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POLITICS: Kennedy: I'll Support Kerry in 2008 Race over Clinton

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posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 08:03 PM
Senator Edward Kennedy has indicated that he would back Senator John Kerry should he run for the presidency in 2008. This backing would come even if Senator Hillary Clinton were running as well. Current polls place Kerry and Clinton as frontrunner's for the 2008 Democratic party nominee. Kennedy helped campaign for Kerry in his 2004 presidential bid. .com
BOSTON - Sen. Edward Kennedy said Wednesday he would back fellow Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 — even if Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton also pursues a White House bid.

"If he runs, I would support him," Kennedy told The Associated Press in an interview at his Boston office.

While Kennedy has frequently entertained the New York senator and her husband, former President Clinton, he said his loyalty is to Kerry. Early polling shows Clinton and Kerry among the favorites for their party's nomination in 2008, but neither has said for sure whether they'll run.

Kennedy called Kerry, the 2004 nominee, an "able, gifted and talented political leader."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I'm not surprised to see the jockeying for position already. The current troubles within the GOP with both majority leaders under investigation and the Presidents approval at an all time low, the vultures are circling. It will be interesting to see two powerful party members go at each other. I think Clinton will have a much harder time. Rove and company did as much damage as they could to Kerry so its all out there already. However, Hillary has yet to get the full on assault on her record, potential skeletons in the closet etc. What would be even more inter sting would be an actually battle at the Dem's national convention to see who would come out on top. But those days are long over and both parties script thier conventions like a movie.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 08:34 PM
With Newt the Gingrich making noises that he might run...that would be the election from hell...Newt vs. Hillery!
Even though I am a died in the wool, old hippy liberal, I simply would not be able to bring myself to vote for her. Not because I have anything against her, I don't but for her to run would be just too absurd and opprotunistic. I would have to sit this one out...something I haven't done yet in 30 years of voting. Even a gas mask over a clothes pin on my nose wouldn't keep enough of the stench out to pull the lever for either one.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 08:43 PM
For Kennedy, its all a matter semantics.

It is the end goal that matters to Kennedy; for it not a matter of who, be it Kerry or Clinton, is put in the White House, as long as whom is, has a (D) beside their name.


posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 08:53 PM
I doubt if Mr flip flop Kerry runs again anyone will pay attention to him. Who in their right mind would even want his wife to represent our country as first lady? She is rude, crude and cannot dress nor can she talk without sticking her foot in her mouth

I am kind of looking forward to a Clinton v Rice for presidential race, I think it would be a good one.

I would even go so far as to say Rice would stand a great chance to win hands down given she is Female and also an African American, the later being a certain draw from most cities where republicans normally loose, but in this case many would vote just to get her in to raise their pride if you will, it would be two firsts not one ye know.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 09:10 PM
Whomever Kennedy supports, I reject. That drunken blowhard is a disgrace to mankind and I never will understand how he stays in office. Perhaps, someone from Massachusetts can explain that to us and while their at it perhaps they can explain Barney Frank.

[edit on 2005/10/12 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 09:35 PM
Because both Kennedy and Frank actually do an excellent job in watching out for their state's interests in Congress, and in places like Boston, all that matters is how you take care of your people. I would rather put up with a drunk and a gay over the scantamonious, self-righteous blowhards the Republicans promote as representives like Rick Sanatorium.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:59 PM

Senator Edward Kennedy has indicated that he would back Senator John Kerry should he run for the presidency in 2008
.....Whah!!!! Is Kennedy really a Democrat? John Kerry is a loser and does not deserve another shot for the White House bid.... Booo.. I smell garbage from the Kennedy camp.... The Senator should be backing Clinton........

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by grover
Because both Kennedy and Frank actually do an excellent
job in watching out for their state's interests in Congress ...

Oh? How's Kerry doing that? Last I heard he was AWOL from
duty in Congress more than 75% of the time. Kinda hard to be
'watching out' for your state's interests if you aren't at work.
Or perhaps the fact that he ISN'T around means that he can't
screw things up and that's how his state is better off??

Kennedy is an idiot. He wants to relive the glory days through
his puppet Kerry. Kerry was campaigning in Iowa last week.
He claimed he was there making speeches for the local dems
but we all know he was really there getting ready for the
Iowa caucuses. Kerry won't even make it out of the gate -
Hillary is a run away horse. She's as good as the dems
nominee already.

