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Fire Fight into Area51

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posted on Oct, 14 2003 @ 10:32 PM
Groom Lake may not have flying saucers in the hangars and dead aliens on slabs of ice but it is definitely alive and kicking.

I mean hey, they just lengthened the runway a couple of years back and air traffic is still going in and out from Las Vegas - if nothing else they are probably working on hypersonics and new generations of stealth technology.

Sure there are new more obscure black project facilities too, but A51 is alive and well.

[just another dumb girl]

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by DiscoFever
ahaha yeah.

Mr T would drive straight into the base, and deflect all the bullets with his chains.

or better yet...

MACGYVER! I bet Macgyver could do it!

MacGyver AND the A-Team!

"I pity the Area 51 FOOL who messes wit dees chains!"

"This'll make em think twice!"

And this is Mac hot wiring a saucer for a hot exfil.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:35 PM
I reckon as soon as those pictures of AREA 51 hit the News stands the whole base was compromised.

And anything really serious will now be moved to some underground area or some other totally different base.

And I am suprised that there hasnt been any small ex-military units that have gone in with thermal imagers,PNGs and all the other flash bits and really seen whats going on.

In this day and age every man and his dog claims they were in the UDT SEALs surely some of them has some interest in whats going on in there.
And could form a small insurgent team.
Or maybe they just have more sense.... not wanting to get shot....

The best option to get in there(if you really had too) IMO would be from the ground....small 4 man team.
Combined with some strategic distractions.
With the right people and the right financial backing there are very few places that will be inpenetrable.
But of the places that would be close I would say AREA 51 would be very high on the list....

Sure a HAHO or HALO insertion would also be an option but to do that you would need to get a plane into their air space and I bet as soon as you do that the whole base will be alerted and the APACHEs will be scrambled,and you will be in a "world of #"

It would be interesting to see what is going on in there though or even say that you have been there.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:40 PM

And I am suprised that there hasnt been any small ex-military units that have gone in with thermal imagers,PNGs and all the other flash bits and really seen whats going on.

If you've ever known a special forces members you'll know the loyalty to the state is almost unwaivering and they respect the need to know basis. They're not going to compromise a government base and kill men like them to bring secrets to the public and possibly kill many more people.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling

And I am suprised that there hasnt been any small ex-military units that have gone in with thermal imagers,PNGs and all the other flash bits and really seen whats going on.

If you've ever known a special forces members you'll know the loyalty to the state is almost unwaivering and they respect the need to know basis. They're not going to compromise a government base and kill men like them to bring secrets to the public and possibly kill many more people.

I never mentioned killing or SF.....

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:51 PM
I would suggest about a thousand, or ten thousand, little nano-bots, that give off vibration, heat, and sound, simultaneously. Some metal, for the metal detectors, and some not, just to confuse them.

Launch a scatter rocket that would release it's payload over a wide area, behind the lines.

This would at least get them into full-alert mode, where they would have to bring out everyhting, to look. All the sensors, could be overwelmed with 'noises' and 'hits' so it would appear 'they' were everywhere.

They would be very busy trying to figure out, how many trespassers were really out there and where they were.

Then you would just pick the weak point of entry.

Buy a truck load of toys-r-us talking and moving dolls.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by smirkley
I would suggest about a thousand, or ten thousand, little nano-bots, that give off vibration, heat, and sound, simultaneously. Some metal, for the metal detectors, and some not, just to confuse them.

Launch a scatter rocket that would release it's payload over a wide area, behind the lines.

This would at least get them into full-alert mode, where they would have to bring out everyhting, to look. All the sensors, could be overwelmed with 'noises' and 'hits' so it would appear 'they' were everywhere.

They would be very busy trying to figure out, how many trespassers were really out there and where they were.

Then you would just pick the weak point of entry.

Buy a truck load of toys-r-us talking and moving dolls.

"There is a missile inbound!!......go to DEFCON 1"
"No wait its gone we appear to be tracking a 1000 odd Moulder and Scully figurines....!"

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
With enough Firepower you can do anything.

A popular misconception. There are many instances in military history where a handful of men have managed to hold back hundreds of men who were equally well armed.

Given the added security measures surrounding Area 51 your chances of an armed 'invasion' getting very far inside the base are slim to zero.

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 05:54 PM
Yeah..I also doubt that anything has been attempted like this, and plus, the U.S. government, in that base alone, would have enough fire power to withstand even the biggest attack. There's no way anyone is getting in there. And who would be dumb enough to try it? You'd be dead in a heartbeat.


EDIT: Yah..With enough will, firepower, 200,000 tanks, 500 F-16's, 2 nukes, and enough men, anything is possible

[Edited on 20-10-2003 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 05:56 PM
what you've posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 01:41 PM
Build yourself a Gundam like this :

and then you will be able to DESTROY Area 51

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Fury
what you've posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

~I like that one......the majority of it from a film known as "Billy Madison"? lol...good one. Area 51 is a USAF base and like all others is gaurded. But an idea of penetrating the facility en mass /w firepower would be insane. The movement would have the seismic scanners goin off the hook makin' your presece burnt. And before you know it, your whole militia would be surrounded by military personell(other then airman im sure) pointing mounted m.60s atop hummers and m-16 rifles at everybody in that crew makin' you realize what an idiot you were for thinkin' of such a maneuver. Believe me, you nor any of your buddies are gonna come out rambo style and start shootin' at the U.S military armed guards because both you and they know your gonna end up dead one way or another. In the end, your gonna wish you were still here on ATS thinkin' of another possible solution.


posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 05:33 PM
all of this is nonsense! Nukes, Tanks, Rockets, Fires, all the other BS that yall have been puttin...no1 in here has the balls to do it, its just stupid to even talk about it. Get a damn job there and find out urself, and then u wont have to worry about being...tortured, imprisoned, killed, or any other crap that the armed guards/minefields/proximity machine guns/aliens(lol) might do to you after you try all your stupid tricks to get in there, and fail.

