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Conspiracy of Silence

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posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:26 PM
This case has broken out for awhile now, I'm not sure of the exact truth here but it looks so similar to the other cases it is worth noting.

Orgies, torture, murder and the mayor

A serial killer endorses claims by two prostitutes that his vice ring helped some very senior figures conspire in brutal group sex and killing ... and then it gets complex. By Rob Parsons in Toulouse

Witnesses refer to it simply as the house on the lake, a secluded country home set just off the A64 motorway running south from Toulouse. There's nothing to give the game away -- well- manicured lawns, a restored farmhouse painted white, and a pond -- the lake.
Toulouse, in the south-west of France, is a bustling urban centre -- the fourth biggest city in France -- but the surrounding countryside is tranquillity itself. Much favoured by British tourists, the Haute Garonne is a region of wooded slopes, vineyards, history and good food.

The people of Toulouse, though, are in a state of shock. They find themselves at the centre of a scandal that is by turns both horrifying and fascinating France. At the centre of it all is Dominique Baudis, a 56-year-old former television presenter, whose family name is a part of the fabric of the city. Dominique's father was elected mayor here in 1971, staying on until 1983, when Dominique himself took over. It was the start of a reign that would last until 2001. Eighteen years of uninterrupted power.

By most accounts, Baudis is the epitome of discretion, a very private man not given to taking risks. Yet, if the accusations of a serial killer and two former prostitutes, Fanny and Patricia, are true, the public fa�ade masked a private life of astonishing depravity.

The two women allege that, among other things, that Baudis and Patrice Al�gre, who is now serving a life sentence for five murders and six rapes, used the house on the lake for sado-masochistic orgies involving the torture of prostitutes, some of whom were under age....


posted on Nov, 21 2003 @ 06:57 PM
bump, I am saddened that noone has responded to this thread. This is what will break the back of the NWO we need to get the message out

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 03:28 PM
sadley i've hear of the Toulouse thing before.........and if stuff like this does not or cannot bring them down then there's not much hope.

posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 09:33 PM
Just thought I'd share that you can download this video from Kazaa, I just did. I haven't watched it yet though.

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 11:32 AM
i believe it is under many different names on kazaa ...mwa hahahha

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 03:36 AM
propagandamatrix is now hosting the video as well

if there is a conspiracy that needs to be stopped this is it, please forward the link

the word needs to get out

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 03:53 AM
They are fascinated with mind control and 'experimentation'.

It follows that playing with the minds and bodies of 'innocents' would follow.

This was an interesting and enlightening thread, because I have always just LOOKED at Karl Rove and had this feeling he was pedophile material. I can see why I thought that now.

But yes, the 'thought police' use many things as bait for blackmail power. Kids, sex, drugs.

Rush had help with his drug addiction no doubt. And Clinton was afforded more alone time with an intern than seems reasonable. Etc. etc.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 11:34 AM
Someone asked wether you could get someone to put the documentary on the big screens...

I know how serious this is, and I am not joking around, but there must be some way for someone to air this documentary 'illegaly' somehow?
Has anybody seen the film "AntiTrust"? I know it's only fiction, but it gave me an idea about something.

Maybe there is a way we, or people very high up who want to help could change what the satellites air?

For people who haven't seen AntiTrust, it is about a group of programmers who made a program that could connect to certain sattelites and change what their aired. Then a huge software fevelopment company (I think - missed the start of it) went out and killed these programmers, stole their code and framed somebody else.

So of course the idea I got, was from the end... Where the remaining programmer found all this out, got info on the conspiracy - made a tape, used his copy of the program to make the satellite play the video he made - which was all about the conspiracy.

Basically what I am saying is... There must be a way to get these things aired? If enough people get involved, the government can't do much. They can't kill everyone involved, becuase then it would be obvious to everybody else.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 01:56 PM
I figure the internet is a better medium than public access tv these days. It's also safer

post a pic, wake them up

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 04:43 AM
no spammers online??? - could SPAM e-mail addresses with the link to the video if anyone knows how ??? its way beyond my ability..........sadly

I think i've found a good use for SPAM !!

