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Why not treat captured terrorists the way they treat their captives?

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posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 01:43 PM
Hardly a week goes by when another news report comes on the television reporting yet another kidnapping of Westerners by terrorists. The captives are always, it seems, subjected to beatings, threats and, too often, beheadings.

Likewise, daily reports of suicide bombers killing military personnel, innocent men, women and children flash across our television screens. And, of course, we are all shocked, dismayed and emotions of deep anger are raised (at least some of us feel the anger).

Ironically, when the US arrests prisoners -- terrorists -- the US is the one who uses inhumane torture practices. We are always, it seems, violating our own standards of humane treatment. Perhaps it is time to treat our prisoners in the same manner that the terrorist treat their prisoners? Perhaps our standards are inhumane by their "standards". Maybe it is too much for them to endure humiliation and non lethal treatment? Would they really object if we simply beat and beheaded captured terrorists?

[edit on 12/6/2005 by benevolent tyrant]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 01:48 PM
I already thought of that. The liberal media would just finally say that America is up there where Al Qaida is in terms of terrorizing. Its better if we seperate ourselves from Al Qaida's techniques of suicide bombings and beheadings.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 01:52 PM
I think it depends on what kinda terrorist we capture.

If we capture some poor schmuck running small arms...well he should not get the same treatment as a captured terrorist that was caught with nuclear triggers and a map of New York City.


posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Because part of the reasons (after the failuer to find wmd) that Bush is using to invade Iraq and take down Hussein was because of their record of human rights. Bush stated in several speaches how the US as a nation couldn't stand by while an evil dictator like Hussein tortured and killed people.

What give the US the right to oppose other countries that use torture, but then does it themselves?

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
I think it depends on what kinda terrorist we capture.

If we capture some poor schmuck running small arms...well he should not get the same treatment as a captured terrorist that was caught with nuclear triggers and a map of New York City.


It's funny, we will extend our standards of morality -- or least expect that it would -- to the same people who would not think twice about capturing, beating and beheading a Western civilian who has actually travelled to Iraq to HELP the Iraqi people. That poor shmuck running arms is certainly guilty of far more than some well intention -- but misguided -- activist hoping to extend a hand of Christian Charity to the Iraqi people. Perhaps it's time to take the "kid gloves" off that hand and to deal with terrorists from a position of overwhelming strength without any tolerence for terrorism Saddam Hussein managed to maintain the peace in this manner.

Strangely, for some reason it was deemed wrong to depose Saddam for his actions of torture and execution. But maybe this is all that the Iraqui terrorists will respond to?

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:03 PM
the US does

there have been claims that the US has been using countries that dont have laws against torture to extrat information from people.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:10 PM
BT, I don't think we should sink to their level....thats exactly what they want. What I was saying is if someone is captured with a WMD or WMD documentation.....than its time to take the kid gloves off.

If some poor schmuck was running guns for money and gets caught...he should'nt receive the same treatment as the guy with WMD documentation.

Jesus, we already have enough PR problems as is....imagine if America started beheading people? The world would go insane!!


posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:14 PM
Doesn't that bring us all down to the level of barbarians? If we are constantly claiming the high ground then that makes us hypocrits. Couldn't they just fess up and tell us what they are doing instead of using(the Gov't) doublespeak and gobbledegok? Don't say "we don't torture" and then carry out torture. One of the fundamental traits of democracy is transparency in Government. That is not being practiced in the present administration, which has little to do with political party. They both have a lot of similar traits.(the liberal press not withstanding)

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:24 PM
If we start behaving like them, we sacrifice that which makes us different from them, and what we have that is worth defending. Sinking to their level is embracing defeat.

Besides, these kinds of tactics are not all that effective anyway.

Whatever short term tactical gains we might get are more than outwieghed by the political cost. Look how much Abu Ghraib cost us in Iraq, politically. We handed the insurgents a political trump card. Was any information gained that was worth the price?

