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NWO-Does it Speak in Code to Outsiders?

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posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:54 PM
Not long ago, I was dating a Rothschild.This was an experience in itself.
Seems his parents had owned a bookstore on esoteric and occult books that went back some 400 years, they were in him home, and I began to read some of the ones relating to the Illuminati and how the Rothschilds had owned entire countries, seems they live communally, buying up huge plots of land and building a high dollar home for each of the blood relatives..little known story.
Anyway, he had servants, so I had to do my spying when nobody was there, so I could be working undercover.
He seemed to want to show me off, as he took me to introduce me to all his relatives and friends..his uncle lived on part of his land and was a dying from aids..He had a broken watch, and I repaired it for him.
He was so happy, he told me to go all over his home as he was bed-bound and see all his objects d'arte..There were millions of dollars worth of just Monet and Picasso.I kinda felt bad spying on them,but it was my chance to see 'inside' a part of the NMO.
We went out to dine with his doctor and his wife..all the dinner discussion was over how much $$ they had made from kitty litter and how important that would be to all their associates..I had a question about the litter, but the subject was changed immediately..
Another alert went up for me when I heard the details of his annual trip to Australia and he was talking on the phone saying 'I know how important it is for me to be there, may I bring a companion'?
He told me later all his expenses were paid in advance and maybe I would like to think of joining him.
Had he not been such an abominable liar, perhaps I would have gone..but I feel it was meant to see how the NWO works..I broke it off..
At hotels, I was catered to as Ms Rothschild that you would not believe..
Power and name makes peons to bow and scrape.
I think it was meant for me to spend 6 months inside the Illuminati-NWO that is alive and well.
You conspiracy theorists would have been proud of my covert work.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 09:07 PM
get any info on comming events?

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by ikillaliens
get any info on comming events?

Nope, he asked me to marry him..
That would have been the only way I could be I the inner circle..
Seemed to me that the doctor was in on it as well as his wife..
IOW, had I gone to Australia, perhaps I could have spied more.
The doctor's wife was from English aristocracy, and we were talking about Princess Di's death and she spoke with REAL authority on how Blair was in the way for population control and liberals thinking??
They treated her like a queen, the doctors wife..
She gave me a strange compliment saying my skin was like that of a French doll.??
When you KNOW who these folks are, All they say creates curiosity and paranoia..

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 09:18 PM
The thing I noticed most about all of this experience is HOW Power and Control is euphoric. I felt if I married him, I would be selling my soul.
Does that resound with any of you?

Long read, but lots of history.

[edit on 25-10-2005 by siriuslyone]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 08:41 PM
I just remember what he told me that may we relevant to some of you.
He quoted often "People on church rolls and temples are a good source for keeping up with relevant belief systems, and 'we' only attend at a social event'?
Do church goers go to worship or for the need to be a joiner?

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:49 PM

hey, siriuslyone,
i read over your 4 posts that build up a story...

i also notice that your namesake is also Resident Empath

when the Doctors Wife, who exuded Authority & was accorded respect in the manner as Royalty....well, that remark about you having skin like a French Doll- - ->set bells & whistles off in my mind, in fact my soul had a Shudder-Spasm.

I wonder if the clan members you had personal contact with, were actually setting you up...perhaps by beguiling you with the trappings of wealth & power & their travel and such......with an eye toward having you
'joining the Family as dinner'

after 1st harvesting the fresh- good-strong-healthy organs,
for those of the clan with infirmities which need attended to....
(hearts, livers, kidneys, skin, et al)

But, if you didn't get that type of empath feeling or 'alert',
then that's just the morbid, lurking around in my mind...
or it could just be the Halloween Spirit,,,, as its that time of year.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 10:03 PM

Fascinating person you are.. I have been chastized for excessive quoting, so I am not quoting ver batim.
WOW, you gave me the CHILLS, as every time they were having a cook-out, somehow I was prevented from keepers were there to keep me away..
Another thing that brings this to mind, is that one night, I woke up and something told me to go downstairs and he was gobbling a whole pack of raw weiners?? I found this strange for the most part he is kosher..
Thank dg-d for people like you..he eats constantly.mostly high $$ food.
I knew there was something afoot, but NEVER did I put myself in it that way.
Maybe he was taking me to all the relatives houses to 'show-off a meal??

Thank you again,, my friend...

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 10:37 PM

Another strange thing here.. He wanted us to get married and have a surrogate carry OUR child..ssying it would be beautiful.
I told him 'fool, I am through with child raising.'
There is a side to this relationship i cannot dis-cuss as to what roles were played.
White light is probably the only reason I am stilll here.
He had an ex-wife who had "left" him 7 years ago, BUT one day he goes to the cleaners and picks up a very expensive silk blouse that was hers..after 7 years??
I am going to be forced to take some sleep aids after your perusals..

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 09:25 AM
Hrmm, this is rather strange. I'm from Australia, so i'm wondering why it is so important for him to be here. What is the significants of a crappy island, most of it desert that is pretty much one of the most out of the way countries in the world.???