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:01 PM
this orgy and stuff from the big names is all b/c they're the reptilians who need blood, organs, and energy from sex with children to stay reptilian. or something along those lines. Read David Icke, you'll get the answer. and if people say I'm crazy for believin that, anyone got a better answer as to why all these powers that be are so interested in pedophilia?

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 02:37 AM
I'm not too concerned with why it is done, just that it is done.

I figure they do it cause like any sadistic pig, they like it. Something inside feeds from this pit of darkness, maybe it is Satan (because allot of them seem to believe in it)

I figure that people should be informed of who they vote for though, or who their judges are, or what their corporate masters do (of course I don't mean all of them, just some).

It's not as if this isn't a worldwide issue, human slave/sex traffikk is considered to be the 3rd most profitable illegal industry in the world (20 billion a year EST.)

I figure that figure is lowballing it, as well infrastructure like that does not pop up overnight, and this has been going on for a longtime. It has just gotten so bad; you can't help but notice it now.

Bush 2004 (yeah right)

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 03:46 PM
just saw this on

wow, how could it be?

Can't wait to see this # rise in the USA.

Bush 2004

Sex scandal divides conservative allies in Chile's Congress
By Hector Tobar and Andres D'Alessandro, Los Angeles Times, 1/10/2004

VALPARAISO, Chile -- Congresswoman Maria Pia Guzman is a strait-laced conservative who has suddenly and unexpectedly become an outcast at the Congress building here. Sometimes her follow legislators murmur an insult when she comes within earshot: "Witch!"


Guzman did not unleash the sex scandal now rocking Chile's political and social elite, a sordid tale centered around a millionaire businessman and some runaway teenagers.

But she did publicly link a handful of congressmen and senators to the case, suggesting some of her own political allies might be involved in an alleged ring of prostitution and child pornography. And for that, some of her fellow legislators will not forgive her.

When she gets in an elevator with other congressmen, they often step out. "There is a very strong psychological warfare going on," Guzman said in an interview in her Valparaiso office. Lighting a cigarette, she added: "Before this case, I had stopped smoking."

The sex scandal, a topic of daily coverage in the Chilean press, began Sept. 30 when Chilean police arrested 54-year-old entrepreneur Claudio Spiniak. Since then, the controversy has reached far into Chile's legal and political realms.

A Catholic television station, a blackmailed judge, and the front-runner in the next presidential election have all, in one way or another, been touched by the controversy.

Only Spiniak and six associates have been criminally charged in the case, on allegations ranging from rape to "inciting child prostitution." At least two legislators have been questioned by the judge investigating the case but have not been charged.

Still, the case has exposed a deep-seated distrust for the nation's elites. Last Sunday, the Santiago daily newspaper El Mercurio published a poll in which 74 percent of respondents said they believe politicians are involved in the sex ring.

"The public believes all these people are delinquents and thieves and that they're capable of the worst abuses, even though the proof isn't completely convincing," said Cristian Riego Ramirez, a lawyer with the Santiago-based Center for Justice Studies of the Americas.

According to media reports here, Police detained Spiniak after receiving repeated reports of violent and abusive behavior at the parties he organized at various homes in and around Santiago, "orgies" said to involve the entrepreneur, his friends, and young men and women.

Some of the most explicit details have come from a 20-year-old woman who said she became a virtual slave of Spiniak at the age of 16, allegations she made in two television interviews. She also described rapes and other violent acts allegedly committed against youths.

While denying most of the criminal charges against him, Spiniak admitted in an interview in November to living "a double life," one in which he was the respected and married owner of a chain of Santiago health clubs, the other in which he abused drugs and engaged in sadomasochistic sex with other men.

In socially conservative Chile -- the last country in the Western Hemisphere where divorce is illegal -- those revelations were themselves explosive.

The allegations of rape and pedophilia were especially troubling for Guzman, who represents the affluent Las Condes district of Santiago in Congress. For years she has been leading a campaign to toughen penalties for sex crimes in Chile.

In the months before Spiniak's arrest, she had been working on one bill to raise the age of consensual sex from 12 to 14, and another to stiffen the penalties for rape and to broaden the definition of what constitutes rape.

