightened by so few. The US goverment/populace if they do see the Muslims as a real threat should not be concerned about the 1.6 million Muslims in th UK but about the 5 million living in the USA.
Its all hogwash as usual, the media scaring everybody and getting you to trust no one. A divided people are easily controlled and manipulated, you should ask your self how it was possible for Hitler to demonise the jews of Europe and their eventual mass murder. Do you see any similarities to them and whats happening to the Muslims. And if you lived in a minority group that was being demonised would you not want to fight back.
There's good and bad in all people/religions and no one has exclusive rights to evil.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
"When the IRA was blowing people up, the entire Catholic population of Britain was not demonised, so why is it happening to the Muslim community?"

No, but if you have ever been to northern Ireland during the conflict, you would of seen that the catholics as an entire group were treated with the deepest suspicion by the troops, and rightly so. If a Priest, and a doctor have to be forced to work at gun point in South Armagh to treat / tend british troops, you then see the level of hatred the catholics had for British rule and potestants.

Now moving onto Muslims. They want their own laws to govern them. They want their own courts to judge them, they have their own quasi parliment that passes laws just for them. They want housing which is not intergrated, just for them. They want schools for their girls so they can wear jihab all day long - no christians / other religions allowed because it offends them.

Look at the world around you on a daily basis. Most wars are being fought against Muslim seperatists. They don't want to be with other peoples, they want it all their own way - and that includeds the UK Muslim population.

The USA has every right to put the UK at the top of its terrorists list, because we are chock full of sympathisers. Where there are sympathisers, there are shooters / bombers. You watch, next 10 /15 years these things will want seperate states within the UK for muslims, you just wait and see. They are a threat within, because instead of intergration and friendship, they want seperation and suspicion.

We already have Muslim states in the UK albeit small pockets

Preston Blackburn Bolton Burnley in the north West
Oldham Bury Rochdale in Greater Manchester
Huddersfield Bradford and Leeds in Yorkshire
Leicester and Birmingham in the heartlands
Luton and London in the South.

I went to Blackpool recently with the wife and was amazed that the Muslims wer in big numbers
I have friends who are Muslims but they make no special demands and are respected in the community.
Speaking to many people today they are sick and tired of the Muslim community forcing their ways on change.
We have become alienated from these people because they refuse to live to our laws.
We have Europe laying down human rights that we have to follow.
What about the rights of British people who have lived and fought here for principles that include not being dictated to.

The riots in France and the decisions in Belgium are awakening calls.
The Australians have the right idea........they have refused to allow muslims who want to cause disruption into their country

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 08:25 PM
Come on if we're going to start apportioning blame for fear mongering it needs to be apportioned right across the board not just from right wingers but also various so called spokemen for the Muslim community who keep stressing how any number of things from foreign policy to racial profiling to not allowing hajibs to be worn to school will only serve to 'radicalise' muslim youth, not that I'm neccessarily saying how such issues are dealt with are in and of themselves right or correct but it's getting a little beyond the pale to at best excuse 7/7 because of the war in Iraq and at worst use a thinly veiled threat regarding home grown terrorism in response to anything the muslim community (or parts of it) feels aggreived about. We are experiencing a number of problems concerning radical elements within Islam as are a lot of places in the world, there do not need to be millions of terrorists for them to have a major impact. A dozen nutters detonating 3 dirty bombs in London, Manchester and Edinburgh would, I should imagine cause quiet a lot of inconvenience to the UK for somewhile to come, regardless of how many thousands of muslims practice there religion peacefully. Fear mongering from the right left or centre aside, don't dismiss those who have an understandable right to express concern about the current situation.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 09:17 PM
Just another great way to control the population. People become so afraid that they give their rights away to be "safe".

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 09:31 PM

Speaking to many people today they are sick and tired of the Muslim community forcing their ways on change.

I agree with that. I am sick and tired of Mmuslims forcing their ways on to the rest of us for change. Like hello I was born here, do not come to my country and trie and force change on my life.

We have become alienated from these people because they refuse to live to our laws.

To me they should be treated the same as anyone in the UK. They dont abid by the Law then they should etheir be kicked out of the country or jailed simple.

We have Europe laying down human rights that we have to follow.

We signed up to biggest load of hogwash, I have ever seen in my life. Their Human rights aremore important than mines? I dont think so. The UK need to withdraw from it all together.

What about the rights of British people who have lived and fought here for principles that include not being dictated to.

Exactly the same thing, if they dont like the way we live leave simple as that go back to your own country if they feel they will have a better life there.

The UK Gov made the biggest mistake of allowing immigration into this country. They mistake and Us the Bbritish Public are suffering because of it.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 10:18 PM
The reason that forced integration does not work is simply because it is forced. There is always many that do not agree with it nor comply with the spirit of the operation. The elites are forcibly putting dispariate people together without large scale concensus for all the wrong reasons.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:25 PM
Just because they're Muslum dosn't mean they're terrorists

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:30 PM
And in America, we're all terrorists until proven otherwise.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by mr conspiracy
Islam is gaining converts from all quaters. This is a nightmare senario.

and why is that?
you seem to have been brainwashed to be paranoid of this religion

islam is as peaceful as christianity
christianity is as violent as islam

they are fundamentally both based on judaism and all 3 believe in a simular god and have simular teachings

as with all things, the radicals are the problem
its statistics, not religion

in any given culture you will find sub-cultures
the statistics that apply to the culture as a whole will very closely apply to the sub-culture

in general, a small number of humans try to kill each other
--a small number of christians try to kill people
--a small number of muslims try to kill people
--a small number of atheists try to kill people

if a statistic exists within the whole then it must be assumed to exist in the parts in a simular concentration

they're just simple statistics people, get over it
heres some more numbers for you:
The final death toll of the attack upon the World Trade Centre
on September 11th, 2001

