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posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Mindsmog
I am from the Uk and I have been watching this for the last 2 weeks , i can only see it when the sky is clear, which aint often in yorkshire
it is VERY bright , compared to the stars around it and it is changing colours like red, blue and maybe a couple of others, I am no astronomer and was intrigued by it, i thought it might be a space station in orbit or a dying star , maybe they are, I really couldn't say , but the strange thing is it stays in the EXACT same spot in the sky now I thought things moved as the earth rotates, but this does not move its stationary set in the sky, very weird , now you can say what you want but I have a stronng feeling this is not natural or of this realm. If anyone else can shed light on this I am listening!

THANK YOU!! At least someone here is paying attention. (no pun intended with the name of this thread)

I just got off another web board, and people there are having the same discussion. Weird blinking thing, star? not a star? Shoooweeee! Sure is weird. Never seen anything like that before, etc. etc.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:13 PM
I have actually read this entire thread and every time a new post is added im here to see the progress I really can't find these objects so far in the northern part of my sky or straight up or to the eas or west as i have been out on the rof every clear night in hopes of seeing it so far i have printed off 58 different star charts of the sky and one by one circled the ones in the sky. lol Im at 868 stars so far and i have been very careful not to make mistakes as to wich ones im circling i have not seen anything peculiar as of yet please somebody explain or try. I have no idea of what they could be but im still pretty sure that their not the saviors of some alien cult, no offense coney.

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 01:10 PM
we really should work together on this one and find out what exactly it is, this is like nothing I have ever seen and I'm glad to see it isn't just me and my girlfriend that has noticed it, been driving us both crazy for weeks, this could be huge!

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by MagickesistsI have no idea of what they could be but im still pretty sure that their not the saviors of some alien cult, no offense coney.

None taken. I'm just trying to find anything and everything I can that will explain the way the stars look these days. As odd as these things are, just about any intelligent explaination could suffice, even if it is one of Ascension/First Contact. (First Contact would be exceptionally cool, don't you think?

We'll figure this thing out. We are one determined group of web board users.

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 07:10 PM
yes a solution is always good but we have to have more evidence to base a hypothesis on. the objects in the sky around here mostly seem normal i went out again to look for these things and i still haven't seen them but i have yet to look in the southern portion of my sky but if they are to my south that would already nullify the need to triangulate as then i would definatly know there close to us for sure what if they're like that explanation they use in mib you know swamb gasses in the atmosphere. And i had another thought as to the possibility of the origin of them if they are space craft i don't think they would be in our atmosphere to make any interferance in our politics most likley theyd be here of their own accord. For example resource gathering, intel, abductions, so on and so forth.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 02:22 AM
Wow, I spend a few hours to read this thread but it was worth it, i'll try to look for this anomoly, VERY interesting guys...

I live in Holland btw...

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 11:29 PM
The sky cleared up enough that I had no trouble spotting it again, South by South East from my location of approx 42°40'N 86°57'W.

The clouds have rolled in again and I havn't been able to see it for just over an hour now. If possible will get a compass bearing.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 11:38 PM
Thanks for bumping this, ADVISOR. I had forgotten all about it. It is cloudy here tonight, but will make a note to look when it clears up.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 11:49 PM
My best guess is around 140 degrees on the compass. The sky is still clouded, going to check weather channel see if it will be possible for a more accurate reading.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:53 AM
If this object can be seen with the naked eye, has anyone taken a picture of it and posted a link here? That seems to be a relatively easy way to resolve the question one way or another. An old film camera with high speed film and the ability to leave the camera shutter open say for like 30 seconds with no camera motion would be all that is required. I've taken a number of astrophotos by just attaching a manual lens cable to a 35 mm camera and set the camera up at an angle between two pieces of wood. 400 speed film works great for the pics I took. Then we could all see what this object is.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 02:00 AM
I live in arizona and we are seeing the blinkie stars too. I just thought that I was crazy

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:55 PM
Planets do not change colour. The way to tell a satellite or planet in the sky is that they do not flash as they only shine reflected sunlight. Stars and 'strange' ojects however have light of their own so they flash. There is one 'star' to my very north west, only just above the treeline about 9 pm that does this at the moment, brilliant colours. I am south of the equator in the tropics and this 'star' has appeared and disappeared for a while now, I have been watching it. Is your object north west of Orion?

