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Freemasons CHIP /CHild Identification Program

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posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople
Ok to the masons on this thread. Obviously by the name “CHIP” they are moving in that direction of REAL chips. HOWEVER if any masons want to argue I will have this to say. There are programs in effect and proposing real chips be used to help “protect” children. I can’t say for sure if masons are behind it or not … I would have to look more into it. HOWEVER would your organization stand against microchips being used if in case they were being pushed or would you and your group be supportive of it? I rest my case

Dont ask a question and then just assume the answer, and rest your case. that just makes you sound like a jerk.

And yes i would be totally against putting REAL chips into anyone for identification purposes. CHIP stands for CHild Identification Program.

[edit on 24-3-2006 by umwolves123]

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 06:57 PM
If freemasons were against the idea they would bring awareness to it and speak against it, but I have a feeling freemasons are more like workers for the system that are compliant and just go with the flow of the system instead of really standing up for freedom. I certainly don’t’ believe every theory about freemasons however because of their secrecy there is allot of theories, and I don’t’ ever see any movements form the freeman’s ones against globalization and issues that concern our freedoms and rights.

Of course it’s rather foolish because if the masons support what is bad for people at large eventually they will be enslaved In a oppressive system along with us and screwing themselves over. But there are groups that don’t’ encourage their members to actually think for themselves , but to just follow the herd or what their organization states is good.

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople
If freemasons were against the idea they would bring awareness to it and speak against it, but I have a feeling freemasons are more like workers for the system that are compliant and just go with the flow of the system instead of really standing up for freedom. I certainly don’t’ believe every theory about freemasons however because of their secrecy there is allot of theories, and I don’t’ ever see any movements form the freeman’s ones against globalization and issues that concern our freedoms and rights.

Of course it’s rather foolish because if the masons support what is bad for people at large eventually they will be enslaved In a oppressive system along with us and screwing themselves over. But there are groups that don’t’ encourage their members to actually think for themselves , but to just follow the herd or what their organization states is good.

Uh. Masons do NOT get involved in Politics on a Masonic level. NO Masonic organization has ANY political leanings or stated stance on any political issue. It is not something that Masons get involved in as a group. So you've most definitely not seen Masons, as a group, arguing for or against globalization or issues concerning freedoms or rights. I say again, NO Masonic organization is involved in politics.

You will however have seen plenty of individuals, who are masons, taking stands on all of the above issues, and they'll often have contradictory stands because Masons are not made up of some monolithic party structure with only one political viewpoint. Every individual mason has different politics and they can disagree with each other.

[edit on 25-3-2006 by Helios Barca]

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 06:11 PM
How dare you say masons dont fight for your freedom. i personally am a mason and was a marine for over 8 years. i have and would fight for freedom regardless of because i'm a mason or not.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Helios Barca
[edit on 25-3-2006 by Helios Barca]

So in other words you are saying the masons don’t tackle any real issues at all, because any issue could be labeled under some political party. So for example if a political party where to be supportive of a issue or something such s microchips then Masonic organizations will not stand up for what is right because it’s a “political” issue?

Just like the drug companies they have a label or category for everything to label under justification to push and sell their drugs.. Our political system has about every opinion or issue under a political label of sorts. Funny how each side has equal amount of bad and good aspects so that either which way you lose. Like illusion of choice.

So basically since as you stated the masons don’t’ stand for any “political issues” = any issues at all.

The freemasons are a big organization. Without a doubt that many people in a close knit organization could do allot of god, but the thing is I just don’t’ see it. Of course you could say they support their hospital or whatever .. But I question … how much do they really do??? And also why don’t they structure their hospitals to really help people instead of be drug oriented and perpetuating these big drug companies that aren’t’ good for the general public.

If I were to imagine myself running a criminal organization I would probably run charities and maybe even be a big part in a church to work as a good cover…… I’m not going to say I know for sure 100% that is what masons is about, but I will say their secrecy opens them up for speculation and many will ask… what do they have to hide, and I also suspect that they in fact do have things to hide… If not why aren’t’ they at least more open to as what charities they give to and what do they support exactly besides other front groups.

So if masons don’t offer any support for people at large concerning an politics which translates to ANY of our freedoms of rights then I ask you what good are the masons???? Are they worthless to the public? Do they serve any real purpose to the world, or only concerning the pie slices they get from being a part of the organization and feeling all special, high and mighty and privileged?

I think that is good that the masons don’t push being the part of any particular political party, and that is great they can disagree and have their own stands on things. However when things are about human rights it is very PLAIN to see. Any issue could be labeled political including even basic human rights and any organization that doesn’t stand up for basic human rights has got issues weather labeled as a matter of politics by the mainstream or not.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by umwolves123
How dare you say masons dont fight for your freedom. i personally am a mason and was a marine for over 8 years. i have and would fight for freedom regardless of because i'm a mason or not.

