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Bush Administration Demands Search Data; Google Says No, Others Comply

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posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 09:23 AM
I don't see the threat of a NWO. Sure I've read a lot of threads about how they are going to come into power but(I have a pretty good understanding of the whole spiele), people get real. We are Americans, and it's my(and your) constitutional right to shoot any government who tries to take my freedoms. I do not advocate violence but, you better believe that as soon as the official copy of the Bill of Rights/Constitution is ripped up and thrown out I will still follow it.

By saying that, all I mean is; when the time come I'm going to get my gun and start a god damned revolution! I'm American, it's my right to, and I'll have to be shot if that's what it comes down to. Plain and simple, lol. I do not own a gun as of yet but you better believe it, that if I want one I'll get it, if the need arises.

I honestly hope that more people feel the way I do, otherwise we really are screwed.

But in all seriuosness, if the 'NWO' ever decides to take control everyone from police officers to old grannies will revolt. Come to think of anyone who bought a gun, because our Bill of Rights said we could, will revolt(which is mostlikely the half of the biblr belt and anyone on the Canadian boarder, no offense lol). It's the American way. We kicked the Brits out and they are/were good people, so you better believe that we'll kick out some no good clown like Bush if he tries to pull this #.

My mesage to American's who truely believe this NWO stuff:
Get Your Gun!

I'm not scared. Are you?

Oh yeah...this was about the google stuff. Well I'm not worried, i'm no creep lol.

[edit on 22-1-2006 by ReginalBigsby]

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by RebelSaint
I just deleted from my firefox, every search engine including google and yahoo. No more of these serpants in my ever shrinking closet of privacy, no matter where it may be.

RS, thanks for all the info - I mean, putting the puzzle pieces together for us. I've got a question though, if you wouldn't mind answering:

I have a Google toolbar, which I am about to uninstall. I have Internet Explorer, though, not firefox. AFAIK, I don't have any other toolbars installed, but you mention deleteing all search engines from your browser. How do I go about deleting all search engines from my IE browser, or wherever they are?

If you (or anyone else who knows) would let me know how to do so, I would really appreciate knowing how to do it also.



posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 07:03 PM
I'm glad brothers that you are out there in cyberland. You all have written good posts to ATS. Sometimes I feel that I'm the only one being watched. However, we all have to stick together. Power is always in numbers. I was talking today with a friend who is a software engineer. I asked her some questions about internet privacy. She said that one way to keep the government from spying on us is to use encryption through a third party server. Basically, what makes sense is to fool the ISP address being recorded where it can be untraceable. I don't know much about computer encrytption, but this friend of mind told me that the Navy is trying to recruit her and her husband. He does network security work. Anyway, she said that they told her she would be working several stories underground in Cinncinati, Ohio by listening and tracking people like us. I believe its time to stop the govenment in their tracks by staying one step ahead of them. I even thought of making my computer tamper proof such a "mission impossible type burn device." If anyone tried to tamper with the hard drive, it would self destruct. The government doesn't care about pornographers, but they do fear people like us that have seen the light of what's really going on. Yes, they lurk on ATS, and there is a list of which we are all on it. So my question is "What search engine do we use and how can we be untraceable."

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 07:46 PM
Glad to hear Google did this. I never use it, but still. It is no business of the government. Just as bad as when they tried to pass the bill in the late 90's where you would have to register to view porn

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 09:49 PM
Their looking to tag all of the pornoholics, gays, pedophiles, and maybe just a few subversives in cyberland. So long as you keep your nose clean and are a good little lemming, you have nothing to fear.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 12:29 AM
I was talking to my friend about all this and I remember a program called Tor. I remember trying it out. It bounces your IP address all around a network of servers called onion routers. I used it today and when I tried to look up my IP address it showed I was in Germany while I am in the US and tried again and I was said to be in some other country. I will be using tor for now on it works great. . Heres the site for more info

[edit on 23-1-2006 by nightmaker]

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by nightmaker
Great speech RebelSaint. I unistalled my google toolbar and wont be using google anytime soon. Now I just need to find a alternative search engine maby a open source one?

Frankly, I'd like to know why there's so much finger-pointing at Google?? Every other major search engine has complied with uncle sam. Isn't that scarier? I use AOL, and I'm sure they complied!

Having that information, and making sites like this one illegal, gives the government a ready made batch of "bad guys" to chase down. To me, THAT'S scary!

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 02:19 AM
I don't use any of the other search engines either. Sorrry for not pointing out

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 09:47 PM
What we all need to do is to search for stuff like "how to contact al Queda" to make a dirty nuclear bomb...........where to find plutonium, etc etc...............z

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 10:29 PM
Still just wondering about the info I was interested in regarding removing all search engines that are kissing up to Uncle Sam from being able to see my business.