I do not take much stock now that what i see above is 'right' since after in 1993 I was standing on my back balconey with my ex husband watching the stars with binoculars. All of a sudden my attention was caught in the south west of the sky when I noticed, tiny little satellite things going through the same section of sky, only a tiny bit of sky in a straight line. One would go through, flashing and when it got to the other end of what i now call the grid, another one would start at the beginning, you could see both at once, this was a constant and took around a minute to go through. Then another would start. I was amazed and then I looked over to the southeast and searched and it took me less than a minute to find the same thing was going on in that section of the sky. I showed my ex, he was stunned so we called friends up and they came over and they saw it with us. We all watched in amamzement at this happening All four corners of the sky had these satellite looking things travelling through small sections of like a grid, appearing in the same spot, travelling through this small section then disappearing at the other end, to have another start.

I haven't seen this since but i seem to remember it was straight after krakatoa exploded or another indonesian volcano and the sky looked all different for a while. The moons position and bringhtness may have been relative to me seeing this. As I said other people can verify this phenomena which was sooo unusual coming from one who looks up at the heavens more than looks down at my feet.

So I have witnesses, I'm not prone to seeing things that don't exist who knows it may all be part of 'star wars defence' or the sky may actually be liks in Highlander 2 with a shield I don't know but i do know what I saw and I do see a particulary lovely weird bright coloured object at the moment north west of orion in my evening sky.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 12:31 AM
10:20 pm, almost due west same elevation as always, just in a different location than I saw it in last. Which was east south east, maybe a month ago or so.

Same as always, very rapid changes of color, so those of you who havn't followed this know. I'm going to hopefully have a video camera, digital ok Kano, available so when I can the clip can be posted here. I'm shooting for a nice dark night, that way the colors changes and clarity will be better. With the full moon waxing in, that may have to wait, we'll see.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 05:31 AM
This thread's been going for 18 months, has nobody simply called their local observatory and asked what it is?

Seems like that would be the first thing to do.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 08:03 AM
I gave up on this thread oh so long ago, but...

When doing your observations of this "object" here's some info you should take down to make it easier to find later:

  1. Date
  2. Time (within a half hour)
  3. Location (approximately and including elevation if possible)
  4. Altitude of object
  5. Azimuth of object

So an observation would look something like this...

Apr. 15, 2005
9:00 AM
Ypsilanti MI, 715 ft above sea level
Alt: 25 degrees
Azi: 100 degrees

With a little bit of grub work, say posting that information here on ATS, you'd get an answer shortly as to what the object was.

Dont't understand Altitude/Azimuth?
Altitude is the height of the object above the horizon in degrees. An easy way to approximate this is to use your outstretched at arm's length as about 10 degrees in the sky. You need your fngers to be parallel to the horizon for this. Measure the amount of fist heights above the horizon is, and you'll get what it's altitude is about.

Azimuth is the direction of the object from the north point. It works just like a compass.

North = 0 degrees
East = 90 degrees
South = 180 degrees
West = 270 degrees

Try and measure it from one of those key points, again using your fists. This time though your fingers need to be perpendicular to the horizon. So if you know the object is in the SSE, for example, you could start at the east point of 90 and measure over from there.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 11:32 PM
I'm an amature astronomer and I'd love to help pin this down. Can someone post the RA & DEC for me to look? I'm fairly accomplished at astrophotography so I'll get some pics if/when I find it.

I noticed a lot of posts around November of last year. I have a LOT of photos of the sky around Orion then, because Maccholz was in the area. If it really is there in the same spot every night, I've most likely got pics of it.


posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 10:18 PM
Is what everyone talking about the bright light rapidly changing colors about 90degrees or so in front of the Moon's path tonight? If so it's Saturn. Kinda far away at the moment (like Jupitor) but you can still make out the rings with a decent scope. It's not stationary like some have reported, so it might not be what they're talking about, but Im sure there's some who have gotten it confused like they have Jupitor.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 11:41 PM
I can see the rings around Saturn with my 12x50 binoculars. They're easy to see if I use a tripod with the binocs. Hand-held you can tell something is there but the image shakes so much you can't really tell it's the rings.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 12:04 PM
i think it is a sattelite. it is usually orbiting the coasts of u.s.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 12:27 PM
Out of the few amatuer astronomers on this board who are out on a wekl basis looking at the sky and have never seen this thing I can only conclude there is mass hysterya invoked on the people of this thread. I can only come to believe that you have no idea what it is you are looking at. While it is a perfectly normal thing and us astronomers see it all the time and think nothing of it.

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