I am sure the masons have done some positive things with good intent. However in general I and on any significant scale I have not seen positive things they have done. And what is the CORE of freemasonry any ways? Do lower ranking masons really know where the funds go?

Although I see war as a last resort I believe it is necessary and it’s admirable to do battle for our rights when necessary, but not all wars are fought for freedom and war isn’t necessarily a indicator that freedom is the motivation as history has shown.

Freemasons are supportive of their own hospitals to boost their image.. However what have they done for people t large concerning our foredooms… I am not a expert on masons so if you have any examples let me know. Important basic fundamental issues I do not se masons involved with. Genetic engineering of our food, and new acts by congress passed that we don’t‘ even have the right to know what is in our food, our drug companies, globalization, or our constitution, the patriot act just to name a few.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:14 PM
The reason why Freemasonry doesn't have a stance or view on some of those issues is because we are not a political organisation.

Our charity work is not performed to raise our profile, which would only be useful in a capitalistic or political sense, but rather - we do it because it conforms with the basic tenets of Freemasonry and the beliefs of every Freemason.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Roark

Okay then so what kind of organization is the masons them?

Basically if they are not a organization that stands for human rights which can be labeled as politics then they are just a organization or network for people out for themselves. If you don’t’ believe that to be true I would-be curious to as why you believe otherwise.

Okay so what exactly is the basic tenets beliefs/ core beliefs of every freemason?

What do you believe is the purpose and driving motivation behind freemasonry donations?

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 07:18 PM
What has masonry done for people in general? i believe that is your question....ok well lets see im putting together a Midieval Feast for Special Olympics, for absolutly no reason at all other then i wanted to help and my little sister was in S.O. for years. there's your example.

Lets see your other question was do lower lvl masons really know where the money goes? YES because the Treasurers report that ever member votes on durring the lodge meetings, i'm a member of york right and blue lodge but not scottish rite and I know where the money goes. "Oh but do you know for sure?" you may ask. Well i guess there's really NO way of knowing for sure but i bet i'd have a much better idea then say YOU who not only are you not a mason but have just told everyone that your not even an expert on masonry.

Dont think of degrees as a rank structer, anyone who has done their research knows that this is NOT true at all. a 32* is no "higher up" then the 3* so their really is no "low lvl" masons.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople

Originally posted by Roark

Okay then so what kind of organization is the masons them?

Basically if they are not a organization that stands for human rights which can be labeled as politics then they are just a organization or network for people out for themselves. If you don’t’ believe that to be true I would-be curious to as why you believe otherwise.

Okay so what exactly is the basic tenets beliefs/ core beliefs of every freemason?

What do you believe is the purpose and driving motivation behind freemasonry donations?

ummm the basic tenets, beliefs of every freemason is to be a good citizen, but freemasonry is made up of....oooh....INDIVIDUALS!!!! EVERY freemason is their own man so what the next guy thinks i couldnt tell you.

What is the driving motivation behind the freemasonry donations? Well the Grand lodge of michigan donated over 2 million dollars to the relief of US citizens in LA, Mississippi, and AL. after the hurricanes. And can you believe it, it was only to H....E....L...P other people. Oh and my lodge does alot for handycaped children, cause got us....we're going to run the world with them.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by umwolves123

So where specifically dose the money go in general? Is there a page listing where their funds go etc?

Hm.. So what is the significance of degrees. Could you expound upon that further?

Freemasons is a well established group I have a hard time believing they don’t’ have any basic core tenets to their organization aside form individual interpretations. Without any basic structure organizations really cant to too well.

Creating opportunity for people and teaching people how to fish for themselves is true benevolence…. Just simply giving things away yet keeping them dependant at the source is what a pimp dose, or what is don’t’ just to boost a ego or an image. Welfare dose not really help people. IE just look at Indian reservations etc. It just makes people lazy.

Besides giving things away what dose freemasons do to actively create opportunity for people and EMPOWER them.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople
So where specifically dose the money go in general? Is there a page listing where their funds go etc?

Every jurisdiction will handle this differently. In England & Wales you can view the activities of the Grand Charity on their website.

Freemasons is a well established group I have a hard time believing they don’t’ have any basic core tenets to their organization aside form individual interpretations.

There are certainly core tenets. Again, each jurisdiction is free to set their own but one will find all regular masonic Grand Lodges are pretty similar. You can read mine here

Creating opportunity for people and teaching people how to fish for themselves is true benevolence…. Just simply giving things away yet keeping them dependant at the source is what a pimp dose, or what is don’t’ just to boost a ego or an image. Welfare dose not really help people. IE just look at Indian reservations etc. It just makes people lazy.

I agree, it can. But there are also people all over the world in genuine need of assistance. As Roark stated, freemasons believe that assisting others as a broad principle is very important, and it is the moral responsibility of those that have to assist those that have not.