I have removed the google toolbar, but don't know how to get rid of any others that may be hanging around somewhere in my IE browser - if they are. I don't know that much about computers so................. any info would be much appreciated.

Also, I really did find it convenient to have a toolbar, however I don't want one that is powered by google or even associated with them (or Yahoo, or AllTheWeb or any of the other snitches. Does anyone know of a toolbar that I could install that is cool?

I would sure appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks much.


posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by XCVCC
I�m simply dazzled, by the fact that Google, has been absorbed by the government, and there�s no public uproar. A year ago, PC industry news sources were all in an uproar, about Googles software spying capabilities. That finally simmered down over the last year, and now that kind of talk is a thing of the past. Google, the worlds most advanced data searching & cataloging system, has been aquired by NASA. That�s right, the private sector, internet searching powerhouse has been absorbed by the Federal government.

Hi, I find your post very interesting. And it's not like I don't believe you, but I was just wondering if you have any place where I could look up this information for myself? If so, it would be much appreciated.



posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 05:29 PM
Check out the following links if its unbelievable.

Check out the blurb on Paul Muret

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 02:36 AM
Thanks for the links. I have tried to find similar ones on my own also, and I have found many. They are all actually IMO pretty ambiguous, like google working side by side with NASA , etc...

Anyway, I don't really know if Google IS actually "Big Brother", is a great help to UncleSam, or they are separate. I don't know.

But, the conclusions that I have drawn, just on my own research of this very interesting and frightening topic is that the Internet was invented by the Dept. of Defense, they basically own it. I figure that they have had capabilities of spying on us from the beginning, since even before most of us were aware of the Internet.

Of course, this is only my personal opinon. but although I have uninstalled my Google toolbar, and have been searching only from the address bar for the last couple of days, I figure that if the government want's to spy on my Internet activities, well they have probably had the capabily all along anyway, with or without Google.

So, I miss the convenience of google's "auto fill" the convenience of having such an easy toolbar, that I think I will reinstall it, only now I will be more watchful of it, and try to see to it that when it sneaks a feature on there that is a threat to my privacy (if, that is I have any left), I will just disable it.

I'm sure that if the governmenment is interested in my babblings, they are already aware of it. Anyway, I have given a lot of thought to what everyone has had to say/post hre in this thread, but have decided that they already have what they want, if they are even interested. So, I will reinstall the toolbar and keep an eye on it.

Just my own preference for now.........

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 02:25 PM
I think what we really need in this thread is information on how to obtain the highest level of anonymity on the web. Surely ATS has its full measure of tech heads who can share with the rest of us.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by bigpappadiaz
Well I know it's not for child/porn related reasons.

I agreed with you and everyone else who felt that way......until a few minutes ago. Go ahead and laugh at me, although you probably do it too. I sometimes watch Oprah Winfrey on TV, as I was doing today. I also know that she has been on a crusade for a while now against sexual preditors. She had gotten hundreds of thousands of people to write their congressmen/women regarding stopping them, or something to that effect.

Well, apparently, today Bush signed into law (I don't know excatly what all the law entails), but it does have to do with sexual preditors, both on and off line.

However, even knowing that there was some truth to his excuse, I still firmly do not believe that he, or any government agency has the right to spy on us randomly while we are online.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 05:43 PM
I better still be allowed to greedily lick my chops everytime I pass a playground.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 08:05 PM
man bush is crazy..................... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA................... man i am so happy google turned them down

man that was so funny, i am so bloated.............. man wow BUSH SUCKS!!!!!!!!!


your liberal friend,

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Toelint
I think what we really need in this thread is information on how to obtain the highest level of anonymity on the web. Surely ATS has its full measure of tech heads who can share with the rest of us.

I agree. If we can convince everyone on the web (or a vast majority) to surf behind cover, that would hopefully render their little scheme useless. But what is their plan "B" for this???!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 03:45 PM
[edit on 29-1-2006 by nightmaker]

[edit on 29-1-2006 by nightmaker]

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by jta79

Originally posted by Toelint
I think what we really need in this thread is information on how to obtain the highest level of anonymity on the web. Surely ATS has its full measure of tech heads who can share with the rest of us.

I agree. If we can convince everyone on the web (or a vast majority) to surf behind cover, that would hopefully render their little scheme useless. But what is their plan "B" for this???!

Escuse me did anyone read my post? I posted what was a good idea if not here it is again.

I was talking to my friend about all this and I remember a program called Tor. I remember trying it out. It bounces your IP address all around a network of servers called onion routers. I used it today and when I tried to look up my IP address it showed I was in Germany while I am in the US and tried again and I was said to be in some other country. I will be using tor for now on it works great. . Heres the site for more info

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