--2752 —31 October, 2003

Iraq Death Toll
Lives Lost in Iraq
at least: 133,447
US Military Fatalities
US Wounded: 19,688

the war in iraq (war on terrorism) has cost almost as many american lives as the initial 9/11 attack

apparantly rich white power mongers (presidents, prime ministers, generals, congressmen) should be thought of as terrorists as well, sending all these people to their deaths and all.

it seems time to declare "war on wars"

so unless we label all rich people, white people, and people of influence as terrorists, one has to accept the fact that it is just statistics
some white people are power hungry
some white people are rich
some white people get off on sending people to their doom

the idiocy of blaming one ethnicity, culture, gender, or sexuality for society's statistical problems is wrong, racist, and down right evil.

sorry about the ranting but comments like mr conspiracy's need to be refuted if we are ever to advance past this age of fear and paranoia

[edit on 15-9-2006 by wondernut]

[edit on 15-9-2006 by wondernut]

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 02:46 AM
So am I right in thinking that all the Brits living abroad who want to eat English food/drink, send their kids to English speaking schools etc are law breakers and potential terrorists.?

The reason why people move from their indigenous homes is usually for a better life or are fleeing persecution. There are no Muslim states in the UK and the whole ethnic groups makes up for 12% of the population so nobodys taking over.

If you want to point the finger of accusation then go no further than the white man, we alone are the biggest threat to world peace and security, we alone have enslaved, robbed and persecuted all none whites for millenia.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by martin2020

We already have Muslim states in the UK albeit small pockets

Huddersfield Bradford and Leeds in Yorkshire

I live in Huddersfield. I work in Bradford. I spend an awful lot of time in Leeds and I can tell you all, right now, that the quote above is total and utter bollocks.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 03:28 AM
Es Salaam Aleikum
Allah u akbar.
Well, if 2/3 of all the Muslims in the UK are terrorists, it follows that that is likely the same elsewhere. Since the latest figures say there are 1.1 to 1.4 billion Muslims in the world, that means there must be between 600 and 800 million terrorists! Better start learning Arabic.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by ThinksYouAreAnIdiot

Because, whether you want to admit it or nor, there is virtually no theological basis in christianity for violence, whereas there is massive theological justification for violence in islam.
In point of fact there is only one incident in the entire New testament ehich can even be streched to justify violence, the incident ith jesus and the money lenders in the temple. In order to find any biblical justification for violence, one must go back to the Old testament, which for christians, is merly history supporting jesus's claim to be the messiah.

The Crusades.

The Spanish Inquisition.

The Salem Witch Trials.

The Burning of Heretics.

....and more recently you could argue that Hitler was a committed christian who carried out the holocaust because of his religious belief that christ was persecuted by jews, and then even more recently there are the actions of the IRA.

Oh theres no basis for these in religion, of course, but they were carried out in the name of religion, in much the same way that some of the acts carried out by a minority of muslims are being carried out in the name of their religion.

You tar everyone with the same brush, and thats the point here.

If you call someone a bastard for long enough they'll turn into one eventually because they'll get fed up with the label.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by ubermunche
Come on if we're going to start apportioning blame for fear mongering

...we can start right here with your post....

We are experiencing a number of problems concerning radical elements within Islam as are a lot of places in the world, there do not need to be millions of terrorists for them to have a major impact. A dozen nutters detonating 3 dirty bombs in London, Manchester and Edinburgh ...

1) Who's this "we"? Personally I've never been forced to submit to Sharia, and I don't know anyone who has.

2) Where are these dirty bombs? They are chimerae summoned up by the various security services to scare you. Please, please find me some actual hard evidence that any "muslim terrorist" actually got within a thousand miles of the specific materials required to make a dirty bomb. If you can't do that, then you might begin to suspect that you're the willing victim of a propaganda campaign.

I can't quite believe this ugly, twitching, malformed thread hasn't already been beaten to death by a bunch of right-minded villagers with torches and pitchforks.

Edit to fix quote boxes

[edit on 15-9-2006 by rich23]

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 03:55 AM
Now don't get me wrong: I agree with the overall sentiment of your post, BUT

Originally posted by neformore
and then even more recently there are the actions of the IRA.

I would say that while there is a protestant/catholic split in Northern Ireland, the IRA is a political (and politically motivated) organisation, not a religious one. The British Government perpetrated rather a lot of appalling crimes in Ireland and the IRA was - especially at first - a political organisation with no religious goals at all. (It later turned into something rather more akin to the Mafia, but again, religion is not central to its aims.)

The situation in Ireland is more that (particularly in Ulster) religion is a signifier of class and background, and the differences between the parties are driven by historical differences rather than religious ones.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by mr conspiracy
Islam is gaining converts from all quaters. This is a nightmare senario.

Simple question:
Why is this a "nightmare senario"?

Because you've been told it's a nightmare? Because you've been conditioned to believe that anyone who is different must be evil? Because you fear your fellow man?

Why is Islam more or less evil than Christianity?
Because you 've been told so? Because the mass media likes to report on their extreamist practices? Because it's easier to make them scapegoats for much larger problems? Because it helps you sleep at night?

Maybe if people were willing to show more openminded tolerance, there wouldn't be any need to fear eachother.

Just a thought.

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