There will always be unscrupulous people who believe in freebies and handouts. Masonic charities try to focus on those in genuine need. You will see some of the recipients of English masonic charity on the Grand Charity website given above.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople

Okay then so what kind of organization is the masons them?

A fraternal organization.

Basically if they are not a organization that stands for human rights which can be labeled as politics then they are just a organization or network for people out for themselves. If you don’t’ believe that to be true I would-be curious to as why you believe otherwise.

Masonry does now, and always has, been a leading advocate for human rights. In practically all modern free societies, Masons played major roles in drafting constitutions, educating people about their natural rights, etc.

But the fraternity does not interfere with partisan politics within such a structure.

Okay so what exactly is the basic tenets beliefs/ core beliefs of every freemason?

Masonic beliefs are those that came about during the Age of Enlightenment. Freemasons accepted the Enlightenment teachings during that time, and has been the basis of the fraternity ever since.

Therefore, all Freemasons believe in God as the Great Architect of the Universe. We believe that how each individual worships God is a matter of private conscience, and that each person has the right to hold any religious belief they themselves deem appropriate, providing only they do not interfere with the rights of others. Because of this, Freemasons believe in the complete separation of church and state.

We believe in liberal representative government, and that all government officials must be held accountable to the people through the electoral process.

We believe in freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right of each individual to education, and the equality of everyone in the eyes of the law.

We, as a philosophical society, believe the question of morality is of the most importance, as did Socrates, Plato, Kant, and all the idealist philosophers, since such knowledge alone teaches us how we ought to live. Therefore, much of Masonic teaching and theory is centered around the subject of ethics.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 10:32 AM
Yeah, the Girl Scouts and local Fire Department in my area both had something like this set up at a fair. They had another clever acronym other than CHIP. You don't actually GIVE them the information back - it's for you to keep in a safe place at home. However...

I am absolutely convinced that the Girl Scouts are an Ancient Order of Evil Druidic Witches who plan to open the Gates of Hell on October 31, 2009. They will need plenty of babies to sacrifice to Zeratuul, the Lord of the Demons - the same Lucifer that Albert Pike worshiped, naturally. After the Lord of the Demons has consumed enough baby guts, the Firemen of the Fire Department will turn into Fire Elemental Demons. The word "Fire Man" was there just to get us used to the idea of men made of fire. Anyway, they will burn up the remaining baby skeletons.

The ruse that you are collecting your child's fingerprints and DNA is merely a trick so that these witches know where to find your children.

At the same time, the pentagram that shapes Washington DC will start to glow, and then burst into flame. The White House will rise into the air, and while hovering, will turn into a giant robot dragon. This is the true purpose to the Freemasons controlling science and architechture. It's anti-gravity system will be propelled by the Hutchinson Effect, which is the Great Secret that the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasons have kept for so many centuries.

The Giant Robot Dragon will be controlled by the King Reptilian, which will be formed by the fusing of George W Bush, Tony Blair, The Pope, the First-Male descendent of the Rockefellers, and the Director of NASA. These characters form the five points of the pentagram. Upon their fusing, they will turn into the King Reptilian who, through Illuminati Mind Control Techniques, will control the Giant Robot Dragon.

At that point David Icke will be ROFLHAO while we beg him for help, but he will merely case us aside for having mocked him.


posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by umwolves123

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Can remember when it was voluntary to bring your cat or dog in to get microchipped... not so now.

Ummm that's still voluntary buddy.

Sorry to dissapoint you.

In EU is mandatory.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 07:48 PM
Ralph: I expect that the Girl Scouts of America will be paying you a visit shortly. You blew their cover, so now they'll blow up your toilet.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:12 PM
Sounds like a system for freemason pedophiles.

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:25 PM
[note: on second thought it's not worth it. Think I'll find a real conspiracy site] Ciao!

[edit on 30-3-2006 by Appak]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:09 AM
My neighbors kid got chipped. I asked him a lot about it.

He said they did not save any of the information at all. He even stood behind the numerous computer stations and watched it all. I said common it's gotta be logged and he said he was 99% positive none of it was saved. They gave him a CD and other stuff he could use to identify his little boy in case anything ever happened. He said it was totally on the up and up and he was happy it was a free service. My neighbor is not a mason.

Some of you have been watching too much X-Files

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:03 PM
Greetings room and all in it,,,

Just a statement ,, ( who ) cares if the C.H.I.P.S. program is directed by the KKK.. if its keeping the children safe from people that will harm them ,,, then let that group do their duty...

True secret societies are a SECRET ! you would not know who they were and if the society let you know,,,, it would prob be a lie anyway ...

so , unless this world is going to stop having blogs about things that are happening in the world ,,t hen all this is for not.... MASONS,Templars, Bildabergers , kkk and all the rest are going to keep growing and you and your family are going to still TALK about it at the KITCHEN table and nothing will get done except their will ...

Peace and blessings to you all

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