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Is your credit score the mark of the beast?

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posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:20 PM
As we move further into a buy now, pay later society, your credit score becomes more and more important. What is the minimum acceptable credit rating? Could it be 666. Without that minimum number, one definitely has trouble buying anything on credit. And we continue to get pushed into a credit only society. Is the mark not a physical mark, but a line in the sand, like, on your marks, get set, go! type of mark?
Don't get me wrong, if you borrow, you should pay back. But there's been plenty of good, honest people who lost everything they worked for because they couldn't pay the bank, or the lender. Is money really that important, that we need to ruin someones life if they get a few months behind? Think about it.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:32 PM
My credit score is a mark of my Momma...putting bills in my name when I was a baby. I still owe landlords from rent when I was only 3 years old. Probably a buttload of taxes too. Thanks Mom!

This mean the end's near???

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:37 PM
I believe the bible put this in as a warning. Seems so innocent at first. The higher your score, the better the rates. Problem is, who controls your rating. If you've never borrowed, what is your score?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:40 PM
Dafunk, those landlords still hold you to the debt your Momma left. Shame on those landlords.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:57 PM

I work in the mortgage field and I can tell you that the minimum credit score for most lenders is 500. Also, your credit score is only one of many determining factors. Someone could have an 800, (very good) credit score and not be able to get any credit because of say maybe, ability to pay, (they are a senior with just social security income). Your credit score is determined by a mathematic formula that mostly involves; a) credit available to you , b) most importantly, HOW MUCH OF THAT CREDIT YOU USE, and c), how consistent and timely you've been paying that credit back. No one "determines" our credit score but us. I also think people will know what the mark of the beast is and willingly take it. No one will be "tricked" into taking it.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by stompk
Without that minimum number, one definitely has trouble buying anything on credit.

Your credit score is an estimate of creditworthiness. There is no ''minimum number' below which you can't get credit.

If you've never borrowed, what is your score?

You have a low score, because there is nothing to base your score on.

Problem is, who controls your rating

You do. It is based on how much you make, how much you have already in credit, and how well you pay the return on your credit.

Also, seems a pretty crappy way to determine who gets saved by jesus and who goes into a lake of fire, to base it on how much money you've borrowed and how often you pay it back.
Maybe this would make sense amoung the Ferengi though.

Grand Nagus Saves! (with coupons) (Acquisitions 1:35)

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 02:40 PM
MajesticJax. Great rebuttle. So what your saying is, even if your credit score is high, meaning you pay your debt on time, if your overextended, then your high score doesn't mean much. But if you never borrowed, and want to borrow some money, your lack of credit will probably hinder your ability to get a loan. But if you borrow money, pay it back and use your credit often, then you are worthy of the loan, right. Why are there all these mortgage lenders out there advertising they will loan you money if your credit is bad, as long as you own your home? Are those lenders thinking, if we loan them less than what their house is worth, and they default, we get the house and they get the street? Or are they really trying to help people out of a jam?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by stompk
Are those lenders thinking, if we loan them less than what their house is worth, and they default, we get the house and they get the street?

They figure, this person has crappy credit, they don't pay their bills. If they have a house, they can not pay their bills all they want, we will just take their house to cover the cost of the credit. And thus they are "credit worthy"; they have, one way or another, the ability to pay.

Or are they really trying to help people out of a jam?

hehe. Cute.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 05:59 PM
You only have to worry about taking a mark if they want to put it IN your right hand or forehead, and if you can't buy or sell without it.

Of course it would be helpful to know who the beast is. In a broad sense, the NWO.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:03 PM
stompk> quote: Why are there all these mortgage lenders out there advertising they will loan you money if your credit is bad, as long as you own your home? Are those lenders thinking, if we loan them less than what their house is worth, and they default, we get the house and they get the street? Or are they really trying to help people out of a jam?

Great Question- those lenders are called "niche" lenders because they cater to a certain segment of the market. (Because of the immense amount of competition). Are they just trying to "help them out of a jam" hahahah. No. Your first assumption is correct. Almost all home loans require appraisals, and the bank will loan you a percentage of the homes value, called the LTV, or "loan to value", depending on several factors to come up with the LTV they will allow you to have. (Just ONE being credit score); and even though they don't want to foreclose, (they make more money if you pay on the loan), knowing they've only put out 80% of your home's value helps their accountants sleep better at night, and helps them sell off your loan to another company if they need to generate MORE lending capital.

