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Allen Dulles- Treason Against America

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posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 05:31 PM
Where do we start with the man who commited treason on the US in the highest degree? Lets start with the fact he was John Foster Dulles brother. John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State under President Eisenhower.(1) Eisenhower had a very close golf buddy, prescott bush(2), but this isnt important right now. Allen Dulles was obviously affiliated with the right people, so when does he make his break into politics?

Well he didn't have any real political affiliations other then his brother. He served in WW2 and was station cheif of the (OSS). The OSS was the predecessor of the CIA. Dulles was closely involved with the development of the CIA, and when it was established, he became the deputy director(in 1951). It shouldn't come as much suprise when Eisenhower becomes president, Dulles becomes the head of the CIA in 1953. After all his brother was the Secretary of State.(3) Earlier I said he didn't have any other real political affiliations. That would be true, but I never said he didn't have any business affiliations. As a lawer in new york, while working for his brother, they worked for some big businesses. One of the bigger businesses he worked with was Union Banking Corporation. This was a bank that made a huge profit off of nazi business. Guess who owned this bank, Prescott Bush and Georger herbert Walker (his father in law). (4)

Are you starting to see the web here? Prescott Bush and eisenhower are connected. Both John and Allen Dulles manage to get powerful positions in the Eisenhower administration without directly knowing him. The past of them together is woven well. So this explains how Allen Dulles got into the position he did.

So back onto topic of his high treason. He is now the director of the CIA in 1953, under Eisenhowers win for presidential election. Dulles first act as the director of the CIA was to create MK-Ultra.(5) This was a program made for human mind control. It was top secret, and they attempted to destroy all the files about its existance. Unfortunately they didnt destroy all of the files and it came out years later.(6)

Next Dulles started two right wing coup in Guatemala and Iran.(7) Little information about Guatemala was avalible to find. Dulles said it was important to fight against communism this way. Even though it was suppose to be a fight against communism, Dulles set up a government in Iran which was a dictatorship. What followed was a brutal dictatorship in Iran for over 20 years. They were pro US so we continued to support them, even though they had police which "silenced" dissenters. They weren't overthrown over communism like thought. In time we saw it wasn't so much about communism as it was about oil. Iran was supporting the US oil supply until the Shah collapsed. The dictatorship in Iran, set up by the US, was most brutal to the people living there. Its no suprise that in 1979 the Shah would finally be overthrown. This new government would be at the core fundamentalist. It was extremely anti-US and caused a great deal of problems in the middle east and many problems for the US. This made a great deal of problems in the middle east and for the US, none of which Dulles lived to see.(8)

So now with Iran and Guatemala behind Dulles he would move on to devise Operation Zapata a.k.a "The Bay Of Pigs". This was the failed invasion of cuba in 1961. Lets go more in depth though. The CIA began recruiting and training cuban exiles for an overthrow in cuba months before cuba cut of relations with the us in the begining of 1961. Dulles was director of the CIA and heading this entire operation. It was not Eisenhower pushing this to be done though, it was eisenhowers VP Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon, one of our later presidents feared this would get out at the time and ruin his career. They were well aware a high casualty rate was possible during the invasion, but went ahead anyway. The invasion failed miserably. This was a direct hit for the CIA, but Kennedy took full responsiblity.(9)

Afterwards Kennedy was not happy. An investigation was launched in which eventually Dulles was fired. Dulles may have been connected to Project Northwoods. Dulles was fired now, and Kennedy was the reason, since Kennedy restricted a full invasion on cuba causing the invasion to fail.(10)

Dulles still is affiliated to one mor event though. Lyndon Johnson appointed Dulles to the position (1 of 7) to decide if Kennedy's assassination was a conspiracy or not. A man fired by Kennedy was part of the commission to prove if there was a conspiracy behind his murder. They concluded no conspiracy had happened, and relied solely on the FBI report and did no extra investigating.(11) Later an investigation by the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that the JFK assassination was probably the result of a conspiracy. They also reveiled what the CIA called Operation mockingbird. This was an operation to control media outlets. This was also supervised by Allen Dulles.(12)