[edit on 10/13/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 08:02 AM
I'm for Hillary all the way! I thinks its time America stopped wondering and took a 4 year plunge to see what its like. Its like Richard Nixon once said, not until you've stood in the deepest valley, can you fully appreciate what its like to stand on the highest mountain. Not a big Dick Nixon fan but a pretty good ideology. Who knows, this socialism thing might give us a new perspective on the world. Plus, I am so tired of all the whining in the press I could puke.

I wanna turn on the TV or radio and here everything is just peachy no matter how bad it really is. You know, like when the dot coms were going bust, the economy was ready to tank and we were being told we had the best economy money could buy. When we could negotiate and appease Islamist into being our friends if we just piped in enough money to help finance the war against us. When we bent over the table and took it so every other country would love us. The UN ran our military and used them do their dirty work for Kofi. Ah, those were the days. I want that warm fuzzy feeling again, don't you?

My vote(s) goes to Hillary in 08.


posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 08:05 AM
heres what i would like to see in 2008

Republican : McCain and Juliani(sp)
Democrat: Anybody but Clinton!!!

thank god liberals are seeing how bad of a president clinton could be and thats not because she a woamn but because she is some left wing nut job! we have a right wing nut job in the oval office right now appointting right wing nut job justices to the supreme court. why cant we just get a moderate in office?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by grover
Because both Kennedy and Frank actually do an excellent
job in watching out for their state's interests in Congress ...

Oh? How's Kerry doing that? Last I heard he was AWOL from
duty in Congress more than 75% of the time.

I said Kennedy, not kerry, and if you have ever lived in New England like I have, you would know exactly what I am talking about....thats why Maine keeps Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and Vermont keeps Bernie Sanders...they do their jobs and watch out for their state and its people, unlike most the corporate shills in congress.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by grover
...they do their jobs and watch out for their state and its people, unlike most the corporate shills in congress.

What is their job?

to import as much pork as possible for their home state, or to serve the national interest?

Senators from many states few a trip to Washington in the same light as a trip to the butcher's: bring home as much pork as possible, and don't trim the fat!

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
heres what i would like to see in 2008

Republican : McCain and Juliani(sp)
Democrat: Anybody but Clinton!!!

thank god liberals are seeing how bad of a president clinton could be and thats not because she a woamn but because she is some left wing nut job! we have a right wing nut job in the oval office right now appointting right wing nut job justices to the supreme court. why cant we just get a moderate in office?

Amen brutha!

I would love to see a McCain/Juliani ticket! I don't think Hil couldn't beat them w/ Jesus as her V.P.

But seriously, Hil scares me more than Bill ever did. She's a strong woman and I do agree w/ some of her policies, I think should could do a good job. There's just one problem,I don't trust her. Not that one should trust any politician.

[edit on 10/13/2005 by yadboy]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 11:59 AM
I'd vote for McCain over Clinton, even though generally I'm probably percieved here as "liberal." I voted for Kerry vs. Bush, less out of any great love for Kerry than for the fact that I totally abhor Bush and his policies. What I don't like about Hillary is that like Bush, she's neither "liberal" nor "conservative" but a straight up authoritarian. If a neocon type ends up getting the Republican nomination versus Clinton, I'll probably vote Libertarian.

If Howard Dean were to run though, he'd probably get my vote.
He's the only prominent Democrat that is both anti-interventionist and pro-civil liberties, hell he's even a gun control opponent.

That was, IMHO, Kerry's biggest error - trying to cover up one of the worst (pro) gun-control records in Congress with that silly staged hunting photo-op. Really, I think gun control is the Democrats Achilles' heel, it costs them support everywhere outside the big population centers. Contrary to stereotypes popular on the left, not all gun owners are hardcore right wingers, in fact I know several who would have gone for Kerry if he'd been a less agressive gun control supporter. I held my nose and voted for Kerry anyway

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by grover
if you have ever lived in New England like I have,
you would know exactly what I am talking about.

I was born and raised in Connecticut. Spent the
first 28 years of my life there - minus a few years
in the middle for Army duty. My parents
and inlaws still live there and so we visit very
frequently - once a month or so.

they do their jobs and watch out for their state and its people ....

So ... Kennedy putting the kybosh on those windmills in Mass. because
they were an eyesore to him ... THAT's watching out for the state and
it's people, eh?

