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Sounds Of Hell In German Dig???

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posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:02 AM
I just recieved a call from a friend of mine who says she was told about a german research dig... From what she said the german scientists were studying tectonic plates and as they dug down to a certain depth (she isnt a very good story teller so the details i was told are sketchy at best) they came across what sounded to them as screams and schreeches of people in great pain. Aparrently the dig was filled back in and abandoned.
I did a google search and didnt come up with anything on the topic. So i was hoping can anyone confirm that this indeed took place or is it just gossip?
Red Rose

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:32 AM
I could not find anything about a german dig, but I did find some info about a russian dig and a recording they did of the voices that they heard.

Creepy stuff !!

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Mindwalker
I could not find anything about a german dig, but I did find some info about a russian dig and a recording they did of the voices that they heard.

Creepy stuff !!


Have that Deny Ignorance kind of day!

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by rancid1

Originally posted by Mindwalker
I could not find anything about a german dig, but I did find some info about a russian dig and a recording they did of the voices that they heard.

Creepy stuff !!


Have that Deny Ignorance kind of day!

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:41 AM
Cool just wanted to make sure thanks for the replies

Red Rose

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:55 AM
This is an intersting oppurtunity. The 'hell hole' is a story first reported in Weekly World New, I beleive, and it pops up here all the time. Usually its an oil rig that digs so deep, and its sometimes in Russia, sometimes in Saudi Arabia. This 'german researchers' variant is interseting.

You said that your friend heard about it, can you find out where they heard it from? That'd be really interesting, to track back an Urban Folktale a bit.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 05:58 PM
This is a clip from the Art Bell show.He warns folks it may be scary.
The dig was in Siberia.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 06:11 PM

is what snopes has to say about it.

Those who did the actual drilling of this very real well did not break through to a hollow centre, and certainly no piteous screams of the damned were heard. That part — all of it — was pure embellishment added after this real event was turned into a legend. (Yes, we know that any number of web sites offer audio clips purporting to be the screams of the damned as recorded in the Well to Hell, and all of them sound like they could be the noise from a typical bar on a busy Friday evening.)

People don't use snopes as much as they should.....

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 06:31 PM
No doubt it would be hot down there below the mantle of the earth...all that magma to fry your butt and crisp your toes. Maybe it is where the 'evil' souls go, sinking as low as their values did before the afterlife. The worse you are, the further down you go, until you wind up swimming like a fish in molten lava.

The very worst of all, lying lawyers and crooked politicians, would sink all the way to the iron core of the earth, locked away forever like those unfortunate sailors in the 'Philadelphia Experiment'.

At least the 'so-so' souls who didn't wind up going too deep can maybe re-emerge at some point during a volcanic eruption, spewed back out to the surface to try again. Think Hawaii...

There's hope for us yet.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 06:46 PM
As well as I can discern, Snopes is not the burning bush, or do skeptics think it is?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Red Rose
I just recieved a call from a friend of mine who says she was told about a german research dig... From what she said the german scientists were studying tectonic plates and as they dug down to a certain depth (she isnt a very good story teller so the details i was told are sketchy at best) they came across what sounded to them as screams and schreeches of people in great pain. Aparrently the dig was filled back in and abandoned.
I did a google search and didnt come up with anything on the topic. So i was hoping can anyone confirm that this indeed took place or is it just gossip?
Red Rose

I saw a National Enquirer recently which had that story on the cover. It must, therefore, be factual...

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
This is an intersting oppurtunity. The 'hell hole' is a story first reported in Weekly World New, I beleive, and it pops up here all the time. Usually its an oil rig that digs so deep, and its sometimes in Russia, sometimes in Saudi Arabia. This 'german researchers' variant is interseting.

You said that your friend heard about it, can you find out where they heard it from? That'd be really interesting, to track back an Urban Folktale a bit.

Of course i can she claims to have a website... ill see her during the week and post it in here mate

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 01:59 PM
Yes the story of the russian dig to a chamber is quite widespread. I found one website which seemed to use it as proof that hell, and hence heaven, existed/exist/will continue to exist. Bearing in mind it was a very extreme point of view and the person seemed to think anyone who wasn't an extreme protestant would go to hell, I wouldn't take too much notice of it.

I dont remember the link, but if you search for "hell hole russian" i am sure you will eventually find it.

If you want better evidence of heaven/hell look up NDEs. They are much more convincing.

[edit on 15-10-2005 by apex]

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone
As well as I can discern, Snopes is not the burning bush

YOu actually think that they drilled into hell?? We can't even drill thru the crust of the earth. And this story has been circulating as an urban myth for a long time, sometimes its french oil co's in saudi arabia, and bats fly outta the hole, other times its in russia, and here its the same story but in a different form, geological reserachers 'drilling thru the plates' which is patently absurd, its never even gotten close to happening. Snopes aint the end all and be all, but its a great resource for tracking these myths.

ill see her during the week and post it in here mate

That'd be great.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:52 PM
If Hell were a place under the surface of the earth, than why haven't astronauts seen angels in Heaven?

