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Is your credit score the mark of the beast?

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posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:25 AM
i think the mark of the beast will be the verichip. google it.

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 12:45 AM
I don't believe the mark of the beast will be something you have without realizing it. As far as good credit goes, I found out years ago that being lazy with a credit card can actually improve your score. Just get an extra credit card and don't ever use it. I heard that but I don't know how much it might add to your score. Having easy credit means you don't need to worry about getting it and I have called up the opt out phone number to get off of all those credit card mail offers. I once spent over an hour shredding accumulated junk mail credit card offers before making that phone call. I believe you can opt out for just a year or permanently. I'm suspicious of companies that still send credit card offers (when I'm on an opt out list) since it means they don't check with any of the three major credit reporting companies but I suppose that might be another topic.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 09:18 AM
It's just interesting to me how your credit score and the mark of the beast, could be the exact same number. And with this recent drop of the "subprime lender" issue, it appears that we are being pushed farther and farther into a credit only society, and we are playing right into the hands of those who wish this use greed and envy to direct the population. We are constantly bombarded with advertising that says if you buy your product, you will be better than your nieghbor. Sometimes, we buy soley because of this, and not out of need.
The verichip seems like the perfect method to control this. What happens when you go to the grocery store, and you can't buy anything unless all your info can be verified by a verichip. Get the chip or suffer. This seems basic, but put in that situation and it would be very difficult to not accept the chip, even if it was against your better moral judgement. Watch out. Do not accept the chip.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 09:40 AM
I believe having bad credit is not a direct correlation to character. Credit is a way of insuring that those with the money keep it. And your score is how they judge you. That is the number of the beast. 666 is the average. The mark of the beast is the veri-chip or similar, all under the guise of streamlining commerce. The beast is Greed. People worship money. The anti-christ (people who worship money more than Christ) harness the Beast. Cash has become less and less acceptable because the Greedy can't as easily get a cut of the transaction. Therefore, they introduced Credit. Soon, gold will have no value, because cash will have no value because it's not backed up by gold, so the person with cash won't have anything of value and the person with credit will. The people with credit will be coerced into the veri-chip system. The penalty for allowing anyone without the chip buy through your chip will be harsh, under reason of security. So it becomes a get the chip or be outcast.
This ensures that those living comfortably and extravagantly now, continue. They think that as long as they have money and possesions, they are saved.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 08:38 AM
I was watching a credit score commercial, and I noticed in the beginning it flashes 610 and 720 as credit score examples. Add these two together and divide by two (average) and it equals 665. The average credit score in Georgia is 666.

And have you noticed the new Visa commercial where the guy stops the line because he uses cash.

Steady, methodical brainwashing will herd us into the right corral.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:12 AM
The only people that believe in the mark of the beast are Christians, right? So what does that have to do with all of us people that practice religions that are atheist or the atheist themselves.?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:50 AM
Moral corruption is a universal responsibility, and there are no religious boundries for this. 666 is in the bible, and the bible is not owned by christians.

But the logic is there. You can be a Hindu and see the potential for world wide corruption and control through money. Agreed?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:14 AM
Who owns the bible then?

The second part I can partially agree with. Money doesn't control you, you control the money. The problem is people confuse wants as needs. For example people need clothes, but they don't $50 pair of pants, $150 pair of shoes, etc.. Do you get the point that I trying to show?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by seisen
Who owns the bible then?

Anybody who wants to believe in it. That's the beauty. Nobody owns it because it is for everybody.

It's pretty rough if you don't have the money to pay the rent, so wants and needs can easily be blurred.

Influence can be from peers to advertising. So then, it becomes important to make choices on your value system, instead of what's being programmed into us.

Every choice we make, has an affect of some sort on someone else, so we should think about this before we make choices. Because eventually, the poor choices come around to bite us in the butt. Enough poor choices, and life can get pretty miserable quick.

People who chase money will usually get it, usually to find that once they have it, they need to keep chasing it in order to keep it. This paranoia of appearing poor can be a powerful influence in ones life, and can cause people to adjust their value system, kind of like how an alcohol adjusts their life to fit their drinking habits.

