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Star Nations and their blah blah blah

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posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 01:58 PM

I've received another email from Dr Boylan. I'm now convinced that this guy is really nuts.

Here's the email i got from him.

Friends and Star Kids,

Like many of you, I have been wondering about what was behind the delay in commencing the first starcraft Public Demonstration over a major city.
One of my fellow members on the Star Nations Council provided information on this matter, which I am passing on to you. After you read the Councillor For the Watcher's explanation, I will have a special request for you.

[ Councillor For the Watchers: " Concerning Talessian, it is unclear to Star Nations on his delay. Zeta confirm the reactivation of one Star Craft as planned. This Star Craft is set to respond only to energy signature of Talessian. Energy signature fluctuations are being recorded by Zeta. This indicates that either Talessian is having difficulty stabilizing his energy field enough to fully pilot his Star Craft, or that his energy field has been altered or is being altered in some random fashion. It is known that he will not risk piloting this craft without full control of the vehicle due to the risk of lives should control be lost." ]

Talessian told me before he took off for Giza to retrieve the starcraft that he knew that the Cabal would throw everything they had at him to prevent him from accomplishing his Public Display of (starcraft) Presence campaign. Evidently they are using either psychic or psychotronic weapons aimed at him to destabilize his energy-signature field.
It is my intuition that Cabal psi operatives are penetrating his consciousness to keep "flipping" him between his Human-forward Mario Sasso identity/energy signature and his Star Person-forward Talessian Namor identity/energy signature, so that there are sufficient fluctuations in energy signature that the artificial-intelligence, empathic-interface control-and-guidance system of the starcraft cannot get a durationally-consistent-enough read of Talessian's energy signature to match its pre-set settings to respond to Talessian's energy signature only.
Very clever of the Cabal. However, they do not have the only psi-adept persons in town.
Which leads me to my request.
You are asked to devote what time you can, on a repeated basis, to send smooth, energy-signature-stabilizing light Talessian's way. Further, I suggest that you shape your sending to conform with Talessian's Star Person-forward identity, to affirm it, to acknowledge it lovingly, and to affiliate with it in brotherly or sisterly solidarity. Let him know psychicly that not only does he have friends, but they acknowledge him as Star Man Talessian, and love him that way.
There will be no formal time or date for another Joint Psychic Exercise. This assistance you give needs to keep flowing whenever you can manage it, until his mission with starcraft Isabella is completed.
Thank you very much!

in the light,

Dr. Richard Boylan

mod edit to use external quote code, please review this link

[edit on 19-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 02:02 PM
This Star Nations junk is starting to sound like a book if you ask me, a fascinating fairy tale about a space ship in a pyramid.....

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by DrExtravaganza

You are asked to devote what time you can, on a repeated basis, to send smooth, energy-signature-stabilizing light Talessian's way. Further, I suggest that you shape your sending to conform with Talessian's Star Person-forward identity, to affirm it, to acknowledge it lovingly, and to affiliate with it in brotherly or sisterly solidarity. Let him know psychicly that not only does he have friends, but they acknowledge him as Star Man Talessian, and love him that way.
There will be no formal time or date for another Joint Psychic Exercise. This assistance you give needs to keep flowing whenever you can manage it, until his mission with starcraft Isabella is completed.

Well, now you know that if the "Public Demonstration" does not happen it is all your fault, you didn't send enough "smooth, energy-signature-stabilizing light Talessian's way"

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 03:48 PM
delayed 90000001 years LOL k.

I'll be waiting whenever a spaceship will appair.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 12:36 AM
OK, folks- I am about to post some information that may or may not help some of you understand what is happening with the "UFO question", and the claims from Star Nations are definitely a part of the UFO question. If you want to try to understand all of this in a Jungian/psychological way- read on and enjoy!

Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations (unpublished chapter)

Chapter 20: The Oversoul as Saucer

There is building in global society an increasingly intense expectation of the intervention into human history by UFOs. It is very similar in tone to the buildup of messianic expectation in the Hellenistic world in the several centuries preceding the birth of Christ. The leaders of Roman society may have been caught off guard by the appearance of Christ, but they had no one to blame but themselves since milllions of people in the ancient world were expectantly awaiting some kind of messiah. So today, science and govenment koo-koo the idea of world contact with the UFOs, while the contact cults grow ever larger and more insistent that contact is about to occur.