Pardons for the glib introduction, but I got somebody's attention, I am sure. When you look at the theology of Heaven and Hell, we find that we aren't talking about real estate. The original, theologically accepted origin of the concept of Hell comes from the Hebrew Helel which is from the verb yalal which means 'to lament'. Hell simply is a state of lamentation and torment resulting in having fallen from grace. Lucifer rebelled and fell from his position of glory and cast himself from God's presence. Other rebellious demons have joined him (it?) for the same reason. Those who are damned souls are in a state referred to as Hell because they too have turned away from the grace of God. This is not something that God does. We have Free Will. If we choose to embrace the tenets of living according to the plan that God has made for us humans, than we shall join him.

I have heard a metaphor that applies on a simple level. Heaven is a state when God smiles upon us. Hell is a state when we have lost the vision to see Him.

I personally have faith that this is HEaven and Hell. I very well could be wrong, but that's what faith is all about, right? I am pretty sure that it isn't a firey pit with pitchforks and bubbling pits packed with damned souls some several miles under the surface of the earth. The Buffyphile in me laments this, but - sorry - no hellmouths.

Be Well

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 04:00 PM
Well thats very intesting I allways thought it was myth that the idead of hell was under ground but that changes everything now.

Originally posted by shantyman
If Hell were a place under the surface of the earth, than why haven't astronauts seen angels in Heaven?

Pardons for the glib introduction, but I got somebody's attention, I am sure. When you look at the theology of Heaven and Hell, we find that we aren't talking about real estate. The original, theologically accepted origin of the concept of Hell comes from the Hebrew Helel which is from the verb yalal which means 'to lament'. Hell simply is a state of lamentation and torment resulting in having fallen from grace. Lucifer rebelled and fell from his position of glory and cast himself from God's presence. Other rebellious demons have joined him (it?) for the same reason. Those who are damned souls are in a state referred to as Hell because they too have turned away from the grace of God. This is not something that God does. We have Free Will. If we choose to embrace the tenets of living according to the plan that God has made for us humans, than we shall join him.

I have heard a metaphor that applies on a simple level. Heaven is a state when God smiles upon us. Hell is a state when we have lost the vision to see Him.

I personally have faith that this is HEaven and Hell. I very well could be wrong, but that's what faith is all about, right? I am pretty sure that it isn't a firey pit with pitchforks and bubbling pits packed with damned souls some several miles under the surface of the earth. The Buffyphile in me laments this, but - sorry - no hellmouths.

Be Well

How ever good point about the deal with the Angels won't Astronuats have seen them by now or maybe god Dosent want anyone to phsyicall find there way to heavan maybe heaven is at the end of the universe witch we've umpteen times in SciFi shows and movies. But then agian thats just Hollywood. now if some could shoot up through heavan that would
be some thing but it hasn't happend so thats that.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 04:09 PM

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 04:20 PM
Yes, this has been debunked.

It did supposedly happened in Siberia.

It's still a bit creepy but it was done with multiple tracks of the same person or something, there are different variants of this hoax as noted, the most famous is the Siberian dig and I believe there is a Ukrainian version as well.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 02:03 PM
If one wants to hear the sounds of hell stand by an urban interstate during rush hour!!

Also, take a good strong lung full of "air". That'll send one to hell fast enough.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by shantyman
If Hell were a place under the surface of the earth, than why haven't astronauts seen angels in Heaven?

Pardons for the glib introduction, but I got somebody's attention, I am sure. When you look at the theology of Heaven and Hell, we find that we aren't talking about real estate. The original, theologically accepted origin of the concept of Hell comes from the Hebrew Helel which is from the verb yalal which means 'to lament'. Hell simply is a state of lamentation and torment resulting in having fallen from grace. Lucifer rebelled and fell from his position of glory and cast himself from God's presence. Other rebellious demons have joined him (it?) for the same reason. Those who are damned souls are in a state referred to as Hell because they too have turned away from the grace of God. This is not something that God does. We have Free Will. If we choose to embrace the tenets of living according to the plan that God has made for us humans, than we shall join him.

I have heard a metaphor that applies on a simple level. Heaven is a state when God smiles upon us. Hell is a state when we have lost the vision to see Him.

I personally have faith that this is HEaven and Hell. I very well could be wrong, but that's what faith is all about, right? I am pretty sure that it isn't a firey pit with pitchforks and bubbling pits packed with damned souls some several miles under the surface of the earth. The Buffyphile in me laments this, but - sorry - no hellmouths.

Be Well

Quoted for the angel thing at the beginning...

Supposedlly they have seen an angel in space... Im sure if you search around ATS for a bit youll find it.

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