As far as the original subject of credit score, one factor that is MORE important in my field, is LTV.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
You only have to worry about taking a mark if they want to put it IN your right hand or forehead, and if you can't buy or sell without it.

Of course it would be helpful to know who the beast is. In a broad sense, the NWO.

This is what we are moving towards. A chip injected that contains your info, including your credit score. The beast? Who came up with the credit score concept? Congress?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:47 PM

This explains how credit scoring was introduced in the U.S. Not sure if we have the same system here in the UK, sounds like it's local to America.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:57 PM
My credit score is well over 800 (Last time I checked our score was in the 830's -- shameless bragging!).

Of course, it has taken us over thirty years of fiscal hard work to get that rating. Sure makes buying a car easy.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:41 PM
IMOH - no I have no sources.

I think ancient people, like the ones who wrote/lived during the times of the bible, were very smart. They had the patience to study and mark the paths of the stars. They had the patience to develop philosophy logical reasoning. But they they lacked the knowledge base we have built up and built upon today.

It is not that hard to see that those people saw that language, whether it was latin, aribic, or math would be able to grow and influence the masses.

You have to remember that the people from the past did not have television, radios, video games or a very comfortable standard of living. They passed their time thinking and projecting about the future when they were not working. (IMHO Television is the absolutly worst invention ever.)
People from the past were more articulate and had more ability to critically think and write than we do today. Pick up a book written in 1830 and you will see proof of this.

Remember: Greed was just as prevailent then as it is today. They saw that the man with the most sheep could (with the new language of math) count them, and then lend them and then ask for more sheep from the borrower in the future. But when the new sheep are born, what happens if the corrupt borrower sneaks into the pen and kills them? Does he ask for payment in the form of the daughter? The house? Or a life time of slavery?

It seems like the wise thinkers of that period saw that in the future every one will be controlled by numbers. This is why the number of the beast is not a name, it is a number.

In the past you were a peasant, you served feality to the lord on the hill. He provided you with protection, and you provided him with crops and metal working.

It is the same today. It is the same. Our government provides us with protection. Our government is run by corporations,(money)(capitalism)
You provide them with your services,(hvac installer, iron worker, teacher)

Except today you dont serve the lord on the hill, you serve the lord in the scyscraper 1000 miles away.

Credit is a form of legal slavery. All laws are based and reinforced by force.
All the property in this country(USA) has been taken by force.

Now getting back to the topic, the beast exists in us all. The men of old knew this. They saw that greed begets greed and that the greedy would get very powerful. When they say you will not be able to buy anything without the mark of the beast, this is what they meant. It is coming true.

There is much wisdom in the bible(I am not religous). Not because it is a christian relic, but because it was written by individuals who were wise in the nature of man.

The nature of man has not changed in 100,000 years. Why? Because we are the descendants of the WINNER of every single evolutionary battle that ever took place. You will not win a battle by being passive. You need to reread this passage and think about it to understand it.

We inherited aggression and greed(for resources) because these traits are critical for survival. This is why I think the situation in Iraq is really bigger than we think, know, or care to know.

You dont need credit to live.....
You dont need credit to live.....
You only need credit if you want more sheep. Are you greedy? Do you want more sheep? Do you want the 4-wheeler? Do you want 4 cars for a 4 person family?
Then you need credit. It is not the mark of the devil so to speak, it is the mark of the beast in all of us.

How do I escape the slavery of credit
I drive a 16 year old jeep that makes a funny noise when I make right hand turns.
I live in an apartment with no commitment.
I have no credit cards and only one loan in my life,(15 years ago for 4,500.00)
I can quit work, pack my stuff and move anywhere in the world and no one will look for me. This is freedom.

The mark of the beast resides not in the bank, but within YOU.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by dave_54
My credit score is well over 800 (Last time I checked our score was in the 830's -- shameless bragging!).

