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NEWS: Soccer Legend Maradona To Lead Anti Bush March In Argentina

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posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 12:06 AM
Commenting that he thinks George Bush is a murderer, international soccer legend Diego Maradona will head a march in Argentina, protesting against George Bush stepping on Argentinian soil. Mr Bush will be attending a meeting of leaders from all American countries in Mar Del Plata, Argentina next week and Maradona promised Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who has been excluded from the meeting, that he will lead the march against the USA president. Maradona refers to Castro as "God" and has thanked Cuba for giving him refuge after he spent the last four years at a health treat in Cuba kicking a drug habit.
"I think Bush is a murderer. ... I'm going to head the march against him stepping foot on Argentine soil," Maradona said, appearing on Cuban television with Castro.

"I promised the 'Comandante' that I would do it and I will," the 44-year-old football legend said, referring to Castro.

"For me he is a god," Maradona said of the 79-year-old left-wing Cuban leader, whom he considers a friend and a father figure who helped him kick drugs.

Maradona was in Havana to interview Castro for his weekly television show in Argentina, which has brought the fallen star back to the limelight after years battling coc aine addiction.

Following an operation this year to staple his stomach and cut his ballooning weight, a much slimmer Maradona launched a new career in August as television host.

The Castro interview is "icing on the cake" for his top-rated show, Maradona said.

"I was missing the greatest one, and now I have him."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

In my personal opinion, I do not think Bush will go to Argentina. The meeting may transfer to a different place in SOuth America but with such anti Bush sentiment within the south American countries at present, his security would be a high issue.

[edit on 28-10-2005 by Mayet]

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 12:29 AM
Ah, the paragon of virtue that is Diego Maradona.

1998 BBC News

TV footage of the incident showed Maradona, who was found guilty of assault with a weapon, crouched behind a Mercedes with two other men firing an air gun at reporters.


His career has been marred in recent years by drug scandals and temperamental, short-lived comebacks.

Add to that the infamous "Hand of God" and you have guns, coke, and divine influence. Am I the only person here who things Bush and Diego would actually get on quite well?

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 06:36 AM
you don't have to be a saint to know that george bush is an ass.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 06:45 AM
I love stuff like this. I don't think Maradona is very bright and in my opinion he is being manipulated by Castro into doing this, becuase while Maradona may not have anything against Bush really, we all know that Castro and him are good chums with a loving relationship goes way back.......erm (coughs)

Even so, the man is entitled to his opinion but he is no saint.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by enslaved83
....I don't think Maradona is very bright and in my opinion he is being manipulated by Castro into doing this........
Or maybe, just maybe, Castro opened his eyes

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 08:54 AM
Maradona a football legend? A legendary cheat maybe...

Sorry, if it was anyone else, I wouldn't be bothered, but this guy is low life, cheating coke-head. Wish he'd do the planet a favour and expire....

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 08:58 AM
Anyone else notice, when someone from South America of Central America has their own opinion it is because either:
  • Castro or;
  • Hugo Chávez
Has given it to them. It is possible for people down there, those ones with the darker skin, to have their own opinions. I's shocking. Imagine them having their own view point. But yes, honeslty they do.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:13 AM
First, never heard of this guy.

Second, all you republicans attacking him for doing coke, how much coke do you think Bush did? The amount he wa caught doing or the amount he said he did?

Third, go ahead and march, it's not in America so it won't be censored. Wait, how sad is that?

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:17 AM
Soccer is far too lame to generate any concern here. Besides, everyone knows that soccer is really just a european copy of football. Thats why its called football.......

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by stumason
Maradona a football legend? A legendary cheat maybe...

Sorry, if it was anyone else, I wouldn't be bothered, but this guy is low life, cheating coke-head. Wish he'd do the planet a favour and expire....

My question would be which of the two, Bush or Maradona, has actually snorted more coke?

Maradona's been forgiven more times than Darryl Strawberry, and he's let all his fans down each time. Does anyone really care what this guy has to say anymore?


posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Soccer is far too lame to generate any concern here. Besides, everyone knows that soccer is really just a european copy of football. Thats why its called football.......

I hope that was a joke Nygdan.

Soccer (or Football as the rest of the world calls it) is far more flowing, fast paced and exciting to watch than "American Football" (that incidently involves very little foot to ball action).

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:26 AM

I like American football.. I really do. But American football does not have more than one billion avid players. Not to mention that "soccer"as only you people call it, is the most watched sport on the planet.

And here's some of the history of "soccer"to wet your appetite for the game..

And btw... I like the raiders.

