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Have we had a manned space flight past the Van Allen belt and if so, when?

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posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:14 PM
I have been reading about the moon hoax and the one thing that rings true for me is that we can't get past the van allen belt (certainly not in 1969). Anyway I was just wondering if we have had a manned flight past it or if we have even put anything past it? I am assuming the two trips to mars would be past it, right?

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:17 PM
How about all the manned missions to the moon. Those all went thru the van allen belt.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:19 PM
Erm... Well manned missions yes the Apollo missions DID go past them to get to the Moon. I haven't been following the thread, but I'm sure it has been covered here: An End To The Moon Conspiracy!

As for unmanned, there have been dozens... Prominantly, all the craft to Mars, Venus, Galileo, Cassini, the Pioneer crafts, and the Voyager crafts. Aside from the American probes, I'm sure there have been plenty of Russian ones.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:21 PM
Yes but many believe they are a hoax and the van allen belt is a reasonable reason to believe that it is a hoax so if there have not been any since then it would certainly support that theory of it being a hoax.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by goose
Yes but many believe they are a hoax and the van allen belt is a reasonable reason to believe that it is a hoax so if there have not been any since then it would certainly support that theory of it being a hoax.

The spacecraft pass thru it rather quickly so its not like they are just sitting there taking in the rems. Not too mention they are shielded as well from cosmic radiation. Do you understand what the van allen belt is and how it effects space craft? I suggest you look it up. Maybe you will understand it better.

[edit on 20-10-2005 by Whompa1]

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:25 PM
Yeah but in 1969 about the best we could do was a tin can with reynolds wrap, technology wise, seriously we did not have the technology to get past the van allen belt then and I am wondering if we have the technology to get past it now and especially to get a manned flight past it now.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by goose
Yes but many believe they are a hoax and the van allen belt is a reasonable reason to believe that it is a hoax so if there have not been any since then it would certainly support that theory of it being a hoax.

I had to read that like eight times. Punctuation - try it.

Anyway, we won. Plain and simple reasons why there haven't been more space missions. We beat Russia there, and interest was lost. What are the reasons to support that the Van Allen Belts are in support of a hoax?

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:25 PM

Conspiracy theorists have argued that space travel to the moon is impossible because the Van Allen radiation would kill or incapacitate an astronaut who made the trip. In practice, even at the peak of the belts, one could live for several months without receiving a lethal dose.

Apollo nevertheless deliberately timed their launches, and used lunar transfer orbits that only skirted the edge of the belt over the equator to minimise the radiation. Astronauts that have travelled to the moon probably have an increased lifetime risk of cancer, but would be expected not to (and did not) have noticeable illness.

Van Allen radiation belt


[edit on 20-10-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by goose
Yeah but in 1969 about the best we could do was a tin can with reynolds wrap, technology wise, seriously we did not have the technology to get past the van allen belt then and I am wondering if we have the technology to get past it now and especially to get a manned flight past it now.

Umm... and you're getting this half-brained information from where? Hoagland or one of his offshoots?

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:32 PM
dude, why do you even bother with this thread? We are sitting here telling you its possible and your ignoring everything we say. LOOK IT UP!

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof

Conspiracy theorists have argued that space travel to the moon is impossible because the Van Allen radiation would kill or incapacitate an astronaut who made the trip. In practice, even at the peak of the belts, one could live for several months without receiving a lethal dose.

Apollo nevertheless deliberately timed their launches, and used lunar transfer orbits that only skirted the edge of the belt over the equator to minimise the radiation. Astronauts that have travelled to the moon probably have an increased lifetime risk of cancer, but would be expected not to (and did not) have noticeable illness.

Van Allen radiation belt


[edit on 20-10-2005 by Seekerof]

Yes I have read that, but think about this, the moon is 239,000 miles past the van allen belt. How could we have skirted the edge of the belt and over the equator of the belt and made it 239,000 miles past it?
To do that and get to the moon 239,000 miles past the belt is impossible.

Also, at the time of the 1969 flight to the moon, there were 1485 sun flares, they would have been fried. We did not have the technology to have predicted the flares, know which way they would go, and keep our spaceship run with less than a 486 computer out of harms way.
But none of that answers my question, which was, have we ever gotten past the van allen belt, other than the trip to the moon? If so was it manned space flight?

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:50 PM
read this please.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:55 PM

as posted by goose
But none of that answers my question, which was, have we ever gotten past the van allen belt, other than the trip to the moon? If so was it manned space flight?

Google is a wonderful tool, goose.

As to your question(s), the only manned space flights that have gone through or skirted the Van Allen Belt are those that have gone to the moon, for the only manned space flights were only to the moon. There have been a multitude of unmanned space flights that have passed through the Van Allen Belt.
List of human spaceflights, 1961-1986
Unmanned space flights


posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid

Originally posted by goose
Yeah but in 1969 about the best we could do was a tin can with reynolds wrap, technology wise, seriously we did not have the technology to get past the van allen belt then and I am wondering if we have the technology to get past it now and especially to get a manned flight past it now.