Of course, it has taken us over thirty years of fiscal hard work to get that rating. Sure makes buying a car easy.

LOL your right,shameless bragging. Mine isnt anywhere near that high, many years of being stupid and irresponsible hits you later on. In the process of rebuilding now, gonna take several years of hard work but eventually it will pay off.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by MajesticJax
stompk> quote: Why are there all these mortgage lenders out there advertising they will loan you money if your credit is bad, as long as you own your home? Are those lenders thinking, if we loan them less than what their house is worth, and they default, we get the house and they get the street? Or are they really trying to help people out of a jam?

Great Question- those lenders are called "niche" lenders because they cater to a certain segment of the market. (Because of the immense amount of competition). Are they just trying to "help them out of a jam" hahahah. No. Your first assumption is correct. Almost all home loans require appraisals, and the bank will loan you a percentage of the homes value, called the LTV, or "loan to value", depending on several factors to come up with the LTV they will allow you to have. (Just ONE being credit score); and even though they don't want to foreclose, (they make more money if you pay on the loan), knowing they've only put out 80% of your home's value helps their accountants sleep better at night, and helps them sell off your loan to another company if they need to generate MORE lending capital.

As far as the original subject of credit score, one factor that is MORE important in my field, is LTV.
I'm thinking the mortgage companys are dreaming of default and the high return on investment they are seeing some long green,but... if housing market drops gonna be a bunch of laon companys going under,oh well then in that case they will get a govt bail out,so seems to me like a no lose situation

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by stompk
Is your credit score the mark of the beast?

No the mark of the beast is a false Sabbath; and the enforcement there of.

The Mark of the Beast is NOT a literal mark, NOT a lazar mark, NOT a credit card (or score), NOT an implanted chip, NOT a National ID Number, and NOT a giant computer, but it is a symbolic mark! Although all of the above items may be used to coerce and force us to bow and worship on Sunday, yet they are not the Mark of the Beast. This symbolic mark will not be ON, but will be either IN the forehead--signifying mental acceptance, or that you believe Sunday is the sabbath. Or IN the hand--signifying service, or that you may not necessarily believe Sunday is the sabbath, but you will go along with it anyway.

Also see Flash animation.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by GameSetMatch]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:14 PM
So, if you accept jesus as saviour, but go to a building where people pray and read from the bible, on a sunday, you're toast, but if its saturday, you go to heaven?


posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:39 PM
Great post moldmaker. Thanks for the intelligent insight Jax.
I think the beast is pride. We go to college, or open a business, what is the first thing you get in the mail. Credit card offers. Credit cards become a status symbol. Look ma, I got a credit card, I'm somebody. Then we need to buy a car. Now, since we bought that new outfit, on the credit card, we don't have any money saved up to buy that car. But a cheap used car won't do, because who wants to be seen in one of those. So we take out a loan and buy a car that is really more than we need, but boy will it impress our friend. Now that new car feeling wears off pretty soon, and we need something to impress our friends again, to show how successful we are. So we buy the latest stereo. So we apply for a new credit card, because we can barely pay for the first credit card, because the car payment take up the extra on our paycheck. But boy, are we a symbol of success. The nice car, the latest stereo. So now, we need to buy a house, because you definitely aren't succesful if you don't own your own house. But, we borrow extra, because you house is the statement of your success, so we need to fix it up immediately. Now your into 30 years of payments. The trap is sprung, and you now work for the bank. And the bankers sits back and laugh as they count their cash, hoping you can't make your payments in fifteen years.

By the way, I worship everyday.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by stompk]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
So, if you accept jesus as saviour, but go to a building where people pray and read from the bible, on a sunday, you're toast, but if its saturday, you go to heaven?


You can go to any building you want to give praise and do it everyday that is not the problem..., but the Sabbath can not be changed. When you have the choice to believe or are forced to keep a false Sabbath Holy. That my friend is the Mark of the Beast. You can not keep any other day Holy other than the Sabbath. That is the only day He sanctified and hollowed.

Mat 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Here are they who keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus Christ which is the spirit of prophecy.

  • Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

  • Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him, And he said unto me, see thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

  • Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

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