And as for Maradona, he's just capitalizing on the anti-Bush sentiment already existing in South America. That's all.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by stumason
Soccer (or Football as the rest of the world calls it) is far more flowing, fast paced and exciting to watch than "American Football"

See, there it is, American Football, thus recognizing the origins of football, and that 'soccer' is really just a degenerate form of football. This is also evidenced by how the term you guys use for soccer, 'footie', is a dimunitive of Football.

(that incidently involves very little foot to ball action).

Whatr you talking about, thats how the ball gets around, on foot.

And here's some of the history of "soccer"to wet your appetite for the game..

Sigh, more revistionist history. You can't beleive everything you read on the internet!
You can also see how the rest of the world has some tendency to take proper football and degenerate it, even beyond merely making up soccer, but going so far as to make up this other 'rugby' thing, which is clearly an attempt at making a more primitive version of football.

Next you'll be claiming that 'cricket' isn't just a mutant verision of baseball.

Heck, in england, they even have some game where you try to throw a ball thru a metal hoop; obviously, some englanders saw a game of basketball, and tried to repeat in over in england, but, apparently, they couldn't remember it correctly. Thus the net is missing, and the like.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Cricket is a bastardized version of basebal... That I agree with you..

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by stumason
Soccer (or Football as the rest of the world calls it) is far more flowing, fast paced and exciting to watch than "American Football"

See, there it is, American Football, thus recognizing the origins of football, and that 'soccer' is really just a degenerate form of football. This is also evidenced by how the term you guys use for soccer, 'footie', is a dimunitive of Football.

(that incidently involves very little foot to ball action).

Whatr you talking about, thats how the ball gets around, on foot.

And here's some of the history of "soccer"to wet your appetite for the game..

Sigh, more revistionist history. You can't beleive everything you read on the internet!
You can also see how the rest of the world has some tendency to take proper football and degenerate it, even beyond merely making up soccer, but going so far as to make up this other 'rugby' thing, which is clearly an attempt at making a more primitive version of football.

Next you'll be claiming that 'cricket' isn't just a mutant verision of baseball.

Heck, in england, they even have some game where you try to throw a ball thru a metal hoop; obviously, some englanders saw a game of basketball, and tried to repeat in over in england, but, apparently, they couldn't remember it correctly. Thus the net is missing, and the like.

Now I know your winding us Englishmen up Nygdan........

You don't seriously expect us to believe that all the worlds sports where invented in America, when it is quite the opposite. Rugby was around beofre your "Football" as was our Football (SOCCER).

Rugby is derived from football, when in 1880 something, a chap in Rugby Univeristy decided it would be a good laugh to run with the ball. His mates didnt think it was that funny and kicked the crap out of him...and the game was born!

Football (soccer) has been around in various forms since the middle ages....

Baseball is cricket, but made even more boring..... and was around before baseball

[edit on 28/10/05 by stumason]

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 12:20 PM

Soccer legend Maradona to lead anti-Bush march.


"Soccer was invented by European women to keep them busy while their husbands did the cooking." - Hank Hill

[edit on 28-10-2005 by NWguy83]

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by stumason
You don't seriously expect us to believe that all the worlds sports where invented in America,

I guess you guys can get credit for Polo and badmiton

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Anyone else notice, when someone from South America of Central America has their own opinion it is because either:
  • Castro or;
  • Hugo Chávez
Has given it to them. It is possible for people down there, those ones with the darker skin, to have their own opinions. I's shocking. Imagine them having their own view point. But yes, honeslty they do.

A point of comittee, though: All Latin Cultures have portions of their demographic that are the former gentry, that are sheet paper white & obviously European.
Latino does not = Dark skinned automatically.

A Chavez would be just the tonic America needs, tbh
Castro, while I'm no fan of socialism or kings no matter what costume they wear, is no threat to the US in any way, shape or form.

The indictments are being handed down....Dim Son will be bunkerized whereever he can be.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Anyone else notice, when someone from South America of Central America has their own opinion it is because either:
  • Castro or;
  • Hugo Chávez
Has given it to them. It is possible for people down there, those ones with the darker skin, to have their own opinions. I's shocking. Imagine them having their own view point. But yes, honeslty they do.

A point of comittee, though: All Latin Cultures have portions of their demographic that are the former gentry, that are sheet paper white & obviously European.
Latino does not = Dark skinned automatically.

A Chavez would be just the tonic America needs, tbh
Castro, while I'm no fan of socialism or kings no matter what costume they wear, is no threat to the US in any way, shape or form.

The indictments are being handed down....Dim Son will be bunkerized whereever he can be.....there are so many former SS & Luftwafte in Argentina he should feel right at home.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 02:59 PM
baseball and cricket? I thought Baseball was just that well known girls game, Rounders, but played by American men?

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