When France embraced these kinds of terror tactics against the Algerian independence movement, it turned the tide of public sentiment against them, and they lost badly. We would be wise not to repeat their error.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 02:27 PM
Well maybe it's time to stop taking what we think is the "higher ground". Our view of morality certainly doesn't hold much influence with the terrorist who swings a scimitar across the neck of some poor Christian Charity worker or, for that matter, a captured member of the military. We have fought this war with some level of decorum. Yes, we have had unfortunate incidents of "torture" and those culpible have been subjected to military court marshall. This has not infuenced the terrorists in any way.

Have the Mullahs taken the terrorists to task for their horrific treatment of their captives? N O !

Perhaps their culture views our decidedly more humane standards of prisoner treatment as a sign of fear or weakness and they respond with even greater f erocity. Perhaps if they saw that we could be just as savage as their beloved Saddam, they would back off and skulk into their misguided shadow of life and opt for a chance at entering the twentifirst century.

Maybe it's time to get medievil on 'em. We've tried everything else.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:32 PM
Simply because; "Two wrongs do not make a right...".

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:36 PM
So essentially your saying you want US Marines to saw the heads off of their captives with their Kabar knives?
Other then satisfying your petty thirst for blood what exactly would the US gain from such actions?

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:46 PM
We could of course exercise the nuclear option. And escalating the terror leads down that path. We also have been party to atrocities, like the civilians of Fallujah. Let cooler heads prevail.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:50 PM
The USA already tortures and kills suspects. Its just not broadcast to the rest of the world.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:53 PM
A recent poll suggests that many people believe that "a little torture" is all right in certain cases.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 03:59 PM
Did we not just catch Sadaam Hussein ??? I am sorry .. but if I would have been among the troops that caught him .. .he would not have made it very many steps past where he is ... Money talks and you don't think he has that ??? Once in Power you will always HAVE SOME power .... We should kill all criminals ... and not just make it a TERRORISTS thing ... if someone steals their hand should be cut off ... if someone rapes someone they should be RAPED ... Let's see who wants to commit crimes ???

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
the US does

there have been claims that the US has been using countries that dont have laws against torture to extrat information from people.

There has been reports that U.S. has been using other COUNTRIES ??? Are you kidding me //// You gotta be kidding me right ??? Please tell me you are just kidding ... Please ... You think if we were using another country you would have ever HEARD of it ???? You really think so huh /// WOW ... Look at WATERGATE ..... It happened here ....

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
Hardly a week goes by when another news report comes on the television reporting yet another kidnapping of Westerners by terrorists. The captives are always, it seems, subjected to beatings, threats and, too often, beheadings.

Likewise, daily reports of suicide bombers killing military personnel, innocent men, women and children flash across our television screens. And, of course, we are all shocked, dismayed and emotions of deep anger are raised (at least some of us feel the anger).

Ironically, when the US arrests prisoners -- terrorists -- the US is the one who uses inhumane torture practices. We are always, it seems, violating our own standards of humane treatment. Perhaps it is time to treat our prisoners in the same manner that the terrorist treat their prisoners? Perhaps our standards are inhumane by their "standards". Maybe it is too much for them to endure humiliation and non lethal treatment? Would they really object if we simply beat and beheaded captured terrorists?

[edit on 12/6/2005 by benevolent tyrant]

I heard a rumour that they do in places like Guantanamo and other "Lawless" countrys, good thing isnt it, fighting fire with fire , sometimes.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 05:34 AM
This moral high ground crap is a bunch of BS, We wont become the Enemy we are fighting for several reasons.

The Enemy We are fighting shows no predjudice of who they Murder, Women, Children, Innocents, It doesnt matter to them.

The difference between Us and them is When/If We torture, We are punishing Murders and Terrorists, Not innocent people.

The only way We would ever become like them is if We intentionaly harmed innocents.

Why do you think these people continue to fight, They dont fear Us.

As far as beheadings are concerned, No I dont want some random U.S Servicemen to saw off a Terroists head with his knife (that would harm that Serviceman more then it ever would the Terrorist), But public beheadings via a guillotine might start sending a message.

[edit on 5-1-2006 by C0le]

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 08:06 AM
Who are the terrorist? They all seem to prefer the mask look. Western or non-western.

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