He's a drunk. A has-been drunk who wants to relive
the glory days through his puppet Kerry.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
He's a drunk. A has-been drunk who wants to relive
the glory days through his puppet Kerry.

Hey now, lets ease off poor old Ted. Did you not know alcoholism is a desease or aren't you up on all the PC stuff? I think you need to edit your post to say he is frequently intoxicated and a has been frequently intoxicated...mmmkay. Oh and by the way, if he offers you a lift, politely turn it down.

I was actually hoping he would run as Hillary's VP candidate. With those two at the helm, all the pieces are in place for at least 4 years of really hot and steamy TV news.

You all may think I'm kidding but I assure you, I am dead serious. I want to fully embrace 4 glorious years of Hillary Clinton. Come on, what do we really have to lose at this point?

I think Ted's just pulling our leg with this one. He has to be a fan of Hillary. Whats not to love?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 01:00 PM

You personal attackes against the man only serves to weaken any position or opinion you may have. The man doesn't represent you, nor have he ever represented you in the past, so how he votes or conducts himself should have very little bearing on you personally.

Grover said it right. The man takes care of his constitutants. THAT is his job. Senators are there to represent the interests of the State (and people ) they represent. Do you think the people of Massachusetts are stupid? When we vote Fat Teddy into office, we know exactly what we are getting - there are no surprises. And he knows exactly what we expect of him. Do you seriously think that Ted Kennedy is the only member of congress who drinks too much?

People place too much importance on the personal failings of their elected officials. Some of our countries best and most beloved leaders have had serious personal problems and failings, yet they managed to stll get the job done. No one is perfect, and people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. The Republican party is notorious for their "Holier than thou" attitudes - except when it comes to their own dirty laundry (one has only to read today's papers about the currently-indicted republican majority leader). People who can offer nothing more than "he's a lousy drunk" or "he's a closet gay" or whatever are no better than the parasitic press who sell these dirtly little secret to a public who are more interested in sensationalism versus what their senators actually voted on or said on the floor.

Kennedy is in office because:

a) He consistently supports and champions issues that are considered important my the residents of Massachusetts
b) He has a consistent voting record on domestic and foreign policy
c) He has seniority in committees where his influence and power can directly affect issues and appropriations related Massachusetts
d) We know what to expect from him as he is a well-know factor
e) Massachusetts residents are sick of people from other states who don't know squat about us or our way of life constantly criticizing us for electing him - so we do it anyways out of spite to cheese off all you red-necks and bible thumpers!

(just kidding on the last one...or am I??)

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Pyros
Kennedy is in office because:

a) He consistently supports and champions issues that are considered important my the residents of Massachusetts

Yep, I have to agree. Thats why we keep sending back Mitch McConnell. He's in tight with the big guy and delivers to the state. Thats one reason I really did not want Fletcher as governor; because as a represenatative, he had a lot of pull for KY in DC. I thought he was more useful that way and the nightmare I dreaded from a republican governor has come true for KY.

Our legislative, executive, and judicial systems is now dog-knotted because the state's leading dems have began indicting for the same practices they have been into for years. It was a bad move for the state.

Shoulda left Fletcher in DC and elected a democrat governor. The system would have still been crooked but at least we wouldn't have to pay for the gripe session thats going on now.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Pyros
You personal attackes against the man only serves
to weaken any position or opinion you may have.

Uh ... nope. They aren't personal attacks. They are just the facts.
And stating the facts absolutely doesn't weaken my position.

Do you seriously think that Ted Kennedy is the only member
of congress who drinks too much?

Nope. I'm sure many from both sides of the aisle drink too much, have
dangerous sex too much and with too many people, and they coke it up.
THAT is my personal opinion.

Kennedy is in office because...

... he's a massive liberal weenie in a liberal state who has money and
power (although that's running low) and still has some connections left
over from when his two brothers were running the White House.
He never made it to the White House and he is trying to live vicariously
through John Kerry.

Kerry hasn't got a chance. It'll be Hillary.
She's actually qualified. Kerry isn't.
Kerry won't even get the nod for VP from her.

[edit on 10/13/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 12:02 AM
I wouldn't go far as to say Kerry "hasn't got a chance".
I wouldn't put money on him either.

But the 2004 election was a 51/48 squeaker, not a huge landslide.

With Bush's approval rating currently under 40%, the Republican Party has reason to worry about 2008.

Still, the election was Kerry's to lose, and he lost it.
I don't expect him to do well in the Democratic primaries.

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