Imagine, therefore, what you may never have seriously imagined before. Imagine what would happen if the UFOs were to appear. Imagine a spaceship of the close encounters of the third kind variety suddenly appearing in orbit around the Earth. Television and mass media would carry its image to every man, woman and child on the planet. Governments would be paralyzed. Science would be helpless to explain where it came from or how it got here. Millenarian hysteria would break out everywhere. The UFO would be hailed as savior and denounced as antichrist. The end of the world would appear imminent, and all this would occur before the contact was more than a visual image. Then the UFO would begin its revelation. Vast displays of beneficent power can be expected. Perhaps it would mysteriously neutralize all weapons of mass destruction, or it might use some sort of ray to cure all terrestrial cancer. Whatever it does one may be sure that its actions will be impressive. Its actions will convert millions to the UFO religion in a space of hours. Indeed, its actions will be specifically designed to overwhelm us with the reality of its power and presence. That will close the first stage of the revelation.

The second stage will be the teachings. Telepathically imparted, the specifics of the teachings cannot be anticipated, but they will urge love, voluntary simplicity, concern for one another, renunciation of war, perhaps renunciation of the destructive application of science. Whatever the teachings, the UFO will promise immense reward to those who follow them and dire consequences for those who do not. And the teachings will be delivered in so poetically perfect a way, so rich in understanding and appealing nuances that no one will doubt their origin in a being wise and good and immensely superior to ourselves. The delivery of the teachings will set the stage for the third and last and most shocking phase of the revelation: the departure.

Mod Edit: Posting work written by others. – Please Review This Link.

mod edit to use external quote code, please review this link

[edit on 19-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by geogaddi00

I reach these conclusions through my use and familiarity with psilocybin and other psychedelic drugs. They immerse their user in the world of the oversoul and make one privileged to at least a part of its mechanics of operation.

So, the all encompassing truth of proof of these "Star Nations" can be conclusively reached through the use of psilocybin as well as other psycheldelic drugs? And the integrity of such "Star Nation" threads that pollute our ATS with dissinformation is fully justified in your view because it is fully believable when under the influence of mind altering substances?

You too could believe this all (hook, line, and sinker) if you submit yourself and your faculties to substances with unpredictable short term and long term effects.

This is what all the above contributions say to me. Is this the poster's intentions?

Is this the message content of the "Star Nations" supporters?

Edit to add:

I would like to see future "Star Nation" threads that are submitted as absolute truth be done so in "Calaboritive Fiction" or "Science Fiction" forums. I simply feel they dilute the very purpose of this forum, and deminish many members' ATS experience here. Speculation is one tool at our disposal. But the endorsement and promotion of chemical substances and mind altering drugs being utilized as an effective medium to communicate with the "Oversoul" is beyond unsubstantiated, and by the supporters own admission, only believable if you are not in your right mind.

"Star Nations" may indeed exist, however i am infinitly not convinced the posters and supporters of such threads here on ATS are their emissaries, nor their embassadors, nor their press release agents.

[edit on 19-8-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 06:55 AM
Esoteric Teacher.... you are a dinosaur who has no knowledge on brain chemistry or psychedelics or shamanism. AND, this post I cut and paste from a web site IS NOT EVEN FROM STAR NATIONS. It is information I shared to show that, in my opinion, the UFO phenomenon is intrinsically related to the collective unconscious of the human species. Our evolution of consciousness is what the UFO phenomenon is all about, and the contact is A 2-WAY STREET! So, the left-hemisphere dominated, linear, reductionist and constipated worldviews of the majority of Western humanity (and definitely the majority of ATS members) will never understand reality or what's really going on- AND THEY ARE MAJOR ROADBLOCKS (Nature has ways of getting around roadblocks- nature even has ways of destroying roadblocks). Even those who think they are "esoteric teachers". You seem more like a dried-up hippy. My generation, the generation born after the 70s, will probably contain the only people with enough intelligence to clean this place (Earth) up- gathered from the very few brilliant thinkers who came before, that are mostly martyred and go through much suffering trying to share their work. People like Carl Jung and Terence McKenna and Nikola Tesla and Tom Bearden and Wilhelm Reich and Steven Greer. Star Nations may well turn out to be on the side of the deceivers. My point in posting those missing chapters from True Hallucinations was to share the information about UFOs and the human species. From reading your knee-jerk response that highlights only the "drug" part of the writing (psychedelics are known as entheogens by REAL esoteric teachers) I can tell that you have no idea what you are on about. Do some reseach then, on entheogens: People CAN be the prisoners of their own limited conceptual thinking... Open your mind, think outside the box (or away from your extremely dogmatic and small inventory of knowledge) and broaden your horizons. Toodaloo- Esoteric Teacher AKA Crusty Siddhartha!


posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by geogaddi00
... this post I cut and paste from a web site ...