In conclusion, Allen Dulles has commited a number of acts that have corrupted the US and also has been part of a great deal of suspicious actions/groups. First he is responsible for experiments to control peoples minds. He is responsible for the overthrow of the Guatemalan government. He is responsible for the Iranian government overthrow, which in turn let to the fundamentalist overthrow. This lead to the iran-iraq war, and the current problems leading up to today with Iran. He is responsible for Operation Mockingbird, which was made to influence domestic media. The government in a sense controlled the media during and after the 1950's.(13) Most of all though, he is part of the suspicious commission which deemed the JFK assassination not a conspiracy, even though they did no research into the investigation. Further more they later found that it most likely WAS a conspiracy. Allen Dulles played a great part in helping Prescott Bush make a load of money off of the Nazi parties actions. In a sense, he committed action which we still are hurting from to this day, and helped with the finance of the Nazi party. Such actions should be considered treason on the highest degree. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 07:21 PM
any comments? just figured it be interesting to shed a bit of light on a person who really isnt even mentioned in history books other then "the cia director during the eisenhower presidency"

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 07:48 PM
Well if nobody else says it, nice post. I have thrown some information around on ATS about Dulles and the Bush Family, but it's nice to see a compendium just on Dulles though. What a creep.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 07:53 PM
Thanks, truth is its hard NOT to go into other people when talking about him because everything connected about him webs to everyone else connected. Hes one of the main connectors. that might be why he written out of the history books more then others.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:00 PM
Thanks for the sources and the gathering together of information about Dulles. I have read about him, but didn't fully understand his connections until you so nicely laid it all out. Nice post, thanks!

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:13 PM
Good job in bringing this all together. It will take me a bit to go thru all the links but I just wanted to let you know I appreciate the effort on your part.


posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:15 PM
thanks. The one wiki link does have a small error about how he got fired, but other then that everything seemed to fit right.

( the one wiki source says he was fired because of Project northwoods, but that isnt the case, he was either fired or resigned because of the bay of pigs. Lymin was fired because of project northwoods.)

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:18 PM

as you can see the reference crosses its own words up by accident. Im pretty sure it meant to say he got fired over the bay of pigs because everything on reference 10 is correct up to that where i think they made an error in events.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:28 PM

Good thread GrimReapor, keep up the good work.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 09:29 PM
thanks, ive gotten some applause for this thread from a number of forum staff members so Im glad that you all find this useful. I was hoping by shedding some light on the guy that we can further understand the true history that we are coming from. By understanding how this mans true agenda was we can see a glimpse of the small group he is a part of. His connections run deep and through a through history of everything hes done we can better understand why things are the way they are now.

you will never understand the situation until you know how you got there in the first place. This elite group of people, Dulles included, is how we got here, therefor we need to find what they did to get us here.

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 10:42 PM

posted by grimreaper797

Where do we start with the man who committed treason on the US? Allen Dulles has committed a number of acts that have corrupted the US and also has been part of a great deal of suspicious actions or groups.

(A) First he is responsible for experiments to control peoples minds.

(B) He is responsible for the overthrow of the Guatemalan government.

() He is responsible for the Iranian government overthrow, which in turn let to the fundamentalist overthrow. This lead to the Iran-Iraq war, and the current problems leading up to today with Iran.

(D) He is responsible for Operation Mockingbird, which was made to influence domestic media. The government in a sense controlled the media during and after the 1950's.

(E) Most of all though, he is part of the suspicious commission which deemed the JFK assassination not a conspiracy, even though they did no research into the investigation.

(E2) Further more they later found that it most likely WAS a conspiracy.

(F) Allen Dulles played a great part in helping Prescott Bush make a load of money off of the Nazi parties actions. He committed acts which we still are hurting from to this day, and helped with the finance of the Nazi party. Such actions should be considered treason on the highest degree. [Edited by Don W]

I hate to shoot down the balloon but obviously, no one then considered what Allen Dulles did to have been treasonous.

(A) I assume you are referring to the CIA using the common hallucinogen, '___'. Discovered in 1938 by Dr. Albert Hofmann, '___' is the most potent mood-changing chemical. It is manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. I’m sorry, but we were all in a new age and while this experiment on soldiers who were not informed of what they were being used for, it was not successful and was abandoned. One soldier jumped out a window to his death and the CIA covered it up for years. Still, a typical government coverup but nothing sinister.

(B) This is about the umpteenth time the US has intruded into Central and South American countries. After Pres. Monroe declared the US “owned” the Western Hemisphere in 1823, Americans have exploited the region and its people as our own private fiefdom. Nothing new here. It's not right, but it's not new.

() You are entirely correct in this. From the Holy Bible, “Ye shall reap what ye sow.” Yes, we brought this on ourselves. Smile. It doesn’t hurt as much when you smile.

(D) Sorry, but this began in Thomas Jefferson’s run up for the 1800 presidential race and has not slowed since. Old news.