On Oct. 10, less than two weeks after Spiniak was arrested, she publicly weighed in on the case for the first time. Rumors had been circulating that politicians might be part of his "circle," but no one had dared say so on the record.

"There is evidence that in the intimate circle of Spiniak's network there are politicians," Guzman told reporters, sharing information that had come to her from contacts at a shelter for abused youths. "Two of them are from the Alliance for Chile and one from the Christian Democrats."

Those comments opened the media floodgates. A few days later, news reports named Senator Jovino Novoa of the Independent Democratic Union as one of the suspects in the case. Novoa has not commented publicly but has reportedly said in private he is confident he will be exonerated.

Novoa's party is the partner of Guzman's National Renewal party in the conservative Alliance for Chile. The accusations against the politicians came when the alliance between the two conservative parties was showing signs of strain.

Leaders of the Independent Democratic Union accused Guzman of being involved in a "political operation" against their party. They brought a judicial complaint against Guzman, even as the leadership of her own party rallied to her defense.

"There are no politicians, none, involved in the Spiniak case," said Pablo Longueira, leader of the Independent Democratic Union.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 07:35 PM
said video was to air in 1994 ?
well this lines right up with my theory about how in the early 90's the media went crazy with stories about child molesters from oprah to geraldo rivera to all main stream media and people were rabid about it .....

It was all i would theorize to cover up and serve as a distraction to what was going on in the highest levels of government !!!!!
I think some of the people who kiss the goverments ass and any politicians ass should get in here and research for themselves!!!
and ill say this ......if you think David Icke is nuts ...i think what he is saying lines right up with theese kinda atrocities !!!
In the end i think the old cliche is going to play out "The truth is stranger than fiction"!!!!

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:58 PM
You realize that people have been doing this type of thing throughout history right? Sadly, this is nothing new and pretty much has and does occur in most cultures.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound
You realize that people have been doing this type of thing throughout history right? Sadly, this is nothing new and pretty much has and does occur in most cultures.

Thats because its been the same people in charge throughout history.
The people are waking up to it though.

I agree this is a good tool to use to bring down the global elite. Nothing is sicker than pedophilia. NOTHING.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 12:48 PM
Here's a great quote.

One by one, the dots get connected. The same names keep popping up and they are linked with the same activities over and over and over again until the pattern becomes so clear and undeniable, the circumstantial evidence becomes so overwhelming and the picture emerges that is so frightening that it is hard to believe that it is true. The picture that has emerged is that indeed the major institutions of the United States of America, the CIA, the FBI and the many of our governmental and media institutions are involved in child sexual slavery and ritualistic abuse. The same names keep surfacing in relation to the same subjects over and over again. The CIA, child sexual abuse, the Catholic church, George Bush Sr., The secret societies of the Scull and Bones, the Freemasons, The Knights of Malta and others and on and on and on.

If you think this sounds like some "looney conspiracy theory," congratulations, that's exactly how they programmed you to think, you have been brainwashed - your mind has been successfully obliterated. For, the evidence presented on the website is so overwhelming and so indisputable that to ignore it any longer or write it off as too outrageous to be true, is to be a low immoral retarded coward. If you decide to continue reading, prepare yourself to connect all the dots of this evil incarnate. Read on. Your life and the safety of you family depends on it.


posted on May, 2 2004 @ 12:30 PM
does anyone know if these guys are also targeting disney and jackson family? or if there is a definite link in this to them somehow?

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by AlexJones
this orgy and stuff from the big names is all b/c they're the reptilians who need blood, organs, and energy from sex with children to stay reptilian. or something along those lines. Read David Icke, you'll get the answer. and if people say I'm crazy for believin that, anyone got a better answer as to why all these powers that be are so interested in pedophilia?

Yes, the better (obvious) answer is "because Power corrupts". And yes, you are crazy for believing the above

Oh and David Icke is crazy as a loon - totally and completely off his rocker.

posted on Dec, 23 2005 @ 12:27 PM
A possible network of British elite, paedophiles.

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