Rothschilds hey? I will have to do some more research on this.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by ekul08
Hrmm, this is rather strange. I'm from Australia, so i'm wondering why it is so important for him to be here. What is the significants of a crappy island, most of it desert that is pretty much one of the most out of the way countries in the world.???

Rothschilds hey? I will have to do some more research on this.

Well in the 1850's it was said that the Rothschilds had HALF the money in the world. Them, and there "satelite" banks virtually own the entire world. They own the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, and most other central banks, which controll all the money in the world.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 10:55 AM
Very interesting...hmmm...

I am sure you did the right thing and your feelings were correct. I come from a well to do noble family from Spain and have heard some strange things myself.
Not too far back either, my greatgrandfather on my mothers side.
He insisted i be named after a Russian Princess.
Go figure....

I will also add that i have some Gypseys and horse thieves in my family too.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by dgtempe]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:14 AM
Very interesting post. I have only two questions... why would a Rothschild worry about money..." He told me later all his expenses were paid in advance and maybe I would like to think of joining him. " and would this man really ask someone if it were ok to bring along a friend? These are people of power. They do not ask...they TELL

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:50 AM
quite interesting

how did you come in contact with this fella?

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by ekul08
Hrmm, this is rather strange. I'm from Australia, so i'm wondering why it is so important for him to be here. What is the significants of a crappy island, most of it desert that is pretty much one of the most out of the way countries in the world.???

Rothschilds hey? I will have to do some more research on this.

Well from all I could glean, this is a twice yearly meeting at a very secluded, expensive lodge?
They do not talk much about their business, but from what I could hear from him on the phone,there were just a certain small group of people, seems he was the MAIN speaker/attendee.
Often, I wonder what would have happened if I had gone with him.
There is a woman who lives down under and him and they are in close collaboration on these meetings, he had pictures of her and her children on his refrigerator.She was Jewish too.
Believe me, I was playing the dummy,but missed nothing....
I found some pills in teh bathroom what were heavy-duty sleeping pills and I asked him what these are for..they were killer..
He said he always took a couple on his trips to Australia? 2 would put someone in a coma..

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:17 PM
Rothschilds hey? I will have to do some more research on this.
Well in the 1850's it was said that the Rothschilds had HALF the money in the world. Them, and there "satelite" banks virtually own the entire world. They own the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, and most other central banks, which controll all the money in the world.

According to the books I sneaked a read,it was true then and has retained even more as they keep it all in about 12-15 families and it never 'works for them' as I mentioned before, they INVEST-never pay retail for priceless art objects and paintings, and they live off the interests of any monies.
BOE and FR are just a sampling of their total resources..

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Very interesting...hmmm...

I am sure you did the right thing and your feelings were correct. I come from a well to do noble family from Spain and have heard some strange things myself.
Not too far back either, my greatgrandfather on my mothers side.
He insisted i be named after a Russian Princess.
Go figure....

I will also add that i have some Gypseys and horse thieves in my family too.

Very interesting..Do you ever visit them? I would be intrigued.
I had a 5th generation one scorpio female only gypsy Romanian roommate and she was so powerful, when I think back now, how did I survive?
Do you ever feel people are 'sent' to you for some reason, to tempt you, etc.If I were, you, I would let curiosity get the best of me and go see..

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by krt1967
Very interesting post. I have only two questions... why would a Rothschild worry about money..." He told me later all his expenses were paid in advance and maybe I would like to think of joining him. " and would this man really ask someone if it were ok to bring along a friend? These are people of power. They do not ask...they TELL

NOT without a background check and a lineage check.I must have been approved, as he was making plans for me to go,and he did such a horrible testosterone discretion, I broke it off immediately, trip or not.
Seems his houseboy [south] liked me a lot and left out evidence of rothy's adventures so that he could not lie his way out if it..This is when I started wondering that Australia is a long way was good I found his true nature before I went thousands of miles..That is all I can say.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Conspicuouz
quite interesting

how did you come in contact with this fella?

I had been married for many years and had no idea how to date after my divorce, so you know those phone lines that single people call into and can talk and meet..That was it..I think deeply inside his rotten soul, he is lonely.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:58 PM
This might be strange to say, but I can't help feeling a bit sorry for the Rothschild fellow. I mean, he will probably never know true love. He will always be hounded by feelings of inadequacy and illegitimacy, having never EARNED his living. Every woman he meets will be tempted by money. All of his relationships are based around money, and that is normal to him.
I think that when Jesus said that it was more difficult for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle he was referring to this phenomenon. I mean, if heaven is a state of mind, a state of peace, (which is what I believe Jesus means, please don't attack me for this), he will probably never know it. Unless, of course, he ditches his money for pursuit of love. Sirius, if he dumped all his loot just to be with you, that would be a romantic move, and you could probably find happiness. But if he's anything like you described, dumping his stash for a woman will never happen. Like you said, he is just looking for a DNA donor.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone
I had been married for many years and had no idea how to date after my divorce, so you know those phone lines that single people call into and can talk and meet..That was it..I think deeply inside his rotten soul, he is lonely.

leave one to find one even worse .. sorry to hear that.

any more odd traits this fella/family had besides all the secrecy?

any noticeable symbolisms in the areas they travel to and from?

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