And half of the things yall are talking about doing would probably destroy all evidence of what was there anyways.

all i can say about gettin past security if any of yall idiots try to get in is...ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE BOMB
, but u wuld still most likely fail.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 05:41 PM
well, nvm about the electromagnetic pulse might knock out security...but it would also screw up w/e info is there...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
suppose a large enough group gathered and just marched en-mass with the media to cover the attempt...
A large gathering occurs every year in Blackrock Nevada... it is called Burning Man.. (thousands)
A bunch of creative freedom loving artists and hippies...
i think they could be talked into it...
They have already driven from all over the country... a few more miles wont hurt...
no guns no violence... just a wall of people marching up a road with the media to "protect' them.
I think they might get in the gates...
But i also think that They wouldn't see much...
Area 51/black has been moved long ago.
I have my suspicions where... but wont tell on this public board.

Nah, it's still in working nick. They just don't run ALL of their tests there anymore... Blackrock is also home to lots of high-tech research companies' labs. Go figure...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 02:58 PM
We need to send Solid Snake in there

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 03:00 PM
Why not just get the Galactica to bombard Area 51 from orbit, then have Starbuck, Boomer and Apollo go in with Vipers and finish off any defences that are left standing. Transmit demands for their surrender. Wait. Repeat if necessary.

Seriously folks, why bother attacking Area 51 in the first place? What's that going to accomplish, besides proving you're an "enemy of freedom," a member of the "axis of evil" and an all-round bad egg? People don't care about the truth being out there, they care about whether or not they get their Eggs McMuffin ASAP so they can drive to work in their metal coffins...

posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 06:38 PM
I don't think this is a good idea but heres my theory of how to do it.

I've probably thought about this way too much but i read this in the morning and was quite bored at work so the mind wonders......

First get a mate who is an airline pilot and flys one of those new super-jumbos that can carry 700 odd people. Make sure he belives in exposing area51. Get 1000 people (no luggage - except for the guns, missiles etc mentioned earlier in this thread). Buy a plane ticket for as many as poss and bribe someone at the airport to let more people on the plane. Bribe people at the airport to put the required "luggage" on the plane and to let past more people than the plane normally carries. Oh Yeah, make sure its taking off for the closest airport to area51. When airborne and as close as poss to the base get the pilot the have an "emergency situation". The plane MUST land at the first available runway which should be area51, everyone now knows its there, the pilot could see the runway so he can radio that he is going to land there as its the ONLY way to save the plane. Pilot turns in for the runway and everyone arms up, may even get a jet escourt in, pilot dumps all remaining fule aiming to belly land the plane 2/3 of the way down the runway hopefully ending up colse to the enterance the workers go down when they arrive each day. When the plane slides to a halt the emergency slides will deploy, the plane will be surrounded by people, some of them gards but also many ambulance workers and medical people etc. Everyone jumps out of the plane down the slides down the slides taking out as many gards as poss, you would have the element of suprise (they have just seen a plane crash). Half the people start a firefight with the gaurds (i belive that due to formidable external defences and radars etc there will not be more than say 1000 full time troops at the base and they will be spread out they will have to group up etc, reinforcments could be call in but that takes time), the other half blast through the doors with some kind of live feed web cam and bingo....

I'm not saying you could survive but it would get past all the external defences and at least give you a shot

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 09:26 PM
First of all the contents Area-51 has been kept secret for such a long time because they are protected by top-notch security systems. Mines, autoguns, radar, guards, cameras, missiles... These systems are in place so no one can just bust in there.

Second I belive that we as American citizens have a right to know but our government wouldn't work with out secrets. I myself would be glad to bust in there and learn all I can about everything in Area-51. But refering to the security we can't do it.

Third I belive that if a person wants to get into Area-51 they should get a job there. Seriosly by rising through the ranks a person could recive access to Area-51 and could be on a Janet plane going off to work each day. Once the person gets on the governments good side then they can share the wealth of information with all of us Area-51 hungry people.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
I'm done trying to stop people on this part, so go for it, run into the base in the name of freedom and liberty and all things wonderful, just remember to write your will and sign it.

heh, Nerdling, I would also encourage him. If for nothing else, to see exactly what would happen to him/them. I am most certain that we would absolutely NEVER hear from him/them again, to say the least...

The one thing I've been wondering is, if all of these terrorists have enough of a clue to bomb someplace that might truly be of some consequence? Area 51, or perhaps one or more of the corners of the 'square' states (that supposedly house the most concentration of underground bases), or maybe work on some truly feaseable plan to infiltrate whats underneath Denver, CO.

I mean, these people seem so intent on sacrificing themselves, why don't they focus on something that might actually do some damage, and not just the highest concentration of innocent people?

* Just a thought.

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