(E) Also on the Commission with Allen Dulles was Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, Senator Russell, Senator Cooper, Rep. Hale Boggs and Rep. Gerald Ford. In addition, Lucius Clay was a member. While I have no love for the Dulles brothers, I do not believe he could have tricked the other 6 members to join him in a false or phoney Report which was adopted unanimously.

(E2) The House of Representatives did say this, but it did not conduct an investigation, rather it was a re-hash of old stories. It was closer to a political witch-hunt. Very non professional. The House Report has no credence with serious students of the JFK assassination.

(F) Many American companies had branches or subsidiaries in Germany, Italy and Japan before War 2. Ford built cars in Germany, as did GM’s Opel branch. IBM actually helped Hitler locate the 6 million Jewish persons and track their property and bank accounts. An early use of rudimentary computers. Curtiss-Wright sold BMW plans for radial engines used in the FW-190. Hay, Hitler was a capitalist, too. Money is first above all else for a true capitalist.

No treason here, just business as usual or as, Pres. Calvin Coolidge put it so succinctly, “The business of America is business.”

[edit on 6/4/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:09 AM
Poor spelling, contradictory references, alarmist language...yep, sounds like the usual suspects. Thank you for defeating your own arguments.

And, as for Iran, the reported brutality of the Shah pales in comparison with the current 'administration'. At least the country was moving closer to being a modern, free society under his reign. Have things improved since he was ousted? Anybody want to field that question?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:32 AM


posted on May, 7 2009 @ 06:13 PM
His brother, John Foster Dulles, is an interesting person as well. Without him, Allen would never have accomplished the things that he did during his tenure in the CIA.

During his time of Secretary of State, Dulles built NATO into this massive anti-communist force, and under this directive ordered his brother and the CIA to install the Shah in Iran, known as "Operation Ajax". Foster Dulles also set on the board of United Fruit, which would be pivotal in Operation PBSUCCESS in Guatemala.

The U.S. State Department and United Fruit embarked on a major public relations campaign to convince the American people and the rest of the U.S. government that Guatemala was a Soviet "satellite".

"It [United Fruit] began with enviable connections to the Eisenhower administration. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his former New York law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, had long represented the company. Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, had served on UFCO's board of trustees. Ed Whitman, the company's top public relations officer, was the husband of Ann Whitman, President Eisenhower's private secretary. (Ed Whitman produced a film, "Why the Kremlin Hates Bananas," that pictured UFCO fighting in the front trenches of the cold war.) The fruit firm's success in linking the taking of its lands to the evil of international communism was later described by one UFCO official as "the Disney version of the episode." But the company's efforts paid off. It picked up the expenses of journalists who traveled to Guatemala to learn United Fruit's side of the crisis, and some of the most respected North American publications - including the New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, and New Leader - ran stories that pleased the company. A UFCO public relations official later observed that his firm helped condition North American readers to accept the State Department's version of the Arbenz regime as Communist-controlled and the U.S.-planned invasion as wholly Guatemalan." (Quoted from Inevitable Revolutions - The United States in Central America by Walter La Feber, 2nd ed. 1993, pp. 120-121.

The campaign succeeded and in 1954 the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency orchestrated a coup, code-named "Operation PBSUCCESS". The invading force numbered only 150 men under the command of Castillo Armas but the CIA convinced the Guatemalan public and President Arbenz that a major invasion was underway. The CIA set up a clandestine radio station to carry propaganda, jammed all Guatemalan stations, and hired skilled American pilots to bomb strategic points in Guatemala City. The U.S. replaced the freely elected government of Guatemala with another right-wing dictatorship that would again bend to UFCO's will.

United Fruit was also a vital part of the Bay of Pigs operation:

Although the U.S. invasion plan is top-secret, by April Foreign Minister Raul Roa Garcia learns that troops are being trained by the United States in Guatemala to invade Cuba. The Guatemalan government (which had been put into power by the CIA in June 1954, after the CIA overthrew the elected government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, who was a Socialist with a plan to nationalise much of the nation's land, including vast tracks owned by the United Fruit Company) lies about their involvement and severs all diplomatic relations with Cuba. On April 4, Cuba readies a plan to exporpriate all Cuban land held by the United Fruit company, while on the same day a U.S. military aircraft flying from the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo drops napalm bombs in the Oriente province.

The big Boston banks behind United Fruit were determined that Arbenz must go. President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave the order for a CIA-staged invasion that toppled the elected Guatemalan government.

Among the coup's first victims were 45 assassinated leaders of the banana workers on United Fruit's plantations.

Seven years later, United Fruit paid back its debt to the CIA by donating two of its ships to the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

Oh, and Foster Dulles was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

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