Umm... and you're getting this half-brained information from where? Hoagland or one of his offshoots?

Because I was alive in 1969, and back then most of us had B&W tv. The first series done all in color was Bonanza in 1959, (color was around before that but only used for special programs), and then just 10 short years later we made it to the moon. The phones we used all had a cord on them, heck we did not even have call waiting. Calaculators were a big deal.

No one had a computer and I actually heard a guy say that the average home computer today has more than they had, basically even though they had warehouse size rooms for their computer it did not equal a 486 computer, that you threw out a long time ago. But with that amazing technology we made it past the Van Allen Belt, went to the moon, walked on the moon, broadcast from the moon and then brought live astronauts back safe and sound.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof

as posted by goose
But none of that answers my question, which was, have we ever gotten past the van allen belt, other than the trip to the moon? If so was it manned space flight?

Google is a wonderful tool, goose.

As to your question(s), the only manned space flights that have gone through or skirted the Van Allen Belt are those that have gone to the moon, for the only manned space flights were only to the moon. There have been a multitude of unmanned space flights that have passed through the Van Allen Belt.
List of human spaceflights, 1961-1986
Unmanned space flights


I did google it, but could not get an answer. I probably made my request too long, I tend to do that sometimes. Thanks for the info.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 09:07 PM
[[[Because I was alive in 1969, and back then most of us had B&W tv. The first series done all in color was Bonanza in 1959, (color was around before that but only used for special programs), and then just 10 short years later we made it to the moon. The phones we used all had a cord on them, heck we did not even have call waiting. Calaculators were a big deal.

No one had a computer and I actually heard a guy say that the average home computer today has more than they had, basically even though they had warehouse size rooms for their computer it did not equal a 486 computer, that you threw out a long time ago. But with that amazing technology we made it past the Van Allen Belt, went to the moon, walked on the moon, broadcast from the moon and then brought live astronauts back safe and sound.]]]

AMEN, I remember watching it live and it was hokey even then.
They were supposedly doing this to the moon thingie because it had been prophesied by JFK..????
Even the JFK funeral was in B+W.
NASA was so freaked out by Sputnik, they would have gone to ANY lengths to one up Russia...

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 09:14 PM
I find still astonishing how some continue to believe in the the conspiracy of the moon landing hoax.

Simply amazing how many times this conspiracy theory of the moon landing hoax has been debunked, and debunked sufficiently.

Here are the past ATS topics related to or specifically on the Moon landing hoax:
Topic and Discussion Index for HAARP and the MOON LANDING

Simply amazing that this keeps coming up again, and again, and again.
With a number of nations planning Moon or Mars missions, please stay tuned, cause I am quite sure that hoax theories will re-emerge and/or continue, despite them being debunked as fast as they are created.


posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 09:18 PM
I was 24 in 1969, and working for IBM Federal Systems Division, which was a NASA contractor. I spent almost the entire month of July (when I wasn't working or sleeping) watching TV.

The launch, orbit, insertion burn, moon orbit, landing, exploration, moon launch, re-entry to the earth, radio blackout, and the three beautiful parachutes -- I'm getting goosebumps as I think about it even now.

How sad it must be to need -- for some reason I will never understand -- to reject one of mankind's greatest adventures, just because you don't understand the science involved!

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 11:18 PM
Alright, this has gone on long enough... There are a few active moon hoax threads. I thought maybe it would offer a different perspective, but it's just more of the same. Time to close this one up. If you have a problem with it, u2u me goose.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:59 PM
Here,s the best challenge to the stary-eyed, 'NASA groopies' that have no conceptual grasp of science...only problem is we'd end up with a pile of irradiated 'lab rats'. If you think that Astronauts actually went to the Moon then maybe you would'nt mind demonstrating how the Human body can withstand the dossage of radiation found in the Van Allen Belts! Do you actually have any Idea of what Radiation is? Did the Apollo missions skirt these belts of intence radiation? Have you even seen a description of the trajectory of the Apollo Spacecraft? The only 'skirting' being done here is of the issues! For those who truely seek answers, that is if you actually get to read this advise.... Find the truth within yourselves...beware the delussion caused by half truthes! There are no voluntiers for my capsule that would simulate the radiation levels found in the VA belts and the quarter inch of Aluminum shielding Apollo had! Post script: I haven't the patience to be referred to some hokie web link that will help divert attention from the issue at hand. I am fully cappable of doing my owe online research about ; a) How much radiation is in the VA belts, b) What was the average amount of time spent within the VA belts by an Apollo mission, c) What was the thickness of the Aluminum capsule for the Apollo missions and hence how were the Astronauts protected, d) How much protection against Proton and Electron radiation does a quarter inch of Aluminum provide, e) How does and how much does radiation affect the Human body, f)......there is no only stands for FAILURE! Failure to face these questions head on! Grisome, Chaify and White might have made it to the Moon...Dead, but no one has gotten there alive yet. Period!

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