[edit on 14-6-2007 by stompk]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:09 AM
Guess what. Pretty soon, your credit score won't mean squat.
If you can't borrow from your bank, your credit is going to
take you down with it.
Check out this article
Jones is selling out, he knows what's coming.
There is a giant financial collapse is coming, and it's going to be worldwide.
You watch how mean people can get when they are hungry. Time to prepare.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:50 PM
I think it's ominous that the credit score has become your report card of life. Just as a number was given to the slow kids back in school--a low GPA--the credit score now is your character report reduced to a three-digit number. You don't need credit to live, and if you can't meet your debts you shouldn't borrow money. But should you also not be able to get a job, or rent an apartment?

This is not entirely new. Society has always disdained deadbeats. But the bottom line used to be an employer didn't care, or couldn't easily find out. Anyway, the employee doesn't want to borrow money, he wants to get money for doing something. It's not supposed to be a credit transaction. Neither is renting an apartment. You have to pay a month's rent before you can set foot in the unit. Yet your credit report is used as a major criterion?

I don't really believe in Revelations, but it does seem that '666' was meant as a minimum credit score to be able to function.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:53 PM
i got told today that anything below a 720 and good luck to you ever getting any credit in today's state of affairs. mine's like 712.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:48 PM
I'm debt free and I refuse to take credit. I don't even use credit cards, I use pre-paid cards to pay for things online and to pay for bills. Works great, and I don't have to bust my butt trying to make payments for stuff. I don't care if my electric bill is late, I don't care if any of my bills are late. As long as I pay them before they get cut off, then no worries.

Taking credit at interest is called usury. It is in itself a huge "sin" because it ensures economic slavery. While I don't think the mark is a credit score, it is a result of economic slavery, and usury is what bonds people into that slavery, with a contract. It is impossible for everyone to make the interest payments, because the money doesn't exist in the first place. In order to make your payments you will have to profit at someone elses expenses, and so someone is going to come up short. They have too. Only $100 is created and loaned, but you have to pay back $105. So you are meant to stay in debt forever. You will either have to borrow more money(what the US government does) to pay off existing payments with the new money, or you have to get it from others. Slave to the system or you lose everything.

Right now the economy is so bad because all the interest money is becoming due. At first, it's easy to borrow more money to pay the existing interest and also keep a bit for yourself for whatever. However, the interest will keep building and building, and the amount of money you need to borrow keeps getting bigger and bigger. And this leads to inflation of the money supply, and then at sooner or later you will either have a depression because all the money gets soaked back up into payments, or you hyperinflate until the point where the currency is worthless "As a continental dollar". Check out zimbabwe, 1930's Germany and so forth.

Whats my credit score? I'm not fool enough to care.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by stompk
As we move further into a buy now, pay later society, your credit score becomes more and more important. What is the minimum acceptable credit rating? Could it be 666. Without that minimum number, one definitely has trouble buying anything on credit. And we continue to get pushed into a credit only society. Is the mark not a physical mark, but a line in the sand, like, on your marks, get set, go! type of mark?
Don't get me wrong, if you borrow, you should pay back. But there's been plenty of good, honest people who lost everything they worked for because they couldn't pay the bank, or the lender. Is money really that important, that we need to ruin someones life if they get a few months behind? Think about it.

There's a correlation between credit rating and "guilt".
There is a correlation between guilt and the "mark of the beast".
The "beast" is guilt itself.
The "beast" is the concept of guilt.
The concept of guilt precedes all metaphysical manifestation.
The "beast" precedes "the cosmos".
"The cosmos", therefore, "rides on the back of the beast".
The cosmos offers the illusion of love for a price.
The cosmos is like a "whore".

Bodies are evidence of guilt.
Bodies are manifested upon the back of the beast, so-to-speak.
The "number of the beast" is simply *many*.
The concept of numbers is the domain of the beast.
It is the realm of fractions and multiples...multiplicity.
There are *many* numbers of bodies in the realm of the beast.
A body is one of many unique and different individuals.
Many unique, different, and/or special individuals is the domain of the beast.
These attributes "mark" the beast's domain.
A body is a manifestation of the beast's purposes...of its "mark".
So a body is "evidence" of, or, "the mark of" the beast.