I hope that you are aware that you should not do that in the way you did.

You should have posted those copied texts in a way that we could understand where is your opinion and where is the copied text.

That is why we have "EX" button, to use for "External sources".

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by geogaddi00
Esoteric Teacher.... you are a dinosaur who has no knowledge on brain chemistry or psychedelics or shamanism.

In fact you are very wrong. I know much about the neuro-protiens produced by our hypo-thalmus, and how chemicals produced by our bodies is one medium that delivers information to our cells' receptors. I also have a very firm understanding of how our cells' dna can be altered by these chemicals, and how our cells become addicted to them. Suffice it to say, i'm fairly confident my comprehension of the way our brain chemistry works is compariable to your understanding of it.

AND, this post I cut and paste from a web site IS NOT EVEN FROM STAR NATIONS.

Again, i re-iterate that your current state of mind and your opinions are detrimental to what i think ATS forums should be. Not only is what you admittingly done inconsistant and non-compliant with the rules of ATS, but when you cut and pasted without any link, without and source, without any quotes, was in effect .... plagerism. Plagerism is illegal, and again non-compliant with ATS's rules.

So, the left-hemisphere dominated, linear, reductionist and constipated worldviews of the majority of Western humanity (and definitely the majority of ATS members) will never understand reality or what's really going on...

nice statement about the majority of ATS users.

You seem more like a dried-up hippy.

Your deductive reasoning is not to deductive. With a military email account which is displayed on my ATS profile, i would doubt i am a hippy. But, in order to know that, you would need to be paying more attention to reality, and less attention to your delusions.

My point in posting those missing chapters from True Hallucinations was to share the information about UFOs and the human species. From reading your knee-jerk response that highlights only the "drug" part of the writing...

My knee-jerk response was in response to words you presented as your own. My response may well have been different if you had obeyed the terms in which you agreed to when you joined ATS.

I can tell that you have no idea what you are on about.

At this point your credibility is lacking to say the least. Yes you can say "I can tell that you have not idea what you are on about." I assume this was to mean i have no idea what it was i was talking about, in which case you would be wrong.

People CAN be the prisoners of their own limited conceptual thinking... Open your mind, think outside the box (or away from your extremely dogmatic and small inventory of knowledge) and broaden your horizons. Toodaloo- Esoteric Teacher AKA Crusty Siddhartha!

And you see no error in any statement you have made in the above quote? This is what we can expect from your enlightened generation?

Edit to add:

I said in my first post in this thread:
"I simply feel they dilute the very purpose of this forum, and deminish many members' ATS experience here."

Your choice of words, and disregard for the contract you entered into when you joined ATS is suportive of my claim that your actions, behaviors, and chosen words do dilute the very purpose of this forum, and deminishes the ATS experience. Essentially i would like to thank you for you having validated my claims.

Thank you, and Toodaloo yourself,
the Crusty Siddhartha that just handed you the truth from outside your box.

[edit on 19-8-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 09:52 AM
@geogaddi00 thank you for sharing that with us.

I'm somehow familiar with Terence McKenna's world views. He was quite referenced by TOOL (the band).

I haven't read all of yous posts but I think that they state an important idea: we must approach things in a whole different prespective in what concerns to extra terrestrial life.

It seems obvious to me that when in presence of a ET we can't just say HI and expect him to undersantd what the hell are we saying/doing. They're beings with a different sense of reallity. The only rational way of communicating with an extra terrestrial being is through math. The other - and this is only speculation - is through out love and benevolent actions.

We can't just sit and wait for et's to come out: we also must take some action in order to reach them.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 02:58 PM
Please dont post anymore about Star nations for it is a bunch of crap....Send your energies to Talwhateverthehellhisnameis....Are you kidding me lol

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 03:07 PM
you people are so ignorant, i just cant help but laugh hahahahaha

There is no star nations? Haha, you are kidding right?

