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A MUST READ about Human History, Reptilians, the NWO and many other interrelated events for EVERYONE

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posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 05:58 PM
After reading this, I thoroughly believe that there are sinister unseen forces at work, although I'M still confused as of to what their TRUE purpose is. It is a somewhat long read, but I believe it is well worth it, as I now feel I have a MUCH greater understanding, but still far from complete.

Notice, in the title, I said for EVERYONE, but as with anything belief related in these days and times, this should and must be read with an OPEN MIND!

The Passage: Purple "Reptoid" Crow.

P.S. (This is my first post, so I figured I should post something relevant).

[edit on 9-3-2006 by dmnqfndl]

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 06:18 PM
your link isnt working man.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 07:32 PM
Hey, try it now.

Geocities' website bandwidth... Sometimes you gotta try it again in a few hours.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 11:56 PM
Ok I just spent a really long time reading that thread and gotta say it was interesting
, especially the crystal caves. I don't believe ALL of it but good read nonetheless.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 03:27 PM
I don't understand the crystal caves. They're fun to look at, but how do I know they're real? The guy doesn't even give specifics on how to find them, just says they're underground.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 02:32 AM
reminds me of a story a while back that captivated my attention that i had to read it in its entirety, the one about the spelunker that wouldnt divulge where the cave entrance was & had pics as he worked on getting throught the hole in the cave . this one is more intriguing and really does make you think about world happenings. interesting reading .

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 02:43 AM
Alright...I have to say I believe in reptilians. But ONLY because I had a horrific sleep paraylsis experience with reptilian 50/50 hybrids... It was very scary... Another thing is that I had a dream where I went to these "so called" crystal caves! I was in a large blackish brownish cave and there were white crystals everywhere. Very long too. I even grabbed one and chipped it a little bit. There was purple-pinkish rock inside...sort of like geo courtz or something...

This is very odd that you posted that thread. I haven't read it though, I just heard the crystals mentioned. may want to know that my friend told me she had a dream where she saw this huge light blue dragon in a cave and it spoke to should ask her about it. her member name is ShadowDragonAP45 Or I can just ask her for you, since I personally know her.. She swears on all honestly that this dream was so real and so clear and that it really was a dream and she isn't lying....

Oh I am also interested in the New World Order, reptilians, aliens, UFOS, ghosts, etc.. I have researched everything there is to know about it. So if you need to know things or want to talk about it, just let me know. My email is [email protected] I am here to spread the truth, so if you want to find out everything there is to know, by all means please let me know.... and it is up to you. I respect your beliefs.

*note* don't worry, lol, I am not a dis-information agent...

By the way welcome to ATS. Enjoy reading posts and posting your own.

[edit on 19-3-2006 by whitelightwolf]

[edit on 19-3-2006 by whitelightwolf]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 09:21 AM
Is anyone else plagued with a persistant high pitch whine in their head???
Sounds crazy but I have been "hearing" a high tone in the top of my head for a year now, not tinitus, already asked doctor. Especially when I meditate or think of spiritual or these type of issues. Also why are 75% of links on this site unavailable?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 09:24 AM
I can't get to the site. Can you post another link?

Or is there another way I can view it?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:00 AM
I just managed to have a quick read of the site before the bw was used up again and 1 thing does spring to mind :

If its true what this guy talks about and how often he has been threatened, beaten up , lost personal information etc then how come his site hasnt been completly deleted yet ? He did say its been up since 2001 so that sure is a bit strange

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Alright...I have to say I believe in reptilians. But ONLY because I had a horrific sleep paraylsis experience with reptilian 50/50 hybrids... It was very scary... Another thing is that I had a dream where I went to these "so called" crystal caves! I was in a large blackish brownish cave and there were white crystals everywhere. Very long too. I even grabbed one and chipped it a little bit. There was purple-pinkish rock inside...sort of like geo courtz or something...