The circumstances of the world are for proving that the beast is real.
The beast sets them up..."forordaining" them to "come to pass".
That is, all the forms [bodies], events and circumstances of the cosmos are for proving that guilt is real and valid.
Note well: There is a correlation between the "reality" of the cosmos, and the "reality" of guilt itself.
Either "justify" the "reality" of the "beast".
The solidity of the cosmos is correlated to how guilt has been concretized from concept to..."welcome to reality", so-to-speak.
Rather, it is more like, "welcome to the Hotel California".

When people go into debt, it is "proof" that they are, in a sense, *guilty* of something such as overextension, or, overreaching.
And they feel *guilty* when they can't make their payments and their credit score drops.

So, yes, there is a correlation, but it is not the whole story.
The world of the beast seems to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that guilt is the truth.
It exists merely to *justify* its existence.
But the truth is, guilt is a lie, and no one is guilty of anything.
When anyone struggles to justify their existence within the world of the beast, he will always be made to look and feel guilty for something, sometime...somewhere...somehow.
When one stops fighting for survival in such a world, he may find the way to escape such a world.

The cosmos of the beast is experienced when one overextends himself past the realm of true reality.
The cosmos of the beast is an expression of reaching beyond - overreaching - past the totality of everything.
So long as we hold on to nothing with a tight fist, we will have nothing to show for it but a guilty feeling and the feeling of loss.
We loan our unreality to ourselves on "time".
And we "pay" for our illusions with what we do not have.


[edit on 27-2-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by seisen
The only people that believe in the mark of the beast are Christians, right? So what does that have to do with all of us people that practice religions that are atheist or the atheist themselves.?

If you read my post above, you'll see that the beast is guilt, and guilt is correlated to the "reality" of what is fondly called "the universe".
Christians believe in guilt.
Atheists believe in the reality of "the universe".
So they both ride on the "back of the beast", so-to-speak.
Only, they don't ride so much as spin wildly in cold, dark space, heated by a giant flaming ball of fire, scurrying about on techtonic plates that shift over a sea of molten rock.


posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Christ!

As we move further into a buy now, pay later society, your credit score becomes more and more important. What is the minimum acceptable credit rating? Could it be 666. Without that minimum number, one definitely has trouble buying anything on credit. And we continue to get pushed into a credit only society. Is the mark not a physical mark, but a line in the sand, like, on your marks, get set, go! type of mark?
Don't get me wrong, if you borrow, you should pay back. But there's been plenty of good, honest people who lost everything they worked for because they couldn't pay the bank, or the lender. Is money really that important, that we need to ruin someones life if they get a few months behind? Think about it.

There's a correlation between credit rating and "guilt".
There is a correlation between guilt and the "mark of the beast".
The "beast" is guilt itself.
The "beast" is the concept of guilt.
The concept of guilt precedes all metaphysical manifestation.
The "beast" precedes "the cosmos".
"The cosmos", therefore, "rides on the back of the beast".
The cosmos offers the illusion of love for a price.
The cosmos is like a "whore".

Bodies are evidence of guilt.
Bodies are manifested upon the back of the beast, so-to-speak.
The "number of the beast" is simply *many*.
The concept of numbers is the domain of the beast.
It is the realm of fractions and multiples...multiplicity.
There are *many* numbers of bodies in the realm of the beast.
A body is one of many unique and different individuals.
Many unique, different, and/or special individuals is the domain of the beast.
These attributes "mark" the beast's domain.
A body is a manifestation of the beast's purposes...of its "mark".
So a body is "evidence" of, or, "the mark of" the beast.

The circumstances of the world are for proving that the beast is real.
The beast sets them up..."forordaining" them to "come to pass".
That is, all the forms [bodies], events and circumstances of the cosmos are for proving that guilt is real and valid.
Note well: There is a correlation between the "reality" of the cosmos, and the "reality" of guilt itself.
Either "justify" the "reality" of the "beast".
The solidity of the cosmos is correlated to how guilt has been concretized from concept to..."welcome to reality", so-to-speak.
Rather, it is more like, "welcome to the Hotel California".