I see their craft in the skies above my area ALL the time, at least 3 nights a week. I live in Quebec, Canada. There is this bright light, much brighter than any star or planet; and I often see bright lights that change colors, every color of the rainbow. I have even taken pictures of them, which are being developed.

I read their messages every single day, I have been studying the UFO phenomenon since I was 5 years old, and I am convinced, no, I KNOW its real. To the open mind, there is no denying it. Ive seen their craft, Ive talked to people who have seen the beings themselves, and I am convinced that it is real and it is true. Peace and abundance will return to Earth soon. Its all a matter of timing. We are not ready for it yet, at least people like you arent.

I am an indigo child, I came into this world knowing this stuff. I and all the other lightworkers are here to let you know that this is real, so you better embrace it, for failing to do so is failing to embrace the truth.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 04:53 PM
Here's another update:

Friends and Star Kids, and all lightworkers/persons of goodwill,

We are approaching D-Day.
Talessian Namor is readying the starcraft, but keeps getting attacked by Cabal psi operatives, dark-energy beings summoned here by the Cabal, Cabalista remote-viewer mental disrupters, etc. in order to keep him distracted and preoccupied.
Talessian wrote me this morning: "It is good to ask for support from lightworkers this has helped me. Yes. Thank you. Please, keep it up. Also, if lightworkers could offer some mind shielding that would be terrific. It [Cabal attack] is very painful, but I am committed to complete this mission and nothing will stop me."
So, please continue sending Talessian shielding, love energy, tranquil centering and strong affirming energies.
Thank you so much!

in the light,

Dr. Richard Boylan

It seem that we dont have to wait much more.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by AscendedMaster
you people are so ignorant, i just cant help but laugh hahahahaha

There is no star nations? Haha, you are kidding right?

I see their craft in the skies above my area ALL the time, at least 3 nights a week. I live in Quebec, Canada. There is this bright light, much brighter than any star or planet; and I often see bright lights that change colors, every color of the rainbow. I have even taken pictures of them, which are being developed.

I read their messages every single day, I have been studying the UFO phenomenon since I was 5 years old, and I am convinced, no, I KNOW its real. To the open mind, there is no denying it. Ive seen their craft, Ive talked to people who have seen the beings themselves, and I am convinced that it is real and it is true. Peace and abundance will return to Earth soon. Its all a matter of timing. We are not ready for it yet, at least people like you arent.

I am an indigo child, I came into this world knowing this stuff. I and all the other lightworkers are here to let you know that this is real, so you better embrace it, for failing to do so is failing to embrace the truth.

Ok i'm also in Quebec and look up all the time and i don't see the craft you are talking about, so when those pics are developped can you post them? and this way i can corroborate your findings by maybe taking a few pics myself! I just hope you're not from the "Raeliens" cult from quebec.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by AscendedMaster
you people are so ignorant, i just cant help but laugh hahahahaha

There is no star nations? Haha, you are kidding right?

I see their craft in the skies above my area ALL the time, at least 3 nights a week. I live in Quebec, Canada. There is this bright light, much brighter than any star or planet; and I often see bright lights that change colors, every color of the rainbow. I have even taken pictures of them, which are being developed.

I read their messages every single day, I have been studying the UFO phenomenon since I was 5 years old, and I am convinced, no, I KNOW its real. To the open mind, there is no denying it. Ive seen their craft, Ive talked to people who have seen the beings themselves, and I am convinced that it is real and it is true. Peace and abundance will return to Earth soon. Its all a matter of timing. We are not ready for it yet, at least people like you arent.

I am an indigo child, I came into this world knowing this stuff. I and all the other lightworkers are here to let you know that this is real, so you better embrace it, for failing to do so is failing to embrace the truth.

You sound pretty sure of yourself on this, I too await these pictures you are going to post for us.

DrExtravaganza, thanks for the updates on this - unfortunately as predicted, the 'cabal' managed to put a stop to it and now the onus for success is on us - no doubt we will be to blame when it fails also. For a race of highly advanced beings it doesn't seem like they can get their s*** together to actually succeed in anything. I really believe there is life out there but this is mockery, pure and simple.