Sleep paralysis is characterized by hallucinations. Don't you think these "50/50 hybrids" could have been a hallucination? And just because you had a dream you were in one of these caves doesn't mean they exist.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Is anyone else plagued with a persistant high pitch whine in their head???
Sounds crazy but I have been "hearing" a high tone in the top of my head for a year now, not tinitus, already asked doctor. Especially when I meditate or think of spiritual or these type of issues. Also why are 75% of links on this site unavailable?

I know exactly what this is. this is actually your body preparing for Astral Projection. How do I know this? Because I astral project myself. It is the process of the spirit going out of body. Also known as O.B.E (Out of Body Experience) It's nothing to be concerned about. As this happens to everyone. Some people just don't remember it... Aliens...well I am not sure. It could be a possibility. But if it were reptilians, they wouldn't be coming into your house. that is what the 50/50 reptilians hybrids do. If you have any questions abouy anything please so not hesitate to u2u me.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 10:10 PM

Sleep paralysis is characterized by hallucinations. Don't you think these "50/50 hybrids" could have been a hallucination? And just because you had a dream you were in one of these caves doesn't mean they exist.

Well yes...I know what you mean. But no I have come across too many similar experiences by many people. The reptilian looks the same..And of course they exist, I have no doubt about it. We'll start to see aliens somewhere before 2012...or before it... probably.

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 08:51 PM
Is there any real proof of reptilians other than crackpot stories?

IMHO it's the multinationals not the secret societies nor the "reptilians" that are forming a N.W.O.

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Is there any real proof of reptilians other than crackpot stories?

IMHO it's the multinationals not the secret societies nor the "reptilians" that are forming a N.W.O.

Originally posted by CrackpotImagine if you will a planet as dense and large as Jupiter swinging around the Earth faster than anything known to us currently

Now excuse me if i'm wrong but isn't jupiter a GAS planet.
Now unless i'm mistaken gas is NOT very dense.

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 10:36 PM
Yes, Jupiter is methane with the consistency of chocolate pudding. One good match strike, and it's our next new sun.

I realize that was off topic; but I do know just a little bit about planetary astronomy, and it's fun when I can spout something I know. (Not trying to be a smarta$$ : that's the ONLY fact about Jupiter that I happen to know.)

About the purple cow : what I notice about reptoids is that they can change viewpoints and perspectives much as they change their clothing; move from one environment to the next and change all their communication cues and variables, to adapt to a new environment.

Maybe, perhaps, is that what a shapeshifter is? Or is shapeshifting strictly physical?

Something to wonder about.

[edit on 25-3-2006 by chaiyah99]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by The Anti Chris
Is there any real proof of reptilians other than crackpot stories?

IMHO it's the multinationals not the secret societies nor the "reptilians" that are forming a N.W.O.

Originally posted by CrackpotImagine if you will a planet as dense and large as Jupiter swinging around the Earth faster than anything known to us currently

Now excuse me if i'm wrong but isn't jupiter a GAS planet.
Now unless i'm mistaken gas is NOT very dense.

Alright, let me just say this flat out. The reptilians are demons. Demons possess people. People> government take over. And yes...they can shapeshift. Take it or leave it.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf

Originally posted by The Anti Chris
Is there any real proof of reptilians other than crackpot stories?

IMHO it's the multinationals not the secret societies nor the "reptilians" that are forming a N.W.O.

Originally posted by CrackpotImagine if you will a planet as dense and large as Jupiter swinging around the Earth faster than anything known to us currently

Now excuse me if i'm wrong but isn't jupiter a GAS planet.
Now unless i'm mistaken gas is NOT very dense.

Alright, let me just say this flat out. The reptilians are demons. Demons possess people. People> government take over. And yes...they can shapeshift. Take it or leave it.

That is really scary. i hope it's not true because I once saw a demon at my bed.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 10:08 AM
If one came to you, there is a relationship there. If that happened to me, I would be seeking other relationships.

Prayer is one way.


posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Alright, let me just say this flat out. The reptilians are demons. Demons possess people. People> government take over. And yes...they can shapeshift. Take it or leave it.

I'm afraid i'm going to have to leave it.
It just seems a tad unbelievable to me.
*Sit's quietly and waits for the flood of people saying that's what they want me to think!

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