When people go into debt, it is "proof" that they are, in a sense, *guilty* of something such as overextension, or, overreaching.
And they feel *guilty* when they can't make their payments and their credit score drops.

So, yes, there is a correlation, but it is not the whole story.
The world of the beast seems to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that guilt is the truth.
It exists merely to *justify* its existence.
But the truth is, guilt is a lie, and no one is guilty of anything.
When anyone struggles to justify their existence within the world of the beast, he will always be made to look and feel guilty for something, sometime...somewhere...somehow.
When one stops fighting for survival in such a world, he may find the way to escape such a world.

The cosmos of the beast is experienced when one overextends himself past the realm of true reality.
The cosmos of the beast is an expression of reaching beyond - overreaching - past the totality of everything.
So long as we hold on to nothing with a tight fist, we will have nothing to show for it but a guilty feeling and the feeling of loss.
We loan our unreality to ourselves on "time".
And we "pay" for our illusions with what we do not have.

The illusions you pay for..are your own


[edit on 28-2-2009 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by HIFIGUY

The illusions you pay for..are your own


[edit on 28-2-2009 by HIFIGUY]

As a rule of thumb, if you pay for anything, you are paying for an illusion.
Pay for food?
Food is an illusion.
Food is not natural to the Kingdom of God.
There is no such thing as "need" in the Kingdom.
Who designed the stomach?
Certainly not *Our Father*.
The Kingdom of God is REaltiy.
All else is illusion.


[edit on 1-3-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:50 AM
Here is what just happened to me when I attempted to rent a car from Hertz:

They would not rent a car to me: because I have no credit score. I have plenty of money but since I have no credit I have no score...this is really dumb.

I made a reservation...went to pick up the car and handed the clerk my debit card. She ran some numbers and told me that my credit score was low and therefore I could not rent a car. I have a low credit score because I don't have a credit card. I don't owe anyone anything. No one told me I would have a credit check when I made the reservation. I could have saved myself the trip to the Hertz lot if I had known of this before hand. I don't care what kind of dumb logic Hertz's uses for this...what I am mad about is that I was not told this at the time I made the reservation. I needed to rent a car because my wife and I had to travel from New Mexico to Utah to pick up a vehicle we own in Utah. By renting a car, it would have allowed us to ride together both ways. We are in our mid 60s and sharing the driving of one vehicle would take a lot of pressure off of both of us. As it turned out, we had to take our own vehicle from New Mexcio which meant the return trip was in two separate vehicles.

A business should have some truth in their advertising, and there is nothing from Hertz to let you know that you can only rent a car if you have a high credit score. If they are going to demand this of the customer than they should make this known at the time a reservation is made.

All of this happened at the Hertz lot at the Alamogordo New Mexico airport.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 01:59 PM
Don't owe anyone anything. Never be indebted to anyone.

Silly how you need to go into debt in order to buy extravagent things, isn't it? You have no credit without building it, a.k.a borrowing money. Going into debt. You can't get a cell phone, car, house, et cetera without credit. I have no credit so cell phone companies want 500+ dollar deposits from me because I have no credit card. I couldn't move into my apartment without paying 3 months rent first AND a deposit. I have the cash and they want nothing of it. It's ridiculous. So you're telling me I am not reliable unless I've borrowed money?

It irks me so much I can barely type my opinion.

I once heard the numbers in a credit check are GPS coordinates. Country-state-county

[edit on 19-6-2009 by fbnks]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:12 AM
I went to get a loan and I was told I needed a 700 to get it. This is a true story. The bank loan officer got up for a cup of coffee and I saw something on her screen that said 666 on it.

It appeared to be under the category "minimum credit score". Just to clarify, my credit score was not that number, so why would that exact number be on her screen and in bright red letters?

[edit on 20-6-2009 by Red Cloak]

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