[edit on 19-8-2006 by Easy Tiger]

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Easy Tiger
DrExtravaganza, thanks for the updates on this - unfortunately as predicted, the 'cabal' managed to put a stop to it and now the onus for success is on us - no doubt we will be to blame when it fails also. For a race of highly advanced beings it doesn't seem like they can get their s*** together to actually succeed in anything. I really believe there is life out there but this is mockery, pure and simple.

[edit on 19-8-2006 by Easy Tiger]

yeah, it really seems thats how its gonna end.
But, still, i'm kinda curious on their next statment.

edit: i've just received another email from Dr Boylan, as follows:

Friends and Star Kids, and all lightworkers/persons of goodwill,

We are approaching D-Day.
Talessian Namor is readying the starcraft, but keeps getting
attacked by Cabal psi operatives, dark-energy beings summoned here
by the Cabal, Cabalista remote-viewer mental disrupters, etc. in
order to keep him distracted and preoccupied.
Talessian wrote me this morning: "It is good to ask for support
from lightworkers this has helped me. Yes. Thank you. Please, keep
it up. Also, if lightworkers could offer some mind shielding that
would be terrific. It [Cabal attack] is very painful, but I am
committed to complete this mission and nothing will stop me."
So, please continue sending Talessian shielding, love energy,
tranquil centering and strong affirming energies.
Thank you so much!

in the light,

Dr. Richard Boylan

It seems that this d-day is really soon, so:

a)soon we'll see the Starcraft Isabella;

b)they'll be forever seen as another hoax.

[edit on 19-8-2006 by DrExtravaganza]

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 08:56 PM
My monies on b).
Boylan's a wingnut from way back
In the original blog post the craft had already been in the air.
If you still follow this you're chasing ghosts.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 08:45 AM
I live in St Jean Sur-Richelieu, I see them all the time. There was even one incident where what appeared to be a fighter plane flew right near one of them (checking it out maybe?), and then this light dimmed out. When the plane left, the light glowed back up again. No joke. My whole family saw it. We were flabergasted!

If what I am told is true, you can even see this light from Montreal.

And no Im not from the Raelian movement lol

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by AscendedMaster
... I see them all the time. There was even one incident ..... We were flabergasted!

Sorry. Curious why one would be flabergasted to see something you see all the time?

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:58 PM

Sorry, Esoteric Teacher- I was really tired when I read your post, and I got really pissed off. Also, I am not much of an ATS user- I primarily post multimedia to share on ConCen (yeah yeah copyright this infringement that blah blah blah) and my relationship to text and head-butting on forums is minimal. I find that ATS, particularly in the Aliens part, is just alot of nattering and arguing and is quite fruitless. Needless to say, I had no idea how to do quotes from other websites. I apologize. My intent was totally innocent and one of wanting to share information that I understand, and some others... not many, that is very obvious. I mean, Carl Jung, Terence McKenna, Marshall McLuhan- these people were not understood that well, and people have notoriously perverted their ideas. Star Nations... who knows? The point I was TRYING to make was that Star Nations is more like a myth or a metaphor to get certain people to think about this UFO thing in a certain way. The UFOs, the real ETs, and their interaction with humanity has to do (in my humble opinion) with the evolution of consciousness and the expansion of awareness out of the mundane 3-D world, and connecting higher up. If I knew quantum physics jargon I would add some here. So, feel free to pick my words apart- that is a very popular thing to do here. And yes, I am certain synthetic psychedelic drugs could have long term effects- but there does not seem to be any evidence to show that the natural ones do, unless they are done recklessly without a proper context. See, it's mostly Tim Leary's fault for blabbing so much back in the 60s and letting the misguided and rebellious youth of America go crazy with the stuff. That's why its illegal, and that's why there isn't enough data on it... I mean, there have been a few recent legal studies done with psychedelics, and they seem to show that there is alot of therapeutic value... The only reason I got pissed is because you come on like some authority figure, even going so far as to threaten to censor ATS and people's viewpoints. AND with the name Esoteric Teacher- if it was anything else, I would have laughed at you instead. So, my apologies, Esoteric Teacher. If you really are in the military, I would like a job as being a remote viewer... no, you have to have no ethics to do remote viewing in the military, right? Sorry. I'll do something else for you- hook a brother up, bitch. Do you know John MacDonald? Give us some info about him if you do. Right- have a good one,


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